Republican Congressman Comer says "the president" appears to be COMPROMISED (China, etc)

Okay. I'll try again:

I think that all your evidence should be seen, all your opinions should be heard, in front of everyone.

You feel that way about those who disagree with you, right?
I also believe a very large amount of evidence IS BEING SHOWN right now.
On one side we have vast amounts of bank records and documents showing numerous huge payments from China and other foreign interests to at least 12 Biden Crime Family members, as well as under oath testimony from Crackhead’s business partner that Joe Biden was getting paid 10% of all these payments. More evidence is being uncovered weekly.

on the other side we have Bidenista Cultists bleating “nothing to see here”.

There is your both sides.
Poor Comer. He is desperately flailing about trying to be relevant. What a sad, sorry, sack of shit.
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it's lawyer-speak

You have to put things that way or "they" will sue you

After a person is convicted in acourt of law, you can say That *&^% was compromised
Biden is compromised.

Biden has taken Billions from the CCP

He killed an operation designed to prevent / prosecute intellectual theft by the CCP. It resulted in several high-profile prosecutions of CCP spies fir intellectual theft.
- Biden kilked it because he said China was 'offended' by the program, calling it 'racist' (wtf?)

The Bidens negotiated a deal for the CCP to secure the vast majority of resources required EV batteries

Biden then.brgan tjos pro-CCP crusade to.eliminate fossil-fuel-using cars, mandated every American buy EVs (whether they can afford them or not), & the US becomes dependrnt on China.

Biden has drpleted US munitions and emptied our Emergency oil reserves with war approaching

Biden is increasing the massive US debt, undermining the economy, undermining the value of the US dollar, making it easier for nations attempting to replace the dollar as the world resetve economy to do so.
- If this happens the US economomy / dollar willl tank - think.Great Drptession on steroids

Biden is allowing the CCP to buy up thousands of acres of farmland, some next to highly strategic militaty bases

Biden is allowing the CCP to run sectet CCP Police ststions within the US - last reported count is there as many as 47 ... yet little to know effort is being done to shut them down
- Chuck Schumer and NY Mayor Eric Adams wete all smiles standing next to a CCP spy running the CCP police station in NYC at a fund raiser.

Biden watched a CCP spy balloon.take off from.China, fly half way around rhe world, compromise US sovereignty, violate US air space, and violate US national se uriry by allowing it to fly / hover over ICBM silos and stealth bases collecting and sending back to the CCP collected intel, making no effort to stop the CCP spycraft until it had completed its mission.

And so much more.... Everything Biden and his family has done has benefitted the CCP.

Try to spin it, deny it, justify it, or whatever, all of this and more has happened on Biden's watch & he and his family have been paid BILLIONS.


'I'm not a smart man, but I know what
being 'compromised' is. Its all this shit above and getting paid billions of dollars for it.'
Biden is compromised.

Biden has taken Billions from the CCP

He killed an operation designed to prevent / prosecute intellectual theft by the CCP. It resulted in several high-profile prosecutions of CCP spies fir intellectual theft.
- Biden kilked it because he said China was 'offended' by the program, calling it 'racist' (wtf?)

The Bidens negotiated a deal for the CCP to secure the vast majority of resources required EV batteries

Biden then.brgan tjos pro-CCP crusade to.eliminate fossil-fuel-using cars, mandated every American buy EVs (whether they can afford them or not), & the US becomes dependrnt on China.

Biden has drpleted US munitions and emptied our Emergency oil reserves with war approaching

Biden is increasing the massive US debt, undermining the economy, undermining the value of the US dollar, making it easier for nations attempting to replace the dollar as the world resetve economy to do so.
- If this happens the US economomy / dollar willl tank - think.Great Drptession on steroids

Biden is allowing the CCP to buy up thousands of acres of farmland, some next to highly strategic militaty bases

Biden is allowing the CCP to run sectet CCP Police ststions within the US - last reported count is there as many as 47 ... yet little to know effort is being done to shut them down
- Chuck Schumer and NY Mayor Eric Adams wete all smiles standing next to a CCP spy running the CCP police station in NYC at a fund raiser.

Biden watched a CCP spy balloon.take off from.China, fly half way around rhe world, compromise US sovereignty, violate US air space, and violate US national se uriry by allowing it to fly / hover over ICBM silos and stealth bases collecting and sending back to the CCP collected intel, making no effort to stop the CCP spycraft until it had completed its mission.

And so much more.... Everything Biden and his family has done has benefitted the CCP.

Try to spin it, deny it, justify it, or whatever, all of this and more has happened on Biden's watch & he and his family have been paid BILLIONS.

View attachment 779636
'I'm not a smart man, but I know what
being 'compromised' is. Its all this shit above and getting paid billions of dollars for it.'

I know all that

But you can't say it... except at a forum like this maybe

until the crook is convicted. . meaning someone like TRUMP cannot say bidim is compromised and should be punished b4 he's convicted... or he could be sued... unless maybe it has been proven that this is so and I say the evidence says it has been... but without a conviction...
I know all that
But you can't say it... except at a forum like this maybe until the crook is convicted. .

Have you ever heard of 'freedom of speech'?

I know Biden abd Democrats don't want you saying things like that which is why they have censored and silenced people who speak such truth.
1. Nobody even attempted to show where I lied. In fact, the poster had to eat his words and admit he lied, Simp.

2. Always easy to get you to admit you are nothing more than a lying sack of KKkanadian dogshit.

You must’ve missed the part where I’m not interested in playing your stupid games any more. Fuck boy.

You have no interest in discussion, you don’t read the links, you just throw shit at the passing humans.
Have you ever heard of 'freedom of speech'?

I know Biden abd Democrats don't want you saying things like that which is why they have censored and silenced people who speak such truth.

“Freedom of speech” is not the freedom to lie, defraud, or slander, Sleazy. And it only applies to the federal government. You can criticize them without being arrested, unlike Russia.

But it doesn’t mean you can accuse people of things they haven’t done or lie about them.
Biden is compromised.

Biden has taken Billions from the CCP

He killed an operation designed to prevent / prosecute intellectual theft by the CCP. It resulted in several high-profile prosecutions of CCP spies fir intellectual theft.
- Biden kilked it because he said China was 'offended' by the program, calling it 'racist' (wtf?)

The Bidens negotiated a deal for the CCP to secure the vast majority of resources required EV batteries

Biden then.brgan tjos pro-CCP crusade to.eliminate fossil-fuel-using cars, mandated every American buy EVs (whether they can afford them or not), & the US becomes dependrnt on China.

Biden has drpleted US munitions and emptied our Emergency oil reserves with war approaching

Biden is increasing the massive US debt, undermining the economy, undermining the value of the US dollar, making it easier for nations attempting to replace the dollar as the world resetve economy to do so.
- If this happens the US economomy / dollar willl tank - think.Great Drptession on steroids

Biden is allowing the CCP to buy up thousands of acres of farmland, some next to highly strategic militaty bases

Biden is allowing the CCP to run sectet CCP Police ststions within the US - last reported count is there as many as 47 ... yet little to know effort is being done to shut them down
- Chuck Schumer and NY Mayor Eric Adams wete all smiles standing next to a CCP spy running the CCP police station in NYC at a fund raiser.

Biden watched a CCP spy balloon.take off from.China, fly half way around rhe world, compromise US sovereignty, violate US air space, and violate US national se uriry by allowing it to fly / hover over ICBM silos and stealth bases collecting and sending back to the CCP collected intel, making no effort to stop the CCP spycraft until it had completed its mission.

And so much more.... Everything Biden and his family has done has benefitted the CCP.

Try to spin it, deny it, justify it, or whatever, all of this and more has happened on Biden's watch & he and his family have been paid BILLIONS.

View attachment 779636
'I'm not a smart man, but I know what
being 'compromised' is. Its all this shit above and getting paid billions of dollars for it.'
Dept of the Treasury Biden Financial Records

CCP Bank Financial Records

Evidence proving the 'Biden 12' received BILLIONS of dollars from the CCP

Evidence proving the 'Biden 12' received millions from other foreign adversaries and nations

Evidence proving the Bidens engaged in influence peddling, acting illegally as unregistered foreign agents, illegally created fraudulent LLCs through which they laundered all this money, Russian money laundering, extortion, Perjury, espionage,

Hunter Biden's Laptop

Hunter Biden's Lawyer's Admission The Laptop Is Hunter's

Hunter's Admission The Laptop Is His

Former Director of the US NIA John Radcliffe's testimony on NO evidrnce to support 'Russian Dosinformation' claim

Blinken's letter written after Radcliffe's report claiming 'Russian Disinformation'

50 US Intel Experts signing the letter after Radcliffe's report
- Multiple signees now confessing rhe letter was alse,tbey knew it, and the intent was to interfere in the 2020 election.

E-mails between Hunter Biden and Blinken and Blinken's wife proving ingluence peddling, coordinating meetings between State Department officials and Hunter and his Burisma partners, and more.

State Department Whistleblower tesyimony about how then VP Biden held meetings with Hunter's Burisma partners in his office against State Department advice against Conflicts of Interest

Evidence and whistleblower testimony proving US AG Garland has had Hunter's laptop for years, has hidden it, falsely claimed the DOJ had 'lost' it until word that duplicates had been made, and has been stalling and mishandling the Laptop investigation with the intent on protecting the Bidens.

Whistleblower testimony claiming the IRS is intentionally mishandling the Biden financial investigation IOT protrct the Bidens.

Financial records showing the Bidens received BILLIONS of dollars from the Chinese and foreign nations but NEVER claimed the money on their taxes or paid taxes on the money.

Evidence Garland / the DOJ intends to charge Hunter Bidrn with 'low hanging fruit' - minor tax violations that will result in a FINE, hoping this will appease investigators and make further investigations and major crimes exposed go away.
- The DOJ intends to charge Hunter Bidrn with crimes while refusing to charge at least 10 other Bidens for creating fake / shell LLC companies through which they laundered money.

And this is not even all of the crimes exposed through evidence, official financial records, whistleblowers, and testimony under oath.

View attachment 779511
'I never met any of Hunter's Burisma partners.'
-- Joe 'Pathological Liar' Biden

To say the Bidens are a 'little dirty' is like claiming 'Pig Pen' from Charles Schultz' 'Peanuts' is a little dirty.

We've already proven that shot is photoshopped. Check the shadows. And Joe's left shoulder.

You keep trying to make something nefarious about the lists of cheques from a law firm and a bank. These are standard reports of transactions, none of which is indicative of ANYTHING, other than Hunter Biden was being paid by overseas companies.

Furthermore, it appears that Republicans stole the lists and made them public. That's a crime.
It was in every newspaper and every television network when the balloon was flying across the USA. Are you incapable of keeping up with the real news?

You obviously have a computer and access to the Internet. Google and try to keep up.
Cool, then it should be easy for you to provide a link.....if you can't I am going to have to flag your post as fake news.

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