Republican Congressman Comer says "the president" appears to be COMPROMISED (China, etc)

Dept of the Treasury Biden Financial Records

CCP Bank Financial Records

Evidence proving the 'Biden 12' received BILLIONS of dollars from the CCP

Evidence proving the 'Biden 12' received millions from other foreign adversaries and nations

Evidence proving the Bidens engaged in influence peddling, acting illegally as unregistered foreign agents, illegally created fraudulent LLCs through which they laundered all this money, Russian money laundering, extortion, Perjury, espionage,

Hunter Biden's Laptop

Hunter Biden's Lawyer's Admission The Laptop Is Hunter's

Hunter's Admission The Laptop Is His

Former Director of the US NIA John Radcliffe's testimony on NO evidrnce to support 'Russian Dosinformation' claim

Blinken's letter written after Radcliffe's report claiming 'Russian Disinformation'

50 US Intel Experts signing the letter after Radcliffe's report
- Multiple signees now confessing rhe letter was alse,tbey knew it, and the intent was to interfere in the 2020 election.

E-mails between Hunter Biden and Blinken and Blinken's wife proving ingluence peddling, coordinating meetings between State Department officials and Hunter and his Burisma partners, and more.

State Department Whistleblower tesyimony about how then VP Biden held meetings with Hunter's Burisma partners in his office against State Department advice against Conflicts of Interest

Evidence and whistleblower testimony proving US AG Garland has had Hunter's laptop for years, has hidden it, falsely claimed the DOJ had 'lost' it until word that duplicates had been made, and has been stalling and mishandling the Laptop investigation with the intent on protecting the Bidens.

Whistleblower testimony claiming the IRS is intentionally mishandling the Biden financial investigation IOT protrct the Bidens.

Financial records showing the Bidens received BILLIONS of dollars from the Chinese and foreign nations but NEVER claimed the money on their taxes or paid taxes on the money.

Evidence Garland / the DOJ intends to charge Hunter Bidrn with 'low hanging fruit' - minor tax violations that will result in a FINE, hoping this will appease investigators and make further investigations and major crimes exposed go away.
- The DOJ intends to charge Hunter Bidrn with crimes while refusing to charge at least 10 other Bidens for creating fake / shell LLC companies through which they laundered money.

And this is not even all of the crimes exposed through evidence, official financial records, whistleblowers, and testimony under oath.


'I never met any of Hunter's Burisma partners.'
-- Joe 'Pathological Liar' Biden

To say the Bidens are a 'little dirty' is like claiming 'Pig Pen' from Charles Schultz' 'Peanuts' is a little dirty.
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If an American President is indeed compromised, we need to fucking know for sure. ASAP.

So present the evidence, and let's see the contrary evidence along with it, in the light of day. Tossing out vague references, thinly-veiled accusations and one-sided conspiracy theories is not the way to do it.

STFU ... you are intentionally ignoring all tbe VERY SPECIFIC evidence that has come out and is still coming out.
Why are you people ALWAYS AFRAID to have your evidence challenged in the light of day?

Why do you lying, misleading f*in trolls ALWAYS ignoring the evidence pouring out in the news, handed to you repeatedly when you ask for it?


You have been exposed as a lying, realylity-denying, gaslighting TROLL.

Go back to your handlers and tell them you need remedial 'troll' training because you still suck at it.
Why do you lying, misleading f*in trolls ALWAYS ignoring the evidence pouring out in the news, handed to you repeatedly when you ask for it?

View attachment 779513

You have been exposed as a lying, realylity-denying, gaslighting TROLL.

Go back to your handlers and tell them you need remedial 'troll' training because you still suck at it.
Still no proof, still no evidence, just attacks and accusations.

At some point, you need to grow up.
I think that all your evidence should be seen, all your opinions should be heard.

Again, despite your pathetic attempt to spin, you have repeatedly proven you are intentionally ignoring the wealth of undenuliable evidence which includes financial records, Treasury Fraud Alerts, tax documentation, evidence of Bidens creating fraudulent LLCs, laundeting money, testimony under oath by State Department whistleblowers, IRS whistleblowers, former CIA members, tesyimony by former NIA Director Radcliffe, Blinken's own e-mails, photos of Biden with Hunter and his Burisma partners at the time Joe was devlaring he never met them and had no idea what Hunter was doing.

Suck it up, buttercup. You have been busted as a failed gaslighting bot / troll who has no credibility ... or at least less credibility than Joe Biden has.

Thanks for playing ... have a nice day.

Again, despite your pathetic attempt to spin, you have repeatedly proven you are intentionally ignoring the wealth of undenuliable evidence which includes financial records, Treasury Fraud Alerts, tax documentation, evidence of Bidens creating fraudulent LLCs, laundeting money, testimony under oath by State Department whistleblowers, IRS whistleblowers, former CIA members, tesyimony by former NIA Director Radcliffe, Blinken's own e-mails, photos of Biden with Hunter and his Burisma partners at the time Joe was devlaring he never met them and had no idea what Hunter was doing.

Suck it up, buttercup. You have been busted as a failed gaslighting bot / troll who has no credibility ... or at least less credibility than Joe Biden has.

Thanks for playing ... have a nice day.

So you're answer is "no Mac, I DON'T think people should be given both sides of a story in full light of day, just MY side."

As I expected.
Why are you people ALWAYS AFRAID to have your evidence challenged in the light of day?

I want to hear the whole story. You don't. You want to avoid half of it. I prefer my approach.
Ignoring evidence isn’t challenging it, Simp.
So you're answer is "no Mac, I DON'T think people should be given both sides of a story in full light of day, just MY side."

As I expected.
Give us the other side.

Bleating “Nuh-uh” doesn’t count.
I don't know it. I want to hear it. Both sides. Challenging each other.

I can only imagine how complicated this is for you.
But I've already said that I want your whole story. All your evidence. All your opinions. All your conclusions.

So you're just lying. You're weak. Man up. Calling people a "simp" doesn't cut it, sorry.
All you have is incessant whining, Simp.

First of all, he doesn't say that verbatim, but he says it in different words, equivalent ones.

I watched this live yesterday, very interesting.

Mod Edit: Don't post in red, please. That's for moderation only. Thanks. And if TRUMP can be impeached over NOTHING

Where are the charges?

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