Republican freshmen ask Obama to 'stop the political rhetoric' on Medicare

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Republican freshmen ask Obama to 'stop the political rhetoric' on Medicare - The Hill's Healthwatch :laugh2:

House Republican freshmen wrote a letter to President Obama on Tuesday urging him to get Democrats to "stop the political rhetoric" and abandon "Mediscare" tactics.

The letter was signed by 42 freshmen who voted for a budget blueprint that has come under intense criticism for its proposal to replace Medicare with subsidies to purchase private insurance. In their letter, the freshmen remind Obama of his commitment last year to hold a "serious conversation about budget and debt in which we're not simply trying to position ourselves politically."

"We ask that you stand above partisanship, condemn the disingenuous attacks and work with this Congress to reform spending on entitlement programs," the letter reads. "Together, we can deal with the debt crisis now before it is insurmountable."
What's funny about asking the President to work in honest attempts at reform?
They voted to dismantle Medicare on April 15. It took less than a month for them to write to Obama begging for mercy. Embarrassing.
Republican freshmen ask Obama to 'stop the political rhetoric' on Medicare - The Hill's Healthwatch :laugh2:

House Republican freshmen wrote a letter to President Obama on Tuesday urging him to get Democrats to "stop the political rhetoric" and abandon "Mediscare" tactics.

The letter was signed by 42 freshmen who voted for a budget blueprint that has come under intense criticism for its proposal to replace Medicare with subsidies to purchase private insurance. In their letter, the freshmen remind Obama of his commitment last year to hold a "serious conversation about budget and debt in which we're not simply trying to position ourselves politically."

"We ask that you stand above partisanship, condemn the disingenuous attacks and work with this Congress to reform spending on entitlement programs," the letter reads. "Together, we can deal with the debt crisis now before it is insurmountable."

wow , we think we have the right to see dead bin laden but not know what the teabaggers have in mine for us ?
They voted to dismantle Medicare on April 15. It took less than a month for them to write to Obama begging for mercy. Embarrassing.

mercy? How is asking for cooperation to fix real problems our nation faces begging for mercy?
"Stop the rhetoric"? Republicans aren't seriously asking that? Not seriously?
It's a joke, right?
Republican freshmen ask Obama to 'stop the political rhetoric' on Medicare - The Hill's Healthwatch :laugh2:

House Republican freshmen wrote a letter to President Obama on Tuesday urging him to get Democrats to "stop the political rhetoric" and abandon "Mediscare" tactics.

The letter was signed by 42 freshmen who voted for a budget blueprint that has come under intense criticism for its proposal to replace Medicare with subsidies to purchase private insurance. In their letter, the freshmen remind Obama of his commitment last year to hold a "serious conversation about budget and debt in which we're not simply trying to position ourselves politically."

"We ask that you stand above partisanship, condemn the disingenuous attacks and work with this Congress to reform spending on entitlement programs," the letter reads. "Together, we can deal with the debt crisis now before it is insurmountable."

it's good to see we have a group of intelligent, non partisan, up and commers in the republican party. it bodes well for the future
They voted to dismantle Medicare on April 15. It took less than a month for them to write to Obama begging for mercy. Embarrassing.

mercy? How is asking for cooperation to fix real problems our nation faces begging for mercy?

Ryan's proposal does nothing to reduce the cost of healthcare for seniors. All it does is limit the amount the government pays and leaves it to the individual to cover the rest. And as medical costs increase above the rate of inflation, the amount seniors will be responsible will continue to grow in real dollars. In the end, very few will even be able to afford it and we will have millions uninsured, and they will be the ones who need insurance the most.

The thing is that Americans have looked at this plan, and they understand exactly how bad it is. Come up with a plan that makes some kind of sense before asking reasonable people to discuss it. Now, all that being said, I realize that just about any plan that places more responsibility on the individual is going to be criticized. However, there are options that make more sense, such as raising the retirement age by a few more years. Let seniors cover themselves by working longer or paying their own way. This way they are paying when they have a better chance of actually paying for their coverage. Then when they do hit retirement age, they would still receive full Medicare benefits. Cutting three to four years off of Medicare for seniors would effectively reduce long term costs by 30%. On top of that, if the retirement age is raised, then most people would continue working those three or four extra years, and while doing so, they would still be contributing into Medicare for three or four extra years. So not only are payouts decreased, but revenue is increased. Many people may not like the idea of having to delay retirement, but considering people are living much longer than they were forty years ago, this actually makes sense.
They voted to dismantle Medicare on April 15. It took less than a month for them to write to Obama begging for mercy. Embarrassing.

mercy? How is asking for cooperation to fix real problems our nation faces begging for mercy?

Ryan's proposal does nothing to reduce the cost of healthcare for seniors. All it does is limit the amount the government pays and leaves it to the individual to cover the rest. And as medical costs increase above the rate of inflation, the amount seniors will be responsible will continue to grow in real dollars. In the end, very few will even be able to afford it and we will have millions uninsured, and they will be the ones who need insurance the most.

The thing is that Americans have looked at this plan, and they understand exactly how bad it is. Come up with a plan that makes some kind of sense before asking reasonable people to discuss it. Now, all that being said, I realize that just about any plan that places more responsibility on the individual is going to be criticized. However, there are options that make more sense, such as raising the retirement age by a few more years. Let seniors cover themselves by working longer or paying their own way. This way they are paying when they have a better chance of actually paying for their coverage. Then when they do hit retirement age, they would still receive full Medicare benefits. Cutting three to four years off of Medicare for seniors would effectively reduce long term costs by 30%. On top of that, if the retirement age is raised, then most people would continue working those three or four extra years, and while doing so, they would still be contributing into Medicare for three or four extra years. So not only are payouts decreased, but revenue is increased. Many people may not like the idea of having to delay retirement, but considering people are living much longer than they were forty years ago, this actually makes sense.

If you don't like the proposal, then work together to fix it! Playing childish games doesn't fix anything. Engaging in pointless rhetoric doesn't either.

President Obama was elected to be a leader. It's about time he starts acting like one. It was a pretty positive experience when he decided to try it the first time to go after Bin Laden. Maybe if he does it some more, he and Congress might actually fix some of the major problems facing our nations. It might even improve his chances for reelection. If he was actually being a leader, I wouldn't mind that.

Auditor, i think you actually do want to fix the problems. I am just tired of all these other guys who think they are so smart and better than everyone who do nothing but engage in petty squabbling while our freakin nation is going down the crapper and think that they don't have to do anything to help fix the problem when people are reaching out.
Republicans can no more stop the "rhetoric" than they could "embrace" the science of evolution.
Republicans can no more stop the "rhetoric" than they could "embrace" the science of evolution.

psssst - theory, the theory of evolution. it's only a theory. and btw, they haven't proven man evolved from anything. not even close

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