Republican Lamar Alexander Advocates Government Takeover of BP

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Think Progress Sen. Lamar Alexander Advocates A Government Takeover Of The Oil Spill Clean-Up

Today, on CBS’ Face the Nation, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) — who spends a lot of his time fearmongering about various government takeovers — seemed to advocate that the government simply let BP off the hook and take over the clean-up effort:

Alexander: There’s one thing [the administration] could do. Under the law, they could fire BP and take it over. But the truth is the federal government probably doesn’t have the capacity to do that. [...]

Q: But would you favor taking over BP if that became necessary?

Alexander: Sure, that’s up to the President to decide. …
Just expel BP from our country. They have committed an awful atrocity against our nation. No Government takeover is necessary. They should pay for their atrocity and should be expelled immediately. I understand Alexander's frustration & anger but a Government takeover isn't necessary. British Petroleum has now forfeited their presence in our country in my opinion. I know this wont happen though. Btw,who received the most campaign cash from BP of any politician in America? Once you know that answer,you'll realize that no one will really be held accountable for this awful tragedy. It's just so sad.
Think Progress Sen. Lamar Alexander Advocates A Government Takeover Of The Oil Spill Clean-Up

Today, on CBS’ Face the Nation, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) — who spends a lot of his time fearmongering about various government takeovers — seemed to advocate that the government simply let BP off the hook and take over the clean-up effort:

Alexander: There’s one thing [the administration] could do. Under the law, they could fire BP and take it over. But the truth is the federal government probably doesn’t have the capacity to do that. [...]

Q: But would you favor taking over BP if that became necessary?

Alexander: Sure, that’s up to the President to decide. …

Well that's a misleading headline. It's pretty obvious that Alexander ( who would be more of a RINO if he thought he could get away with it ) was talking about taking over THE CLEANUP OPERATION, not the company.

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