Republican Party's disapproval rating highest since 1992

Poll: GOP disapproval highest since 1992

WOW! And with Phrump at the top of the ticket, just HOW LOW CAN IT GO?

You know I have sat back and looked at many things and ask myself if Trump can win this November with such low poll numbers and then I look at Hillary Clinton and you know what Trump just might win.

The Average American Voter will change their opinion five seconds after the latest poll, so I have no use of polls at this stage of the election cycle except for the primary polls.

There is s Gorilla in the room. It is named, Trump's Mouth. He needs to develop a filter.
He's already played his women s card and guess who votes in the majority? Women...Drumpf is the walking dead
if you don't think benghazi ain't showing it's little murder face, you have another thing coming. Victims families will get a lot of air time you watch. hahahahaahahahahahaha I love it when a plan falls into place.
2014 was the lowest voter turnout since WWII. The GOP always does better when less people vote.

I've been saying for a long time now that our elections going forward are going to be decided by how many of their own people each party manages to sicken enough to stay home on Election Day.

And I have also said I will not be surprised if this election will have the lowest turnout for a presidential election since 1924. That should work to the GOP's advantage, but I think Trump has managed to piss off quite a few million more Republican voters than he has attracted.
It is truly strange the two most hated candidates are the ones at the top of the polls.

We are in bizarro world now, boys and girls.
I'm not a huge fan, but Biden should have run. I have to give it to him, he can talk with people having a hard time, and he believes America is for all Americans.
He is just a dumber Trump who is actually part of the establishment.
Tuesday's results marked a turning point and the Republican primary is all over. Tuesday was the first time that REPUBLICANS gave him a majority of their votes (except for New York, which doesn't count).

Why do "Republicans" have low approval ratings? Mainly because people are ignorant, the product of 50 years of failure to teach our children about the history and structure of the American governmental system.

I would bet that not one American in three could explain why we cannot, under our current Constitution, have "socialized medicine." Or why the Federal government can't guarantee everyone "free college."

Interesting constitution.
Poll: GOP disapproval highest since 1992

WOW! And with Phrump at the top of the ticket, just HOW LOW CAN IT GO?

You know I have sat back and looked at many things and ask myself if Trump can win this November with such low poll numbers and then I look at Hillary Clinton and you know what Trump just might win.

The Average American Voter will change their opinion five seconds after the latest poll, so I have no use of polls at this stage of the election cycle except for the primary polls.

There is s Gorilla in the room. It is named, Trump's Mouth. He needs to develop a filter.
He's already played his women s card and guess who votes in the majority? Women...Drumpf is the walking dead
if you don't think benghazi ain't showing it's little murder face, you have another thing coming. Victims families will get a lot of air time you watch. hahahahaahahahahahaha I love it when a plan falls into place.
You tards have overplayed the BENGHAAAAAAAAAZI! card. So good luck with that.
Poll: GOP disapproval highest since 1992

WOW! And with Phrump at the top of the ticket, just HOW LOW CAN IT GO?

You know I have sat back and looked at many things and ask myself if Trump can win this November with such low poll numbers and then I look at Hillary Clinton and you know what Trump just might win.

The Average American Voter will change their opinion five seconds after the latest poll, so I have no use of polls at this stage of the election cycle except for the primary polls.

There is s Gorilla in the room. It is named, Trump's Mouth. He needs to develop a filter.
He's already played his women s card and guess who votes in the majority? Women...Drumpf is the walking dead
if you don't think benghazi ain't showing it's little murder face, you have another thing coming. Victims families will get a lot of air time you watch. hahahahaahahahahahaha I love it when a plan falls into place.
You tards have overplayed the BENGHAAAAAAAAAZI! card. So good luck with that.
Not everyone is a psychopath like you you know...
2014 was the lowest voter turnout since WWII. The GOP always does better when less people vote.

I've been saying for a long time now that our elections going forward are going to be decided by how many of their own people each party manages to sicken enough to stay home on Election Day.

And I have also said I will not be surprised if this election will have the lowest turnout for a presidential election since 1924. That should work to the GOP's advantage, but I think Trump has managed to piss off quite a few million more Republican voters than he has attracted.
I think it will depend on how effective Hillary's state organizations are. If they get out really higher % of minority and women voters than the gop gets out white men, Hillary can win. When she's the less bad option, it's bad. LOL
Poll: GOP disapproval highest since 1992

WOW! And with Phrump at the top of the ticket, just HOW LOW CAN IT GO?

You know I have sat back and looked at many things and ask myself if Trump can win this November with such low poll numbers and then I look at Hillary Clinton and you know what Trump just might win.

The Average American Voter will change their opinion five seconds after the latest poll, so I have no use of polls at this stage of the election cycle except for the primary polls.

There is s Gorilla in the room. It is named, Trump's Mouth. He needs to develop a filter.
He's already played his women s card and guess who votes in the majority? Women...Drumpf is the walking dead
if you don't think benghazi ain't showing it's little murder face, you have another thing coming. Victims families will get a lot of air time you watch. hahahahaahahahahahaha I love it when a plan falls into place.
You tards have overplayed the BENGHAAAAAAAAAZI! card. So good luck with that.

Bengahzi is their Trump Card?

( I know about the pun )

Hmmm, one thing is for sure the commercials during the General Election will make you shake your head because there is too much ammo on both sides!
A year after Benghazi, Donald Trump said Hillary Clinton was the greatest Secretary of State of all time.

So much for that! :lol:
Trump donated twice to Hillary's presidential campaign fund. He donated five times to her Senate campaign, instead of to the Republican candidate.

Trump's wife, son, and daughter all donated to Hillary's campaigns.

There is such a mountain of evidence that Trump has been a far left Democrat until five minutes ago, it is simply ASTOUNDING Trump's Chumps line up to drink his piss straight from the tap.
You know I have sat back and looked at many things and ask myself if Trump can win this November with such low poll numbers and then I look at Hillary Clinton and you know what Trump just might win.

The Average American Voter will change their opinion five seconds after the latest poll, so I have no use of polls at this stage of the election cycle except for the primary polls.

There is s Gorilla in the room. It is named, Trump's Mouth. He needs to develop a filter.
He's already played his women s card and guess who votes in the majority? Women...Drumpf is the walking dead
if you don't think benghazi ain't showing it's little murder face, you have another thing coming. Victims families will get a lot of air time you watch. hahahahaahahahahahaha I love it when a plan falls into place.
You tards have overplayed the BENGHAAAAAAAAAZI! card. So good luck with that.
Not everyone is a psychopath like you you know... could he know that???

This is an individual still looking forward to urinal cakes for dessert.
How ironic is it the tards who have been foaming at the mouth over Benghazi for four years running are whining about other people being psychopaths? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Here's Trump the Democrat praising Clinton as the greatest SecState of all time, a year after Benghazi:

The Trumps are Democrats. They all donated to Clnton's Senate and Presidential campaigns. Including The Donald.

Trump's kids are so retarded they neglected to change their party affiliation in time to vote for their huckster chameleon dad in the GOP primary. :lol:
Trump donated twice to Hillary's presidential campaign fund. He donated five times to her Senate campaign, instead of to the Republican candidate.

Trump's wife, son, and daughter all donated to Hillary's campaigns.

There is such a mountain of evidence that Trump has been a far left Democrat until five minutes ago, it is simply ASTOUNDING Trump's Chumps line up to drink his piss straight from the tap.

Wow!! Trump supports local politicians!

What a rube!
A year after Benghazi, Donald Trump said Hillary Clinton was the greatest Secretary of State of all time.

So much for that! :lol:
He still talks out of both sides of his mouth
TRUMP: Hillary was as Secretary of State.

REPORTER: Here's you saying she's the greatest Secretary of State of all time. Roll clip!

TRUMP: Well, that was before I found out I had a better chance to run as a Republican.
Trump donated twice to Hillary's presidential campaign fund. He donated five times to her Senate campaign, instead of to the Republican candidate.

Trump's wife, son, and daughter all donated to Hillary's campaigns.

There is such a mountain of evidence that Trump has been a far left Democrat until five minutes ago, it is simply ASTOUNDING Trump's Chumps line up to drink his piss straight from the tap.

Wow!! Trump supports local politicians!

What a rube!
Trumps supports local DEMOCRATIC politicians and not the REPUBLICAN politicians.

And since when is the PRESIDENTIAL election a local race? And before you make even more of an ass of yourself and say Clinton was a local running for President, so was Giuliani.

It's amazing the mental twists Trump's Chumps do to excuse his obvious far left leanings. They would NEVER work this hard to excuse anyone else. Ever.

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