Republican Party's disapproval rating highest since 1992

Trump donated twice to Hillary's presidential campaign fund. He donated five times to her Senate campaign, instead of to the Republican candidate.

Trump's wife, son, and daughter all donated to Hillary's campaigns.

There is such a mountain of evidence that Trump has been a far left Democrat until five minutes ago, it is simply ASTOUNDING Trump's Chumps line up to drink his piss straight from the tap.

Wow!! Trump supports local politicians!

What a rube!
Trumps supports local DEMOCRATIC politicians and not the REPUBLICAN politicians.

And since when is the PRESIDENTIAL election a local race? And before you make even more of an ass of yourself and say Clinton was a local running for President, so was Giuliani.

It's amazing the mental twists Trump's Chumps do to excuse his obvious far left leanings. They would NEVER work this hard to excuse anyone else. Ever.

He's in NY. Look it up, it's Blue
I am a Republican and I agree with the rating.

The Republican Caucas in Congress is more filled with Pussys than the Bunny Ranch.

About 80% of Republicans agree, as near as I can tell....that's about the percentage of Republican Primary Voters whose vote this year says: FUCK WASHINGTON.

That's not just Trump & Cruz; its Fiorina and Carson....its was even Rubio until the desperate Establishment (Pussy Republicans)...glomed on to him, at which time he sunk like a rock.

I don't know if Trump can beat Bill Clinton's bogus wife....but I can see him beating her and the Republicans still losing the Senate....and they themselves will be to blame for...there's just no other way to say it: They're Pussies.

We know Obama's Global Socialist Apparatus is the Enemy. And, Traditional Americans are very angry about what these reckless empiricists and cowards are doing to this country...but, maybe...even angrier at the Pussy Republicans who were supposed to do something about the situation.
Trump donated twice to Hillary's presidential campaign fund. He donated five times to her Senate campaign, instead of to the Republican candidate.

Trump's wife, son, and daughter all donated to Hillary's campaigns.

There is such a mountain of evidence that Trump has been a far left Democrat until five minutes ago, it is simply ASTOUNDING Trump's Chumps line up to drink his piss straight from the tap.

Wow!! Trump supports local politicians!

What a rube!
Trumps supports local DEMOCRATIC politicians and not the REPUBLICAN politicians.

And since when is the PRESIDENTIAL election a local race? And before you make even more of an ass of yourself and say Clinton was a local running for President, so was Giuliani.

It's amazing the mental twists Trump's Chumps do to excuse his obvious far left leanings. They would NEVER work this hard to excuse anyone else. Ever.

He's in NY. Look it up, it's Blue
Yes, he's a Democrat. He has NY values. He supported a carpetbagger from out of state over a native born Republican, in both the Senate and Presidential elections.

So much for your "local" bullshit excuse.

What's more, the only reason carpetbagger Clinton was able to become a resident of NY when she was "dead broke" is because her buddy Terry McCauliffe floated her a $1.3 million loan.

And guess who Trump financed in his bid for Governor of Virginia? Terry McCauliffe. One of the sleaziest Democrats around. Clinton campaign manager, and DNC chairman. As Democratic Establishment as it gets, and buds with The Donald.

Your idiot excuses for Trump have just been nuked, chump.
Poll: GOP disapproval highest since 1992

WOW! And with Phrump at the top of the ticket, just HOW LOW CAN IT GO?

You know I have sat back and looked at many things and ask myself if Trump can win this November with such low poll numbers and then I look at Hillary Clinton and you know what Trump just might win.

The Average American Voter will change their opinion five seconds after the latest poll, so I have no use of polls at this stage of the election cycle except for the primary polls.

There is s Gorilla in the room. It is named, Trump's Mouth. He needs to develop a filter.
oh and how many GOPers have voted for him? Oh yeah, more than any other by millions of votes. Thanks for playing.

Dems moved over and voted for him cause he is s clown and will be crushed in November. Nice try though
Like I said, there is a mountain of evidence Trump is a far left liberal Democrat and it is ASTOUNDING Trump's Chumps line up to drink his piss straight from the tap.

"Very pro choice".

Wanted Bush impeached for war crimes.

Supports assault weapons ban.

Supports universal health care.

Said HRC was greatest SecState ever.

Said Bill Clinton was a great President and that Hillary would make a great President.

Entire family donated to Clinton in her Senate and Presidential elections.

Financed Terry McCauliffe's run for governor of Virginia.

And you guys don't like Kasich...why? Please tell us so we can all have a fucking huge belly laugh.

"He...uh...took Medicaid expansion money which...uh...the taxpayers of his state had paid for. Plus he was a key player in balancing the federal budget, the only candidate to do so. THAT RAT FUCK RINO BASTARD!!!"
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Poll: GOP disapproval highest since 1992

WOW! And with Phrump at the top of the ticket, just HOW LOW CAN IT GO?

You know I have sat back and looked at many things and ask myself if Trump can win this November with such low poll numbers and then I look at Hillary Clinton and you know what Trump just might win.

The Average American Voter will change their opinion five seconds after the latest poll, so I have no use of polls at this stage of the election cycle except for the primary polls.

There is s Gorilla in the room. It is named, Trump's Mouth. He needs to develop a filter.
oh and how many GOPers have voted for him? Oh yeah, more than any other by millions of votes. Thanks for playing.

Dems moved over and voted for him cause he is s clown and will be crushed in November. Nice try though

Some will attempt to argue those are the crossover voters that will crossover in November and have the Reagan effect, but the reality is what you just wrote...

Trump would have to shift drastically to the center and if he does then he loses the Angry Voter he won over in the primaries.
Tuesday's results marked a turning point and the Republican primary is all over. Tuesday was the first time that REPUBLICANS gave him a majority of their votes (except for New York, which doesn't count).

Why do "Republicans" have low approval ratings? Mainly because people are ignorant, the product of 50 years of failure to teach our children about the history and structure of the American governmental system.

I would bet that not one American in three could explain why we cannot, under our current Constitution, have "socialized medicine." Or why the Federal government can't guarantee everyone "free college."


"People are ignorant"......hoe long have you been writing for Donald?
Worse news for Hillary. Only 12% of democrats have an unfavorable view of their own party but 50% disapprove of Hillary.

And they all will slice their wrist before they would let Donald be elected.

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