Republican Performance Art


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Do Republicans ever legislate? Do they ever introduce legislation that helps working class Americans, the same ones who vote for them, or are they completely servile to the corporate donors, and only interested in appeasing them? They sound like preachers on Sunday morning, but like many preachers, don't actually do anything.

Ted Cruz is the perfect example:

That’s the Republican way these days. So what if there is a natural disaster or a pandemic? Blame the libs, dunk on them, and then go to the beach while Democrats handle the clean-up. And let the MAGA media run interference. For the Republican party, the sensationalization, nationalization, and demonization of the political system matter far more than any form of governing. Political performance is the point. Both the means and the end. The purpose and the power.

Please note that it wasn’t until the shitposting boomeranged at Cruz that he began to have second thoughts about his vacation. It seems it did not occur to him that there was anything wrong with the situation until he sat down on the plane, started scrolling, and saw outraged people posting photos of him standing at the gate. It must have been horrifying for someone who tracks his mentions so closely to become a laughingstock.

That the best you have? A complaint about how a NATIONAL lawmaker went on vacation when a STATE was having an issue.

Cruz has nothing to do with the problem or the solution in TX - they are not even connected to the national grids.
Do Republicans ever legislate?

Well, here's the thing about this. They like things they way they are. They don't want to legislate gay rights. Or civil rights. Or socialism for the poor. Or equal pay for women.

They are pretty much happy with America being great right now just like it is.
Do Republicans ever legislate?

Well, here's the thing about this. They like things they way they are. They don't want to legislate gay rights. Or civil rights. Or socialism for the poor. Or equal pay for women.

They are pretty much happy with America being great right now just like it is.
They do legislate advantages for the wealthy and the corporations..
That's true. You see the mask off a couple times where Mitch will work at the speed of lightning. Like when they got Amy Coney in within 2 weeks of RGB dying. Or the 2017 Tax Cuts they passed right before Christmas in the dead of night.
Well, the GOP is the party that wouldn't even create a party platform in 2020. They've stopped even pretending they have core principles. The only things driving them now are sucking up to DearLeader and hating the libs.
That the best you have? A complaint about how a NATIONAL lawmaker went on vacation when a STATE was having an issue.

Take that as a yes.

Take it that you don't understand the role of politicians.
That particular politician, his role is to legislate federal law.

YOU might think they are there to make photo ops, sound sincere, be a hero or any other silly 'role' outside of simply legislating but that is a failed, asinine view of politics and is caustic to our system.
That the best you have? A complaint about how a NATIONAL lawmaker went on vacation when a STATE was having an issue.

Cruz has nothing to do with the problem or the solution in TX - they are not even connected to the national grids.
Wait, texas's senior senator has no responsibility to deal with texas's problems?

How much dope do you have to do to be a republican these days?
That the best you have? A complaint about how a NATIONAL lawmaker went on vacation when a STATE was having an issue.

Cruz has nothing to do with the problem or the solution in TX - they are not even connected to the national grids.
You're absolutely right. Cruz has no reason to even care about the people of Texas. I'll bet he didn't even get any votes from Texas when he was elected ----------oh wait.
Ted once promised "to make the sand glow" when he was culling Muzies. He obviously hasnt delivered on that yet
However he remains a leading Christian.
That the best you have? A complaint about how a NATIONAL lawmaker went on vacation when a STATE was having an issue.

Cruz has nothing to do with the problem or the solution in TX - they are not even connected to the national grids.
Wait, texas's senior senator has no responsibility to deal with texas's problems?

How much dope do you have to do to be a republican these days?
What does John Cornyn have to do with this?
A complaint about how a NATIONAL lawmaker went on vacation when a STATE was having an issue.

I read the rather silly and unthinking remark from the poster FAQ2 and intended to comment on it.
Admittedly, skeptically comment on it.

But then I read what posters Crepitus and Bulldog posted. And felt anything I wrote would just be piling-on.
You can kick a dumb statement only so much. But you still won't make it any smarter. IMHO

  • Wait, texas's senior senator has no responsibility to deal with texas's problems?
  • You're absolutely right. Cruz has no reason to even care about the people of Texas. I'll bet he didn't even get any votes from Texas when he was elected ----------oh wait.
A complaint about how a NATIONAL lawmaker went on vacation when a STATE was having an issue.

I read the rather silly and unthinking remark from the poster FAQ2 and intended to comment on it.
Admittedly, skeptically comment on it.

But then I read what posters Crepitus and Bulldog posted. And felt anything I wrote would just be piling-on.
You can kick a dumb statement only so much. But you still won't make it any smarter. IMHO

  • Wait, texas's senior senator has no responsibility to deal with texas's problems?
  • You're absolutely right. Cruz has no reason to even care about the people of Texas. I'll bet he didn't even get any votes from Texas when he was elected ----------oh wait.
Sorry, did we interrupt you while you were sucking ted cruz off?
That the best you have? A complaint about how a NATIONAL lawmaker went on vacation when a STATE was having an issue.

Cruz has nothing to do with the problem or the solution in TX - they are not even connected to the national grids.
Wait, texas's senior senator has no responsibility to deal with texas's problems?

How much dope do you have to do to be a republican these days?
Is that what I said?

He is a national lawmaker. He represents the state in national law. He has absolutely nothing to do with state law, oversight on state operations, state policy or the day to day of running the state. Nothing at all.
Do Republicans ever legislate? Do they ever introduce legislation that helps working class Americans, the same ones who vote for them, or are they completely servile to the corporate donors, and only interested in appeasing them? They sound like preachers on Sunday morning, but like many preachers, don't actually do anything.

Ted Cruz is the perfect example:

That’s the Republican way these days. So what if there is a natural disaster or a pandemic? Blame the libs, dunk on them, and then go to the beach while Democrats handle the clean-up. And let the MAGA media run interference. For the Republican party, the sensationalization, nationalization, and demonization of the political system matter far more than any form of governing. Political performance is the point. Both the means and the end. The purpose and the power.

Please note that it wasn’t until the shitposting boomeranged at Cruz that he began to have second thoughts about his vacation. It seems it did not occur to him that there was anything wrong with the situation until he sat down on the plane, started scrolling, and saw outraged people posting photos of him standing at the gate. It must have been horrifying for someone who tracks his mentions so closely to become a laughingstock.

wait.. a "MAGA media"?

Are you suggesting that the Mainstream media is pro-Trump and pro-Republican?


Meanwhile, a majority of corporate and Wall Street money went to Biden this past election, so no longer can Democrats claim the GOP is the party of corporate money. That's now clearly the Democrats. Goldman Sachs, Monsanto, Big Banks, Big Tech, Google, Apple, Disney, etc... all lock-step and funding the Democrat party.

And finally, to make such a big deal about Ted Cruz when we have Andrew Cuomo under investigation for covering up his high nursing home death numbers, and threatening people below him to do it... It's so telling. Cuomo should be the scandal of the decade, and yet the MSM can only discuss bad optics by Cruz. It's not hypocracy like Gavin Newsome, who ordered people to stay in while he went out to fancy dinners. Cruz never ordered people not to go on vacation. Sure, it was bad optics, but that's it.
Do Republicans ever legislate? Do they ever introduce legislation that helps working class Americans, the same ones who vote for them, or are they completely servile to the corporate donors, and only interested in appeasing them? They sound like preachers on Sunday morning, but like many preachers, don't actually do anything.

Ted Cruz is the perfect example:

That’s the Republican way these days. So what if there is a natural disaster or a pandemic? Blame the libs, dunk on them, and then go to the beach while Democrats handle the clean-up. And let the MAGA media run interference. For the Republican party, the sensationalization, nationalization, and demonization of the political system matter far more than any form of governing. Political performance is the point. Both the means and the end. The purpose and the power.

Please note that it wasn’t until the shitposting boomeranged at Cruz that he began to have second thoughts about his vacation. It seems it did not occur to him that there was anything wrong with the situation until he sat down on the plane, started scrolling, and saw outraged people posting photos of him standing at the gate. It must have been horrifying for someone who tracks his mentions so closely to become a laughingstock.

wait.. a "MAGA media"?

Are you suggesting that the Mainstream media is pro-Trump and pro-Republican?


You folks are dumb.

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