Republican Plan: Destroy America Again


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Republican Plan: Destroy America Again
by: RDemocrat
Wed Sep 22, 2010

Well, the Republicans are releasing their "plan" for America tommorrow. It is not really too hard to imagine what these "plans" are. Tax Cuts, Corporate Welfare, idiotic foreign policy and a raping once more of the American middle-class. Yes, all the things they offered before crashing the economy will be done all over again with the same result. A desperate attemt to "starve the beast" and leave the rest of us at the mercy of the greediest and least patriotic among us.

However, listening to them talk about the current state of affairs in our country brings about a bit of Deja-Vu. Just who in the hell are they talking about??:

Hillbilly Report:: Republican Plan: Destroy America Again

"Never before have so few with so much promised to take away so much from so many and then laugh their asses off as the so many with so little vote for the so few with so much."

A James Pence Quote
LOL, I hate to be picky but the date on that article is just a bit old, don't you think? You do know what today's date is, right? No? Having problems with memory again? I'd get that checked out if I were you; there are medications that can help.
LOL, I hate to be picky but the date on that article is just a bit old, don't you think? You do know what today's date is, right? No? Having problems with memory again? I'd get that checked out if I were you; there are medications that can help.

It didn't get too much traction then either :eusa_whistle:
LOL, I hate to be picky but the date on that article is just a bit old, don't you think? You do know what today's date is, right? No? Having problems with memory again? I'd get that checked out if I were you; there are medications that can help.

It didn't get too much traction then either :eusa_whistle:

Only with whackaloons like Lilo who envision a Utopian American where we all toil in the fields for a minimum wage of $50/hr.
So instead we leave America in the hands of those currently destroying it? That's a better option?

How about instead of worrying about political parties and who is in control of the nation, we start taking control of our own lives. We fix the problems in our own lives, Washington will take care of itself.

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