Republican Pledge to Cut $100 Billion May Hit Education, Cancer Research


Gold Member
Aug 3, 2009
Keeping the midterm-campaign promise would require a Republican-led Congress to cut 21 percent of the $477 billion lawmakers have earmarked for domestic discretionary spending.

“That’s where you get the savings,” said Representative Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican who would likely be chairman of the Budget Committee if his party regained its majority in the Nov. 2 elections.

This article is over a month old. Has anyone heard any updates on where the GOP plans to cut $100 BILLION in spending? Is the Defense budget even on the radar?

Republican Pledge to Cut $100 Billion May Hit Education, Cancer Research - Bloomberg
I would like to see more of the specifics myself.. and I would love federal funding of 'education' to be gutted severely... plenty of fat to trim from a plethora of areas within our over-bloated government
Big Government Propagandists love to pretend this is always the first thing to go in any budget there are no other alternatives....EVERYTHING IS VITAL!!!

Keeping the midterm-campaign promise would require a Republican-led Congress to cut 21 percent of the $477 billion lawmakers have earmarked for domestic discretionary spending.

“That’s where you get the savings,” said Representative Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican who would likely be chairman of the Budget Committee if his party regained its majority in the Nov. 2 elections.

This article is over a month old. Has anyone heard any updates on where the GOP plans to cut $100 BILLION in spending? Is the Defense budget even on the radar?

Republican Pledge to Cut $100 Billion May Hit Education, Cancer Research - Bloomberg

Let the slashing begin!!!!!!!!!!!
The goal should be to make about 1,000,000 civilian, federal employees unemployed and their jobs eliminated.
The goal should be to make about 1,000,000 civilian, federal employees unemployed and their jobs eliminated.

Sarah Palin stated that the Defense Budget should be off limits. How many of you out there agree with this?
defense should be gashed at twice the rate of everything esle, fuck Europe kill the bases.
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The goal should be to make about 1,000,000 civilian, federal employees unemployed and their jobs eliminated.

Sarah Palin stated that the Defense Budget should be off limits. How many of you out there agree with this?



Sarah Palin: Our Bloated Military Budget Is What Makes Us Great | The Moderate Voice

“Something has to be done urgently to stop the out-of-control Obama-Reid-Pelosi spending machine, and no government agency should be immune from budget scrutiny,” she said. “We must make sure, however, that we do nothing to undermine the effectiveness of our military. If we lose wars, if we lose the ability to deter adversaries, if we lose the ability to provide security for ourselves and for our allies, we risk losing all that makes America great. That is a price we cannot afford to pay.”
Sarah Palin stated that the Defense Budget should be off limits. How many of you out there agree with this?



Sarah Palin: Our Bloated Military Budget Is What Makes Us Great | The Moderate Voice

“Something has to be done urgently to stop the out-of-control Obama-Reid-Pelosi spending machine, and no government agency should be immune from budget scrutiny,” she said. “We must make sure, however, that we do nothing to undermine the effectiveness of our military. If we lose wars, if we lose the ability to deter adversaries, if we lose the ability to provide security for ourselves and for our allies, we risk losing all that makes America great. That is a price we cannot afford to pay.”

Nothing in your quote says that the "Defense Budget should be off limits."


Sarah Palin: Our Bloated Military Budget Is What Makes Us Great | The Moderate Voice

“Something has to be done urgently to stop the out-of-control Obama-Reid-Pelosi spending machine, and no government agency should be immune from budget scrutiny,” she said. “We must make sure, however, that we do nothing to undermine the effectiveness of our military. If we lose wars, if we lose the ability to deter adversaries, if we lose the ability to provide security for ourselves and for our allies, we risk losing all that makes America great. That is a price we cannot afford to pay.”

Nothing in your quote says that the "Defense Budget should be off limits."


In fact, is says the

I'm sure VaPudYank will be scouring HuffyPuffy for something now...
Keeping the midterm-campaign promise would require a Republican-led Congress to cut 21 percent of the $477 billion lawmakers have earmarked for domestic discretionary spending.

“That’s where you get the savings,” said Representative Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican who would likely be chairman of the Budget Committee if his party regained its majority in the Nov. 2 elections.

This article is over a month old. Has anyone heard any updates on where the GOP plans to cut $100 BILLION in spending? Is the Defense budget even on the radar?

Republican Pledge to Cut $100 Billion May Hit Education, Cancer Research - Bloomberg

Depends on who you talk to.

some say madicare, SS, and DoD are safe, some say there will be across the board cuts.

Personnally, I'm all for across the board cuts except for medicare and SS. Can't leave the seniors hanging like that.
There isn't a single program or targeted obligation that can't withstand a 10% cut in it's budget. That also includes all governmental salaries - including everybody from the President down to the civilian government employee who empties the trash in the basement of the Capital. 10% of the government employees could be shit canned along with the cut. Japan regularly cuts a business by 10% and when they get it back to running efficiently after the cut, they cut it another 10%. If the government, Democrat or Republican alike really wanted to bring down waste, corruption, wasteful spending, and the budget all they need to do is start cutting out useless bullshit.
Neither are within the Article 1, Section 8 scope of congressional power.

You're a fucking moron who wouldn't know the constitution if it bit him on the ass. From article 1 sec. 8...

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States...To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

That pretty much covers every friggin' public spending law that Congress could pass doesn't it shit for brains? You don't love the Constitution. You love some lie about the constitution that has been force fed into your inadaquate brain.
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