Republican pollster says Trump

And he said this about social media. Something I said on this board at least 10 years ago:

“[Social Media] is poisoning our minds, it’s an acid, it genuinely is toxic, it’s dividing us, it’s killing our attention span, it’s killing our ability to reason and most importantly we’re being fed 24/7 what we already believe and that’s the problem,” he said.
I've been saying for about that long that pseudocons have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. That's why Trump tweets. He knows this.
1] soooo Biden oversaw operation warp speed that got vaccines out in record time ? bull !
and nearly as many have died from covid during the Biden admin as Trumps ... but unlike you i dont blame Biden... i blame your comrades the CCP Traitor !
2] and the Afghan withdrawal was a disaster !
3]higher gas prices inflation and a mess at our border ...
and thats just a few of the so called accomplishments under the current admin ....
1) Well, Trump certainly didn't. Warp Speed..(please)...was Pence's brainchild..albeit way too late. LOL. Keep trying.
2) Yep. It sucked. But had to be done. And look. You didn't get the mileage out of it you were expecting. LOL....Next???
3) Yikes..don't pay attention much do you? Hello, McFly?? Pandemic..your SAVIOR??..fucked up..contributed...ah nevermind, just wait for Hannity..he'll make it better. :auiqs.jpg:
Meh. You didn't read the article did you. He is also very critical of the left. So he doesn't like the left or right. pffftt...
Yeah. Kind of what I just said. However he likes the right, he just doesn't like Trump. The guy is famous for inventing cute slogans that make bad things feel good. Such as convincing people that healthcare reform was just a "government takeover" The douche's on this forum still refer to it as such. He's more of a manipulator than a pollster. There have been issues with him not releasing the demographics of his polls in the past. Possibly because they were made up.

He's also not very insightful.

“Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States.”

It's not that he predicted Clinton would win it's that he was so absolute about it. Not something a pollster should be doing.
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Trump will win the GOP nomination because no other Republican has the sack to run against him

But 85 million voters made it clear they do not want Trump
Trumps refusal to let go of his 2020 loss will remind everyone how unstable he is

But there’s also the concern of a second Trump term without Trump – the problem wasn’t the message but the messenger.

A Trump clone could win the nomination – DeSantis, for example; someone just as wrong on the issues as Trump, someone with as much contempt for the Constitution and our democratic institutions as Trump, someone as much of a tyrant as Trump, but someone with the political experience and acumen Trump lacked.
85 million voters my ass. Trump has 75 million real voters. After four years of the Bidung/Kameltoe disaster I doubt a Dem could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

2022 and 2024 can't get here fast enough to save the country.
Trump will win the GOP nomination because no other Republican has the sack to run against him

But 85 million voters made it clear they do not want Trump
Trumps refusal to let go of his 2020 loss will remind everyone how unstable he is
85 millions voters hadn't yet seen what a massive cluster fuck the potato is. Now they have.
85 million voters my ass. Trump has 75 million real voters. After four years of the Bidung/Kameltoe disaster I doubt a Dem could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

2022 and 2024 can't get here fast enough to save the country.

Sorry, not engaging in your silly election fantasies
When you come back to the real world, you can contact me

It goes like this…….I realize Trump lost in 2020 but…..
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85 millions voters hadn't yet seen what a massive cluster fuck the potato is. Now they have.
Problem is Trump is stuck on stupid. He can’t get over how badly Biden beat him and is obsessed with spreading the BIG LIE
Problem is Trump is stuck on stupid. He can’t get over how badly Biden beat him and is obsessed with spreading the BIG LIE
time will tell. Biden is making it so easy a toaster could beat him in 3 years.

and im not talking about a nice toaster. im talking about a Walmart, made in china toaster.
will never be president again.

But before all you uber lefties wet your pants he also says this:

He said the rise of “squad leader” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reflected the Democratic Party’s desire for revenge via “woke politics”, something he warns against because of the long-term destruction it will cause to society.

And he said this about social media. Something I said on this board at least 10 years ago:

“[Social Media] is poisoning our minds, it’s an acid, it genuinely is toxic, it’s dividing us, it’s killing our attention span, it’s killing our ability to reason and most importantly we’re being fed 24/7 what we already believe and that’s the problem,” he said.
He says as a result of the Trump presidency, he is no longer a Republican – and he also no longer feels like a US citizen, saying he remains worried about whether America can be fixed.

Never Trumper. Next.
time will tell. Biden is making it so easy a toaster could beat him in 3 years.

and im not talking about a nice toaster. im talking about a Walmart, made in china toaster.
Not really
We are talking four years

COVID will be contained, the economy will recover, inflation will drop down
Biden should have his Infrastructure bill by then and those jobs should be kicking in by 2024

Again, all Biden has to do is beat Trump
Not really
We are talking four years

COVID will be contained, the economy will recover, inflation will drop down
Biden should have his Infrastructure bill by then and those jobs should be kicking in by 2024

Again, all Biden has to do is beat Trump
and all Trump has to do is be better than a cheap, walk mart, Chinese toaster.
Good dream but you will never see it and neither will America. Bidung is a walking disaster and you voted for that walking disaster. Congrats.
Keep telling yourself that. You voted for a walking disaster. Congrats.
I like my chances

Republicans scare me
Their embrace of wild, hard to believe conspiracies makes many of them unelectable.
Republicans running Trumpian and Q Candidates could cost them Congress in 2022 and the Presidency in2024
and all Trump has to do is be better than a cheap, walk mart, Chinese toaster.
Is he capable of it?
He is so easy to trigger

If his campaigning 2024 is built around people believing his stolen election claims, he will fail miserably
LMAO I think you regret that Bidung vote and just won't admit it.
Bidung's a walking disaster. Trump was a much better POTUS as he put America and Americans first.

Just keep telling yourself that Bidung could win in 2024 if he ran. Hell I doubt a Dem could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck after the three years of the Bidung/Kametoe shit show.

The price of everything is going up and we can thank Bidung for it. Congrats on your vote.

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