Republican pollster says Trump

Biden has added over two million jobs in just ten months while Trump LOST jobs over four years
Biden has a record stock market
Biden got us out of Afghanistan after 20 years
He passed COVID Stimulus helping millions of Americans

Lets look at the Trump Presidency

He destroyed the Paris Climate accord and Iran nuclear disarmament
He provided inept leadership during COVID
He launched an attack on Democracy after losing the election
this is why I never try to get involved in serious, honest debates. because most people aren't capable of it.

you immediately want to compare 4 years of trump to 9 months of Biden. That just doesn't work. Lets compare both POTUS first year.
after Biden serves 2 we can compare both of their first 2 years, and on an on.

so lets compare each of their first years ECONOMIC AND JOBS NUMBERS. Go.

oh, use FACTS like links to back up your claims. don't just pull bullshit out of your ass like you did above.
Biden has added over two million jobs in just ten months while Trump LOST jobs over four years

That's because businesses are opening up after Covid, something which Biden has very little control over...

Biden has a record stock market

And the next President will be able to make the same claim. The stock market, by and large, consistently goes up...

Biden got us out of Afghanistan after 20 years

And in doing so got 13 troops killed and left Americans behind. Yeah, he took us out, but it was a fucked up withdrawal and hardly one to be lauded...

He passed COVID Stimulus helping millions of Americans

My daughter received two checks while Trump was in office. She's received nothing since Biden was sworn in...

Lets look at the Trump Presidency

He destroyed the Paris Climate accord and Iran nuclear disarmament

Both were shitty deals for the United States. They needed to end...


Without a conviction, that's meaningless...

He provided inept leadership during COVID

He initially wanted to stop all travel to the United States from China, and the idiot left lost their collective mind. Anything Trump tried to do was met with resistance from the left...

He launched an attack on Democracy after losing the election

Well, that's just you being a drama queen...
I love idiotic "points" like this.

Clinton didn't win the election. Period. Had she done so, she would've been President, because that's what happens when you win an election. The popular vote doesn't determine who our President is. It never has. Only a truly ignorant simp belches up the "but she won the popular vote" argument...
He's referring to the accuracy of the polls, which they were. Don't shit your shorts over it.
He's referring to the accuracy of the polls, which they were. Don't shit your shorts over it.

The sad reality is there are far too many dipshits who believe Clinton should've been President because she won the popular vote...
That's because businesses are opening up after Covid, something which Biden has very little control over...

And the next President will be able to make the same claim. The stock market, by and large, consistently goes up...

And in doing so got 13 troops killed and left Americans behind. Yeah, he took us out, but it was a fucked up withdrawal and hardly one to be lauded...

My daughter received two checks while Trump was in office. She's received nothing since Biden was sworn in...

Both were shitty deals for the United States. They needed to end...

Without a conviction, that's meaningless...

He initially wanted to stop all travel to the United States from China, and the idiot left lost their collective mind. Anything Trump tried to do was met with resistance from the left...

Well, that's just you being a drama queen...
Revisionist history on your part

You were perfectly willing to accept Trump leveraging the Obama economy in jobs and the stock market.

Trumps legacy is that he was Impeached twice and his administration was subjected to an investigation on his dealings with Russia

History will not give him a pass just because Republicans were willing to look the other way.

His behavior after losing the election will solidify him as the worst modern President
There's no shortage of conservatives who don't believe the election was stolen. As for January 6, as much as I don't believe he ordered an insurrection, the truth of the matter is that it's going to be an ever-present shadow over the man. Trump lost supporters in the two months following the election, so much so that the idea of him winning the Presidency has become utterly laughable

The lowest point of the Republican Party was how outraged they were after Jan 6 and how quickly they returned to pandering to the whims of an unstable man.
They literally emerged from a protective bunker to vote to affirm Trump election fantasies.
As outraged as they were after Jan 6, they refused to hold Trump accountable and blocked Congressional investigations of the Capitol attack
The left CANNOT explain how the same constituency that removed 30 democrats from the house put Biden in the white house even with Trump gaining 10 million votes the second time around. Never in the history of our nation has the incumbent president LOST yet gained 30 seats in the house and 10 million more votes in total.

If something is too good to be true, it usually is.
will never be president again.

But before all you uber lefties wet your pants he also says this:

He said the rise of “squad leader” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reflected the Democratic Party’s desire for revenge via “woke politics”, something he warns against because of the long-term destruction it will cause to society.

And he said this about social media. Something I said on this board at least 10 years ago:

“[Social Media] is poisoning our minds, it’s an acid, it genuinely is toxic, it’s dividing us, it’s killing our attention span, it’s killing our ability to reason and most importantly we’re being fed 24/7 what we already believe and that’s the problem,” he said.
No one believes the polls. Therefore no one believes the pollsters. Thread closed.
The lowest point of the Republican Party was how outraged they were after Jan 6 and how quickly they returned to pandering to the whims of an unstable man.
They literally emerged from a protective bunker to vote to affirm Trump election fantasies.
As outraged as they were after Jan 6, they refused to hold Trump accountable and blocked Congressional investigations of the Capitol attack
Jan. 6th was a FBI false flag. The drama and the hype is ludicrous. If they want to get rid of Trump they will have to murder him just like they did with Babbitt.
will never be president again.

But before all you uber lefties wet your pants he also says this:

He said the rise of “squad leader” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reflected the Democratic Party’s desire for revenge via “woke politics”, something he warns against because of the long-term destruction it will cause to society.

And he said this about social media. Something I said on this board at least 10 years ago:

“[Social Media] is poisoning our minds, it’s an acid, it genuinely is toxic, it’s dividing us, it’s killing our attention span, it’s killing our ability to reason and most importantly we’re being fed 24/7 what we already believe and that’s the problem,” he said.
There will soon come a time that moderate Democrats are going to have to make a decision; whether they want to go the route of the leftist agenda or otherwise. There really is no “in between” with the far left and their demands. BTW- to say that the extreme left demands that their agenda be satisfied, with little to no compromise, is an understatement. The fiery rhetoric must impress some of their followers, but I think there are a lot of Democrats who really aren’t that impressed and do not support sinking our economy completely.
Luntz has been acting kind of weird lately. He gives an interview to a U.K. news outlet and claims that he doesn't feel like an American anymore. It's another case of buyers remorse. Luntz can't bring himself to support Biden and he is afraid to be criticized for supporting Trump so he leaves the Country.
The left CANNOT explain how the same constituency that removed 30 democrats from the house put Biden in the white house even with Trump gaining 10 million votes the second time around. Never in the history of our nation has the incumbent president LOST yet gained 30 seats in the house and 10 million more votes in total.

If something is too good to be true, it usually is.

I can explain

That Trump was tremendously unpopular and voters voted for local and State Republicans but not Trump

Trump gained votes only because 25 million more people voted. But his margin in the popular vote dropped by 4 million and more importantly, he lost five states that he won in 2016
The lowest point of the Republican Party was how outraged they were after Jan 6 and how quickly they returned to pandering to the whims of an unstable man.

In what way did they do that?

They literally emerged from a protective bunker to vote to affirm Trump election fantasies.

And how did they do that?

As outraged as they were after Jan 6, they refused to hold Trump accountable and blocked Congressional investigations of the Capitol attack

That's because Republicans, unlike non-thinking democrats, understand the concept of personal responsibility.

If I stand in front of you and tell you how should go destroy a government building, and then you go and destroy a government building, you shoulder 100% of the responsibility for that. Now, given that Trump never said anything like that, anything that mob decided to do they decided on their own...
That's because Republicans, unlike non-thinking democrats, understand the concept of personal responsibility.

That is a laugh
Republicans never accept personal responsibility

That is why they look the other way at Trump transgressions
Revisionist history on your part

Not hardly. You just can't accept the truth...

You were perfectly willing to accept Trump leveraging the Obama economy in jobs and the stock market.


Provide an example of me doing that, please...

Trumps legacy is that he was Impeached twice and his administration was subjected to an investigation on his dealings with Russia

Impeachment, while rare, is meaningless without a conviction. Basically it's an indictment and nothing more. Idiot libs like to trot out that he's been impeached twice, as if that means something damning, but they do you ever notice how they are loathe to mention that he was found... wait for it...



History will not give him a pass just because Republicans were willing to look the other way.

How'd they do that? By not subscribing to the idiocy that democrats presented during trials?

His behavior after losing the election will solidify him as the worst modern President
No it won't.

When judging him as a President, the intelligent, reasonable person looks at the period of his Presidency.

Using your pin-headed logic, Jimmy Carter was a great President because of what he's done with Habitat for Humanity when, in fact, he was largely a failed President when he was, you know, President...
That is a laugh
Republicans never accept personal responsibility

That is why they look the other way at Trump transgressions

What transgressions?

Saying "pussy"?

Idiot democrats need to start wrapping their pointed little heads around the fact that the reason Trump was acquitted twice was because there was not nearly enough evidence to support a guilty verdict.
What transgressions?
Trusting Putin more than our own Intelligence
Saying the US has killed as many political opponents as Putin
Extorting the President of Ukraine for personal gain
Lying about a stolen election
Pressuring local election officials to overturn the voters
Pressuring his VP to overturn the states

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