Republican Report on Jan 6. - Democrat Cover Up


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
I had a very simialr take on the Jan 6 event.
December 25, 2022

House Republicans report on Jan. 6​

By C.S. Boddie

House Republicans have released their own report on the infamous Capitol riot: “Report of Investigation: Security Failures at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021.”
Thank you to the five congressmen – Jim Banks, Rodney Davis, Jim Jordan, Kelly Armstrong, Troy Nehls -- who directed the preparation of the report, an excellent answer to the much-touted final report by the Democrats’ sham commission of many months.

If you needed to know where the republican committee will now focus, have no fear, they will be looking where Nancy Pelosi made invstigation off limits. That report was damming. The fact that there were democrat congress people actively fomenting the riot must be further explored. This means it was an active Coup DeT'at on a sitting US president. This means it was a conscious act of treason that caused the Jan 6 riot and nothing Trump did.

Actual report:
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Another damming aspect was the House SAA (Irving) briefed only the DEMOCRAT leaders. He told republicans NOTHING. This was a huge set up. This thing was planned by Pelosi and the DNC leadership. Heads need to roll in congress. This was a cover up for their own actions and for those of a few never Trumpers.
The Dems blew their wad, and Trump is still walking the streets a free man.

Now it's our tun.
Their own staffers point the finger directly at Pelosi in emails. This is going to get very interesting now that a change in control of congress is occurring. This is going to make the likes of Cheney and Kissinger out to be partisans and hateful actors. But with Biden in charge of the DOJ, do not expect criminal charges any time soon on these people.


The Dems surely did fool everybody with all those Trump flags! Who knew it was the Dems and their Martian accomplices?
The rest of his life... You people have been discovered as liars. The Jan 6 (democrat sham show) was an attempt to frame Trump. It was a gross abuse of power by the left. One I hope they are held accountable for.
I had considered that option, but it was too much to hope for, any time soon.
I had a very simialr take on the Jan 6 event.

If you needed to know where the republican committee will now focus, have no fear, they will be looking where Nancy Pelosi made invstigation off limits. That report was damming. The fact that there were democrat congress people actively fomenting the riot must be further explored. This means it was an active Coup DeT'at on a sitting US president. This means it was a conscious act of treason that caused the Jan 6 riot and nothing Trump did.

Actual report:
No one cares. We all saw what happened that day on live TV. No amount of Republican hand wringing will change this.

What the coming Republican show trials will do however, is ensure the beginnings of one party rule in 2024. Republicans
can thank whatever god they believe in that the Senate map favors them in 2024. Otherwise, they'd be looking at a total loss. :)

When did it all go sideways for the Republican party???..oh yeah, the night a black man was elected President. :)
No one cares. We all saw what happened that day on live TV. No amount of Republican hand wringing will change this.

What the coming Republican show trials will do however, is ensure the beginnings of one party rule in 2024. Republicans
can thank whatever god they believe in that the Senate map favors them in 2024. Otherwise, they'd be looking at a total loss. :)

When did it all go sideways for the Republican party???..oh yeah, the night a black man was elected President. :)
Ignoring that you set it up and caused it all, then blaming Trump..... RIGHTttttttttttt Moron..
Another damming aspect was the House SAA (Irving) briefed only the DEMOCRAT leaders. He told republicans NOTHING. This was a huge set up. This thing was planned by Pelosi and the DNC leadership. Heads need to roll in congress. This was a cover up for their own actions and for those of a few never Trumpers.
WTF--I mean you get this from a report in which only Republicans participated. I mean how hypocritical is it to crow for months on end that the January 6 committee, which had Republican members, was a Democrat sham show. But now, a Republican committee, with no Democrats, suddenly produces a believable report.

Where was the adversarial component? Like one of you numbnuts said. Democrats did not have the opportunity to cross examine witnesses, did not have the ability to introduce witnesses. Honestly, the report was a croc of shit. One of the key findings, that the Capital police were undermanned, undertrained, and ill equipped. I mean how can these Republicans stand behind that when this is the reality,

Not a damn one of the Republican's voted to fund the capital police. And the whole thing with Pelosi, laughable. Yes, the House Sergeant at Arms coordinated with Pelosi. But damn, Congress has two Sergeant at Arms. The one in the Senate coordinated with McConnell. Where is the call to have McConnell investigated. Hell, I don't even think he is even mentioned in the entire report, as if there is only one Sergeant at Arms. Of course, Stenger, who had testified previously that the role of "professional agitators" should be examined. Now who do you think could have funded those professional agitators? And low and behold, Stenger mysteriously DIED before the January 6 committee could hear from him.
Ignoring that you set it up and caused it all, then blaming Trump..... RIGHTttttttttttt Moron..
It's quaint and amusing you believe that. I'm sure you believe Ray Epps had a hand in it as well. :)

Nope. Sorry. It was your boy and him alone. But please, continue to place your support behind him.
One party rule in 2026, here we come. :auiqs.jpg:
How long do you think he will remain a free man?

  1. FIFTY-ONE federal, criminal and civil investigations over just seven years.
  2. Two impeachments.
  3. Wiretapped.
  4. Spied on.
  5. Leaked.
  6. 98% of the MSM running full time anti-Trump propaganda.
  7. Two year J6 committee.
  8. FBI break-in and raid on his home, planned while he was out of state.
  9. Seized tax records for many years.
  10. Seized bank records for many years.
  11. Seized business records for many years.
  12. Seized personal documents.
  13. Fifteen various associates threatened, harassed, spied on, attacked, followed, and raided.
  14. Multi-state investigations.
  15. Dozens of politicians staking and basing their careers on "getting" him.
Trump still walks a FREE MAN without so much as even a parking ticket against him.

Off hand, I'd say, F O R E V E R. :auiqs.jpg:

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