EXPLOSIVE REPORT: Army Official Says Mark Milley Delayed National Guard Response to Jan 6 ‘Then Lied About It’.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
If Trump wins this November, then after he is sworn in on January 20, 2025, he should recall Milley to active duty and have the guy court-martialed.

Colonel Earl G. Matthews, senior legal adviser to Major General William J. Walker, who commanded the Washington D.C. National Guard on January 6th, 2021, has blamed former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley for letting the protest get out of hand. The colonel compared the now-retired Milley to the murderous Don Emilio Barzini, who served as Don Vito Corleone’s arch-nemesis in The Godfather.

“Milley controlled the Army,” Matthews told reporter Neil McCabe, arguing that while the Joint Chiefs boss lacked legal authority within the chain of command, he instead leveraged his profound influence and contacts in the Pentagon to delay the Guard’s response.

“The problem was not with Donald Trump; it’s Mark Milley and the Army leadership in control. They stopped the Guard from coming then lied about it and said the Guard acted at sprint speed,” Matthews explained.

“Milley is the Don Barzini of the Deep State… the most powerful chairman of the joint chiefs in history,” he continued. “It was Milley all along, and I didn’t realize it. Milley was manipulating this entire stuff from point start.”

“This is about civilian control of the military. There was none. There is none. I argue that — Mark Milley had more control over the D.C. Guard on Jan. 6 than Donald Trump did — if Donald Trump wanted to call the Guard to go to the Capitol, Milley wouldn’t let him do it.”

Maj. Gen. Walker, who commanded the D.C. Guard until April 2021, previously testified that he asked the Army leadership to authorize the deployment of the Guard as soon as then-Chief of U.S. Capitol Police Steven Sund requested it, but he was kept waiting for three hours and 19 minutes.

Where do you come up with your sources. You would be better off going to an insane asylum and ask residents their opinion.

  • Overall, we rate The National Pulse Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, affiliation with a known questionable group, and several failed fact checks.
Where do you come up with your sources. You would be better off going to an insane asylum and ask residents their opinion.

  • Overall, we rate The National Pulse Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, affiliation with a known questionable group, and several failed fact checks.
Amazing the MSNBC didn’t pick this up, amiright??
This is a matter of opinion and arm chair quarterbacking

The generals were concern with having the military get involved with the J6 riot without the president calling them in

Yeah imagine military showing up without trump or congress calling them in to restore order

Trump could have called for them to step in as many president have order the military to do things for example in Syria, and Afghanistan to name a few. And yes he would never do it against his own supporters.

Then there is the argument that can the president do this.

The legality of a U.S. President authorizing military actions without prior congressional approval was questioned by some in the administrations of every President who had order a strike by the military

1 pm the first wave arrives at the capitol building

2:38 trump is busy tweeting for support for the police and law enforcement.

3 Pm they are in the capitol bldg

3:11 p.m. Calls are made to trump to tell them to go home​

So he is given the chose to talk them out of it or he could call the guard or the armed forces

3:36 Trump calls in the guard (wow such a coward) No balls to go tell his people to break it off in person.

So where talking about a 2 and half hour window to call in the army but the national guard was called in instead.

The whistleblower is blowing it out his ass
If MSNBC says something I check with other less bias news sources to check.

MAGA relies on exreme rightwing sources. Even FOX is enough to the right.

You wouldn't dare check a source that was no extreme right. It would upset your Trump fantasy world.
How do we know that Col Matthews is a real person, amiright??
A mostly peaceful protest? Yep, you drama queens need to get over it.

People peacefully assembled, who had flash bangs fired into them from above. Injuring several people.

Meanwhile, in June 2020, dozens of Secret Service and other law enforcement injured by crazed rioters in Lafayette Park and very near the White House and Merrick Garland settled their lawsuits.

This is a matter of opinion and arm chair quarterbacking

The generals were concern with having the military get involved with the J6 riot without the president calling them in

Yeah imagine military showing up without trump or congress calling them in to restore order

Trump could have called for them to step in as many president have order the military to do things for example in Syria, and Afghanistan to name a few. And yes he would never do it against his own supporters.

Then there is the argument that can the president do this.

The legality of a U.S. President authorizing military actions without prior congressional approval was questioned by some in the administrations of every President who had order a strike by the military

1 pm the first wave arrives at the capitol building

2:38 trump is busy tweeting for support for the police and law enforcement.

3 Pm they are in the capitol bldg

3:11 p.m. Calls are made to trump to tell them to go home​

So he is given the chose to talk them out of it or he could call the guard or the armed forces

3:36 Trump calls in the guard (wow such a coward) No balls to go tell his people to break it off in person.

So where talking about a 2 and half hour window to call in the army but the national guard was called in instead.

The whistleblower is blowing it out his ass

I remember when all you Trump haters just luuuuuuved whistleblowers, even if they were anonymous! :laugh:

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