Rep Paul Gosar R-AZ Suggests General Milley Should Be Hung In Recent Newsletter to Constituents


Besides....“Well, first of all, that statement by the president is horrible. It’s intolerable. It should be condemned by everybody, right, left, Republican, Democrat. Right?” Esper told MSNBC’s Katy Tur." (That's Trumpyberra's Sec of Defense talking there)

"One of the two events that I think the president referenced was a call he made to China in October 2020, where he warned them, if you will. I think the allegation is that he gave them information, or something.”

But Esper said he had reached out to the Chinese first due to concerns about how they were taking some of Trump’s rhetoric.

“And my view was, I did not want a mishap, an imperception to lead to some kind of conflict in the South China Sea, between the United States and China,” Esper said, continuing:

".....I directed General Milley to to reach out to his counterpart as well, to send the same message that, ‘Nothing going on here. We have no aims against you, that it’s going to be steady as she goes,’ and that’s what we did typically in these types of situations."

America hating scum are repeating the Trumpybears lies.
No, Trump wasn't paid for by China. Like the Clintons, Obama, and Biden. Trump was finally going to make us competitive with China on manufacturing goods. You're the American hating scum.
Senator Schumer threatened every conservative Justice on the Supreme Court and authorized and encouraged a mob to surround the homes of conservative Justices. It could be argued that Sumer's speech resulted in an assassination attempt on Justice Kav. Nobody blamed Schumer and the media forgot about it. Whatever Gosar said was a throwaway comment and immediately picked up by Soros Media Matters and thrown to spin doctors in the media.. Ain't there more pressing issues in politics to deal with?
Gosar has been known for years for making shocking statements, but this guy has become totally unhinged. This man's conduct is unbecoming of a member of Congress. We need to purge the extremists on both sides of the aisle and send adults to D.C.

Does MAGA find this behavior acceptable?

After the riot was in full swing, the Chief’s request for National Guard was finally approved. But even after approval was given, General Milley, the homosexual-promoting-BLM-activist Chairman of the military joint chiefs, delayed. Of course, we now know that the deviant Milley was coordinating with Nancy Pelosi to hurt President Trump, and treasonously working behind Trump’s back. In a better society, quislings like the strange sodomy-promoting General Milley would be hung. He had one boss: President Trump, and instead he was secretly meeting with Pelosi and coordinating with her to hurt Trump.

What was so shocking about his comments on Milley?
See? Violent psychopath.

At this point, the only issue is why Trump cultists are such damaged human beings. If we find out, maybe we can stop it from happening.

Hawk, I'm sure that as a child, you didn't plan to be a whiny psycho when you grew up. What went wrong?
I think you should goto the next Maga rally and conduct your investigation. You'll likely wind up in a ditch but hey, that's OK too.
CHairman o the joint chiefs IS part of the chain of command you moron
Gen. Milley: (40:51)

"Later that same day on 8 January, Speaker of the House Pelosi called me to inquire about the president’s ability to launch nuclear weapons.

There are processes, protocols, and procedures in place, and I repeatedly assured her that there is no chance of an illegal, unauthorized, or accidental launch. By presidential directive and secretary defense directives, the chairman is part of the process to ensure the president is fully informed when determining the use of the world’s deadliest weapons. By law, I am not in the chain of command, and I know that. However, by presidential directive and DOD instruction, I am in the chain of communication to fulfill my legal statutory role as the president’s primary military advisor.

Senator Schumer threatened every conservative Justice on the Supreme Court and authorized and encouraged a mob to surround the homes of conservative Justices. It could be argued that Sumer's speech resulted in an assassination attempt on Justice Kav. Nobody blamed Schumer and the media forgot about it. Whatever Gosar said was a throwaway comment and immediately picked up by Soros Media Matters and thrown to spin doctors in the media.. Ain't there more pressing issues in politics to deal with?
No one accepts your argument. Bunch of nonsense. Deal with more pressing issues, please.
What a fucking cop-out weak sauce deflection!!!!
You demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are pathetic HYPOCRITES with your gaslight DOUBLE STANDARD BULLSHIT!!!!
Milley made it clear to the President what would happen if he tried to use the military wrongfully. That's the truth not gaslighting.
Gosar has been known for years for making shocking statements, but this guy has become totally unhinged. This man's conduct is unbecoming of a member of Congress. We need to purge the extremists on both sides of the aisle and send adults to D.C.

Does MAGA find this behavior acceptable?

After the riot was in full swing, the Chief’s request for National Guard was finally approved. But even after approval was given, General Milley, the homosexual-promoting-BLM-activist Chairman of the military joint chiefs, delayed. Of course, we now know that the deviant Milley was coordinating with Nancy Pelosi to hurt President Trump, and treasonously working behind Trump’s back. In a better society, quislings like the strange sodomy-promoting General Milley would be hung. He had one boss: President Trump, and instead he was secretly meeting with Pelosi and coordinating with her to hurt Trump.

Traitors used to be hung. We've got Milley who called his Chinese counterpart and told him if the US was going to invade, he would warn China. Then we've got Menendez who was selling state secrets to Egypt.

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