Republican Report on Jan 6. - Democrat Cover Up

I had a very simialr take on the Jan 6 event.

If you needed to know where the republican committee will now focus, have no fear, they will be looking where Nancy Pelosi made invstigation off limits. That report was damming. The fact that there were democrat congress people actively fomenting the riot must be further explored. This means it was an active Coup DeT'at on a sitting US president. This means it was a conscious act of treason that caused the Jan 6 riot and nothing Trump did.

Actual report:
The Republicans will ignore it
The Republicans will ignore it
I hope not. They need to get on with governing and hold these traitors accountable at the same time.
I can see Trump forming a new party of sorts as the establishment Republicans are nothing more than the second head of the democrat party snake that is driving towards one world government.
I had a very simialr take on the Jan 6 event.

If you needed to know where the republican committee will now focus, have no fear, they will be looking where Nancy Pelosi made invstigation off limits. That report was damming. The fact that there were democrat congress people actively fomenting the riot must be further explored. This means it was an active Coup DeT'at on a sitting US president. This means it was a conscious act of treason that caused the Jan 6 riot and nothing Trump did.

Actual report:
Nancy Pelosi underestimating the violent intention of Trump’s mob isn’t the scandal you think it is.
Another damming aspect was the House SAA (Irving) briefed only the DEMOCRAT leaders. He told republicans NOTHING. This was a huge set up. This thing was planned by Pelosi and the DNC leadership. Heads need to roll in congress. This was a cover up for their own actions and for those of a few never Trumpers.

I don't think anything will happen. Reps can't investigate Dems without exposing their dirty laundry.
Meanwhile, Pelosi is making sure there are no records left to investigate. Clinton, bleachbit style.

At the end, they will agree not to investigate each other, and pass another gazillion dollar spending bill to celebrate.


The Dems surely did fool everybody with all those Trump flags! Who knew it was the Dems and their Martian accomplices?
I knew.

I had a very simialr take on the Jan 6 event.

If you needed to know where the republican committee will now focus, have no fear, they will be looking where Nancy Pelosi made invstigation off limits. That report was damming. The fact that there were democrat congress people actively fomenting the riot must be further explored. This means it was an active Coup DeT'at on a sitting US president. This means it was a conscious act of treason that caused the Jan 6 riot and nothing Trump did.

Actual report:

There was nothing damning about the Republican report. It was a piece of fiction and that is all. No democrats were involved. It was Trump supporters.
Another damming aspect was the House SAA (Irving) briefed only the DEMOCRAT leaders. He told republicans NOTHING. This was a huge set up. This thing was planned by Pelosi and the DNC leadership. Heads need to roll in congress. This was a cover up for their own actions and for those of a few never Trumpers.

You are another lunatic from a insane asylum. It is Republicans who are trying to hide their complicity.
Their own staffers point the finger directly at Pelosi in emails. This is going to get very interesting now that a change in control of congress is occurring. This is going to make the likes of Cheney and Kissinger out to be partisans and hateful actors. But with Biden in charge of the DOJ, do not expect criminal charges any time soon on these people.

They do no such thing. Pelosi is not in charge of security. The capitol policer was. There will be no criminal charges because no crimes were committed.
Ignoring that you set it up and caused it all, then blaming Trump..... RIGHTttttttttttt Moron..

Ignoring the fact that you are a refugee from a insane asylum. No one framed Trump. His cabinet resigned en masse because they knew he was responsible and said so.
  1. FIFTY-ONE federal, criminal and civil investigations over just seven years.
  2. Two impeachments.
  3. Wiretapped.
  4. Spied on.
  5. Leaked.
  6. 98% of the MSM running full time anti-Trump propaganda.
  7. Two year J6 committee.
  8. FBI break-in and raid on his home, planned while he was out of state.
  9. Seized tax records for many years.
  10. Seized bank records for many years.
  11. Seized business records for many years.
  12. Seized personal documents.
  13. Fifteen various associates threatened, harassed, spied on, attacked, followed, and raided.
  14. Multi-state investigations.
  15. Dozens of politicians staking and basing their careers on "getting" him.
Trump still walks a FREE MAN without so much as even a parking ticket against him.

Off hand, I'd say, F O R E V E R. :auiqs.jpg:
Quite a list. Couldn't happen to a more deserving piece of crap than Donnie.
They do no such thing. Pelosi is not in charge of security. The capitol policer was. There will be no criminal charges because no crimes were committed.

Pelosi is, in fact, in charge of Capitol Police. If she isn't why she was having meetings with Capitol Police on Jan 3, and what was the purpose of that meeting?

Both the House and Senate sergeants-at-arms are elected and confirmed by their respective chambers. They report to the heads of those chambers on Jan. 6, that was Pelosi and McConnell.

For the sake of argument, answer the question, would you report to someone who is not your superior?
Couldn't happen to a more deserving piece of crap than Donnie.

Just what makes Donnie a piece of crap?
  1. Did he kill the energy sector driving up fuel costs? No, Joe did.
  2. Did he have a major embarrassing fallout in Afghan leaving 30 billion in weapons behind causing many deaths? No, Joe did.
  3. Did he run on getting Covid right and ending it by 7/21? No, Joe did.
  4. Did he drag us into a proxy war we have no vital interest in? No, Joe did.
  5. Is his family involved in shameful backroom deals for personal gain with our worse enemies? No, Joe's family did.
  6. Is Trump involved in countless child abuse, family and sex scandals? No, Joe is.
  7. Did Trump use the IRS, FBI and DOJ as weapons against opponents? No, Joe did.
  8. Is Trump central to many election fraud suspicions? No, Joe is.
  9. Did Trump preside over soaring inflation, broken infrastructure, and destabilized foreign relations? No, Joe did.
  10. Has Trump destabilized the nation with millions of illegals flagrantly brought in against federal law costing us trillions in property damage and care? No, Joe did.
  11. And has Trump enabled billions in drug trade leading to 80,000 deaths a year? No, Joe did.
And that is the short list.

So I ask you again, what makes TRump any particular piece of crap beyond your just not liking him? And be careful---
be sure anything you name isn't something Biden isn't guilty of as well, if not a lot worse!
Quite a list. Couldn't happen to a more deserving piece of crap than Donnie.
Yep....Democrats can't win unless they cheat in elections or use the courts against us.

They can't win with their ideas.....because their ideas are just give all of our money to the rest of world and fuck Americans.

Quite a list. Couldn't happen to a more deserving piece of crap than Donnie.
And all of them were contrived and false accusations... Wow.. you have an extremely low bar of acceptance for what is being called lies and attempted framing by fraud. I guess you're one of those who believes the ends justifies the means.... Get Trump... And yet the real piece of crap is Biden and democrats tearing apart the fabric of America as founded. Truly sad to have stooped so low...
That is why they called on so many people who had nothing to do with the events. That is how a witch hunt works.
In a legal hearing that gives the accused Due Process, each accusation is presented as one side and the accused and his attorney are allowed to respond to it. In this joke, only one side of each claim was presented. In a legal hearing, each side is allowed to present it's own witnesses and documents, but not in a staged witchhunt like this.

In a legal hearing, the whole process takes place under the supervision of an independent judge, not a member of the opposing political party. The verdict comes from jurors who are chosen under the supervision of both prosecution and defense, with their approval, not from a bunch of people from the opposing party chosen by the prosecutor. Everyone on the committee voted to impeach Donald Trump.
And all of them were contrived and false accusations... Wow.. you have an extremely low bar of acceptance for what is being called lies and attempted framing by fraud. I guess you're one of those who believes the ends justifies the means.... Get Trump... And yet the real piece of crap is Biden and democrats tearing apart the fabric of America as founded. Truly sad to have stooped so low...
I know you don't like Joe, but who cares. With Dems (Joe included), you know you can vote them out. That trump cocksucker tried to end free elections as we know it. Trump tried to get his VP to go against the Constitution to do it. That anti-American Donnie asshole gathered a mass of protestors in Washington to attack the capital. Fuck that traitor. We almost didn't get to vote him out.
I don't get it. He's 76 and fully vaccinated. How come the covid vaccine clots, you guys warn about haven't taken his ass out already? It couldn't be a day too soon.
In a legal hearing, the whole process takes place under the supervision of an independent judge, not a member of the opposing political party. The
You will get your wish soon enough
When the trial starts, Don the con can take the stand and defend himself under oath

Of course by then, you will support not defending and taking the 5th.

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