Republican senate votes to deregulate Obama rules on corporations selling data of their customers


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
So why again do you dumbasses vote republican?

Senate votes to undo privacy rules that protect user data

"The regulations would have required a company like Verizon to get approval before telling an advertiser what websites customers visited, what apps they used, their health and financial information, or their physical location. Under the regulations, many more people likely would have chosen not to allow their data to be shared than if they had to take an extra step of asking a company to stop sharing or selling their information."
In an ideal world, we would boycott corporations that sold our data without consent. Complacency is the enemy of direct action, and Americans have become irreversibly complacent under their current political system.
Don't do business on-line.

Problem solved.

That's one way to make the American economy non-competitive.
The whole point of doing away with regulations is to increase competition and decrease burdensome bureaucracy requirements.

Do you think there are privacy requirements for consumers in China? Japan? Korea? Vietnam? India? Brazil?

Do you think consumers there even care?



Your first comment was more intelligent, stick with that one.
The whole point of doing away with regulations is to increase competition and decrease burdensome bureaucracy requirements.

What are you even talking about, dumbass? You just told people to not do business online. Ecommerce is important to a competitive economy.
Don't do business on-line.

Problem solved.
Are you that much of a pawn that you don't criticize republicans for any reason?

Of course I do, when they need it, they'll get it.

The thing is, these rules don't apply to Facebook or Google, only your ISP. It is an uneven playing field.

I suppose, for the individual consumer, if you never use Google or FB, then yes, this is a travesty, a terrible injury.

But seriously, why should the government protect the consumer and ISP's, picking winners and loosers? Do you really think with the Republicans in control of the government you are going to get more regulations when Facebook's entire business model is about data mining?

Pick. Either this gets repealed, or they pass a law that outlaws Facebook.
The whole point of doing away with regulations is to increase competition and decrease burdensome bureaucracy requirements.

What are you even talking about, dumbass? You just told people to not do business online. Ecommerce is important to a competitive economy.

That was in response to the individual that was clearly concerned about their privacy.

The mass media is using emotional appeal to mobilize the electorate, rather than a balanced and reasoned approach to both sides of the issue.

In response to YOUR argument on the competition issue, I was making the remark, that this is what this move is all about.
Don't do business on-line.

Problem solved.
Are you that much of a pawn that you don't criticize republicans for any reason?

Of course I do, when they need it, they'll get it.

The thing is, these rules don't apply to Facebook or Google, only your ISP. It is an uneven playing field.

I suppose, for the individual consumer, if you never use Google or FB, then yes, this is a travesty, a terrible injury.

But seriously, why should the government protect the consumer and ISP's, picking winners and loosers? Do you really think with the Republicans in control of the government you are going to get more regulations when Facebook's entire business model is about data mining?

Pick. Either this gets repealed, or they pass a law that outlaws Facebook.
You just pull these rationalizations out of your ass. You'll say anything to defend what repubs do. It's pathetic.
Don't do business on-line.

Problem solved.
Are you that much of a pawn that you don't criticize republicans for any reason?

Of course I do, when they need it, they'll get it.

The thing is, these rules don't apply to Facebook or Google, only your ISP. It is an uneven playing field.

I suppose, for the individual consumer, if you never use Google or FB, then yes, this is a travesty, a terrible injury.

But seriously, why should the government protect the consumer and ISP's, picking winners and loosers? Do you really think with the Republicans in control of the government you are going to get more regulations when Facebook's entire business model is about data mining?

Pick. Either this gets repealed, or they pass a law that outlaws Facebook.
You just pull these rationalizations out of your ass. You'll say anything to defend what repubs do. It's pathetic.

No, actually it's based on logic and careful analysis.

Senate votes to kill FCC's broadband privacy rules
The Senate action would allow broadband providers to sell customer data and browser histories without permission, critics say.
Senate votes to kill FCC's broadband privacy rules

"But critics of the rules say they are expensive to ISPs and subject them to tough privacy regulations not imposed on web-based companies like Google and Facebook. The FCC's sister agency, the Federal Trade Commission, can bring privacy complaints against web-based companies that aren't ISPs, but the FTC doesn't create privacy regulations, instead typically taking action on a case-by-case basis when companies violate their own privacy promises.

The FCC rules are confusing and costly and "make the internet an uneven playing field," said Senator Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican and Senate majority leader.

The IPS privacy regulations are "burdensome rules that hurt more than they help," added Senator John Cornyn, a Texas Republican."

So which is it?

Should these rules be extended to Google and Facebook, or should they be repealed?

I really don't care either way. Choose, but don't be a freakin' hypocrite. It's what statists do best. They love to use the force of government to choose winners and losers.

I'm willing to bet you have never even read the TOS or EULA of any site. Have you read them for this site?
Should these rules be extended to Google and Facebook, or should they be repealed?
One doesn't have to use either of those sites. I do not permit facebook on my devices and use Google occasionally, banishing it from my devices when not actually using it. One has to use an ISP unless one has one's own domain.
Should these rules be extended to Google and Facebook, or should they be repealed?
One doesn't have to use either of those sites. I do not permit facebook on my devices and use Google occasionally, banishing it from my devices when not actually using it. One has to use an ISP unless one has one's own domain.
Which ISP do the Amish use?
Should these rules be extended to Google and Facebook, or should they be repealed?
One doesn't have to use either of those sites. I do not permit facebook on my devices and use Google occasionally, banishing it from my devices when not actually using it. One has to use an ISP unless one has one's own domain.
Which ISP do the Amish use?
Seriously though, I understand what you are saying, you want the government to unfairly promote one type of business over another, b/c you have figured out how to stop one type from inconveniencing you. That's nice.

Self interest.

Not so nice for the business though.

Use the governments guns to enforce your will and the will of Google and Facebook then.

All I am saying is, I don't see much difference.
So why again do you dumbasses vote republican?

Senate votes to undo privacy rules that protect user data

"The regulations would have required a company like Verizon to get approval before telling an advertiser what websites customers visited, what apps they used, their health and financial information, or their physical location. Under the regulations, many more people likely would have chosen not to allow their data to be shared than if they had to take an extra step of asking a company to stop sharing or selling their information."
obama exec order 12333
Don't do business on-line.

Problem solved.
Are you that much of a pawn that you don't criticize republicans for any reason?

Of course I do, when they need it, they'll get it.

The thing is, these rules don't apply to Facebook or Google, only your ISP. It is an uneven playing field.

I suppose, for the individual consumer, if you never use Google or FB, then yes, this is a travesty, a terrible injury.

But seriously, why should the government protect the consumer and ISP's, picking winners and loosers? Do you really think with the Republicans in control of the government you are going to get more regulations when Facebook's entire business model is about data mining?

Pick. Either this gets repealed, or they pass a law that outlaws Facebook.
You just pull these rationalizations out of your ass. You'll say anything to defend what repubs do. It's pathetic.
So sez the escapee from democratic underground

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