Republican Senators are Blocking Al Franken’s Bill To Improve Mental Health Services


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Mark this well, gun clutching mutants. If it is, as you say, that we need "access to mental health services" then it is the GOP that is denying those services. And the denial of those services is, in your parlance, getting people killed. We can lay that at the feet of Republican legislators

Two right-wing Senators are blocking a bipartisan mental health bill that would provide 40 million dollars to extend funding for mental health courts for five years, establish more crisis intervention teams to cooperate with law enforcement officers, and provide more extensive mental health screening for veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress. The Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Act, co-sponsored by Senator Al Franken (D-MN) and Representative Rich Nugent (R-FL), enjoys broad bi-partisan support.

Republican Senators are Blocking Al Franken’s Bill To Improve Mental Health Services
Conservatives who oppose gun control often argue that instead we need to do something about mentally ill people who become killers, yet when given the opportunity to approve of expanding mental services, conservative lawmakers like Lee and Coburn refuse to fulfill their obligation to do so. Mike Lee is a repeat offender. The Utah Senator joined Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) in April by refusing to reauthorize and improve federal programs related to mental health and substance use disorders.
If diaper boy Al Franken had anything to do with this 40 million dollars you know it was bad.
Liberals are the only ones who need the mental health services
Come on, we ALL know that if the mentally ill were helped the GOP could lose two thirds of their base.
I don't believe republicans are actually opposed to mental health care, but they are opposed to Franken, so mental healthcare will just have to wait. Typical right wing tactic.
Who is paying for all this mental health care and how many riders and pork is attached to it.

Dread is on the right track.
No, what we have said is that we need to lock up dangerously crazy people.

More money won't do that. We need to relax the laws on locking up people against their will.
Mark this well, gun clutching mutants. If it is, as you say, that we need "access to mental health services" then it is the GOP that is denying those services. And the denial of those services is, in your parlance, getting people killed. We can lay that at the feet of Republican legislators

Two right-wing Senators are blocking a bipartisan mental health bill that would provide 40 million dollars to extend funding for mental health courts for five years, establish more crisis intervention teams to cooperate with law enforcement officers, and provide more extensive mental health screening for veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress. The Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Act, co-sponsored by Senator Al Franken (D-MN) and Representative Rich Nugent (R-FL), enjoys broad bi-partisan support.

Republican Senators are Blocking Al Franken’s Bill To Improve Mental Health Services

You are a left wing nutjob, I don't trust you or Al Frankin to speak the truth. I'd have to look somewhere else to get the truth of it. Likely they have a very good reason to block it. I mean probably the fact that Frankin's name is on it means that there is something fishy going on that you arent telling us.
Bad news for goono, whose family needs all the free MENTAL health services they can get their hands on.
Mark this well, gun clutching mutants. If it is, as you say, that we need "access to mental health services" then it is the GOP that is denying those services. And the denial of those services is, in your parlance, getting people killed. We can lay that at the feet of Republican legislators

Two right-wing Senators are blocking a bipartisan mental health bill that would provide 40 million dollars to extend funding for mental health courts for five years, establish more crisis intervention teams to cooperate with law enforcement officers, and provide more extensive mental health screening for veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress. The Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Act, co-sponsored by Senator Al Franken (D-MN) and Representative Rich Nugent (R-FL), enjoys broad bi-partisan support.

Republican Senators are Blocking Al Franken’s Bill To Improve Mental Health Services

Yeah….read the fine print…..never, ever trust a left wing democrat…….read my signature line to find out why…..
Mark this well, gun clutching mutants. If it is, as you say, that we need "access to mental health services" then it is the GOP that is denying those services. And the denial of those services is, in your parlance, getting people killed. We can lay that at the feet of Republican legislators

Two right-wing Senators are blocking a bipartisan mental health bill that would provide 40 million dollars to extend funding for mental health courts for five years, establish more crisis intervention teams to cooperate with law enforcement officers, and provide more extensive mental health screening for veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress. The Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Act, co-sponsored by Senator Al Franken (D-MN) and Representative Rich Nugent (R-FL), enjoys broad bi-partisan support.

Republican Senators are Blocking Al Franken’s Bill To Improve Mental Health Services

As if anyone can trust that sick sack of shit Franken.

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