Republican vs. Democrat...What are the primary platforms, ideologies and differences?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Lets assume you have teenagers asking you to explain the core belief systems of the Parties to them. How do you explain the Parties in short yet detailed?
Dems wanna make everything free. Good only cares about the top earners and their beloved corporatists. Easy enough.
I have explained it to both of my kids.

The two parties are fundamentally the same, only separated by a few social issues. Both the DNC and the GOP support larger government, spending more money than the country brings in and increased interference in our lives.

The only differ on where the money should be spent and which part of our lives they want to control.
I have explained it to both of my kids.

The two parties are fundamentally the same, only separated by a few social issues. Both the DNC and the GOP support larger government, spending more money than the country brings in and increased interference in our lives.

The only differ on where the money should be spent and which part of our lives they want to control.

That said, do you suggest they not waste their time voting?
I have explained it to both of my kids.

The two parties are fundamentally the same, only separated by a few social issues. Both the DNC and the GOP support larger government, spending more money than the country brings in and increased interference in our lives.

The only differ on where the money should be spent and which part of our lives they want to control.

That said, do you suggest they not waste their time voting?

I suggest they do as they feel led to do, my son is only 17 but cannot wait to vote, he also favors more government intervention in our lives than I do.

My 24 year old also choose to vote, is less into caring about politics.

One thing I have never done was force them to believe in a certain way or attack their views because they were different than mine.
I have explained it to both of my kids.

The two parties are fundamentally the same, only separated by a few social issues. Both the DNC and the GOP support larger government, spending more money than the country brings in and increased interference in our lives.

The only differ on where the money should be spent and which part of our lives they want to control.

Do you get into the smaller stuff such as Party philosophy from a societal standpoint?
Dems glamorizing abortions
Resist accountability
Promote lawlessness
Push for decriminalization
Discontent for American sovereignty
In the end politics isn't all that important. People don't have time to care and we can't blame them for their apathy.
Lets assume you have teenagers asking you to explain the core belief systems of the Parties to them. How do you explain the Parties in short yet detailed?

Dems bad, period. Reps not-so-bad, yet. Some Reps are Dems, but no Dems are Reps.

Get educated, kids, and you'll understand.
Everything can be going down the creek, not much conversation about anything but what Trump or one of our loud new congress persons said today, & of course guns & abortion.
In the end politics isn't all that important. People don't have time to care and we can't blame them for their apathy.

I disagree...BIG TIME
Minimal interest and participation in politics is what has fucked the GOP over...or should I say how Conservatives fucked themselves over.
Conservatives sat on their hands and looked the other way for decades while MTV and other filth took control of our youth and began their institutional programming. Conservatives built the Left by way of doing nothing to combat their filth....Fuck, the sorry nutless bastards couldn’t even keep God, being white and heterosexuality cool in a white heterosexual Christian founded, funded and run nation....WTF!
Democrat illegal immigration platform

Sneak into America
Obtain services like healthcare and welfare paid for by Americans
Vote for anti American globalist Democrats who aid and abet illegal immigrants
Victimize Americans
Get deported from America
Do you get into the smaller stuff such as Party philosophy from a societal standpoint?
Dems glamorizing abortions
Resist accountability
Promote lawlessness
Push for decriminalization
Discontent for American sovereignty

Meaningless talking points.

Dems use abortions for political again, as do the Repubs. The Dems do not glamorize them, that is just stupid.

Neither party stands for accountability, both blame the other side for their own many times have you posted on this forum "well, if they are going to act that way then so are we" It is a common theme among the partisans.

Yes the Dems do push for decriminalization of things that do not need to be criminal, one of the few area where they are for smaller government. Nobody should ever been in jail for possession of marijuana, as it should not be illegal and there is no good sound reason that is is not legal and booze is.
I have explained it to both of my kids.

The two parties are fundamentally the same, only separated by a few social issues. Both the DNC and the GOP support larger government, spending more money than the country brings in and increased interference in our lives.

The only differ on where the money should be spent and which part of our lives they want to control.

Do you get into the smaller stuff such as Party philosophy from a societal standpoint?
Dems glamorizing abortions
Resist accountability
Promote lawlessness
Push for decriminalization
Discontent for American sovereignty

Why don't you focus on the conservative agenda since you haven't the foggiest clue about what liberals are about.

Democrats don't "glamorize" abortions, and it's not the Dems who are refusing to allow Congressional oversight. Trump is the guy who refuses to be held accoutable for anything. There is no such thing as "American sovereignty". American corporations own property and employ people the world over. The American government protects "American interests" abroad, which means that if American corporations own enough property in your country, they will invade to protect that ownership. That's not "sovereignty - that's agression.
Republican vs. Democrat...What are the primary platforms, ideologies and differences?
The only difference is:

The Democrats will promise you tax payer funded Vaseline before fucking you up the ass and the Republicans won't.

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