Republicans Accused of Forging Ballot Signatures in Critical Swing State

The Republicans keep screaming about fraud. Ironically, several examples of legitimate fraud that have been discovered have turned out to be committed by Republicans.

On Friday, attorneys for the Michigan Democratic Party and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) submitted a letter to the Board of State Canvassers asking election officials to investigate whether nominating petitions submitted by Republican U.S. Senate candidates Rogers, Justin Amash and businessman Sandy Pensler as well as former candidate Peter Meijer had "patterns that indicate the presence of potential forgery and other fraudulent signature gathering tactics."

"The apparent fraud uncovered demands an immediate investigation" and that the state Bureau of Elections and the canvassing board "should uphold their responsibility to protect the integrity of Michigan's elections and conduct a full, thorough examination," Michigan Democratic Party Chairwoman Lavora Barnes said in a statement.

All the more reason to secure voting.
Amash isn't. He is the founder of the Freedom Caucus. He ain't no RINO.

Meijer is an oligarch. He is the Walton of Michigan.

He isn't really partisan, he is just after what is good for business. That would be like denying that Warren Buffet, or a member of the Koch brothers, or the Walton family is a RINO.

It's preposterous. Of course he's a globalist.

You have to understand that to MAGA the term RINO now refers to anyone who doesn't genuflect before The Don and kiss his ring. They don't know what RINO really means.
I believe that about as much as I believe in Santa Claus.
I completely believe it.

See post #9

They were probably duped in the same scheme Chief James Craig was. I don't think it is an accident.

From the article;

". . .This is not the first time Republican candidates have been at the forefront of allegations of fraud or potential forgery. In 2022, five Republican candidates for Michigan governor were barred from running in that year's election after failing to submit enough valid signatures to qualify for the primary. The Michigan Elections Bureau reviewed the signatures and identified thousands of invalid and fraudulent signatures among the candidates.

The Republicans denied any claims and Michigan officials didn't accuse them of knowingly submitting fraudulent signatures. However, the state charged three individuals behind those petition circulation firms last year in connection with the fraudulent signatures as they were working to get multiple Republican candidates on the ballot."
I completely believe it.

See post #9

They were probably duped in the same scheme Chief James Craig was. I don't think it is an accident.

From the article;

". . .This is not the first time Republican candidates have been at the forefront of allegations of fraud or potential forgery. In 2022, five Republican candidates for Michigan governor were barred from running in that year's election after failing to submit enough valid signatures to qualify for the primary. The Michigan Elections Bureau reviewed the signatures and identified thousands of invalid and fraudulent signatures among the candidates.

The Republicans denied any claims and Michigan officials didn't accuse them of knowingly submitting fraudulent signatures. However, the state charged three individuals behind those petition circulation firms last year in connection with the fraudulent signatures as they were working to get multiple Republican candidates on the ballot."

Well, Justin's been told to be careful who he associates himself with. And that's really all I have to say about that.

He started getting mixed up with that whole no parties meme, or whatever they call themselves, a while back.

I know why he did it. I understand his intent in doing so. But it was not wise, given the unscrupulous nature of man and the cut throat nature of politics at that level.
What does any of that have to do with people allegedly forging signatures on ballot petitions?
We can't say yet.

If the criminals running the scheme are in anyway being paid, or their families are, to take a dive?

They had to know they were going to get caught.

I just linked, in post number nine, how the scammers that did it last time got caught. And your own article stated;

"The Republicans denied any claims and Michigan officials didn't accuse them of knowingly submitting fraudulent signatures. However, the state charged three individuals behind those petition circulation firms last year in connection with the fraudulent signatures as they were working to get multiple Republican candidates on the ballot."

IOW? If it is true, it is NOT the candidates that are corrupt, it will be, once again, the corporations and signature gathering companies and individuals in charge of completing those petitions that committed that fraud.

The question is why? And who put them up to it? What was their motive? And will Dana look into that further?

I tend to doubt she will, as the Democrats keep benefiting from this scam.
Well, Justin's been told to be careful who he associates himself with. And that's really all I have to say about that.

He started getting mixed up with that whole no parties meme, or whatever they call themselves, a while back.

I know why he did it. I understand his intent in doing so. But it was not wise, given the unscrupulous nature of man and the cut throat nature of politics at that level.
This has to do with the companies these candidates are hiring to collect signatures.

i suspect they are all run by lefties, and purposely doing this.

I am not sure any of them have a choice in the matter. It happened last election cycle.

You have to get the signatures to get on the ballot.
It's so fascinating to watch this abnormal psychology unfurl in real time.

Just these three individuals corrupted the entire GOP primary gubernatorial race. Michigan more than likely would have nominated James Craig as their candidate and defeated Whitmer, and they KNEW THAT!



Election manager testifies that fake signatures on petitions were pervasive, unprecedented​

And now? They are manipulating the damn process again, b/c that strategy worked so well. Sure, they might be fined or be in the can for a few months, but what the hell?

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The question on the 'stolen' election, and all lesser important questions to be answered by the law, will be satisfactorily answered by the political party that takes power in November.
Mainly being answered according to the political whims of the next president.

Possibly a silly question. But. Let’s say, for the sake of argument only, what if Biden wins and says the election wasn’t stolen.

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