Republicans are pushing a new bill to let Americans keep their health insurance plans

"According to some sources". Would you literally put your money down on a bet those unnamed sources are right? You really want to go up against the IRS on the word of "some sources"?

I can't count how many times I have shown on this forum that "some sources" are full of shit. It amazes me people still listen to them.

The Obamacare Penalty: Yes, It Can Be Avoided - Yahoo Finance

We asked Mark Luscombe, principal analyst at CCH Tax & Accounting North America, about that. Turns out Limbaugh is essentially right. If you don't get a refund next year, the “IRS could carry over the sum due and apply it against any refunds in future years. On a joint return, the penalty of one joint filer could be applied against the refund due to the other joint filer,” Luscombe says.

“If you don’t pay it, all they can do is wait until they owe you some money and take that. Or probably just send you a letter every now and then reminding you that you owe money to the IRS,” says Timothy Jost, a professor at the Washington and Lee University School of Law and coauthor of the casebook “Health Law.”

Ah. Limbaugh.


Here's the key part you need to pay attention to: IRS could carry over the sum due and apply it against any refunds in future years.

The IRS will get you. Sooner or later. So you better not let Limbaugh talk you into spending your penalty money on a new Xbox.

Limbaugh said it, but it was vetted by someone else.

Also, if desired people can stop claiming less deductions, thus owing taxes instead of getting a refund if they really dont want to pay the penalty.
Not one of you wingnuts have bothered to ask the obvious question: Why are some people losing their health plans?
The reason is that the ACA has standards that apply to what insurance a person can carry. IF their current insurance plan does not meet those standards the people with the plans will be forced to purchase better plans.
For example, some people have plans which cost around $54 dollars a month. That sounds like a really great deal except the plan covers almost nothing. For example, in some cases the plan does not even cover x-rays, CAT scans, MRI's, or ultra-sounds. Not only that but the plans have high deductables and exclude many serious illnesses. I believe they are referred to in the business as "junk insurance policies."

In other words, some people HAVE health insurance in name only. Their plans cover almost nothing and will not protect them in the event of a serious illness or accident.
Another fact that is being CONVENIENTLY ignored is that many of the people who cannot pay for higher insurance plans can often get help from the subsidies built into the plan.
Typically the republicans are telling half of the story and, as usual, twisting that half. It constantly amazes me that republicans feel that it is okay to lie and spread false information to try to force their ideas on others. I would expect such behavior if I were in the mid-east and haggling with some arab street merchant. I expect better from the citizens of this country.

Translation: You are too stupid to be allowed to make your own decisions. The government needs to make all your decisions for you.
Here is a translation for you: You KNOW what you believe and you do not want to hear any facts or truths that prove you wrong.

In post #15 I pointed out that many people are losing their health insurince for the simple reason that the plans they have are virtually worthless and will not protect them in the event of any serious illness or accident. Here is some more information to back up those claims. This information is courtsey of Consumer Report.

"It might seem to be
health insurance, if you don’t look too closely, and most people don’t. The premiums are surprisingly affordable. And so millions of unemployed people, service industry workers, and those taken in by fast-talking telemarketers sign up. They may think they’re insured—until they have a medical problem and find out that their coverage is as skimpy as a hospital gown."

Here are three typical examples of how the cheap insurance scams operate.

"In California, regulators shut down HealthcareOne, a telemarketed Arizona-based discount card program that advertised itself as “A Real Healthcare Plan Starting For As Little As About 25 Cents a Day” and “a comprehensive Healthcare Program that makes healthcare affordable for everyone.” When consumers tried to use the program, which sold for as much as $90 a month, they couldn’t find providers willing to offer the promised discounts. The receiver appointed to manage HealthcareOne’s affairs estimated that the company was bringing in $500,000 to $600,000 a month.

The National Better Living Association, a Georgia company peddling a fixed indemnity policy, misleadingly told a Montana consumer with a heart condition “that his preexisting condition was covered and, had to be, because [of] new federal health reform legislation,” according to an investigation by the Montana Department of Insurance. A pregnant customer was told “that NBLA would reduce her hospital bills by 70 percent through negotiations with the hospital.” The discounts never materialized and she was left with more than $20,000 in bills. Regulators are seeking fines and restitution from the company.

In September 2010, Missouri regulators issued more than $1 million in fines against 13 companies and individuals that sold discount plans misrepresented as comprehensive health insurance. Regulators said many were promoted through faxes advertising “AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE PLANS!” and consumers were told, “This is not a discount plan!” One woman bought a plan to get the advertised free flu shot. A year and a half later, all she had to show for her $1,717 in payments was one denied claim … for the flu shot."

The bottom line is that people with junk plans have almost zero coverage and THAT is why the government is shutting them down.
Not one of you wingnuts have bothered to ask the obvious question: Why are some people losing their health plans?
The reason is that the ACA has standards that apply to what insurance a person can carry. IF their current insurance plan does not meet those standards the people with the plans will be forced to purchase better plans.
For example, some people have plans which cost around $54 dollars a month. That sounds like a really great deal except the plan covers almost nothing. For example, in some cases the plan does not even cover x-rays, CAT scans, MRI's, or ultra-sounds. Not only that but the plans have high deductables and exclude many serious illnesses. I believe they are referred to in the business as "junk insurance policies."

In other words, some people HAVE health insurance in name only. Their plans cover almost nothing and will not protect them in the event of a serious illness or accident.
Another fact that is being CONVENIENTLY ignored is that many of the people who cannot pay for higher insurance plans can often get help from the subsidies built into the plan.
Typically the republicans are telling half of the story and, as usual, twisting that half. It constantly amazes me that republicans feel that it is okay to lie and spread false information to try to force their ideas on others. I would expect such behavior if I were in the mid-east and haggling with some arab street merchant. I expect better from the citizens of this country.

Translation: You are too stupid to be allowed to make your own decisions. The government needs to make all your decisions for you.
Here is a translation for you: You KNOW what you believe and you do not want to hear any facts or truths that prove you wrong.

In post #15 I pointed out that many people are losing their health insurince for the simple reason that the plans they have are virtually worthless and will not protect them in the event of any serious illness or accident. Here is some more information to back up those claims. This information is courtsey of Consumer Report.

"It might seem to be
health insurance, if you don’t look too closely, and most people don’t. The premiums are surprisingly affordable. And so millions of unemployed people, service industry workers, and those taken in by fast-talking telemarketers sign up. They may think they’re insured—until they have a medical problem and find out that their coverage is as skimpy as a hospital gown."

Here are three typical examples of how the cheap insurance scams operate.

"In California, regulators shut down HealthcareOne, a telemarketed Arizona-based discount card program that advertised itself as “A Real Healthcare Plan Starting For As Little As About 25 Cents a Day” and “a comprehensive Healthcare Program that makes healthcare affordable for everyone.” When consumers tried to use the program, which sold for as much as $90 a month, they couldn’t find providers willing to offer the promised discounts. The receiver appointed to manage HealthcareOne’s affairs estimated that the company was bringing in $500,000 to $600,000 a month.

The National Better Living Association, a Georgia company peddling a fixed indemnity policy, misleadingly told a Montana consumer with a heart condition “that his preexisting condition was covered and, had to be, because [of] new federal health reform legislation,” according to an investigation by the Montana Department of Insurance. A pregnant customer was told “that NBLA would reduce her hospital bills by 70 percent through negotiations with the hospital.” The discounts never materialized and she was left with more than $20,000 in bills. Regulators are seeking fines and restitution from the company.

In September 2010, Missouri regulators issued more than $1 million in fines against 13 companies and individuals that sold discount plans misrepresented as comprehensive health insurance. Regulators said many were promoted through faxes advertising “AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE PLANS!” and consumers were told, “This is not a discount plan!” One woman bought a plan to get the advertised free flu shot. A year and a half later, all she had to show for her $1,717 in payments was one denied claim … for the flu shot."

The bottom line is that people with junk plans have almost zero coverage and THAT is why the government is shutting them down.

So ObamaCare will slow down insurance fraud, eh?


It's also a floor wax!

I guess you did not know that 300,000 who are losing their insurance in Florida were not being insured by some fly-by-night operation. They were insured by Florida Blue.

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another paid Obama goon who has to post in huge fonts for those of you who are too (stupid) to understand what the dear leader meant...

some people have no shame in lying, misleading people, making lame ass excuses for this administration and his dear leader

NOW WHAT THE TOPIC of this thread?
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Here's comes the spinning and name calling of course

Not one of you wingnuts have bothered to ask the obvious question: Why are some people losing their health plans?

it's the insurance companies fault

so when did Obama tell you your plan had to follow his guidelines in OslaveCare? did WE MISS THAT one?
and that if they didn your plan would then be CANCELED
It is probably safe to assume that you have not read the ACA.
It is probably also safe to assume that if you had read the ACA you would not understand 90% of it.
And finally, it is probably safe to assume that IF you had read the ACA you would lie or misrepresent the 10% you did understand.
Read the article I reference. It is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as you can get.
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Here's comes the spinning and name calling of course

Not one of you wingnuts have bothered to ask the obvious question: Why are some people losing their health plans?

it's the insurance companies fault

so when did Obama tell you your plan had to follow his guidelines in OslaveCare? did WE MISS THAT one?
and that if they didn your plan would then be CANCELED
It is probably safe to assume that you have not read the ACA.
It is probably also safe to assume that if you had read the ACA you would not understand 90% of it.
And finally, it is probably safe to assume that IF you had read the ACA you would lie or misrepresent the 10% you did understand.
Read the article I reference. It is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as you can get.

and it's safe to assume you're are an Obama ass kissing horses ass
now go start another thread and stop derailing this one with you horses ass bs
Here's comes the spinning and name calling of course

Not one of you wingnuts have bothered to ask the obvious question: Why are some people losing their health plans?

it's the insurance companies fault

so when did Obama tell you your plan had to follow his guidelines in OslaveCare? did WE MISS THAT one?
and that if they didn your plan would then be CANCELED
It is probably safe to assume that you have not read the ACA.
It is probably also safe to assume that if you had read the ACA you would not understand 90% of it.
And finally, it is probably safe to assume that IF you had read the ACA you would lie or misrepresent the 10% you did understand.
Read the article I reference. It is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as you can get.

Hey, dipshit. The 300,000 in Florida who are losing their health insurance were covered by Florida Blue, not some scam company.

Florida Blue - New Name Of Blue Cross And Blue Shield Of Florida

Florida Blue to cancel 300,000 policies over Obamacare

Your Consumer Reports diversion is a total red herring that has ZERO bearing on what is going on.

And I HAVE read the ACA.

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another paid Obama goon who has to post in huge fonts for those of you who are too (stupid) to understand what the dear leader meant...

some people have no shame in lying, misleading people, making lame ass excuses for this administration and his dear leader

NOW WHAT THE TOPIC of this thread?
Prove me wrong.
The other day I showed you to be a liar. I pointed out that Obama had deported more illegal aliens than any other president. You called what I posted a lie. I provided links to prove my point. YOU PROVIDED NOTHINGS.
I have provided a link to show why people are losing their "insurance." All you have is name calling and insults. I'll provide the link again. Read it and educate yourself although I seriously doubt that is possible.
Prove me wrong (If you can).

Here's comes the spinning and name calling of course

it's the insurance companies fault

so when did Obama tell you your plan had to follow his guidelines in OslaveCare? did WE MISS THAT one?
and that if they didn your plan would then be CANCELED
It is probably safe to assume that you have not read the ACA.
It is probably also safe to assume that if you had read the ACA you would not understand 90% of it.
And finally, it is probably safe to assume that IF you had read the ACA you would lie or misrepresent the 10% you did understand.
Read the article I reference. It is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as you can get.

Hey, dipshit. The 300,000 in Florida who are losing their health insurance were covered by Florida Blue, not some scam company.

Florida Blue - New Name Of Blue Cross And Blue Shield Of Florida

Florida Blue to cancel 300,000 policies over Obamacare

Your Consumer Reports diversion is a total red herring that has ZERO bearing on what is going on.

And I HAVE read the ACA.

"dipshit!" Another example of republican class. If you are incapable of communicating like an adult I see no reason to waste time on you. I will not respond to any of your posts on this thread.
300,000 people on Blue Cross insurance in Florida disenrolled, thanks to the ACA.

Obama quite clearly said, "“We will keep this promise to the American people. If you like your doctor you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan. Period.”


No red herrings will be able to blow enough smoke to cover up these FACTS.

The GOP is now trying to hold the Democrats to that promise Obama made. That was a very important promise. He stumped on it. People counted on it.

So don't try to pretend what is happening to all those people is okay.
It is probably safe to assume that you have not read the ACA.
It is probably also safe to assume that if you had read the ACA you would not understand 90% of it.
And finally, it is probably safe to assume that IF you had read the ACA you would lie or misrepresent the 10% you did understand.
Read the article I reference. It is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as you can get.

Hey, dipshit. The 300,000 in Florida who are losing their health insurance were covered by Florida Blue, not some scam company.

Florida Blue - New Name Of Blue Cross And Blue Shield Of Florida

Florida Blue to cancel 300,000 policies over Obamacare

Your Consumer Reports diversion is a total red herring that has ZERO bearing on what is going on.

And I HAVE read the ACA.

"dipshit!" Another example of republican class. If you are incapable of communicating like an adult I see no reason to waste time on you. I will not respond to any of your posts on this thread.

Translation: OW! I just had my ass handed to me, so now I have to run.
Should be a short bill. I could write it right now:

"We hereby repeal the Affordible Care Acts"

That's been tried through the supreme court, the 2012 election, and 41 subsequent bills along with a government shutdown.
Pols push 'Keep Your Health Plan Act' as files show gov't knew millions could lose coverage

House Republicans are pushing a new bill to let Americans keep their health insurance plans following revelations that the Obama administration knew millions could lose their current coverage due to changes from the Affordable Care Act.

Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., was introducing the "Keep Your Health Plan Act" in a bid to address widespread reports of people losing their current plans. CBS News reported Monday that more than 2 million Americans have already been told they can't renew their policies.

"This legislation is about providing folks the peace of mind that they will be allowed to keep their current coverage if they so choose," Upton said in a statement. The bill would allow plans sold on the market today to continue to be available.

The document addressed a rule in the law that states individual policies purchased on or before March 23, 2010 would be "grandfathered" -- or exempt from changes required under ObamaCare. However, the provision was changed so that plans that undergo "significant changes" could lose that special status

Pols push 'Keep Your Health Plan Act' as files show gov't knew millions could lose coverage | Fox News

The Republicans will try to keep Obama honest. A difficult task, indeed.:eusa_angel:

This is all about trying to salvage as much of 2014 as they can.

They stepped in a big pile of shit and now they want to scrape some off their shoe.

To bad they also put their foot in their mouth and swallowed hard.
This is all about trying to salvage as much of 2014 as they can.

They stepped in a big pile of shit and now they want to scrape some off their shoe.

To bad they also put their foot in their mouth and swallowed hard.

The millions of people who have suddenly lost their insurance coverage are going to remember Obama promised them this would not happen.

And the Democrats are going to pay the price for that.

The issue ad writes itself. ;)
Consider this, a woman in Florida is losing her insurance plan. Here are some details:
"That includes 56-year-old Dianne Barrette. Last month, she received a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield informing her as of January 2014, she would lose her current plan. Barrette pays $54 a month. The new plan she's being offered would run $591 a month -- 10 times more than what she currently pays."
She was paying $54 dollars a month. Currently the average cost for a one day hospital stay is around $1850/day. Exactly how much insurance are you buying when you pay $54 dollars a month. I do not care if she had Blue Cross Blue Shield. A $54 a month insurance policy isn't worth shit. Read the article at the following link for prospective.
The link is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as one can get.
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It is probably safe to assume that you have not read the ACA.
It is probably also safe to assume that if you had read the ACA you would not understand 90% of it.
And finally, it is probably safe to assume that IF you had read the ACA you would lie or misrepresent the 10% you did understand.
Read the article I reference. It is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as you can get.

Hey, dipshit. The 300,000 in Florida who are losing their health insurance were covered by Florida Blue, not some scam company.

Florida Blue - New Name Of Blue Cross And Blue Shield Of Florida

Florida Blue to cancel 300,000 policies over Obamacare

Your Consumer Reports diversion is a total red herring that has ZERO bearing on what is going on.

And I HAVE read the ACA.

"dipshit!" Another example of republican class. If you are incapable of communicating like an adult I see no reason to waste time on you. I will not respond to any of your posts on this thread.

Obviously, you haven't seen g5000 throw wrenches into both sides of the persuasion.
Consider this, a woman in Florida is losing her insurance plan. Here are some details:
That includes 56-year-old Dianne Barrette. Last month, she received a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield informing her as of January 2014, she would lose her current plan. Barrette pays $54 a month. The new plan she's being offered would run $591 a month -- 10 times more than what she currently pays.
She was paying $54 dollars a month. Exactly how much insurance are you buying when you pay $54 dollars a month. Read the article at the following link for prospective.
The link is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as one can get.

Also, that $591 figure doesn't take into account the subsidies that this person is allowed. I would not believe one thing that is being said about these exchanges. We all need to talk with them for our own particular situations.
The millions of people who have suddenly lost their insurance coverage are going to remember Obama promised them this would not happen.

And the Democrats are going to pay the price for that.

The issue ad writes itself. ;)

oh yes they will, it won't be pretty come voting time..why do you think people like ron and a few others here, are spinning so HARD
come on people you can do it, kick them all us all a favor

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