Republicans are pushing a new bill to let Americans keep their health insurance plans

When your opponent is hanging himself, don't take away the rope.

Obamacare is a mess. The website is just the tip of the iceberg.

The smartest thing the GOP can do is to sit back and let adverse selection (that's the 900 lb gorilla) run it's course.....and remind the voters who passed it.
When your opponent is hanging himself, don't take away the rope.

Obamacare is a mess. The website is just the tip of the iceberg.

The smartest thing the GOP can do is to sit back and let adverse selection (that's the 900 lb gorilla) run it's course.....and remind the voters who passed it.

that's one way of doing it, might be the best's going to cost us a pretty penny though
Well, Republicans can't just sit back. They need to do something to repair the damage done by their silly decision to shutdown the government and the fact that they have no ideas of their own.
It is probably safe to assume that you have not read the ACA.
It is probably also safe to assume that if you had read the ACA you would not understand 90% of it.
And finally, it is probably safe to assume that IF you had read the ACA you would lie or misrepresent the 10% you did understand.
Read the article I reference. It is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as you can get.

Hey, dipshit. The 300,000 in Florida who are losing their health insurance were covered by Florida Blue, not some scam company.

Florida Blue - New Name Of Blue Cross And Blue Shield Of Florida

Florida Blue to cancel 300,000 policies over Obamacare

Your Consumer Reports diversion is a total red herring that has ZERO bearing on what is going on.

And I HAVE read the ACA.

"dipshit!" Another example of republican class.

If the shoe fits......
Not one of you wingnuts have bothered to ask the obvious question: Why are some people losing their health plans?
The reason is that the ACA has standards that apply to what insurance a person can carry. IF their current insurance plan does not meet those standards the people with the plans will be forced to purchase better plans.
For example, some people have plans which cost around $54 dollars a month. That sounds like a really great deal except the plan covers almost nothing. For example, in some cases the plan does not even cover x-rays, CAT scans, MRI's, or ultra-sounds. Not only that but the plans have high deductables and exclude many serious illnesses. I believe they are referred to in the business as "junk insurance policies."

In other words, some people HAVE health insurance in name only. Their plans cover almost nothing and will not protect them in the event of a serious illness or accident.
Another fact that is being CONVENIENTLY ignored is that many of the people who cannot pay for higher insurance plans can often get help from the subsidies built into the plan.
Typically the republicans are telling half of the story and, as usual, twisting that half. It constantly amazes me that republicans feel that it is okay to lie and spread false information to try to force their ideas on others. I would expect such behavior if I were in the mid-east and haggling with some arab street merchant. I expect better from the citizens of this country.

Who the hell are you to decide what's good insurance for someone else?
Consider this, a woman in Florida is losing her insurance plan. Here are some details:
"That includes 56-year-old Dianne Barrette. Last month, she received a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield informing her as of January 2014, she would lose her current plan. Barrette pays $54 a month. The new plan she's being offered would run $591 a month -- 10 times more than what she currently pays."
She was paying $54 dollars a month. Currently the average cost for a one day hospital stay is around $1850/day. Exactly how much insurance are you buying when you pay $54 dollars a month. I do not care if she had Blue Cross Blue Shield. A $54 a month insurance policy isn't worth shit. Read the article at the following link for prospective.
The link is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as one can get.

And she apparently decided that was good enough coverage for her. How do you know she doesn't have the money available to cover what the insurance wouldn't in the case of a catastrophic event?

Again, I ask you who the hell you are to decide how much insurance someone else needs? How about you and everyone else who thinks they know what's good for everybody else just step the fuck off and find a way to make your own lives more fulfilling?
Hey, dipshit. The 300,000 in Florida who are losing their health insurance were covered by Florida Blue, not some scam company.

Florida Blue - New Name Of Blue Cross And Blue Shield Of Florida

Florida Blue to cancel 300,000 policies over Obamacare

Your Consumer Reports diversion is a total red herring that has ZERO bearing on what is going on.

And I HAVE read the ACA.

"dipshit!" Another example of republican class. If you are incapable of communicating like an adult I see no reason to waste time on you. I will not respond to any of your posts on this thread.

Obviously, you haven't seen g5000 throw wrenches into both sides of the persuasion.
I could care less who g5000 is or what he has done. I did not call s/he/it any names and I reserve the right to respond or not to respond to anyone who calls me names. That type of behavior is what I would expect on the playground.
Consider this, a woman in Florida is losing her insurance plan. Here are some details:
That includes 56-year-old Dianne Barrette. Last month, she received a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield informing her as of January 2014, she would lose her current plan. Barrette pays $54 a month. The new plan she's being offered would run $591 a month -- 10 times more than what she currently pays.
She was paying $54 dollars a month. Exactly how much insurance are you buying when you pay $54 dollars a month. Read the article at the following link for prospective.
The link is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as one can get.

Also, that $591 figure doesn't take into account the subsidies that this person is allowed. I would not believe one thing that is being said about these exchanges. We all need to talk with them for our own particular situations.

Why does it have to talk about the subsidies? Assuming she even has any, the bottom line is that a policy she once had that only cost $54 is now costing more than $500 more a month because of this law. Regardless of whether or not she is paying the whole difference or the rest of us are picking up the tab for her, how the hell is that a win for anyone, you drooling drone? :eusa_drool:
I don't think the majority of "haves" are going to pay the penalty. They will wait until the last possible moment, and then will get insurance.

This is what happened in Massachusetts.

Did massachusetts have a method of enforcing the penalty, because right now the IRS sure as hell doesnt.

Yes. A tax penalty, just like ObamaCare's penalty.

I think it would be a mistake to mislead people into believing the IRS won't enforce it. That's political hackery that will have the consequence of credulous citizens getting hammered.
So that explains why the IRS said they won't be enforcing it.
The Internal Revenue Service testified to Congress that its agents will not be auditing taxpayers for health insurance compliance under Obamacare. The reason given was that the IRS believes most Americans will voluntarily comply with the individual mandate and “no further interactions with the IRS” will be needed.​
Consider this, a woman in Florida is losing her insurance plan. Here are some details:
That includes 56-year-old Dianne Barrette. Last month, she received a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield informing her as of January 2014, she would lose her current plan. Barrette pays $54 a month. The new plan she's being offered would run $591 a month -- 10 times more than what she currently pays.
She was paying $54 dollars a month. Exactly how much insurance are you buying when you pay $54 dollars a month. Read the article at the following link for prospective.
The link is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as one can get.

Also, that $591 figure doesn't take into account the subsidies that this person is allowed. I would not believe one thing that is being said about these exchanges. We all need to talk with them for our own particular situations.

Why does it have to talk about the subsidies? Assuming she even has any, the bottom line is that a policy she once had that only cost $54 is now costing more than $500 more a month because of this law. Regardless of whether or not she is paying the whole difference or the rest of us are picking up the tab for her, how the hell is that a win for anyone, you drooling drone? :eusa_drool:

You seem to be going out with a whimper and not a bang. Just like your party, you whiney asshole.
The airwaves will be flooded with ads of Obama saying these words: "We will keep this promise to the American people. If you like your doctor you will be able to keep your doctor. ... If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan."

Like I said. It writes itself.

And he used the word "We". That will be used as a hammer against the Democrats in 2014.
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Not one of you wingnuts have bothered to ask the obvious question: Why are some people losing their health plans?
The reason is that the ACA has standards that apply to what insurance a person can carry. IF their current insurance plan does not meet those standards the people with the plans will be forced to purchase better plans.
For example, some people have plans which cost around $54 dollars a month. That sounds like a really great deal except the plan covers almost nothing. For example, in some cases the plan does not even cover x-rays, CAT scans, MRI's, or ultra-sounds. Not only that but the plans have high deductables and exclude many serious illnesses. I believe they are referred to in the business as "junk insurance policies."

In other words, some people HAVE health insurance in name only. Their plans cover almost nothing and will not protect them in the event of a serious illness or accident.
Another fact that is being CONVENIENTLY ignored is that many of the people who cannot pay for higher insurance plans can often get help from the subsidies built into the plan.
Typically the republicans are telling half of the story and, as usual, twisting that half. It constantly amazes me that republicans feel that it is okay to lie and spread false information to try to force their ideas on others. I would expect such behavior if I were in the mid-east and haggling with some arab street merchant. I expect better from the citizens of this country.

Translation: You are too stupid to be allowed to make your own decisions. The government needs to make all your decisions for you.
Yes, that's what ACA supporters and Obama supporters believe.
Consider this, a woman in Florida is losing her insurance plan. Here are some details:
"That includes 56-year-old Dianne Barrette. Last month, she received a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield informing her as of January 2014, she would lose her current plan. Barrette pays $54 a month. The new plan she's being offered would run $591 a month -- 10 times more than what she currently pays."
She was paying $54 dollars a month. Currently the average cost for a one day hospital stay is around $1850/day. Exactly how much insurance are you buying when you pay $54 dollars a month. I do not care if she had Blue Cross Blue Shield. A $54 a month insurance policy isn't worth shit. Read the article at the following link for prospective.
The link is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as one can get.

And she apparently decided that was good enough coverage for her. How do you know she doesn't have the money available to cover what the insurance wouldn't in the case of a catastrophic event?

Again, I ask you who the hell you are to decide how much insurance someone else needs? How about you and everyone else who thinks they know what's good for everybody else just step the fuck off and find a way to make your own lives more fulfilling?
If she has the money to cover a catastrophic event she will have funds in the mid to high six figure range which is more than enough to purchase decent insurance. Also if she doesn't have the money to pay for the insurance there are subsidies built into ACA. Somehow you people always seem to forget that little detail.
I will tell you why I have decided she needs more insurance. She needs to have more insurance because I am tired as hell from paying for deadbeats who refuse to buy decent insurance and then go to the hospital and run up huge bills they cannot pay. I am tired as hell from watching hospitals boost up bills to pay for the deadbeats who can't or won't act in a responsible manner. And I am especially tired of watching my insurance costing more and more because of the deadbeats. Maybe you want to pay for people who arn't paying their bills, BUT I DO NOT TO PAY OTHERS PEOPLE'S MEDICAL BILLS ESPECIALLY IF IT CAN BE AVOIDED. That is who I am and if you had a brain in your head you would be mad at the deadbeats also. The republican party screams about personal responsibility but when there is a question about personal responsibilty but chooses to look the other way.

Oh, and if you check the years Calvin Coolidge was president you will find he was in office at the start of the greatest depression this country had. It is no wonder you think highly of him.
BEFORE: We will keep this promise to the American people. If you like your doctor you will be able to keep your doctor. If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan.

AFTER: "I am tired as hell from paying for deadbeats who refuse to buy decent insurance." <--- This is what Democrats really think of the American people.
Also, that $591 figure doesn't take into account the subsidies that this person is allowed. I would not believe one thing that is being said about these exchanges. We all need to talk with them for our own particular situations.

Why does it have to talk about the subsidies? Assuming she even has any, the bottom line is that a policy she once had that only cost $54 is now costing more than $500 more a month because of this law. Regardless of whether or not she is paying the whole difference or the rest of us are picking up the tab for her, how the hell is that a win for anyone, you drooling drone? :eusa_drool:

You seem to be going out with a whimper and not a bang. Just like your party, you whiney asshole.

What party would that be? And are you going to explain how a $54 policy now costing $550 is a win for America and our health care system.?
The only deadbeats are those who dropped out of high school, or who are serial job quitters, who expect the rest of us to carry them on our backs for the rest of our lives.

Everything else is just Democrats trying to justify taking money out of other people's wallets. They need to assuage their consciences that these people deserve to be robbed.

So they employ Orwellian doublethink and call the people who will have to pay more than their fair share to support other people "deadbeats".

One third of the involuntarily uninsured are high school dropouts. THERE are your deadbeats.
Consider this, a woman in Florida is losing her insurance plan. Here are some details:
"That includes 56-year-old Dianne Barrette. Last month, she received a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield informing her as of January 2014, she would lose her current plan. Barrette pays $54 a month. The new plan she's being offered would run $591 a month -- 10 times more than what she currently pays."
She was paying $54 dollars a month. Currently the average cost for a one day hospital stay is around $1850/day. Exactly how much insurance are you buying when you pay $54 dollars a month. I do not care if she had Blue Cross Blue Shield. A $54 a month insurance policy isn't worth shit. Read the article at the following link for prospective.
The link is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as one can get.

Do you think Diane is voting democrat in the next eelction? What if Diane can't afford over $500 a month?
Consider this, a woman in Florida is losing her insurance plan. Here are some details:
"That includes 56-year-old Dianne Barrette. Last month, she received a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield informing her as of January 2014, she would lose her current plan. Barrette pays $54 a month. The new plan she's being offered would run $591 a month -- 10 times more than what she currently pays."
She was paying $54 dollars a month. Currently the average cost for a one day hospital stay is around $1850/day. Exactly how much insurance are you buying when you pay $54 dollars a month. I do not care if she had Blue Cross Blue Shield. A $54 a month insurance policy isn't worth shit. Read the article at the following link for prospective.
The link is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as one can get.
Immaterial. She liked her plan. Obama stated she could keep it.

Obama lied. And he KNEW he lied.

Idiots like you continue to support him.
Consider this, a woman in Florida is losing her insurance plan. Here are some details:
That includes 56-year-old Dianne Barrette. Last month, she received a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield informing her as of January 2014, she would lose her current plan. Barrette pays $54 a month. The new plan she's being offered would run $591 a month -- 10 times more than what she currently pays.
She was paying $54 dollars a month. Exactly how much insurance are you buying when you pay $54 dollars a month. Read the article at the following link for prospective.
The link is from Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as one can get.

Also, that $591 figure doesn't take into account the subsidies that this person is allowed. I would not believe one thing that is being said about these exchanges. We all need to talk with them for our own particular situations.

Why does it have to talk about the subsidies? Assuming she even has any, the bottom line is that a policy she once had that only cost $54 is now costing more than $500 more a month because of this law. Regardless of whether or not she is paying the whole difference or the rest of us are picking up the tab for her, how the hell is that a win for anyone, you drooling drone? :eusa_drool:

How is that making insurance 'more affordable for EVERYONE'? Obviously, it's not. The same people that they claimed were making healthcare so expensive by going to the hospital when they didn't have insurance are the same people who will get their insurance paid by someone else. Same difference.
And I am especially tired of watching my insurance costing more and more because of the deadbeats. Maybe you want to pay for people who arn't paying their bills, BUT I DO NOT TO PAY OTHERS PEOPLE'S MEDICAL BILLS ESPECIALLY IF IT CAN BE AVOIDED.
If you're not getting Obamacare subsidies, you ARE paying for other people's medical bills.

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