Republicans are pushing a new bill to let Americans keep their health insurance plans

Very cheap health insurance invariably covers only serious illness or accident.

Dem Rep. Jumps Out of Chair, Explodes at GOP’ers During Obamacare Hearing
by Noah Rothman | 12:36 pm, October 29th, 2013 video 565

Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) rose from his seat on Tuesday during a congressional hearing into the Affordable Care Act’s problematic roll-out. He accused his Republican colleagues in the House of dishonestly seeking to identify the problems with the ACA because they would prefer to see it repealed entirely.

Pascrell began by insisting that, even though Democrats opposed Medicare Part D in the Bush Era, they worked to make sure that the program was a success.

He became animated as he said that Democrats put aside their opposition to Bush in order to make a policy objective work for the good of the American public. “And how many of you stood up to do that,” Pascrell said exploding out of his chair. “None. Zero.”

all of it here
Dem Rep. Jumps Out of Chair, Explodes at GOP?ers During Obamacare Hearing | Mediaite
Pols push 'Keep Your Health Plan Act' as files show gov't knew millions could lose coverage

House Republicans are pushing a new bill to let Americans keep their health insurance plans following revelations that the Obama administration knew millions could lose their current coverage due to changes from the Affordable Care Act.

Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., was introducing the "Keep Your Health Plan Act" in a bid to address widespread reports of people losing their current plans. CBS News reported Monday that more than 2 million Americans have already been told they can't renew their policies.

"This legislation is about providing folks the peace of mind that they will be allowed to keep their current coverage if they so choose," Upton said in a statement. The bill would allow plans sold on the market today to continue to be available.

The document addressed a rule in the law that states individual policies purchased on or before March 23, 2010 would be "grandfathered" -- or exempt from changes required under ObamaCare. However, the provision was changed so that plans that undergo "significant changes" could lose that special status

Pols push 'Keep Your Health Plan Act' as files show gov't knew millions could lose coverage | Fox News

The Republicans will try to keep Obama honest. A difficult task, indeed.:eusa_angel:

Only the extreme left or Papa Obama apologists want to "improve'
it the margins....
at the exact moment the wheels are coming off the bus.

There is no need for wonky talks on a very bad program
Let the reactionary left stew in the mess they have made.

If the reasonable Blue Dog democrats were not kicked out for supporting Papa Obama
care then the Democratic party would not be so leftist and extreme.

Sadly, for the American people, the Democrats would rather make them suffer
then admit their failure and have a redo for real market reform.

Real reforms that would work
Yup and I wonder what they are going to do when all those young "haves" decide to pay the penalty??

The ACA will sink under its own weight.

I don't think the majority of "haves" are going to pay the penalty. They will wait until the last possible moment, and then will get insurance.

This is what happened in Massachusetts.

I know a couple who's insurance has gone up so much, they have no choice but to pay the penalty and go without insurance at all.....Obamacare is already a massive failure.
Very cheap health insurance invariably covers only serious illness or accident.
Very cheap health insurance covers almost nothing. It is impossible for an insurance company to make a profit off a person who is paying $54 a month and who could easily run up a six figure hospital bill in a couple of weeks. Currently the average cost for a one (1) day hospital stay is around $1850. The bottom line is the cheap health insurance pollicies are not much better than no policy. The cheap policies have limits on what will be paid and exclusions on many major health problems. Several states have filed law suits against companies offering cheap health insurance.
Check out the link below for an overview on cheap health insurance. The link is to Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as one can get.
Obama lied, people will now die because of it

Pfffft. It's not like the Democrat Death Cult gives a shit about people.
Maybe we should switch to the republican health care plan. Oh, that's right, THERE IS NO REPUBLICAN HEALTH CARE PLAN. Makes me wonder who has a Death Cult, the people people who are trying to solve a problem or the people who want to do nothing and watch prices spiral out of control.
Obama lied, people will now die because of it

Pfffft. It's not like the Democrat Death Cult gives a shit about people.
Maybe we should switch to the republican health care plan. Oh, that's right, THERE IS NO REPUBLICAN HEALTH CARE PLAN. Makes me wonder who has a Death Cult, the people people who are trying to solve a problem or the people who want to do nothing and watch prices spiral out of control.

maybe you should get on your Dear Leaders health care plan?

oh wait, YOU CAN'T...they are exempt from OslaveCare:lol:
Perhaps the Republicans should have just sat on their hands as the Democrats were doing, just still claiming everything is fine.

But it's not their way. If they had some input in this boondoggle, there would have been a working website and people would not be losing their insurance all over the place. But Pelosi, et al could handle it, and look at what we have.

The GOP, bub, refused to participate.
Obama lied, people will now die because of it

Pfffft. It's not like the Democrat Death Cult gives a shit about people.
Maybe we should switch to the republican health care plan. Oh, that's right, THERE IS NO REPUBLICAN HEALTH CARE PLAN. Makes me wonder who has a Death Cult, the people people who are trying to solve a problem or the people who want to do nothing and watch prices spiral out of control.

That's the point, shit for brains, there shouldn't be a republican or democrap plan, the government shouldn't be in the health care business AT ALL, dumbass mother fucker.
Perhaps the Republicans should have just sat on their hands as the Democrats were doing, just still claiming everything is fine.

But it's not their way. If they had some input in this boondoggle, there would have been a working website and people would not be losing their insurance all over the place. But Pelosi, et al could handle it, and look at what we have.

They should draw attention to the problems. Relentlessly.

Then they need to draft alternate legislation that keeps the positive aspects of Obamacare and eliminates the rest.

Where were you two years ago? Was that your suggestion then?

Leetle bit hypocritical, Zander.

Well, you are on track now. Let's see if you stay there.
I think it's a good move by the GOP.
Now if they or the Dems or anybody can come up with a solid plan to get the cost per capita for healthcare in the US at least close to what the rest of the world pays, that would be an actual achievement.


  • $Total_health_expenditure_per_capita,_US_Dollars_PPP.png
    12.4 KB · Views: 48
Pfffft. It's not like the Democrat Death Cult gives a shit about people.
Maybe we should switch to the republican health care plan. Oh, that's right, THERE IS NO REPUBLICAN HEALTH CARE PLAN. Makes me wonder who has a Death Cult, the people people who are trying to solve a problem or the people who want to do nothing and watch prices spiral out of control.

That's the point, shit for brains, there shouldn't be a republican or democrap plan, the government shouldn't be in the health care business AT ALL, dumbass mother fucker.

he can't wait to live off the back's of taxpayers..that's why he's pushing it so hard
Pols push 'Keep Your Health Plan Act' as files show gov't knew millions could lose coverage

House Republicans are pushing a new bill to let Americans keep their health insurance plans following revelations that the Obama administration knew millions could lose their current coverage due to changes from the Affordable Care Act.

Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., was introducing the "Keep Your Health Plan Act" in a bid to address widespread reports of people losing their current plans. CBS News reported Monday that more than 2 million Americans have already been told they can't renew their policies.

"This legislation is about providing folks the peace of mind that they will be allowed to keep their current coverage if they so choose," Upton said in a statement. The bill would allow plans sold on the market today to continue to be available.

The document addressed a rule in the law that states individual policies purchased on or before March 23, 2010 would be "grandfathered" -- or exempt from changes required under ObamaCare. However, the provision was changed so that plans that undergo "significant changes" could lose that special status

Pols push 'Keep Your Health Plan Act' as files show gov't knew millions could lose coverage | Fox News

The Republicans will try to keep Obama honest. A difficult task, indeed.:eusa_angel:

Unless there is a clause mandating those companies to take people back, it may be too little too late for those who have already been dropped.
Maybe we should switch to the republican health care plan. Oh, that's right, THERE IS NO REPUBLICAN HEALTH CARE PLAN. Makes me wonder who has a Death Cult, the people people who are trying to solve a problem or the people who want to do nothing and watch prices spiral out of control.

That's the point, shit for brains, there shouldn't be a republican or democrap plan, the government shouldn't be in the health care business AT ALL, dumbass mother fucker.

he can't wait to live off the back's of taxpayers..that's why he's pushing it so hard
liberal = commie = democrat
Very cheap health insurance invariably covers only serious illness or accident.
Very cheap health insurance covers almost nothing. It is impossible for an insurance company to make a profit off a person who is paying $54 a month and who could easily run up a six figure hospital bill in a couple of weeks. Currently the average cost for a one (1) day hospital stay is around $1850. The bottom line is the cheap health insurance pollicies are not much better than no policy. The cheap policies have limits on what will be paid and exclusions on many major health problems. Several states have filed law suits against companies offering cheap health insurance.
Check out the link below for an overview on cheap health insurance. The link is to Consumer Reports which is as non-partisan as one can get.


it is none of your business what kind of insurance people prefer.
yeah, I know, you prefer big business to hose all middle class, as all leftards do, but guess what - it won't happen - Americans won't enrich your bosses - they will go without insurance and since there is no other way to impose the penalty than through the tax return - the tax accountants will get busy :D
"... dipshit." Another classy republican steps up. I have not called you or anyone else names on this board. Your comment is unnecessary and I refuse to read the comments of someone who cannot communicate in an adult manner. I will refuse to respond to any of your posts on this thread. Have a nice day.

Oh, I'm not a Republican; I have no party allegiances. I'm simply a free thinking individual. You might want to try it some time. And if you wish me to communicate to you in an adult manner stop working to take my rights away you filthy Marxist pig. XXXXXXXXXX
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well darn, the news just keeps getting more wonderful

Obamacare: Fewer options for many

By Jen Christensen, CNN

updated 11:34 AM EDT, Tue October 29, 2013

People who buy insurance through the Obamacare exchanges will have limited access to doctor and hospital networks.

People who buy insurance through the Obamacare exchanges will have limited access to doctor and hospital networks.

(CNN) -- Some of Thomas Harte's New Hampshire neighbors are frustrated by the Affordable Care Act's insurance marketplaces but not for the reasons you might expect.

Harte is an insurance broker. He still has his share of frustrations with the marketplace websites, but the growing number of complaints he hears come from clients and fellow brokers who have seen the policies these marketplaces offer.

Nationally the marketplaces offer tens of thousands of different policies with a wide variety of coverage, but Harte has noticed many have one thing in common: They cover a narrow network of doctors and hospitals.

That narrower network comes as particularly bad news for the residents of Concord, New Hampshire.

Concord's one hospital won't accept any policies offered by the marketplaces. To see a doctor, specialist or primary care provider affiliated with the hospital, patients on these Obamacare plans will have to pay out of their own pocket. The closest in-network hospital is in Manchester.

"Can you imagine having to go 25 miles away to Manchester to get access to a health care provider that is covered by your insurance?" Harte asked. "Right now, Concord is one big black hole of health care for people buying these plans."

ALL of it here
Obamacare: Fewer options for many -

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