Republicans are staring a demographic disaster straight in the eye

Not a happy time to be a member of the white christianist party

Nope the future doesn't look too good for the old Whitey C. Christian party

This chart should terrify Republicans - The Washington Post

the problem with that premise is that "minority" really means anything.

The "Minority" that puts that into play are, of course, "Hispanics", a largely artificial construct. Two or three generations in, they are speaking English, not Spanish and are all hanging with white people.

Now, I DO think the GOP has to outreach to minorities, I do think they need to get right with women and working class folks.
And so..........The Long, Slow, Demographic Death Spiral of the Republican Party continues unabated, or, as the medical community calls it,circling the drain
All the Hispanics I know are conservative. lol

They are all Catholic. Catholics tend to be conservative. They think liberal stands on just about everything BUT immigration policy are repugnant, and even on immigration they believe liberals lack logic, a sense of fair play, and order.
All the Hispanics I know are conservative. lol

They are all Catholic. Catholics tend to be conservative. They think liberal stands on just about everything BUT immigration policy are repugnant, and even on immigration they believe liberals lack logic, a sense of fair play, and order.

If so how come latinos didn't vote repub nationally in 2012 or 08
All the Hispanics I know are conservative. lol

They are all Catholic. Catholics tend to be conservative. They think liberal stands on just about everything BUT immigration policy are repugnant, and even on immigration they believe liberals lack logic, a sense of fair play, and order.

If so how come latinos didn't vote repub nationally in 2012 or 08

The Republicans had shitty candidates?
Not a happy time to be a member of the white christianist party

Nope the future doesn't look too good for the old Whitey C. Christian party

This chart should terrify Republicans - The Washington Post
Yet they beat the shit out of your bigot party,from local gov up through state house and governorship across the country,including both houses of congress,so your attempt at being a hateful bigot,falls way short,try and learn from this, it is unlikely ,but it is an opportunity.
All the Hispanics I know are conservative. lol

They are all Catholic. Catholics tend to be conservative. They think liberal stands on just about everything BUT immigration policy are repugnant, and even on immigration they believe liberals lack logic, a sense of fair play, and order.

If so how come latinos didn't vote repub nationally in 2012 or 08

The Republicans had shitty candidates?
McCain and Palin? Even a white person doesn't want Palin a heart beat away from the presidency. I mean, that was an elite conspiracy to MAKE SURE the black guy got elected.

And then running Romney? Well, the press lost the election for him there. I could go on forever about how the CFR works, but I won't. The conservative Hispanics I know are just like the other conservatives I know, they just didn't bother to vote. You know why? There was no conservative running. Just a fascist and a liberal. lol
And so..........The Long, Slow, Demographic Death Spiral of the Republican Party continues unabated, or, as the medical community calls it,circling the drain
You do live under a rock!!
Ignoring the last election will not change a thing,it just makes you and everyone like you look stupid and out of touch.
If the color of your skin, the money in your wallet, your legal status as an American, your dependency on government handouts, your desire to try and fix China's global climate effects from Washington, your desire to achieve a state of total inefficiency in the domestic and global markets, and the wanton desire to follow all the bad examples set by the rest of the world ... Outweigh the attempts to put governing on a higher and more productive plane of existence with the proper direction from real leaders ...

Then I would say the Republicans have a demographic problem ...

... That pales in comparison to the crap and problems the Democrats want to shackle Americans of every stripe, color, gender, sexual orientation, religious background, medical condition, employment status and general wellbeing with.

Democrats are looking a demographic disaster right in the eye. These minorities ultimately want to be self governing.
What if Republicans are not stupid, they just adore playing stupid? Seriously. How can we explain such things then?
What's the point? Do democrats plan to allow illegal immigrants to vote? Lost in their usual anti-Christian bigotry, low information lefties seem to forget that most Hispanics are Christian.
What's the point? Do democrats plan to allow illegal immigrants to vote? Lost in their usual anti-Christian bigotry, low information lefties seem to forget that most Hispanics are Christian.

Dealing with these hyper-leftists is a lot like shooting fish in a barrel... one-trick ponies... you get 'em off their core agenda, and they're toast.
Hey the lefties discovered a new strategy:

If you cant out think 'em, out BREED 'em!

Yes. If the unchecked almost feral breeding levels in some communities keeps up...they'll out number the others.
Hey the lefties discovered a new strategy:

If you cant out think 'em, out BREED 'em!

Yes. If the unchecked almost feral breeding levels in some communities keeps up...they'll out number the others.
Hell, what do you think the 'Pathway to Citizenship' for 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens is all about? Numbers.

Until the Illegals settle-in, spend a generation or two here, and work their way up, and mainstream, while the Welfare Base remains stagnant, decade after decade.

Once the Illegals and their descendants have more to lose, they won't be so quick to vote the Welfare Ticket.

So, although the Numbers Game presents short-term challenges, in truth, over the long-haul, it may prove to be more blessing than curse, to the Conservative cause.

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