Republicans better open our fucking government or

I think the Democrats should negotiate some spending cuts, to fund the govt.

But as for the debt ceiling, no negotiations. Just raise the damn ceiling!!!!

They already negotiated the funding level. No more negotiating until the gov't is opened and the limit raised.

^ that. The Democrats even accepted the Repub CR numbers but, quelle surpise!, thats not what the teapublicans want now. :eusa_eh:

Harry Reid Compromised On Shutdown Negotiation, House Republican Acknowledges
“It is a concession, I acknowledge that,” Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) told The Huffington Post on Saturday. “I was glad to see that lower number. It didn’t take defense spending into account. We still have a big discrepancy between the House and Senate version. But there has been some compromise and I acknowledge that.”

(Lamborn, for what it's worth, is no centrist. He signed on to a letter saying a government shutdown
was preferable to the implementation of Obamacare.)
The Greatest Debt Crisis The World Has Ever Seen Is Coming

The largest mountain of debt in the history of the world just continues to grow even larger, and everyone knows that this colossal debt spiral is not going to end well. But we all keep playing along because nobody wants the party to end. Right now, there is an unprecedented ocean of red ink covering the planet. Globally, governments have never been in so much debt, corporations have never been in so much debt and consumers have never been in so much debt. But every time someone suggests that this is a problem and that we should at least try to get debt levels to settle down a bit, people start screaming that “austerity” will hurt the global economy. And of course it will. But we can’t continue to live way, way above our means indefinitely. Well, we can try, but at some point this entire house of cards is going to come crashing down and we are going to be facing the greatest economic crisis the world has ever seen.

It is kind of like watching a slow-motion train wreck that you have no chance of possibly stopping that you know will end up killing lots of innocent people. This debt crisis is going to end up destroying the global financial system, but there is not a thing that you or I can do to prevent it from happening. The unprecedented debt binge that we are witnessing right now is going to continue until someday we hit a brick wall of financial disaster. We can yell and we can scream, but it isn’t going to stop what is happening.

I propose
1. Cutting food stamps, welfare back to 2008 levels.
2. Get troops out of the middle east and cut military to 600 billion for a few years.

Don't cut what makes us a first world nation. Don't punish working Americans within the infrastructure, tech and science sectors.

We won't get those back for a very long time.
I really don't care if the monuments stay closed for another year. Get government open and people back to work.
3. I also propose a 2% increase on taxes on all incomes to raise revenue.

Anything besides the destruction of our economy.
Many of them DONT have daily staff yet they are ALL closed so please point out to me how im wrong.

I'll wait....

Yawn....I know, but you right wingers are bitching over the shutdown of park/monuments that require staff.

Seriously, are you retarded or something?

Apparently I am so why don't you enlighten me to two things.

1. Which Park/Monuments require staff to be open?
2. Point to who is bitching about the place(s) you list in number 1.

Or just fade from this thread.

1. National Parks/Monuments.
2. Right wing retards after shutting down the government.

You people were supposed to be all about limited government, but are making a fuss over parks/monuments that you closed down.

Keep it up. It is working out great for you.
Yawn....I know, but you right wingers are bitching over the shutdown of park/monuments that require staff.

Seriously, are you retarded or something?

Apparently I am so why don't you enlighten me to two things.

1. Which Park/Monuments require staff to be open?
2. Point to who is bitching about the place(s) you list in number 1.

Or just fade from this thread.

1. National Parks/Monuments.
2. Right wing retards after shutting down the government.

You people were supposed to be all about limited government, but are making a fuss over parks/monuments that you closed down.

Keep it up. It is working out great for you.

Lololol you got NOTHING. That isn't an answer it's an admission of defeat.

You probably should have faded away
Voting democrat will only hasten our demise. How did solyndra work out for you?

The fake Republican speaks again.

What are his key points................

Cut the military, and raise taxes...........


The fake Republican speaks again.

What are his key points................

Cut the military, and raise taxes...........


1. Cut to 600 billion and most of that through pulling our troops from the middle east
2. Raise taxes on ALL groups by 2%.
3. Cut welfare to pre-Obama levels

Seems fair.
The only people that really care who is at fault are the politicians because all they care about is who is going to win the next election. The citizens of this country always come out the loser. The reason I back the TEA PARTY is they want to cut the size of government which means spend less money. All the bad publicity the TEA PARTY gets is coming from both the dems and repubs because it goes against their policy of taking more and more form the American people and gathering more power. Most people at some time have said it's time for the citizens to stand up and form a party that represents them and that's how the TEA PARTY came to be. The reason they don't have an organized party with clear leaders is it's made up of a bunch of like minded people that have not yet organized which so far has kept it from being corrupted. Somebody needs to speak for the people and the dems and repubs sure don't do that

The Tea Party is being rejected by Dem's, Repub's and independents, the mass's so to speak, because after watching them for several years, the conclusion has been reached that they do not consider the consequences of their knee jerk ideas. Their ideology is based of fraudulent spins and talking points. They are expert at pointing out problems, but horrible at finding solutions to solve those problems. In addition, they have proven themselves to be unable to govern. They cause infighting and endless squabbles amoungst themselves and their allies. Finally, they are completely dependent financially on support from the wealthiest people in society. Even their most patriotic ideas are corrupted by the dependence they have on satisfying billionairs.

But your solution is more spending and higher taxes. The British crown would have loved you.

Why would you assume my solution would be more spending and higher taxes? Could it be that you are one of the ones stuck inside that bubble where you believe anyone who disagrees with you is automaticly a liberal and opponent? It is never good when a political movement or party is dependent for it's existance on special interest that have agenda's that are different or even opposit of the movement or party. That is where the Tea Party is today. The core beliefs of it's members and fans are not in tune with the special interest that supports them financialy. They have been corrupted beyond repair.

The fake Republican speaks again.

What are his key points................

Cut the military, and raise taxes...........


1. Cut to 600 billion and most of that through pulling our troops from the middle east
2. Raise taxes on ALL groups by 2%.
3. Cut welfare to pre-Obama levels

Seems fair.
Raising taxes on those who pay nothing by 2% isn't going to help. Raising taxes on those who pay too much will hurt :confused:
Last edited:

The fake Republican speaks again.

What are his key points................

Cut the military, and raise taxes...........


1. Cut to 600 billion and most of that through pulling our troops from the middle east
2. Raise taxes on ALL groups by 2%.
3. Cut welfare to pre-Obama levels

Seems fair.
Raising taxes on those who pay nothing by 2% isn't going to help. Raising taxes on those who pay too much will hurt :confused:

Not .0001 the pain we would feel if we stay on the current course. 2011 we almost did this anyways and it would be spread fairly over EVERYONE.
The Tea Party is being rejected by Dem's, Repub's and independents, the mass's so to speak, because after watching them for several years, the conclusion has been reached that they do not consider the consequences of their knee jerk ideas. Their ideology is based of fraudulent spins and talking points. They are expert at pointing out problems, but horrible at finding solutions to solve those problems. In addition, they have proven themselves to be unable to govern. They cause infighting and endless squabbles amoungst themselves and their allies. Finally, they are completely dependent financially on support from the wealthiest people in society. Even their most patriotic ideas are corrupted by the dependence they have on satisfying billionairs.

But your solution is more spending and higher taxes. The British crown would have loved you.

Why would you assume my solution would be more spending and higher taxes? Could it be that you are one of the ones stuck inside that bubble where you believe anyone who disagrees with you is automaticly a liberal and opponent? It is never good when a political movement or party is dependent for it's existance on special interest that have agenda's that are different or even opposit of the movement or party. That is where the Tea Party is today. The core beliefs of it's members and fans are not in tune with the special interest that supports them financialy. They have been corrupted beyond repair.

You're telling me that dems aren't reliant on special interests? Lol.
Apparently I am so why don't you enlighten me to two things.

1. Which Park/Monuments require staff to be open?
2. Point to who is bitching about the place(s) you list in number 1.

Or just fade from this thread.

1. National Parks/Monuments.
2. Right wing retards after shutting down the government.

You people were supposed to be all about limited government, but are making a fuss over parks/monuments that you closed down.

Keep it up. It is working out great for you.

Lololol you got NOTHING. That isn't an answer it's an admission of defeat.

You probably should have faded away

man, that Val is one dumb parrot or programed robot...not sure which one
I think they post just to see himself post
Republicans better open our fucking government or I am going to vote straight democrat in 2014!!! You're destroying our edge within science, tech and hundreds of thousands of American jobs.

Believe me I HATE the racism, sexism and bull shit of the democrats big time. BUT you're no longer a party of a first world nation and sure as hell don't act like you wish America to be a first world nation.

Democrats suck dick but as bad as they're, they can run a fucking government(poorly).

Don't you ever tell me how proud you're of America being a super power. You don't care if we remain such you radical heartless bastards.

At least under George Bush you cared about science, tech and our leadership in the world. No more and so I can't support such a party. Good bye! I beg all my thinking republican friends to join me.

I'm sure that'll have them quaking in their wingtips.
I am just saying that
1. Food stamps should be taken back to 2008 levels
2. military brought home and 150 billion removed that is used for the wars.
3. A equal for all tax of 2%

Do you think fixing our problems won't be painful? This is in fact the best choice we have.
But your solution is more spending and higher taxes. The British crown would have loved you.

Why would you assume my solution would be more spending and higher taxes? Could it be that you are one of the ones stuck inside that bubble where you believe anyone who disagrees with you is automaticly a liberal and opponent? It is never good when a political movement or party is dependent for it's existance on special interest that have agenda's that are different or even opposit of the movement or party. That is where the Tea Party is today. The core beliefs of it's members and fans are not in tune with the special interest that supports them financialy. They have been corrupted beyond repair.

You're telling me that dems aren't reliant on special interests? Lol.

I'm not a democrat. I'm a pragmatist and centerist. My choice is moderate pragmatic Republicans or conservative pragmatic Democrats.
Dem's amd Repub's are certaily dependent of special interest, but they have many to choose from. When push comes to shove they can reject specific ones if they want. Anyhow, most of the special interest play both sides. The T's are dependent on only one special interest. That would be the obscenely rich who are trying to avoid higher taxes. The T's are of no value to any other special interest group.
2% here 2% there. It's no biggie right? Until they use that mentality repeatedly like they already have. Before I can agree to paying more of MY money I want to see some fiscal responsibility out of DC. Anyone who blindly agrees to pay more without some idea of responsibility ...... well, you know what they say about a fool and his money.
1. Cut to 600 billion and most of that through pulling our troops from the middle east
2. Raise taxes on ALL groups by 2%.
3. Cut welfare to pre-Obama levels

Seems fair.
Raising taxes on those who pay nothing by 2% isn't going to help. Raising taxes on those who pay too much will hurt :confused:

Not .0001 the pain we would feel if we stay on the current course. 2011 we almost did this anyways and it would be spread fairly over EVERYONE.
That word " fairly " scares the hell out of me.

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