Republicans Blame the Democrats for Not Stopping all of the Terrible Failed GOP Policy of the past 40 years.

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
The majority of Americas problems are a result of GOP policy failures.
Republicans can't accept this, and they try and spin/divert blame to the Democrats for "not doing enough to stop these problems" Even though these problems are caused by the GOP, escalated by the GOP, AND most importantly when a democrat opposes this GOP failed policy, they get attacked viciously by republicans and Fox News alike.

A few Perfect examples of this are the GOP War on Terror, the GOP War in Iraq, the GOP War on Drugs, and the failed GOP marijuana policy.

These were all GOP ideas, policy, and issues that the GOP created, started, and escalated. They were terrible failed ideas. Instead of blaming the root of the problem, the cause of the problem, Republicans are too chickenshit and they instead blame the opposition party for not opposing the GOP strongly enough.

In addition, if the democrats opposed these failed policies they were attacked and crushed by all republicans, and Fox News, and Rush Limbaugh etc

This is the demented alternate reality the GOP must live in, in order to never take personal responsibility for their repeated fuck ups.

Max Cleland (D), a Vietnam Veteran and amputee, lost his House seat in 2002 because he opposed Bush and Bush's War mongering. Republicans create the failed fucked up policy, then attack Dems that oppose the failed policy. THEN future Republican sheep attack the dems for not doing more to stop the GOP failure, instead of attacking the very people that caused, created, and escalated the failed policy. This is the wrold of a Republican.

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Instead of blaming the party and people responsible for our terrible failed policy, Trumpers blame the people that have not done enough to stop this failed policy, even though it is political suicide to oppose this failed policy??? This is the definition of making excuses, blaming other people for the failures of the GOP.
Ray Goon legacy.jpg
40 Years of GOP policy? In what century? Here's a little example of democrat propaganda, democrats created a scheme during the Clinton administration where banks would be forced to make bad loans or face civil rights litigation. The loans were bundled with good loans and sold to lending agencies. The scheme worked for more than a decade until democrats took over the majority during George W. Bush's 2nd term. A gay rights activist congressman named Barney Frank took over the powerful "house banking committee" which had oversight for Fannie Mae. Under his leadership (or lack of it) Fannie collapsed just before the presidential election. Democrats (with their minions in the media) managed to blame the economic collapse on you know who and that's how the system works.
  • Thread starter
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  • #6
Idiot Trumper actually have the gall to blame the failed GOP War on Drugs and our failed marijuana policy on Democrats.

Trumpers are too stupid to even understand what their party supports and the laws and judges that their party has passed.

The War on Drugs is the Dems fault because they didn't stop the idiot Republicans from starting it and escalating it...

that is Trumper logic right there, but these retards are actually serious.
Idiot Trumper actually have the gall to blame the failed GOP War on Drugs and our failed marijuana policy on Democrats.

Trumpers are too stupid to even understand what their party supports and the laws and judges that their party has passed.

The War on Drugs is the Dems fault because they didn't stop the idiot Republicans from starting it and escalating it...

that is Trumper logic right there, but these retards are actually serious.
1. What failed war on drugs? Thats a war we have to win.
Look at the deaths rising under Obama and slowing under Trump:

2. What idiotic rationale' do you have for what Republican laws and judges you are whining about?

3. Here's an example of idiotic democrat judges letting murderers keep killing:

4. Either put up links explaining your whining or go to the flame zone.
Idiot Trumper actually have the gall to blame the failed GOP War on Drugs and our failed marijuana policy on Democrats.

Trumpers are too stupid to even understand what their party supports and the laws and judges that their party has passed.

The War on Drugs is the Dems fault because they didn't stop the idiot Republicans from starting it and escalating it...

that is Trumper logic right there, but these retards are actually serious.
1. What failed war on drugs? Thats a war we have to win.
Look at the deaths rising under Obama and slowing under Trump:
View attachment 508843

2. What idiotic rationale' do you have for what Republican laws and judges you are whining about?

3. Here's an example of idiotic democrat judges letting murderers keep killing:

4. Either put up links explaining your whining or go to the flame zone.
Seems like he hit your nerve.
Idiot Trumper actually have the gall to blame the failed GOP War on Drugs and our failed marijuana policy on Democrats.

Trumpers are too stupid to even understand what their party supports and the laws and judges that their party has passed.

The War on Drugs is the Dems fault because they didn't stop the idiot Republicans from starting it and escalating it...

that is Trumper logic right there, but these retards are actually serious.
1. What failed war on drugs? Thats a war we have to win.
Look at the deaths rising under Obama and slowing under Trump:
View attachment 508843

2. What idiotic rationale' do you have for what Republican laws and judges you are whining about?

3. Here's an example of idiotic democrat judges letting murderers keep killing:

4. Either put up links explaining your whining or go to the flame zone.
Seems like he hit your nerve.
I call bullshit when I see it. All democrats have are lies.
Idiot Trumper actually have the gall to blame the failed GOP War on Drugs and our failed marijuana policy on Democrats.

Trumpers are too stupid to even understand what their party supports and the laws and judges that their party has passed.

The War on Drugs is the Dems fault because they didn't stop the idiot Republicans from starting it and escalating it...

that is Trumper logic right there, but these retards are actually serious.
1. What failed war on drugs? Thats a war we have to win.
Look at the deaths rising under Obama and slowing under Trump:
View attachment 508843

2. What idiotic rationale' do you have for what Republican laws and judges you are whining about?

3. Here's an example of idiotic democrat judges letting murderers keep killing:

4. Either put up links explaining your whining or go to the flame zone.
Please tell us what Trump did in the drug war... Explain his actions with actual evidence of what he changed...

That graph shows Obama getting something right and then Trump screwing it up... There is a lag... What did Trump do in 2017 to effect that...

Obama seems to have been the one to take it on as a more Public Health issue... Look at the prison numbers


Trump didn't change them.. Trump was incompetent and one of those advantages is that he couldn't destroy everything Obama did...
Idiot Trumper actually have the gall to blame the failed GOP War on Drugs and our failed marijuana policy on Democrats.

Trumpers are too stupid to even understand what their party supports and the laws and judges that their party has passed.

The War on Drugs is the Dems fault because they didn't stop the idiot Republicans from starting it and escalating it...

that is Trumper logic right there, but these retards are actually serious.
1. What failed war on drugs? Thats a war we have to win.
Look at the deaths rising under Obama and slowing under Trump:
View attachment 508843

2. What idiotic rationale' do you have for what Republican laws and judges you are whining about?

3. Here's an example of idiotic democrat judges letting murderers keep killing:

4. Either put up links explaining your whining or go to the flame zone.
Please tell us what Trump did in the drug war... Explain his actions with actual evidence of what he changed...

That graph shows Obama getting something right and then Trump screwing it up... There is a lag... What did Trump do in 2017 to effect that...

Obama seems to have been the one to take it on as a more Public Health issue... Look at the prison numbers

Trump didn't change them.. Trump was incompetent and one of those advantages is that he couldn't destroy everything Obama did...
1. The graph shows Obama's utter failure to protect Americans from the drug cartels. Look at it again. The deaths went from 38,000 a year to over 70,000 a year, climbing exponentially thru 2017, then Trump leveled it and was working hard to lower it. Trump went after the Mexican drug cartels, China's fentanyl trade, and worked hard to reduce the number of US deaths.

Under Trump, China, a major exporter of fentanyl to the US, agreed to classify fentanyl as a controlled substance. The Justice Department has increased the number of prosecutions it has brought against fentanyl traffickers. And the surgeon general recommended prescribing or co-prescribing Naloxone -- a drug designed to reverse an opioid overdose -- alongside opioids.
But some of the largest victories in overdose death reduction have arguably come in the form of bipartisan agreement in Congress and from efforts by states.

"Yesterday, I brought them into the Oval Office," he said. "I asked a group, what impact do drugs have in terms of a percentage on crime? They said, 75 to 80 percent. That's pretty sad."
"We're going to stop the drugs from pouring in," said the president. "We're going to stop those drugs from poisoning our youth, from poisoning our people. We're going to be ruthless in that fight. We have no choice."
As for the drug cartels that have operatives throughout the United States, President Trump said "we're going to take that fight to the drug cartels and work to liberate our communities from their terrible grip of violence. You have the power and knowledge to tell General [John] Kelly -- now Secretary Kelly -- who the illegal immigrant gang members are."


President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that the administration was launching an all out assault on Mexican drug cartels using the U.S. military.
40 Years of GOP policy? In what century? Here's a little example of democrat propaganda, democrats created a scheme during the Clinton administration where banks would be forced to make bad loans or face civil rights litigation. The loans were bundled with good loans and sold to lending agencies. The scheme worked for more than a decade until democrats took over the majority during George W. Bush's 2nd term. A gay rights activist congressman named Barney Frank took over the powerful "house banking committee" which had oversight for Fannie Mae. Under his leadership (or lack of it) Fannie collapsed just before the presidential election. Democrats (with their minions in the media) managed to blame the economic collapse on you know who and that's how the system works.
Another Trumptard blaming Clinton for another republican blunder, it's in their DNA, just like Trump.
Clinton never forced banks to make bad loans, no one did except lenders themselves.

This Administration will constantly strive to promote an ownership society in America. We want more people owning their own home. It is in our national interest that more people own their own home. After all, if you own your own home, you have a vital stake in the future of our country."

- President George W. Bush, December 16, 2003
  • The US homeownership rate reached a record 69.2 percent in the second quarter of 2004. The number of homeowners in the United States reached 73.4 million, the most ever. And for the first time, the majority of minority Americans own their own homes.
  • The President set a goal to increase the number of minority homeowners by 5.5 million families by the end of the decade. Through his homeownership challenge, the President called on the private sector to help in this effort. More than two dozen companies and organizations have made commitments to increase minority homeownership - including pledges to provide more than $1.1 trillion in mortgage purchases for minority homebuyers this decade.
  • President Bush signed the $200 million-per-year American Dream Downpayment Act which will help approximately 40,000 families each year with their downpayment and closing costs.
  • The Administration proposed the Zero-Downpayment Initiative to allow the Federal Housing Administration to insure mortgages for first-time homebuyers without a downpayment. Projections indicate this could generate over 150,000 new homeowners in the first year alone.
  • President Bush proposed a new Single Family Affordable Housing Tax Credit to increase the supply of affordable homes.
  • The President has proposed to more than double funding for the Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP), where government and non-profit organizations work closely together to increase homeownership opportunities.
  • The President proposed $2.7 billion in USDA home loan guarantees to support rural homeownership and $1.1 billion in direct loans for low-income borrowers unable to secure a mortgage through a conventional lender. These loans are expected to provide 42,800 homeownership opportunities to rural families across America.
Idiot Trumper actually have the gall to blame the failed GOP War on Drugs and our failed marijuana policy on Democrats.

Trumpers are too stupid to even understand what their party supports and the laws and judges that their party has passed.

The War on Drugs is the Dems fault because they didn't stop the idiot Republicans from starting it and escalating it...

that is Trumper logic right there, but these retards are actually serious.
1. What failed war on drugs? Thats a war we have to win.
Look at the deaths rising under Obama and slowing under Trump:
View attachment 508843

2. What idiotic rationale' do you have for what Republican laws and judges you are whining about?

3. Here's an example of idiotic democrat judges letting murderers keep killing:

4. Either put up links explaining your whining or go to the flame zone.
Please tell us what Trump did in the drug war... Explain his actions with actual evidence of what he changed...

That graph shows Obama getting something right and then Trump screwing it up... There is a lag... What did Trump do in 2017 to effect that...

Obama seems to have been the one to take it on as a more Public Health issue... Look at the prison numbers

Trump didn't change them.. Trump was incompetent and one of those advantages is that he couldn't destroy everything Obama did...
1. The graph shows Obama's utter failure to protect Americans from the drug cartels. Look at it again. The deaths went from 38,000 a year to over 70,000 a year, climbing exponentially thru 2017, then Trump leveled it and was working hard to lower it. Trump went after the Mexican drug cartels, China's fentanyl trade, and worked hard to reduce the number of US deaths.
View attachment 508944

Under Trump, China, a major exporter of fentanyl to the US, agreed to classify fentanyl as a controlled substance. The Justice Department has increased the number of prosecutions it has brought against fentanyl traffickers. And the surgeon general recommended prescribing or co-prescribing Naloxone -- a drug designed to reverse an opioid overdose -- alongside opioids.
But some of the largest victories in overdose death reduction have arguably come in the form of bipartisan agreement in Congress and from efforts by states.

"Yesterday, I brought them into the Oval Office," he said. "I asked a group, what impact do drugs have in terms of a percentage on crime? They said, 75 to 80 percent. That's pretty sad."
"We're going to stop the drugs from pouring in," said the president. "We're going to stop those drugs from poisoning our youth, from poisoning our people. We're going to be ruthless in that fight. We have no choice."
As for the drug cartels that have operatives throughout the United States, President Trump said "we're going to take that fight to the drug cartels and work to liberate our communities from their terrible grip of violence. You have the power and knowledge to tell General [John] Kelly -- now Secretary Kelly -- who the illegal immigrant gang members are."

View attachment 508943

President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that the administration was launching an all out assault on Mexican drug cartels using the U.S. military.
Nice diversions. Blaming Obama for the GOP failed war on Drugs, you also tried to blame him for the GOP failed war on Terror.

This is the basis of the thread.

The GOP is the party of total failure. The majority of the problems in America are a result of the failed GOP, and instead of holding the failed GOP accountable for their failure, you try to spin it and blame democrats for the GOP failed policy.

The GOP fucks everything up, then idiot Trumpers blame democrats for not stopping the retard GOP.

Bush and the GOP are the reason we went to war in Iraq, yet you can't accept and admit that and blame the democrats for Bush's failure.

The GOP started and escalated the failed war on Drugs, yet somehow it is the democrats fault...

Typical Trump bull shit
Idiot Trumper actually have the gall to blame the failed GOP War on Drugs and our failed marijuana policy on Democrats.

Trumpers are too stupid to even understand what their party supports and the laws and judges that their party has passed.

The War on Drugs is the Dems fault because they didn't stop the idiot Republicans from starting it and escalating it...

that is Trumper logic right there, but these retards are actually serious.
1. What failed war on drugs? Thats a war we have to win.
Look at the deaths rising under Obama and slowing under Trump:
View attachment 508843

2. What idiotic rationale' do you have for what Republican laws and judges you are whining about?

3. Here's an example of idiotic democrat judges letting murderers keep killing:

4. Either put up links explaining your whining or go to the flame zone.
Please tell us what Trump did in the drug war... Explain his actions with actual evidence of what he changed...

That graph shows Obama getting something right and then Trump screwing it up... There is a lag... What did Trump do in 2017 to effect that...

Obama seems to have been the one to take it on as a more Public Health issue... Look at the prison numbers

Trump didn't change them.. Trump was incompetent and one of those advantages is that he couldn't destroy everything Obama did...
1. The graph shows Obama's utter failure to protect Americans from the drug cartels. Look at it again. The deaths went from 38,000 a year to over 70,000 a year, climbing exponentially thru 2017, then Trump leveled it and was working hard to lower it. Trump went after the Mexican drug cartels, China's fentanyl trade, and worked hard to reduce the number of US deaths.
View attachment 508944

Under Trump, China, a major exporter of fentanyl to the US, agreed to classify fentanyl as a controlled substance. The Justice Department has increased the number of prosecutions it has brought against fentanyl traffickers. And the surgeon general recommended prescribing or co-prescribing Naloxone -- a drug designed to reverse an opioid overdose -- alongside opioids.
But some of the largest victories in overdose death reduction have arguably come in the form of bipartisan agreement in Congress and from efforts by states.

"Yesterday, I brought them into the Oval Office," he said. "I asked a group, what impact do drugs have in terms of a percentage on crime? They said, 75 to 80 percent. That's pretty sad."
"We're going to stop the drugs from pouring in," said the president. "We're going to stop those drugs from poisoning our youth, from poisoning our people. We're going to be ruthless in that fight. We have no choice."
As for the drug cartels that have operatives throughout the United States, President Trump said "we're going to take that fight to the drug cartels and work to liberate our communities from their terrible grip of violence. You have the power and knowledge to tell General [John] Kelly -- now Secretary Kelly -- who the illegal immigrant gang members are."

View attachment 508943

President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that the administration was launching an all out assault on Mexican drug cartels using the U.S. military.
Nice diversions. Blaming Obama for the GOP failed war on Drugs, you also tried to blame him for the GOP failed war on Terror.

This is the basis of the thread.

The GOP is the party of total failure. The majority of the problems in America are a result of the failed GOP, and instead of holding the failed GOP accountable for their failure, you try to spin it and blame democrats for the GOP failed policy.

The GOP fucks everything up, then idiot Trumpers blame democrats for not stopping the retard GOP.

Bush and the GOP are the reason we went to war in Iraq, yet you can't accept and admit that and blame the democrats for Bush's failure.

The GOP started and escalated the failed war on Drugs, yet somehow it is the democrats fault...

Typical Trump bull shit
1. Read the fucking graph, its proven, not a "diversion".
Obama doubled the number of US deaths, and Trump reduced them.

2. Obama was a disaster in Syria, allowing the Isis caliphate to expand. Trump killed Isis. No one blames Obama for the WOT, just his stupid handling of Isis.

3. You whine about the "failed GOP policies" but don't list any. If you want to debate any policies lets go. Remember, according to SecDef Gates, Biden hasn't been right about anything in the 30-years he's been in DC.

4. I can start by listing the stupid democrat policies that will cost them in 2022 and 2024:
Open Borders and lax immigration policies, a disaster in-progress
Defund the police, we have videos and city budget cuts to prove it wasn't a GOP idea
Russia First Energy policies, allowing Putin to sell gas, after Trump had it stopped
Lax Military posture, teaching CRT and racism in the US military?! disgusting.
The Green New Deal, another disaster soon to be in-progress
"Wokeness", more racism, be careful what you wish for
Support of criminals, no bail, etc. the citis are becoming even more lawless
Reprogramed US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values, dumbing down US kids
Oppose school vouchers, let kids and parents choose the schools they want to attend
China First trade policies. Joe Xiden and Hunter making lots of cash
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate, another dumb idea
HR-1 grab for one-party rule, no fucking way this passes
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever, no fucking way this passes
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote, no fucking way this passes
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state, not gonna happen
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists, no fucking way

5. Before Covid-19 hit, the US was on the best economic track in history.


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Idiot Trumper actually have the gall to blame the failed GOP War on Drugs and our failed marijuana policy on Democrats.

Trumpers are too stupid to even understand what their party supports and the laws and judges that their party has passed.

The War on Drugs is the Dems fault because they didn't stop the idiot Republicans from starting it and escalating it...

that is Trumper logic right there, but these retards are actually serious.
1. What failed war on drugs? Thats a war we have to win.
Look at the deaths rising under Obama and slowing under Trump:
View attachment 508843

2. What idiotic rationale' do you have for what Republican laws and judges you are whining about?

3. Here's an example of idiotic democrat judges letting murderers keep killing:

4. Either put up links explaining your whining or go to the flame zone.
Please tell us what Trump did in the drug war... Explain his actions with actual evidence of what he changed...

That graph shows Obama getting something right and then Trump screwing it up... There is a lag... What did Trump do in 2017 to effect that...

Obama seems to have been the one to take it on as a more Public Health issue... Look at the prison numbers

Trump didn't change them.. Trump was incompetent and one of those advantages is that he couldn't destroy everything Obama did...
1. The graph shows Obama's utter failure to protect Americans from the drug cartels. Look at it again. The deaths went from 38,000 a year to over 70,000 a year, climbing exponentially thru 2017, then Trump leveled it and was working hard to lower it. Trump went after the Mexican drug cartels, China's fentanyl trade, and worked hard to reduce the number of US deaths.
View attachment 508944

Under Trump, China, a major exporter of fentanyl to the US, agreed to classify fentanyl as a controlled substance. The Justice Department has increased the number of prosecutions it has brought against fentanyl traffickers. And the surgeon general recommended prescribing or co-prescribing Naloxone -- a drug designed to reverse an opioid overdose -- alongside opioids.
But some of the largest victories in overdose death reduction have arguably come in the form of bipartisan agreement in Congress and from efforts by states.

"Yesterday, I brought them into the Oval Office," he said. "I asked a group, what impact do drugs have in terms of a percentage on crime? They said, 75 to 80 percent. That's pretty sad."
"We're going to stop the drugs from pouring in," said the president. "We're going to stop those drugs from poisoning our youth, from poisoning our people. We're going to be ruthless in that fight. We have no choice."
As for the drug cartels that have operatives throughout the United States, President Trump said "we're going to take that fight to the drug cartels and work to liberate our communities from their terrible grip of violence. You have the power and knowledge to tell General [John] Kelly -- now Secretary Kelly -- who the illegal immigrant gang members are."

View attachment 508943

President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that the administration was launching an all out assault on Mexican drug cartels using the U.S. military.
Nice diversions. Blaming Obama for the GOP failed war on Drugs, you also tried to blame him for the GOP failed war on Terror.

This is the basis of the thread.

The GOP is the party of total failure. The majority of the problems in America are a result of the failed GOP, and instead of holding the failed GOP accountable for their failure, you try to spin it and blame democrats for the GOP failed policy.

The GOP fucks everything up, then idiot Trumpers blame democrats for not stopping the retard GOP.

Bush and the GOP are the reason we went to war in Iraq, yet you can't accept and admit that and blame the democrats for Bush's failure.

The GOP started and escalated the failed war on Drugs, yet somehow it is the democrats fault...

Typical Trump bull shit
1. Read the fucking graph, its proven, not a "diversion".
Obama doubled the number of US deaths, and Trump reduced them.

2. Obama was a disaster in Syria, allowing the Isis caliphate to expand. Trump killed Isis. No one blames Obama for the WOT, just his stupid handling of Isis.
View attachment 509016

3. You whine about the "failed GOP policies" but don't list any. If you want to debate any policies lets go. Remember, according to SecDef Gates, Biden hasn't been right about anything in the 30-years he's been in DC.

4. I can start by listing the stupid democrat policies that will cost them in 2022 and 2024:
Open Borders and lax immigration policies, a disaster in-progress
Defund the police, we have videos and city budget cuts to prove it wasn't a GOP idea
Russia First Energy policies, allowing Putin to sell gas, after Trump had it stopped
Lax Military posture, teaching CRT and racism in the US military?! disgusting.
The Green New Deal, another disaster soon to be in-progress
"Wokeness", more racism, be careful what you wish for
Support of criminals, no bail, etc. the citis are becoming even more lawless
Reprogramed US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values, dumbing down US kids
Oppose school vouchers, let kids and parents choose the schools they want to attend
China First trade policies. Joe Xiden and Hunter making lots of cash
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate, another dumb idea
HR-1 grab for one-party rule, no fucking way this passes
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever, no fucking way this passes
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote, no fucking way this passes
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state, not gonna happen
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists, no fucking way

5. Before Covid-19 hit, the US was on the best economic track in history.

Trump reduced drug overdoses?? 2020 was a record high.
Idiot Trumper actually have the gall to blame the failed GOP War on Drugs and our failed marijuana policy on Democrats.

Trumpers are too stupid to even understand what their party supports and the laws and judges that their party has passed.

The War on Drugs is the Dems fault because they didn't stop the idiot Republicans from starting it and escalating it...

that is Trumper logic right there, but these retards are actually serious.
1. What failed war on drugs? Thats a war we have to win.
Look at the deaths rising under Obama and slowing under Trump:
View attachment 508843

2. What idiotic rationale' do you have for what Republican laws and judges you are whining about?

3. Here's an example of idiotic democrat judges letting murderers keep killing:

4. Either put up links explaining your whining or go to the flame zone.
Please tell us what Trump did in the drug war... Explain his actions with actual evidence of what he changed...

That graph shows Obama getting something right and then Trump screwing it up... There is a lag... What did Trump do in 2017 to effect that...

Obama seems to have been the one to take it on as a more Public Health issue... Look at the prison numbers

Trump didn't change them.. Trump was incompetent and one of those advantages is that he couldn't destroy everything Obama did...
1. The graph shows Obama's utter failure to protect Americans from the drug cartels. Look at it again. The deaths went from 38,000 a year to over 70,000 a year, climbing exponentially thru 2017, then Trump leveled it and was working hard to lower it. Trump went after the Mexican drug cartels, China's fentanyl trade, and worked hard to reduce the number of US deaths.
View attachment 508944

Under Trump, China, a major exporter of fentanyl to the US, agreed to classify fentanyl as a controlled substance. The Justice Department has increased the number of prosecutions it has brought against fentanyl traffickers. And the surgeon general recommended prescribing or co-prescribing Naloxone -- a drug designed to reverse an opioid overdose -- alongside opioids.
But some of the largest victories in overdose death reduction have arguably come in the form of bipartisan agreement in Congress and from efforts by states.

"Yesterday, I brought them into the Oval Office," he said. "I asked a group, what impact do drugs have in terms of a percentage on crime? They said, 75 to 80 percent. That's pretty sad."
"We're going to stop the drugs from pouring in," said the president. "We're going to stop those drugs from poisoning our youth, from poisoning our people. We're going to be ruthless in that fight. We have no choice."
As for the drug cartels that have operatives throughout the United States, President Trump said "we're going to take that fight to the drug cartels and work to liberate our communities from their terrible grip of violence. You have the power and knowledge to tell General [John] Kelly -- now Secretary Kelly -- who the illegal immigrant gang members are."

View attachment 508943

President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that the administration was launching an all out assault on Mexican drug cartels using the U.S. military.
Nice diversions. Blaming Obama for the GOP failed war on Drugs, you also tried to blame him for the GOP failed war on Terror.

This is the basis of the thread.

The GOP is the party of total failure. The majority of the problems in America are a result of the failed GOP, and instead of holding the failed GOP accountable for their failure, you try to spin it and blame democrats for the GOP failed policy.

The GOP fucks everything up, then idiot Trumpers blame democrats for not stopping the retard GOP.

Bush and the GOP are the reason we went to war in Iraq, yet you can't accept and admit that and blame the democrats for Bush's failure.

The GOP started and escalated the failed war on Drugs, yet somehow it is the democrats fault...

Typical Trump bull shit
1. Read the fucking graph, its proven, not a "diversion".
Obama doubled the number of US deaths, and Trump reduced them.

2. Obama was a disaster in Syria, allowing the Isis caliphate to expand. Trump killed Isis. No one blames Obama for the WOT, just his stupid handling of Isis.
View attachment 509016

3. You whine about the "failed GOP policies" but don't list any. If you want to debate any policies lets go. Remember, according to SecDef Gates, Biden hasn't been right about anything in the 30-years he's been in DC.

4. I can start by listing the stupid democrat policies that will cost them in 2022 and 2024:
Open Borders and lax immigration policies, a disaster in-progress
Defund the police, we have videos and city budget cuts to prove it wasn't a GOP idea
Russia First Energy policies, allowing Putin to sell gas, after Trump had it stopped
Lax Military posture, teaching CRT and racism in the US military?! disgusting.
The Green New Deal, another disaster soon to be in-progress
"Wokeness", more racism, be careful what you wish for
Support of criminals, no bail, etc. the citis are becoming even more lawless
Reprogramed US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values, dumbing down US kids
Oppose school vouchers, let kids and parents choose the schools they want to attend
China First trade policies. Joe Xiden and Hunter making lots of cash
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate, another dumb idea
HR-1 grab for one-party rule, no fucking way this passes
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever, no fucking way this passes
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote, no fucking way this passes
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state, not gonna happen
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists, no fucking way

5. Before Covid-19 hit, the US was on the best economic track in history.

Trump reduced drug overdoses?? 2020 was a record high.
Read the chart, its deaths not overdoses.

Trump reduced drug overdoses?? 2020 was a record high.
Read the chart, its deaths not overdoses.
Oh, I guess I'm mistaken then because I thought this was the chart YOU posted....?

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I see "deaths", not "overdoses" they are different, not all overdoses result in death.
Also, I don't see your 2020 number, got a link?

It's deaths by overdose. You posted a chart which only excluded Trump's final year in office term but you claim he decreased those overdoses even though your chart shows a record high (at that time) in 2019. And that's not even discussing 2020, which broke the record.

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