Republicans' Bumpkinification


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
Sums it up nicely. Perfectly.

The Bumpkinification of the Midterm Elections

".....Candidates themselves don’t deserve all the blame for their bumpkinizing. Much of that rests with the blizzards of money being blown from wealthy donors and super PACs to a growing oligarchy of media consultants, who typically live on the coasts and work for multiple candidates at once. In a D.C. twist, those bumpkins we see on our screens are often not even real bumpkins so much as some rich guy’s idea of what a bumpkin should be. One telltale signal is how familiar the props are — the livestock, the guns, the motorcycles, the dogs and, of course, the flannel. An ad for Rob Maness, a Louisiana Republican running for the Senate, features a trifecta: a gun, an airboat and an alligator.

In large part, this is what we have to show for the nearly $4 billion that is expected to be spent in this campaign, the most of any midterm election in history.""""
At least the repubs use elements of culture to sway voters. Around here the signs say nothing more than "vote for the democrats" and they're posted all over and around the college campus. I guess that's the difference between dogs and sheep.

No need for anything more here.
Next thing you know, they'll be telling us they didn't really want to control the stupid old Senate anyway.
Next thing you know, they'll be telling us they didn't really want to control the stupid old Senate anyway.
Biden is trying to spin it too. He claims that a GOP Congress would have to compromise with POTUS. Anyone with a brain realizes that it's POTUS who will have to compromise.
Next thing you know, they'll be telling us they didn't really want to control the stupid old Senate anyway.
Biden is trying to spin it too. He claims that a GOP Congress would have to compromise with POTUS. Anyone with a brain realizes that it's POTUS who will have to compromise.

If they have the balls, they can just refuse to fund his executive orders, leaving him dependent on them for legislation to sign. His ego won't allow him to be irrelevant, so he'll have to play ball. I bet he hates the thought of that.
Next thing you know, they'll be telling us they didn't really want to control the stupid old Senate anyway.
Biden is trying to spin it too. He claims that a GOP Congress would have to compromise with POTUS. Anyone with a brain realizes that it's POTUS who will have to compromise.

true that ... Turtleboy has already made that real clear. After the republicans get through with Obama, he'll either have to veto some of his legislation or sign off on the Republican version ..
At least Republicans can make a point without having to use made up words.
Dumbass troll & his idiotic whine threads.

Another one who didn't even glance at it.

Since we don't get the regional market political ads, it's quite amazing how the GOP candidates all decided to dumb it down to hunting dogs, boats, bullets and castrating that's a prerequisite for interpreting and making laws. Yupper, the USA gets more redneck every day.
Next thing you know, they'll be telling us they didn't really want to control the stupid old Senate anyway.
Biden is trying to spin it too. He claims that a GOP Congress would have to compromise with POTUS. Anyone with a brain realizes that it's POTUS who will have to compromise.

true that ... Turtleboy has already made that real clear. After the republicans get through with Obama, he'll either have to veto some of his legislation or sign off on the Republican version ..

And Joni Ernst won't even endorse TurtleFace. She said not until the election is over. What's with that? None of these candidates want to be associated with their leaders. If that doesn't scream "WTF" I don't know what does.
Yeah, those city folk don't like to be reminded that vast tracts of the land are controlled by people who don't think like they do.
"...a closer reading reveals that even though the author might be thinking the candidates are toothless, drooling hicks, he’s really casting stones at those of you stupid enough to fall for their homespun, down on the farm campaign commercials."

"....what these elite culture warriors truly hate more than anything else is having to live on a patch of land which is attached to the flyover states where the annoying, unwashed masses reside. But more to the point, it should be noted that these campaign messages are effective for a reason, and it’s not a negative one. These “bumpkins” which Leibovitch so casually dismisses as being unworthy of participating in a modern democracy are, in fact, representative of a large swath of the nation. There are still people who actually live in farm country and maintain the values he so cheerily derides. There are people working in factories and mills – at least those few who can still find jobs – and get up every day worrying about problems which probably seem quaint, if not fictional, to those who spend their lives living in Manhattan, D.C. or Hollywood."

The NYT has had enough of you bumpkins deciding elections Hot Air

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