Republicans call for moratorium on release of Gitmo prisoners

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
Citing danger to the US and its allies, Republican senators have proposed legislation that seeks a moratorium on the release of "medium- and high-risk detainees" held at the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
In addition to imposing a two-year hold on the transfer of the majority of the 127 prisoners at the facility, the legislation would also bar the transfer of any detainees to Yemen for two years.
The Guantanamo Prison was first opened following the attacks of September 11, 2001, to house suspected jihadist militants with ties to Al-Qaeda. It eventually became an international symbol of human rights abuses.
This citadel of evil will never close. Republicans won't allow.
welcome to America, buddies.
you must enjoy.
Citing danger to the US and its allies, Republican senators have proposed legislation that seeks a moratorium on the release of "medium- and high-risk detainees" held at the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
In addition to imposing a two-year hold on the transfer of the majority of the 127 prisoners at the facility, the legislation would also bar the transfer of any detainees to Yemen for two years.
The Guantanamo Prison was first opened following the attacks of September 11, 2001, to house suspected jihadist militants with ties to Al-Qaeda. It eventually became an international symbol of human rights abuses.
This citadel of evil will never close. Republicans won't allow.
welcome to America, buddies.
you must enjoy.

I heard there are still 127 high risk prisoners at GITMO, 81 of them from Yemen. You and Obama may want to send them back to Yemen, but I don't.
Citing danger to the US and its allies, Republican senators have proposed legislation that seeks a moratorium on the release of "medium- and high-risk detainees" held at the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
In addition to imposing a two-year hold on the transfer of the majority of the 127 prisoners at the facility, the legislation would also bar the transfer of any detainees to Yemen for two years.
The Guantanamo Prison was first opened following the attacks of September 11, 2001, to house suspected jihadist militants with ties to Al-Qaeda. It eventually became an international symbol of human rights abuses.
This citadel of evil will never close. Republicans won't allow.
welcome to America, buddies.
you must enjoy.

I heard there are still 127 high risk prisoners at GITMO, 81 of them from Yemen. You and Obama may want to send them back to Yemen, but I don't.

I'd like to see them go to trial.
Citing danger to the US and its allies, Republican senators have proposed legislation that seeks a moratorium on the release of "medium- and high-risk detainees" held at the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
In addition to imposing a two-year hold on the transfer of the majority of the 127 prisoners at the facility, the legislation would also bar the transfer of any detainees to Yemen for two years.
The Guantanamo Prison was first opened following the attacks of September 11, 2001, to house suspected jihadist militants with ties to Al-Qaeda. It eventually became an international symbol of human rights abuses.
This citadel of evil will never close. Republicans won't allow.
welcome to America, buddies.
you must enjoy.

I heard there are still 127 high risk prisoners at GITMO, 81 of them from Yemen. You and Obama may want to send them back to Yemen, but I don't.
Ok, friend. What do you want to do with them? Are you one of those who torture people to get any "truth" to save World Democracy. Do you know these 81 men personally? Are you familiar with their cases? I am sure such person like you find them in Yemen easily.
Bushy was a fool to let one guy go and now the US is offering $5 million to recapture him. Releasing all of them is really using the ol' noggin.
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Try them or set them free
They should have been tried from day one, as they are either terrorists or they are not. If anything, GITMO has created terrorists and encouraged terrorist attacks.

We are supposed to hold ourselves up as the model to the world for liberty and freedom

Yet we hold men for 13 years with no charges, no right to face their accuser and no trial. Why? Because we are afraid
Bushy was a fool to let one guy go and now the US is offering $5 million to recapture him. Releasing all of them is really using the ol' noggin.

Or we could give them a trial.

When have prisoners of war been given a trial. Please refresh my memory.

Same old shit. These prisoners have been given the status as neither prisoners of war nor criminals. Depending on which way the wind is blowing we switch from one to the other. If they are POWs, give them the rights of POWs and Geneva Convention protections. These are men with no status, no rights and no one protecting their rights

They are not being held because they are enemy combatants. They are being held because we have accused them of some undisclosed crime.

We are either a nation of laws or we aren't
Citing danger to the US and its allies, Republican senators have proposed legislation that seeks a moratorium on the release of "medium- and high-risk detainees" held at the military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
In addition to imposing a two-year hold on the transfer of the majority of the 127 prisoners at the facility, the legislation would also bar the transfer of any detainees to Yemen for two years.
The Guantanamo Prison was first opened following the attacks of September 11, 2001, to house suspected jihadist militants with ties to Al-Qaeda. It eventually became an international symbol of human rights abuses.
This citadel of evil will never close. Republicans won't allow.
welcome to America, buddies.
you must enjoy.
Makes no sense...POTUS has said many many times that OBL is dead and AQ is on the run. We are now safe from overseas vandals and immature trouble makers. All glory to Abdul OBABBLE. He be's da one.
Lads I have a solution.

A prisoner in Gitmo costs $2.7 million a year... The prison facility costs $493 million a year.

Ring up the Irish Government and ask would we take them for the money, $2.7 million per prisoner. Give us about 3 months to get proper legislation in place and we will accept them, security tag them and give them a halal beef plants we have back here. We have one about 30 miles away from me here, has its own mosque and plenty of recently built housing bubble houses...

We will bring over their direct family from Yeman... Teach everyone english, invite the guys from the embassy, university education for the kids(it is a right any way), good healthcare, integrate them into our society, no problem.... in about 20 years time they might be allowed to visit Yeman at US consent...

Hire about 100 extra police to track all movements, ahh lets break the bank... We will hire one cop for every prisoner 24/7...

Happy days all round...

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