34 J6 Prisoners in DC, Some on Misdemeanor Charges, Pen Letter Asking to Go to Gitmo to Escape Beatings, Conditions

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Fuck off cumbucket. Shit for brains is advocating murdering jail guards in their homes you traitorous piece of shit.
Oh lookie - the Democrat mod is setting such a nice tone for debate.

Also shows the damage the Democrats have done by calling those who disagree with them traitors. Gullible people such as the above believe them.
You shouldn't be in this country.

Huh? Why the hell shouldn’t I be in this country? Have you Democrats sunk so low that you now welcome illegal aliens - but want to kick out honest, law-abiding, tax-paying, charitable Americans for not submitting to the beliefs you insist upon?

That’s what I want to know. What has happened to Democrats that they hate their fellow citizens and call them traitors, racists, morons, etc., simply because our opinion differs from yours?
Does this country have a conscience anymore? This is PRE-TRIAL. Not convicted.

"Thirty-four US political prisoners of the Biden regime penned a very sad letter this week requesting a transfer to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba facility where they would receive meals, sunlight, freedom of religion, exercise, entertainment, and be treated like human beings.

These thirty-four January 6 political prisoners have been held for over a year and a half without trial for misdemeanors and trumped-up felony charges."

Ryan Samsel
View attachment 704708

  • Begging for Help / Water / Medical Aid / Mercy through a 4 inch by 10 inch window of cold metal doors
  • No Visitations
  • No Religious Services
  • No Attorney Access
  • Mail delayed 3-4 months prior to delivery
  • Laundry returning with brown stains, pubic hair, and or reeking of ripe urine
  • Worms found in salad of “Meals”
  • Inadequate calorie count of “Meals”
  • Complete lack of nourishment in “Meals”
  • Loss of Head Hair due to malnourishment of “Meals”
  • Loss of EyeSight due to malnourishment of “Meals”
  • Suffering from Scurvy due to malnourishment of “Meals”
  • Blatant extortion via commissary in order to maintain health and or body weight
  • Rust in the Water
  • Rust in jagged metal desks in Cells
  • Rust on metal cages near face on small windows of Cells
  • Black Mold on walls of Cells
  • Black Mold on floors of Cells
  • Black Mold in vents of Cells
  • Broken Sinks in Cells
  • Broken toilets that either wont flush or repeatedly explode in Cells
  • Cockroaches in Cell / Cell Block
  • Mice in Cell / Cell Block
  • Black Mold on floors and walls of showers in Cell Block
  • Black Sewer Flies in the Shower
  • Denial of basic cleaning equipment to sanitize Living Space
  • Denial of personal grooming allowed, forced to use Nair on head and face that leaves chemical burns on skin
  • Stuck in Cells for 9 days without shower
  • Improper Medical Care
  • Medical Care arriving months later, or none at all!
  • Lead Paint inside Cell / Cell Block
  • No Access to Discovery
  • No Legal Support such as laptops, printers, copiers
  • Denial of Legal Mentors
  • Vaccine Requirements for Visitations
  • Vaccine Requirements for Visitors
  • Vaccine Requirements for Haircuts
  • Vaccine Requirements for Religious Services
  • Vaccine Requirements for speaking with Lawyers in person
  • R.T. Propaganda on Tablets
  • Re-Education Propaganda on Tablets
  • Lack of Legal Documentation on Tablets
  • Racially Biased information on Tablets
  • Removal of Internet Access / Booster for Educational Tablets
  • Solitary Confinement for 25 ½ hours or more at a time
  • Outdoor Rec denied arbitrarily
  • Entry to Congressmen & Women who came to check on us Denied
  • Repeatedly Mocked and or Insulted for our skin color or “Religious” documentation
  • Compared to “Beasts”, “Dogs” and “Hogs” by “The Final Call” Magazine
  • Politically mocked by staff with Democrat, Black Lives Matter, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden related attire
  • Sent to “The Hole” if we express any political views whatsoever
  • Racially Profiled by Guards
  • Sleeping on the job by Guards
  • Denial of hot water by Guards
  • Prevented from attending court dates by Guards
  • Homosexual and or Verbal Assaults by Guards
  • Maced by Guards
  • Physically Harassed by Guards
  • Assaulted by Guards
  • Cell Invasions in the middle of the night by Guards
  • Grievous Beatings by Guards
  • Threatened with and or Nearly Stabbed with “12 Inch Knives”
  • Trials Postponed for at least 6 Months or almost a Year
  • Bond / Bail continually Denied
  • Removal of Internet Access of Clear Tablets
  • Removal of Access to Attorney
  • Removal of Access to Law Library
  • Removal of Access to Worship Services
  • Removal of Access to Grievance Forms on Tablets

This tells you where the Democrats have taken our country. Muslim terrorist prisoners are treated much better than American citizens.
Jail guards are still police and you are supporting their murder.

Oh, really. Ha. That's a tall claim.

Link supporting your claim, please.

Thanks in advance.

Don't advocate murdering police and I won't freak out.

Well, as I'd mentioned, I'll wait on you to provide support for your claim that I've advocated for this specific action. Get a move on, please, I've work to do this morning. Thanks!

But, with regard to your petty excuse for your own conduct, yeah, no. Huh uh. I think that you just lack discipline. And I think that someone excercised extremely poor judgment with you. And I think that you're glad of it. So that you know, your type is not new. Slime balls like you always seek out some kind of higher power. Similar to politicians, really. Nobody takes them seriously in real life, so they tend to justify their own self-importance to themselves in that way. Of course, the real them always comes out, often ten fold, and everyone remembers why they had em on their iggy in the first place.

Are you even Americans?

As apple pie.
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POST #84. None of you are distancing yourself from his posts.

Oh, I'm sorry, but that just won't do.

You made a contention that I'm personally advocating for the murder of prison guards.

I asked for you to suport that claim.

I didn't ask for you to tell me how you construe what someone else said and then lump me in with your perception of their content just because you feel like it. That's both arbitrary and collectivist.

I asked you to support your contention that I am personally advocating for the murder of prison guards.

And I'm still waiting.

This is kind of like the time in which you were openly accusing people of making threats in another thread a month or so ago where absolutely no threats at all were made, because you didn't like the content being discussed. I assume that this was tactical and for the purpose of trying to intimidate them into shutting up about the topical content. You remember that. Right? In fact, you even pulled mod rank and told them you were counting these so-called threats...that were in no way made.

If you'd like I can provide you with that backdrop to jog your memory. It's just a few clicks. Because, you know, I'm not one to pop off about something I don't fully intend to support. Or maybe you don't know that yet. I do specifically recall expressing to you my thoughts on your specific tactics at the time in that discussion, since I happened to scroll through the thread and saw it going on. I ws kind of a dick about it, too, because that was slimy stuff.

Anyway. As I said, I'll wait for you to support that contention about me specifically. Your personal take on someone elses dialogue just won't do, however.
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That’s what I want to know. What has happened to Democrats that they hate their fellow citizens and call them traitors, racists, morons, etc., simply because our opinion differs from yours?
Your "opinions are racist and traitorous and moronic
How long have you suffered with your bouts of paranoia?
Why don't you deny that you belong to The Cult of The Holy Melting Iceberg? Part of that religion is believing in the fantasy of Global Warming and Depopulation.

Al Gore summed up what you folks believe in best when he said "The Planet has a Fever, and People are The Virus."

I don't go to your Anti-Life Church, so maybe you can explain it to me why you folks have such radical Anti-Life beliefs like your Nazi Forefathers did.

Why do you think DEATH is good for The Planet and good for Humanity?
Repudiate that poster first. You still haven't.
I'm not interested in repudiating the poster. I've no stake in it. I'm not debating him. You are. And quite vitriolically, I'd add. It's very unbecoming. I'll choose who I exchange keystrokes with. Not you.

I want you to support your claim that I'm personally advocating for the murder of prison guards. You made the claim. Support it. That's what men do.
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You're not repudiating his advocacy for murder. Its page 14. Says enough to me.

Heh heh. Of course. That's about what I expected. You're no pirate. Not even close.

I'm going to give you some very good advice. And I sincerely hope that you take it in, for your own interests. And think it through. You should be very, very careful with your words. Words are very powerful things. And they, at times, and depending upon their nature and intent, have consequences. That is, of course, a choice on your part.

Enjoy your morning...
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