Republicans caught lying again. Does it matter to the GOP Base?

Rep. Devin Nunes, Trump’s stooge, attacks FBI

This from Breitbart:

Pelosi: Nunes Is Trump's 'Stooge' - GOP Involved in a 'Cover-Up' - Breitbart

So this is the cover up. Republicans are saying that when the four FISA requests were made by Democrats, they somehow didn't mention the Steele Dossier was paid for by Democrats.

That's it. That's the cover up.

The lies? Wow, so many:

1. The Dossier was started and paid for by Republicans first as "opposition research" and after Trump became the GOP nominee, they stopped paying for it.

2. The FISA Warrants were requested by Republicans.

3. Get this, in the Democrats memo, they state the information about Republicans and Democrats paying for the Dossier was missing in all four warrant requests.

4. The first couple of the warrant requests targeting Carter Page, a Russian Agent, was months before the Steele Dossier even started.

Wow, so many lies.

I know the GOP positions because I watched Sean Hannity say them on his show again and again.

Now, we can't verify if the information that the FISA judges were told the Steele Dossier was paid for by Republicans and Democrats, we do, for a fact, know when it was handed over to the FBI and we know Carter Page was under investigation months before the Dossier was handed over.


Republicans, IN THE GOP MEMO, state that the investigation was triggered by Papadopoulis.

Here is the memo:

So does it matter if Republicans lied or not? Their base doesn't care. They can lie and lie again and the GOP base doesn't care.

Remember, these are people that support:

Paying off Porn Stars

Compared to those other things, does another GOP lie matter? Didn't Roy Moore and Donald Trump prove a Republican will vote for a pedophile over a Democrat? And their support for Putin. How does that fit in with protecting the United States?

You're trying too hard. :laugh:
Not trying at all. Just reporting the facts. Don't you want facts? Or you prefer Russia over the US?

You don't know anything about "factual material". Your leftist-tainted sock-puppet media AKA CNN and MSNBC takes great pleasure in knowing that they can lead you around like a pig with a ring in its nose.

Like they say, "Ignorance is bliss" and you low-information people must be in hog heaven right now. But that's all good with me. The more ignorant and uninformed you people are, the more elections we win.

That sounds like a win/win situation to me, don't it? :laugh:

Do you ever get tired of being stupid?
Wow, really smart comeback. How long and how hard did you have to think to come up with such a well reasoned and intellectual comeback?

Tell me again your favorite color:


All of about 1/10 of a second.
It's not like your stupidity is under wraps.

Well no and you believe whatever some loon site tells you to believe and dishonest hags like Piglosi.

You're a comedy of errors, Derp
I don't know if you are a Russian or a traitor.

If you are a Russian, you are only doing your duty to Putin.

If you are a traitor, then you are doing what Russians want you to do.

Dumbfuck. You idiot leftists were all yucking it up when the illustrious anti-communist Senator from Wisconsin Joe McCarthy tried to warn you about the Russians attempting to infiltrate the American political system.

Now you're all "Russia! Russia! Russia! OMFGWTFBBW the Russians! Muh election!! Trump!! Putin!!!!"

Why the change of heart all of a sudden? :laughing0301:
Rep. Devin Nunes, Trump’s stooge, attacks FBI

This from Breitbart:

Pelosi: Nunes Is Trump's 'Stooge' - GOP Involved in a 'Cover-Up' - Breitbart

So this is the cover up. Republicans are saying that when the four FISA requests were made by Democrats, they somehow didn't mention the Steele Dossier was paid for by Democrats.

That's it. That's the cover up.

The lies? Wow, so many:

1. The Dossier was started and paid for by Republicans first as "opposition research" and after Trump became the GOP nominee, they stopped paying for it.

2. The FISA Warrants were requested by Republicans.

3. Get this, in the Democrats memo, they state the information about Republicans and Democrats paying for the Dossier was missing in all four warrant requests.

4. The first couple of the warrant requests targeting Carter Page, a Russian Agent, was months before the Steele Dossier even started.

Wow, so many lies.

I know the GOP positions because I watched Sean Hannity say them on his show again and again.

Now, we can't verify if the information that the FISA judges were told the Steele Dossier was paid for by Republicans and Democrats, we do, for a fact, know when it was handed over to the FBI and we know Carter Page was under investigation months before the Dossier was handed over.


Republicans, IN THE GOP MEMO, state that the investigation was triggered by Papadopoulis.

Here is the memo:

So does it matter if Republicans lied or not? Their base doesn't care. They can lie and lie again and the GOP base doesn't care.

Remember, these are people that support:

Paying off Porn Stars

Compared to those other things, does another GOP lie matter? Didn't Roy Moore and Donald Trump prove a Republican will vote for a pedophile over a Democrat? And their support for Putin. How does that fit in with protecting the United States?

You're trying too hard. :laugh:
Not trying at all. Just reporting the facts. Don't you want facts? Or you prefer Russia over the US?
Go back to you’re handelers and regroup Stooge.

Well no and you believe whatever some loon site tells you to believe and dishonest hags like Piglosi.

You're a comedy of errors, Derp
I don't know if you are a Russian or a traitor.

If you are a Russian, you are only doing your duty to Putin.

If you are a traitor, then you are doing what Russians want you to do.

Dumbfuck. You idiot leftists were all yucking it up when the illustrious anti-communist Senator from Wisconsin Joe McCarthy tried to warn you about the Russians attempting to infiltrate the American political system.

Now you're all "Russia! Russia! Russia! OMFGWTFBBW the Russians! Muh election!! Trump!! Putin!!!!"

Why the change of heart all of a sudden? :laughing0301:
So you imagine Democrats are suddenly on the side of you and Russia?
Rep. Devin Nunes, Trump’s stooge, attacks FBI

This from Breitbart:

Pelosi: Nunes Is Trump's 'Stooge' - GOP Involved in a 'Cover-Up' - Breitbart

So this is the cover up. Republicans are saying that when the four FISA requests were made by Democrats, they somehow didn't mention the Steele Dossier was paid for by Democrats.

That's it. That's the cover up.

The lies? Wow, so many:

1. The Dossier was started and paid for by Republicans first as "opposition research" and after Trump became the GOP nominee, they stopped paying for it.

2. The FISA Warrants were requested by Republicans.

3. Get this, in the Democrats memo, they state the information about Republicans and Democrats paying for the Dossier was missing in all four warrant requests.

4. The first couple of the warrant requests targeting Carter Page, a Russian Agent, was months before the Steele Dossier even started.

Wow, so many lies.

I know the GOP positions because I watched Sean Hannity say them on his show again and again.

Now, we can't verify if the information that the FISA judges were told the Steele Dossier was paid for by Republicans and Democrats, we do, for a fact, know when it was handed over to the FBI and we know Carter Page was under investigation months before the Dossier was handed over.


Republicans, IN THE GOP MEMO, state that the investigation was triggered by Papadopoulis.

Here is the memo:

So does it matter if Republicans lied or not? Their base doesn't care. They can lie and lie again and the GOP base doesn't care.

Remember, these are people that support:

Paying off Porn Stars

Compared to those other things, does another GOP lie matter? Didn't Roy Moore and Donald Trump prove a Republican will vote for a pedophile over a Democrat? And their support for Putin. How does that fit in with protecting the United States?

You're trying too hard. :laugh:
Not trying at all. Just reporting the facts. Don't you want facts? Or you prefer Russia over the US?

You don't know anything about "factual material". Your leftist-tainted sock-puppet media AKA CNN and MSNBC takes great pleasure in knowing that they can lead you around like a pig with a ring in its nose.

Like they say, "Ignorance is bliss" and you low-information people must be in hog heaven right now. But that's all good with me. The more ignorant and uninformed you people are, the more elections we win.

That sounds like a win/win situation to me, don't it? :laugh:
Uh, I posted a link to Brietbart. Don't your kind see Brietbart as the GOP Bible?
Rep. Devin Nunes, Trump’s stooge, attacks FBI

This from Breitbart:

Pelosi: Nunes Is Trump's 'Stooge' - GOP Involved in a 'Cover-Up' - Breitbart

So this is the cover up. Republicans are saying that when the four FISA requests were made by Democrats, they somehow didn't mention the Steele Dossier was paid for by Democrats.

That's it. That's the cover up.

The lies? Wow, so many:

1. The Dossier was started and paid for by Republicans first as "opposition research" and after Trump became the GOP nominee, they stopped paying for it.

2. The FISA Warrants were requested by Republicans.

3. Get this, in the Democrats memo, they state the information about Republicans and Democrats paying for the Dossier was missing in all four warrant requests.

4. The first couple of the warrant requests targeting Carter Page, a Russian Agent, was months before the Steele Dossier even started.

Wow, so many lies.

I know the GOP positions because I watched Sean Hannity say them on his show again and again.

Now, we can't verify if the information that the FISA judges were told the Steele Dossier was paid for by Republicans and Democrats, we do, for a fact, know when it was handed over to the FBI and we know Carter Page was under investigation months before the Dossier was handed over.


Republicans, IN THE GOP MEMO, state that the investigation was triggered by Papadopoulis.

Here is the memo:

So does it matter if Republicans lied or not? Their base doesn't care. They can lie and lie again and the GOP base doesn't care.

Remember, these are people that support:

Paying off Porn Stars

Compared to those other things, does another GOP lie matter? Didn't Roy Moore and Donald Trump prove a Republican will vote for a pedophile over a Democrat? And their support for Putin. How does that fit in with protecting the United States?

So let me get this right. The dossier is all a lie, the media have it all wrong, and you, deanrd from some podunk policial forum, knows more than everyone else because you found a couple of links to some whackjob theory with nothing to back it up.

Is that what you're saying?

Please tell me that's what you're saying.
Rep. Devin Nunes, Trump’s stooge, attacks FBI

This from Breitbart:

Pelosi: Nunes Is Trump's 'Stooge' - GOP Involved in a 'Cover-Up' - Breitbart

So this is the cover up. Republicans are saying that when the four FISA requests were made by Democrats, they somehow didn't mention the Steele Dossier was paid for by Democrats.

That's it. That's the cover up.

The lies? Wow, so many:

1. The Dossier was started and paid for by Republicans first as "opposition research" and after Trump became the GOP nominee, they stopped paying for it.

2. The FISA Warrants were requested by Republicans.

3. Get this, in the Democrats memo, they state the information about Republicans and Democrats paying for the Dossier was missing in all four warrant requests.

4. The first couple of the warrant requests targeting Carter Page, a Russian Agent, was months before the Steele Dossier even started.

Wow, so many lies.

I know the GOP positions because I watched Sean Hannity say them on his show again and again.

Now, we can't verify if the information that the FISA judges were told the Steele Dossier was paid for by Republicans and Democrats, we do, for a fact, know when it was handed over to the FBI and we know Carter Page was under investigation months before the Dossier was handed over.


Republicans, IN THE GOP MEMO, state that the investigation was triggered by Papadopoulis.

Here is the memo:

So does it matter if Republicans lied or not? Their base doesn't care. They can lie and lie again and the GOP base doesn't care.

Remember, these are people that support:

Paying off Porn Stars

Compared to those other things, does another GOP lie matter? Didn't Roy Moore and Donald Trump prove a Republican will vote for a pedophile over a Democrat? And their support for Putin. How does that fit in with protecting the United States?

I am beginning to wonder if any GOP can read, Donald the Duck can't that is for sure. I wonder if most people on fox can read as well, Shep we know can read.
Page was on the FBI’s radar before October 2016 for contacts with Russians as part of a separate investigation begun years earlier. It is likely that previous probe — as well as other information — was a part of the application, the officials said.

“If you have a U.S. citizen — who was presumably approached by the FBI and continued to circle with Russians — there’s going to be an ongoing concern about what his relationship is,” said Ron Hosko, a former FBI assistant director. “Is he being co-opted? Are they using him for their purposes? I’m assuming that was going on, and that there was an ongoing concern about this guy. How the Steele information, or how you characterize Steele — I’d want to see it in the broader context, and that’s missing” in the memo.

Why the Nunes memo takes aim at a Justice Dept. official specializing in gangs and drugs

Obviously many on this board do not read nor comprehend what they read. The memo is full of hearsay and is not factual except for page 4 when an Australian in a bar with Papadopulous notified the FBI, which began the FISA warrant on Page. (once again) Its no secret Page was a Putin guy, but now the Trump says he didn't even know him. Trump= liar.
Rep. Devin Nunes, Trump’s stooge, attacks FBI

This from Breitbart:

Pelosi: Nunes Is Trump's 'Stooge' - GOP Involved in a 'Cover-Up' - Breitbart

So this is the cover up. Republicans are saying that when the four FISA requests were made by Democrats, they somehow didn't mention the Steele Dossier was paid for by Democrats.

That's it. That's the cover up.

The lies? Wow, so many:

1. The Dossier was started and paid for by Republicans first as "opposition research" and after Trump became the GOP nominee, they stopped paying for it.

2. The FISA Warrants were requested by Republicans.

3. Get this, in the Democrats memo, they state the information about Republicans and Democrats paying for the Dossier was missing in all four warrant requests.

4. The first couple of the warrant requests targeting Carter Page, a Russian Agent, was months before the Steele Dossier even started.

Wow, so many lies.

I know the GOP positions because I watched Sean Hannity say them on his show again and again.

Now, we can't verify if the information that the FISA judges were told the Steele Dossier was paid for by Republicans and Democrats, we do, for a fact, know when it was handed over to the FBI and we know Carter Page was under investigation months before the Dossier was handed over.


Republicans, IN THE GOP MEMO, state that the investigation was triggered by Papadopoulis.

Here is the memo:

So does it matter if Republicans lied or not? Their base doesn't care. They can lie and lie again and the GOP base doesn't care.

Remember, these are people that support:

Paying off Porn Stars

Compared to those other things, does another GOP lie matter? Didn't Roy Moore and Donald Trump prove a Republican will vote for a pedophile over a Democrat? And their support for Putin. How does that fit in with protecting the United States?

You're trying too hard. :laugh:

Just trying to help out those who do not read.
No pro Trumper on here discusses the memo , but trashes the OP. Unreal.
Rep. Devin Nunes, Trump’s stooge, attacks FBI

This from Breitbart:

Pelosi: Nunes Is Trump's 'Stooge' - GOP Involved in a 'Cover-Up' - Breitbart

So this is the cover up. Republicans are saying that when the four FISA requests were made by Democrats, they somehow didn't mention the Steele Dossier was paid for by Democrats.

That's it. That's the cover up.

The lies? Wow, so many:

1. The Dossier was started and paid for by Republicans first as "opposition research" and after Trump became the GOP nominee, they stopped paying for it.

2. The FISA Warrants were requested by Republicans.

3. Get this, in the Democrats memo, they state the information about Republicans and Democrats paying for the Dossier was missing in all four warrant requests.

4. The first couple of the warrant requests targeting Carter Page, a Russian Agent, was months before the Steele Dossier even started.

Wow, so many lies.

I know the GOP positions because I watched Sean Hannity say them on his show again and again.

Now, we can't verify if the information that the FISA judges were told the Steele Dossier was paid for by Republicans and Democrats, we do, for a fact, know when it was handed over to the FBI and we know Carter Page was under investigation months before the Dossier was handed over.


Republicans, IN THE GOP MEMO, state that the investigation was triggered by Papadopoulis.

Here is the memo:

So does it matter if Republicans lied or not? Their base doesn't care. They can lie and lie again and the GOP base doesn't care.

Remember, these are people that support:

Paying off Porn Stars

Compared to those other things, does another GOP lie matter? Didn't Roy Moore and Donald Trump prove a Republican will vote for a pedophile over a Democrat? And their support for Putin. How does that fit in with protecting the United States?

So let me get this right. The dossier is all a lie, the media have it all wrong, and you, deanrd from some podunk policial forum, knows more than everyone else because you found a couple of links to some whackjob theory with nothing to back it up.

Is that what you're saying?

Please tell me that's what you're saying.

Have you even read the memo. By the way it was the GOP who started the report on Trump and used Fusion. Don't forget that, they were looking for the same dirt that the Dems found out, that Trump is involved with American traitors that cater to Putin.
Rep. Devin Nunes, Trump’s stooge, attacks FBI

This from Breitbart:

Pelosi: Nunes Is Trump's 'Stooge' - GOP Involved in a 'Cover-Up' - Breitbart

So this is the cover up. Republicans are saying that when the four FISA requests were made by Democrats, they somehow didn't mention the Steele Dossier was paid for by Democrats.

That's it. That's the cover up.

The lies? Wow, so many:

1. The Dossier was started and paid for by Republicans first as "opposition research" and after Trump became the GOP nominee, they stopped paying for it.

2. The FISA Warrants were requested by Republicans.

3. Get this, in the Democrats memo, they state the information about Republicans and Democrats paying for the Dossier was missing in all four warrant requests.

4. The first couple of the warrant requests targeting Carter Page, a Russian Agent, was months before the Steele Dossier even started.

Wow, so many lies.

I know the GOP positions because I watched Sean Hannity say them on his show again and again.

Now, we can't verify if the information that the FISA judges were told the Steele Dossier was paid for by Republicans and Democrats, we do, for a fact, know when it was handed over to the FBI and we know Carter Page was under investigation months before the Dossier was handed over.


Republicans, IN THE GOP MEMO, state that the investigation was triggered by Papadopoulis.

Here is the memo:

So does it matter if Republicans lied or not? Their base doesn't care. They can lie and lie again and the GOP base doesn't care.

Remember, these are people that support:

Paying off Porn Stars

Compared to those other things, does another GOP lie matter? Didn't Roy Moore and Donald Trump prove a Republican will vote for a pedophile over a Democrat? And their support for Putin. How does that fit in with protecting the United States?

So let me get this right. The dossier is all a lie, the media have it all wrong, and you, deanrd from some podunk policial forum, knows more than everyone else because you found a couple of links to some whackjob theory with nothing to back it up.

Is that what you're saying?

Please tell me that's what you're saying.

That's bullshit.

In mid 2016 Fusion GPS was hired by a lawyer with the Clinton campaign to try to investigate Trump and fake ties to Russia. That is known.

Even this liberal rag says its true:

Transcript of Fusion GPS founder's testimony intensifies feud over FBI, Trump dossier

Fusion GPS was hired in mid-2016 by a lawyer for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee to dig into Trump's background

Have you even read the memo. By the way it was the GOP who started the report on Trump and used Fusion. Don't forget that, they were looking for the same dirt that the Dems found out, that Trump is involved with American traitors that cater to Putin.

Yes I did. And I also heard the testimony that states that without the fake dossier, the investigation into Trump's campaign wouldn't have begun. A fake dossier, paid for by the Clinton campaign, was used by our gov't to spy on an American citizen. Wow. And what do liberals do? NOTHING.

Had the tides been turned and it was Trump that colluded with Russia (oh that sounds familiar doesn't it, remember, accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty) to make a fake dossier to spy on the Clinton campaign I PROMISE the liberals would be up in fucking arms about this. It wouldn't be lie after lie, excuse after excuse.

Why would liberals lie and say it threatened national security so don't release the memo? There was NOTHING in it that threatened national security. What it did was make liberals look like the crooked morons they are.

That is huge, that makes watergate look like a waterfall.
Last edited:
Rep. Devin Nunes, Trump’s stooge, attacks FBI

This from Breitbart:

Pelosi: Nunes Is Trump's 'Stooge' - GOP Involved in a 'Cover-Up' - Breitbart

So this is the cover up. Republicans are saying that when the four FISA requests were made by Democrats, they somehow didn't mention the Steele Dossier was paid for by Democrats.

That's it. That's the cover up.

The lies? Wow, so many:

1. The Dossier was started and paid for by Republicans first as "opposition research" and after Trump became the GOP nominee, they stopped paying for it.

2. The FISA Warrants were requested by Republicans.

3. Get this, in the Democrats memo, they state the information about Republicans and Democrats paying for the Dossier was missing in all four warrant requests.

4. The first couple of the warrant requests targeting Carter Page, a Russian Agent, was months before the Steele Dossier even started.

Wow, so many lies.

I know the GOP positions because I watched Sean Hannity say them on his show again and again.

Now, we can't verify if the information that the FISA judges were told the Steele Dossier was paid for by Republicans and Democrats, we do, for a fact, know when it was handed over to the FBI and we know Carter Page was under investigation months before the Dossier was handed over.


Republicans, IN THE GOP MEMO, state that the investigation was triggered by Papadopoulis.

Here is the memo:

So does it matter if Republicans lied or not? Their base doesn't care. They can lie and lie again and the GOP base doesn't care.

Remember, these are people that support:

Paying off Porn Stars

Compared to those other things, does another GOP lie matter? Didn't Roy Moore and Donald Trump prove a Republican will vote for a pedophile over a Democrat? And their support for Putin. How does that fit in with protecting the United States?

Republicans stopped caring about the truth the day Bone Spur was elected president. Their mission has been to defend Trump at any and all cost. No matter how ridiculous the lie is.

And don't even get me started on the romantic love affair Republicans are having with Putin.
Rep. Devin Nunes, Trump’s stooge, attacks FBI

This from Breitbart:

Pelosi: Nunes Is Trump's 'Stooge' - GOP Involved in a 'Cover-Up' - Breitbart

So this is the cover up. Republicans are saying that when the four FISA requests were made by Democrats, they somehow didn't mention the Steele Dossier was paid for by Democrats.

That's it. That's the cover up.

The lies? Wow, so many:

1. The Dossier was started and paid for by Republicans first as "opposition research" and after Trump became the GOP nominee, they stopped paying for it.

2. The FISA Warrants were requested by Republicans.

3. Get this, in the Democrats memo, they state the information about Republicans and Democrats paying for the Dossier was missing in all four warrant requests.

4. The first couple of the warrant requests targeting Carter Page, a Russian Agent, was months before the Steele Dossier even started.

Wow, so many lies.

I know the GOP positions because I watched Sean Hannity say them on his show again and again.

Now, we can't verify if the information that the FISA judges were told the Steele Dossier was paid for by Republicans and Democrats, we do, for a fact, know when it was handed over to the FBI and we know Carter Page was under investigation months before the Dossier was handed over.


Republicans, IN THE GOP MEMO, state that the investigation was triggered by Papadopoulis.

Here is the memo:

So does it matter if Republicans lied or not? Their base doesn't care. They can lie and lie again and the GOP base doesn't care.

Remember, these are people that support:

Paying off Porn Stars

Compared to those other things, does another GOP lie matter? Didn't Roy Moore and Donald Trump prove a Republican will vote for a pedophile over a Democrat? And their support for Putin. How does that fit in with protecting the United States?

Republicans stopped caring about the truth the day Bone Spur was elected president. Their mission has been to defend Trump at any and all cost. No matter how ridiculous the lie is.

And don't even get me started on the romantic love affair Republicans are having with Putin.

Get you started? You haven't stopped for over a year

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