Republicans Create Rider To Stop Net Neutrality

The same way the FCC says NBC must air so much political content, psa's or can't say f*ck, sh!t, da*n, c#nt?

Are you really defending the corporate raping of the internet? really? wow. it's not a freedom of speech issue. it's a keeping the internet the way it is NOW issue.
What can Verizon make you see and hear?

They could force you to do lots of things, if they really wanted.

For example, they could start you off everyday with a splash page that would give you the latest "verizon" or pro-verizon news.

But the point is that without net neutrality, corporations will get to pick and choose what message is more important than another.

For example, what happens tomorrow if Verizon decides to slow down any traffic going to Wikileaks to 1 kilobyte per second?
The same way the FCC says NBC must air so much political content, psa's or can't say f*ck, sh!t, da*n, c#nt?

Are you really defending the corporate raping of the internet? really? wow. it's not a freedom of speech issue. it's a keeping the internet the way it is NOW issue.

The FCC has enumerated powers over broadcast outlets.

Which corporation makes you do something on the internet you don't want to do?
What can Verizon make you see and hear?

They could force you to do lots of things, if they really wanted.

For example, they could start you off everyday with a splash page that would give you the latest "verizon" or pro-verizon news.

But the point is that without net neutrality, corporations will get to pick and choose what message is more important than another.

For example, what happens tomorrow if Verizon decides to slow down any traffic going to Wikileaks to 1 kilobyte per second?

I go back to Time Warner.

Unless government tells Time Warner what to carry, too.

So you want government to stick its nose into somethat that is not even happening?

If Verizon won't give you content from another ISP, can you go to another?

that's like saying...oh wait. no one has dumped toxic waste in the lake so we dont need a law YET.

Why should Verizon be told by government what content to carry on its network?

What if Verizon opted to not allow any site to be viewed by its patrons that has on optimum on line banner on it?
The same way the FCC says NBC must air so much political content, psa's or can't say f*ck, sh!t, da*n, c#nt?

Are you really defending the corporate raping of the internet? really? wow. it's not a freedom of speech issue. it's a keeping the internet the way it is NOW issue.

The FCC has enumerated powers over broadcast outlets.

Which corporation makes you do something on the internet you don't want to do?

None. Would you like it to remain that way?
What can Verizon make you see and hear?

They could force you to do lots of things, if they really wanted.

For example, they could start you off everyday with a splash page that would give you the latest "verizon" or pro-verizon news.

But the point is that without net neutrality, corporations will get to pick and choose what message is more important than another.

For example, what happens tomorrow if Verizon decides to slow down any traffic going to Wikileaks to 1 kilobyte per second?

I go back to Time Warner.

Unless government tells Time Warner what to carry, too.


Great solution. Change your provider. As if that is realistic.

In any event, your bottom line is that you don't mind corporations deciding what you can and cannot see. Worse case you will change Internet providers, but that's about the extent of control you are willing to exert.
They dont....yet. And that's why we need something preemptive.

I'll say it again, since you've failed to answer my question:
Are you actually defending corporation control over the free flow of information?

I'm sure you think...oh well if Verizon does it I can just switch. Uhm no, numbnuts. They'll all start doing it. And without reporting requirements (you dont think they'll police themselves do you? if you do you're highly naive) you wont even know it's happening.

WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! The unfettered internet...the greatest human communication achievement in the history of man...could be ruined. but yeah, I guess we'll all go back to ham radios.

Jarhead, the number of pages in the legislation means jack shit...if it's good legislation. Cantor's kabuki theater antics aside (hell, I'm sure the dems have used that prop too), why does it matter?
If you don't like information you get from one corporation who sells internet access, you can buy it from another.

That's freedom.

The only thing "fettering" the internet right now are governments.
If you don't like information you get from one corporation who sells internet access, you can buy it from another.

That's freedom.

The only thing "fettering" the internet right now are governments.

So are you against corporations restricting access to information?
If one corporation sells you internet service you don't like, can you buy it someplace else?

Why should government tell you what you must see on a private network?

It is actually the government telling the providers that THEY can not determine what you are allowed to see.

But I must believe that it will be a full disclosure thing in the end. A provider will probably be told that they must make it clear and evident evertytime you open your browser that you are NOT going to have access to everything but only what they, the provider, decided to allow you to have access to.

That, to me, is the only consitutional way of implmenting such a law.
If one corporation sells you internet service you don't like, can you buy it someplace else?

Why should government tell you what you must see on a private network?

It's unbelievable how much you can distort what the government might be doing.

Can you explain to me how we get:

The government preventing corporations from favoring one type of traffic over another (i.e net neutrality)


"government tell you what you must see on a private network?"
If you don't like information you get from one corporation who sells internet access, you can buy it from another.

That's freedom.

The only thing "fettering" the internet right now are governments.

see this is a mindless, knee-jerk reaction by someone anti-government. I get it. You dont want big're against big brother/big liberal control of free enterprise.

What you're not getting is the fact that YOU WONT HAVE choice. There wont be a viable option to switch to that doesnt do it once you open the floodgates.

What would be really funny is if they destroy net neutrality...and people clamor for a government option ISP that doesn't restrict anything. That'll be your one choice. You'll have to pay the government for your net access. That'd serve you right.

Your position also neglects the realities of life. in some areas...there's only one internet provider. especially in rural areas. There won't BE choice. You'll just have to suffer.
Revere - Serious question. How would you form your opinions if you didn't see a label (Republican or Democrat) attached to a bill?
You seem to be arguing this just because it was some republicans who want to kill Net neutrality. I have a hard time believing you would be in favor of corporations restricting your access to information if you had to form your own opinion.
Government has no business telling the owners of private computer networks what content they must carry.

Why wont you answer my question.

Are you in favor of corporations restricting our access to information?

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