Republicans drop battle to do away with ‘Obamacare’


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
Once again after wasting time and money the white christianist party accepts what their constituents support


After five years and more than 50 votes in Congress, the Republican campaign to repeal the Affordable Care Act is essentially over.

Republican congressional leaders, unable to roll back the law while President Barack Obama remains in office and unwilling to again threaten a government shutdown to pressure him, are focused on other issues, including trade and tax reform.

Less noted, senior Republican lawmakers have incorporated many of the law’s key protections into their own proposals, including guaranteeing coverage and providing government assistance to help consumers purchase insurance.

And although the law remains very unpopular with GOP voters, more than 20 million Americans now depend on it for health benefits, making even some of the most conservative Republicans loath to cut off coverage.

Republicans drop battle to do away with Obamacare News Observer News Observer
“Only 18 percent of Americans want to go back to the system we had before because they do not want to go back to some of the problems we had,” Whit Ayres, a veteran Republican pollster who works for presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, said at a recent breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.

“Smart Republicans in this area get that,” he added.
The racist troll can't help making every thread he soils a racist troll thread.
Of course the Republicans have given up; because they are not a real opposition party. They just pretend to be one, while in truth they work with the Dems to destroy the middle class.
Of course the Republicans have given up; because they are not a real opposition party. They just pretend to be one, while in truth they work with the Dems to destroy the middle class.

that I'm afraid is the NAIL on the head dear.
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