Republicans find scientists deceitful and untrustworthy



Republicans find scientists deceitful and untrustworthy

How many times have USMB Republicans said scientists are lazy, drive big cars and live high off the hog on government grants?

What did scientists do that made Republicans suddenly distrust and malign them?
Only hate the climate scientist that lie to people and scare them in order to make a living. The rest....who gives a shit?
Republicans find scientists deceitful and untrustworthy

How many times have USMB Republicans said scientists are lazy, drive big cars and live high off the hog on government grants?

What did scientists do that made Republicans suddenly distrust and malign them?

I'd put you on ignore if not for the entertainment value of your insane ramblings.
Republicans find scientists deceitful and untrustworthy

How many times have USMB Republicans said scientists are lazy, drive big cars and live high off the hog on government grants?

What did scientists do that made Republicans suddenly distrust and malign them?

I'd put you on ignore if not for the entertainment value of your insane ramblings.

Check out the post right in front of yours. Isn't that one of your "kind"?
Republicans find scientists deceitful and untrustworthy

How many times have USMB Republicans said scientists are lazy, drive big cars and live high off the hog on government grants?

What did scientists do that made Republicans suddenly distrust and malign them?

I'd put you on ignore if not for the entertainment value of your insane ramblings.
:eusa_clap: Indeed! Keep 'em coming, rdean. :lol:
Because most of them are nothing more then archaist and losertrians that want to live in caves!
We just don't like being lied to RDean.. Like when your Dear Leaders pulls a whopper like..

“You know, as you know, Mark, we can’t attribute any particular weather event to climate change. What we do know is the temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted even 10 years ago.

That's a signal for the media and research contractors of how the storyline is to be written.. It's rotten at the core..
We have weapons of choice that the other side doesn't see a need for. We have our guns and you have "useful lies"... BOTH are capable of inflicting mortal harm..
Republicans find scientists deceitful and untrustworthy

How many times have USMB Republicans said scientists are lazy, drive big cars and live high off the hog on government grants?

What did scientists do that made Republicans suddenly distrust and malign them?

I would ask you to link to sources but we are all aware your lies have no grounding in facts.
Republicans find scientists deceitful and untrustworthy

How many times have USMB Republicans said scientists are lazy, drive big cars and live high off the hog on government grants?

What did scientists do that made Republicans suddenly distrust and malign them?

So do Democrats, what's your point?

That's right, you don't have points, you just have sound bites.
Republicans find scientists deceitful and untrustworthy

How many times have USMB Republicans said scientists are lazy, drive big cars and live high off the hog on government grants?

What did scientists do that made Republicans suddenly distrust and malign them?

I would ask you to link to sources but we are all aware your lies have no grounding in facts.

You can't be serious. Look at this thread. In just a couple of replies Republicans are already saying "because......" and then giving reasons. Do try to keep up.
It's scary that right wingers don't know or deliberately refuse to see the benefits scientists bring this country. Worse, they don't seem to understand any type of educated people. And their misconceptions of college is astounding.

Only hate the climate scientist that lie to people and scare them in order to make a living. The rest....who gives a shit?

On the contrary, you people hate anyone that tells the truth and interferes with your alternative world view on reality. And your hate extends to the whole of the scientific community, for every Scientfic Society, whether Physics, Biology, Geology, ect. states that AGW is real and a clear and present danger. The obvious lies and smears by the 'Conservatives' have completely destroyed any credibility the 'Conservative' movement may have had.
Dr. James Hansen, the foremost atmospheric physicist in the world. The whole of the leading scientists in the American Geophysical Union. The same for all the leading scientisits in Geological Society of America. In fact, just about all the scientists in the world, since the vast majority of them endorse the positions of the Scientific Societies of which they are members.
Dr. James Hansen, the foremost atmospheric physicist in the world. The whole of the leading scientists in the American Geophysical Union. The same for all the leading scientisits in Geological Society of America. In fact, just about all the scientists in the world, since the vast majority of them endorse the positions of the Scientific Societies of which they are members.

Gee whizard GoldiRocks.. You stubbornly refuse to accept the news about your false claims when you make them.. There NEVER WAS a consensus at ANY of those societies, THEY NEVER ASKED the membership for consensus when they wrote those crappy statements. It's just one of those things you zealots RELIGIOUSLY BELIEVE..

The revolt has started and the memberships are not gonna allow the front office to speak for them anymore...

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

AUSTRALIA’S peak body of earth scientists has declared itself unable to publish a position statement on climate change due to the deep divisions within its membership on the issue.

After more than five years of debate and two false starts, Geological Society of Australia president Laurie Hutton said a statement on climate change was too difficult to achieve.

Mr Hutton said the issue “had the potential to be too divisive and would not serve the best interests of the society as a whole.”

The backdown, published in the GSA quarterly newsletter, is the culmination of two rejected position statements and years of furious correspondence among members. Some members believe the failure to make a strong statement on climate change is an embarrassment that puts Australian earth scientists at odds with their international peers.

It undermines the often cited stance that there is near unanimity among climate scientists on the issue.

GSA represents more than 2000 Australian earth scientists from academe, industry, government and research organisations.

Warned you not to rely on consensus political statements.. Go ahead -- keep preaching that
that unaminous crap.. Every time you give the sermon -- there will be NEW news of how phoney that claim always was..
Republicans find scientists deceitful and untrustworthy

How many times have USMB Republicans said scientists are lazy, drive big cars and live high off the hog on government grants?

What did scientists do that made Republicans suddenly distrust and malign them?

I would ask you to link to sources but we are all aware your lies have no grounding in facts.

You can't be serious. Look at this thread. In just a couple of replies Republicans are already saying "because......" and then giving reasons. Do try to keep up.

Your Dear Leader LIED --- for the cause of propaganda and indoctrination.. The FRAUD is monumental with NBC last week doctoring the editing of a report on Vermont Maple syrup ATTEMPTING to blame a poor spring harvest on Global Warming. And then (just for another example) there's this..

How much can one leftist warrior IGNORE in order to post a whine on an Internet Message Board? Stay tuned for more RDean dance moves..


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