Republicans have a serious antisemitism problem. It isn’t Ilhan Omar

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

Who remembers how, in 2018 and just days before the deadliest attack on Jewish people in US history, a prominent US politician tweeted: “We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election!”?
The tweet was widely – and correctly – understood as dangerously antisemitic, particularly heinous in a period of rising anti-Jewish hatred. And whose tweet was this? If you thought the answer was Minnesota’s Democratic representative Ilhan Omar then, well, you’d be wrong. The author was none other than the House majority leader at the time, Republican Kevin McCarthy

A very good article on the victimisation of Ilhan Omar. She seems to have become a bogeyman figure to the GOP. Quite why this black,muslim woman is so hated is a mystery to me.

Perhaps the GOP should tackle the anti semites in its own ranks before picking on political opponents.
Why wouldn't Republicans rail against Minnesota's 5th Congressional District? ... considered the single MOST liberal district in the entire upper Midwest ...

Yes, in case you haven't noticed ... Minneapolis is a VERY racist community ... the voters hate Jews ... of course they elect an anti-semite ... what the fuck to do you think they would vote for? ..
The party is full of nazi's and fundies that hate jews. In fact they hate anyone that doesn't follow their strict religious beliefs. This is a very scary time.
Perhaps their 'religious' belief informs them that Jews remain under God's curse, and they are simply acknowledging the fact.

Jeremiah 29:18
"And I will persecute them with the sword, with the famine, and with the pestilence, and will deliver them to be removed to all the kingdoms of the earth, to be a curse, and an astonishment, and an hissing, and a reproach, among all the nations whither I have driven them:"
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Who remembers how, in 2018 and just days before the deadliest attack on Jewish people in US history, a prominent US politician tweeted: “We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election!”?
The tweet was widely – and correctly – understood as dangerously antisemitic, particularly heinous in a period of rising anti-Jewish hatred. And whose tweet was this? If you thought the answer was Minnesota’s Democratic representative Ilhan Omar then, well, you’d be wrong. The author was none other than the House majority leader at the time, Republican Kevin McCarthy

A very good article on the victimisation of Ilhan Omar. She seems to have become a bogeyman figure to the GOP. Quite why this black,muslim woman is so hated is a mystery to me.

Perhaps the GOP should tackle the anti semites in its own ranks before picking on political opponents.
The problem is that Republicans don't see it as a problem.
I have this image in my mind of Tommy, completely paralyzed in a wheelchair, poking these trolls out with a straw on a screen.

Like Steven Hawking, but without the intelligence.

Not that far off.
I have been in ill health for nearly two years now. The main reason I waste so much time on here. Anyway, before Christmas I had a below knee leg amputation and have been recovering at home since then.
I was in hospital for a week.. The operation was on day 1 and I had about 6 days recovering. There was no charge for that. They send a psychiatrist round to see that you are in good spirits as well. NO Charge. She was a real charmer and took me to the shop to buy an ice cream. I wanted a Solero but they only had Feasts so I had one of them. The Psych bought it for me. No charge.​
A day after my Op the Occy Health came round and measured me up. A day later they delivered my customised wheelchair. No charge.​
For the next few days the Physios came round every day and I practised using the chair,getting in and out, taking bits off and putting them back.​
After a week my wife came and took me home. It was great to be back. The day after that the support services turned up with a ramp so that I could get out of the front door. They also adjusted the TV height for me so that I could watch it in comfort. No charge.​
After a month or so recuperating and seeing my wound heal I got my first physio appointment. Ive been going 2 or 3 times a week since then. No charge.​
Two weeks ago I was told that my swelling had gone down and I could be measured up for a prosthetic. No Charge.​
On Tuesday I got my new leg and started the process of getting to walk again. Ive been booked in for physio until I dont need it any more. Its hard work with a Physio who thinks Prince was over rated.​
Throughout this I have been on a cocktail of drugs . No charge.​
I have also been given custom insoles to put in my shoes to ensure I am walking on the level. They also gave me a pair of shoes with "special features" to help me be comfortable as I learn to walk again. No charge.​
In a month or so I hope to be walking around and a few months after that I expect to be back in work.​
I think that I have been well looked after throughout all of this and I only have one real complaint.​
They have also sent me a leaflet explaining how I can claim my new car using my motability allowance. Its a government scheme. I cant drive my car any more without some adjustments so I might as well have a new one. No charge.​
I am guessing that all of this would have cost me a tidy some in the US ?​

Who remembers how, in 2018 and just days before the deadliest attack on Jewish people in US history, a prominent US politician tweeted: “We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election!”?
The tweet was widely – and correctly – understood as dangerously antisemitic, particularly heinous in a period of rising anti-Jewish hatred. And whose tweet was this? If you thought the answer was Minnesota’s Democratic representative Ilhan Omar then, well, you’d be wrong. The author was none other than the House majority leader at the time, Republican Kevin McCarthy

A very good article on the victimisation of Ilhan Omar. She seems to have become a bogeyman figure to the GOP. Quite why this black,muslim woman is so hated is a mystery to me.

Perhaps the GOP should tackle the anti semites in its own ranks before picking on political opponents.

What has their being Jewish have to do with their being rabid, left wing idiots?

The democrat party is the actual home of anti-semtism, you doofus......they hate Israel, they hate Jews......You have actual Jew haters at all levels of the democrat party, up to and including barak obama being close and personal friends with the Jew Haters al sharpton, louis farakhan and jeremiah moron. The democrats have honored all 3 of them and sharpton visited the White House over and over again, and Louis Farakhan was honored by the congressional black caucus with obama in attendance and taking photos with farakhan...

This thread is dumb and was just ended with this easy post......

Who remembers how, in 2018 and just days before the deadliest attack on Jewish people in US history, a prominent US politician tweeted: “We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election!”?
The tweet was widely – and correctly – understood as dangerously antisemitic, particularly heinous in a period of rising anti-Jewish hatred. And whose tweet was this? If you thought the answer was Minnesota’s Democratic representative Ilhan Omar then, well, you’d be wrong. The author was none other than the House majority leader at the time, Republican Kevin McCarthy

A very good article on the victimisation of Ilhan Omar. She seems to have become a bogeyman figure to the GOP. Quite why this black,muslim woman is so hated is a mystery to me.

Perhaps the GOP should tackle the anti semites in its own ranks before picking on political opponents.

What standing can you possibly have, and what useful knowledge can you possibly have, as an ignorant one-legged British faggot, to say anything about our GOP?

The correct answer would be, none at all.

Worry about your own degenerate shithole of a country, and keep your filthy British nose out of America's business.

Who remembers how, in 2018 and just days before the deadliest attack on Jewish people in US history, a prominent US politician tweeted: “We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election!”?
The tweet was widely – and correctly – understood as dangerously antisemitic, particularly heinous in a period of rising anti-Jewish hatred. And whose tweet was this? If you thought the answer was Minnesota’s Democratic representative Ilhan Omar then, well, you’d be wrong. The author was none other than the House majority leader at the time, Republican Kevin McCarthy

A very good article on the victimisation of Ilhan Omar. She seems to have become a bogeyman figure to the GOP. Quite why this black,muslim woman is so hated is a mystery to me.

Perhaps the GOP should tackle the anti semites in its own ranks before picking on political opponents.
Tommy, you do not live in America. You read and repeat Leftist and Communist trash. Get to work on the shithole you live in and leave America alone.
Why wouldn't Republicans rail against Minnesota's 5th Congressional District? ... considered the single MOST liberal district in the entire upper Midwest ...

Yes, in case you haven't noticed ... Minneapolis is a VERY racist community ... the voters hate Jews ... of course they elect an anti-semite ... what the fuck to do you think they would vote for? ..

There's a big billboard on Highway 30, as you're leaving Minnesota into South Dakota, congratulating you on escaping.


Who remembers how, in 2018 and just days before the deadliest attack on Jewish people in US history, a prominent US politician tweeted: “We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election!”?
The tweet was widely – and correctly – understood as dangerously antisemitic, particularly heinous in a period of rising anti-Jewish hatred. And whose tweet was this? If you thought the answer was Minnesota’s Democratic representative Ilhan Omar then, well, you’d be wrong. The author was none other than the House majority leader at the time, Republican Kevin McCarthy

A very good article on the victimisation of Ilhan Omar. She seems to have become a bogeyman figure to the GOP. Quite why this black,muslim woman is so hated is a mystery to me.

Perhaps the GOP should tackle the anti semites in its own ranks before picking on political opponents.
Weird that I didn't know any of those people were Jewish...but you do. 🤔
I have this image in my mind of Tommy, completely paralyzed in a wheelchair, poking these trolls out with a straw on a screen.
Like Steven Hawking, but without the intelligence.


Who remembers how, in 2018 and just days before the deadliest attack on Jewish people in US history, a prominent US politician tweeted: “We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election!”?
The tweet was widely – and correctly – understood as dangerously antisemitic, particularly heinous in a period of rising anti-Jewish hatred. And whose tweet was this? If you thought the answer was Minnesota’s Democratic representative Ilhan Omar then, well, you’d be wrong. The author was none other than the House majority leader at the time, Republican Kevin McCarthy

A very good article on the victimisation of Ilhan Omar. She seems to have become a bogeyman figure to the GOP. Quite why this black,muslim woman is so hated is a mystery to me.

Perhaps the GOP should tackle the anti semites in its own ranks before picking on political opponents.
Look, man. If you keep this up, I have a Jewish space laser which will fix you but good!

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