Republicans have a serious antisemitism problem. It isn’t Ilhan Omar

The problem is that Republicans don't see it as a problem.
The Jews arent white christians so they obviously deserve whatever they get.
None of our right wing friends has said anything to dispel that view.
they killed Jesus you know.

Give us a big kiss, you adorable Nazi, you!

Who remembers how, in 2018 and just days before the deadliest attack on Jewish people in US history, a prominent US politician tweeted: “We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election!”?
The tweet was widely – and correctly – understood as dangerously antisemitic, particularly heinous in a period of rising anti-Jewish hatred. And whose tweet was this? If you thought the answer was Minnesota’s Democratic representative Ilhan Omar then, well, you’d be wrong. The author was none other than the House majority leader at the time, Republican Kevin McCarthy

A very good article on the victimisation of Ilhan Omar. She seems to have become a bogeyman figure to the GOP. Quite why this black,muslim woman is so hated is a mystery to me.

Perhaps the GOP should tackle the anti semites in its own ranks before picking on political opponents.

I dont see how thats Anti semitic. Individuals were called out for their own actions... not a race.
Secondly it wasn't Democrats who helped to make Jerusalem the capitol of Israel.... but most Democrat politicians were against it... and its mostly Democrat Leftists who cannot stand the fact that there is a Jewish homeland.

Who remembers how, in 2018 and just days before the deadliest attack on Jewish people in US history, a prominent US politician tweeted: “We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election!”?
The tweet was widely – and correctly – understood as dangerously antisemitic, particularly heinous in a period of rising anti-Jewish hatred. And whose tweet was this? If you thought the answer was Minnesota’s Democratic representative Ilhan Omar then, well, you’d be wrong. The author was none other than the House majority leader at the time, Republican Kevin McCarthy

A very good article on the victimisation of Ilhan Omar. She seems to have become a bogeyman figure to the GOP. Quite why this black,muslim woman is so hated is a mystery to me.

Perhaps the GOP should tackle the anti semites in its own ranks before picking on political opponents.
“We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election!”?

what in the world is anti-sematic about that?

Who remembers how, in 2018 and just days before the deadliest attack on Jewish people in US history, a prominent US politician tweeted: “We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election!”?
The tweet was widely – and correctly – understood as dangerously antisemitic, particularly heinous in a period of rising anti-Jewish hatred. And whose tweet was this? If you thought the answer was Minnesota’s Democratic representative Ilhan Omar then, well, you’d be wrong. The author was none other than the House majority leader at the time, Republican Kevin McCarthy

A very good article on the victimisation of Ilhan Omar. She seems to have become a bogeyman figure to the GOP. Quite why this black,muslim woman is so hated is a mystery to me.

Perhaps the GOP should tackle the anti semites in its own ranks before picking on political opponents.
You're really reaching on this bull shit OP.
I have news for you.....Jews are no more protected than anyone else if they do evil in the world.

When it comes to Ilhan Omar.....she's no different than your average Red-Neck Jew hater.
Only she's been taught since birth to hate Jews and chose to carry on that practice all her life.
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“We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election!”?

what in the world is anti-sematic about that?
They're all Jewish......and according to can't dislike Jews except when it comes to Israel.
When it comes to Israel they feel they have to right to hate Jews.
They're all Jewish......and according to can't dislike Jews except when it comes to Israel.
When it comes to Israel they feel they have to right to hate Jews.
How did you know they were Jewish? and how is saying not to allow them to buy an election, equate to hating them or anything about Judism? guys are really desperate...and frankly really anti-sematic if you find a connection to hate in that post

Who remembers how, in 2018 and just days before the deadliest attack on Jewish people in US history, a prominent US politician tweeted: “We cannot allow Soros, Steyer, and Bloomberg to BUY this election!”?
The tweet was widely – and correctly – understood as dangerously antisemitic, particularly heinous in a period of rising anti-Jewish hatred. And whose tweet was this? If you thought the answer was Minnesota’s Democratic representative Ilhan Omar then, well, you’d be wrong. The author was none other than the House majority leader at the time, Republican Kevin McCarthy

He cited the names of three individuals in particular and Jews were never mentioned. How did you or anyone get antisemitism from this?
A very good article on the victimisation of Ilhan Omar. She seems to have become a bogeyman figure to the GOP. Quite why this black,muslim woman is so hated is a mystery to me.

Perhaps the GOP should tackle the anti semites in its own ranks before picking on political opponents.

Perhaps you should stop obsessing over a political party in another county.
You mean the demokkkrat Party right?
Once upon a time, long before you were born, both parties were heavily infected by the far right wing Christian terrorists. In fact, the GOP became so infected, they gave serious consideration to forming a whole new party to get away from the Klan element in the GOP.

The KKK is, was, and always will be far right Christian terrorists, which is why they back Trump.

But you knew all that, right?
How did you know they were Jewish? and how is saying not to allow them to buy an election, equate to hating them or anything about Judism? guys are really desperate...and frankly really anti-sematic if you find a connection to hate in that post
How did I know they were Jewish?
Because I know how to use Google.
Nevermind the fact that the OP clearly stated that criticizing them was antisemitic. :slap:
Now....try figuring out why without looking up their backgrounds.

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