Republicans Hysterical About Radical Left. Voters Not Buying It

Republican bullshitters spent last week complaining about the “dark” Democratic National Convention, and promising theirs would be “hopeful” and “uplifting.” We all laughed, of course, and with good reason. The Republican convention is vintage Donald Trump—hysterical doomsday warnings of what a Joe Biden presidency would bring: rioting, burning cities, rampaging Salvadoran gang members, “pain and misery,” “intolerance,” “bigotry,” “your family will not be safe,” “not being allowed to go to church,” and so on. Here’s a nice summary:

As one Republican speaker said, “nightmares are becoming real.” Fact check: True. Everything we feared about Trump has come true.

They're not buying the Covid19 response either.

Your side's brownshirts have been rioting and burning and killing in our cities for months.

Did you think we did not notice?

Oh, right, you libs just say shit with no concern about whether it is true or not.

Not in my city...or any of my state's cities. Hmmm...not in Raleigh...Chapel fact a whole lot of cities.

Do you guys lie much?

Not all of our cities, it is true. And some are worse than others....

That is all you have to say in your defense? You are not rioting and burning and killing in ALL the cities, just some of them?

Errr, o...k.... I guess,...

I grant you that your ilk have not caused universal suffering and bloodshed and hardship.


SOME cities are experiencing serious rioting, Portland being notable. That is a far cry the universal - our cities are burning - theme you ilk keep promoting to scare the public and encourage more of your jackboot tactics on cities that are not in need of a federal invasion.

If you can't be honest in defining the problem, it's hard to be serious in discussing it.

Aren’t you people notorious for downplaying all things, indecent, inappropriate and filthy?
Weird how indecent, inappropriate filthy human beings would do that.
The dark parts of the Republican convention all stem from descriptions of current Democrat behavior, and their intentions should they take power.

Personally, I don't believe Americans would permit any such transfer of power to the Democrats to take place.
In any election it can be a choice of who you want in less after seeing their performance.

If we can get 4 years of calm leadership, a re-estabishment of respect for the office ... for our allies, and for ALL of our people...not just minority "base"...a respect for our co-equal branches and standards of behavior...and a BORING administration, that is enough for me.

The fundamental changes forwarded by the candidate who's declared he will be one of the most Progressive president in history would be anything but boring.

I am convinced it will not be permitted, so you will have to look elsewhere for boredom.

Watch: Joe Biden Repeats Pledge to Be 'One of the Most Progressive Presidents in U.S. History'
I was down to visit my mother in Chapel Hill a few weeks ago. Everything was ordinary. Same with Durham. Did not go to Raleigh.

No violence. No fires. Business's open, but obvious empty store fronts due to the economic crisis.
Republican bullshitters spent last week complaining about the “dark” Democratic National Convention, and promising theirs would be “hopeful” and “uplifting.” We all laughed, of course, and with good reason. The Republican convention is vintage Donald Trump—hysterical doomsday warnings of what a Joe Biden presidency would bring: rioting, burning cities, rampaging Salvadoran gang members, “pain and misery,” “intolerance,” “bigotry,” “your family will not be safe,” “not being allowed to go to church,” and so on. Here’s a nice summary:

As one Republican speaker said, “nightmares are becoming real.” Fact check: True. Everything we feared about Trump has come true.

They're not buying the Covid19 response either.

Portland protest turns violent, brutal assault caught on video ...

"'Violence'? What 'Violence'?! Nothing to see here!"

Bwuhahahaha....silly snowflakes / Dems....

Republican bullshitters spent last week complaining about the “dark” Democratic National Convention, and promising theirs would be “hopeful” and “uplifting.” We all laughed, of course, and with good reason. The Republican convention is vintage Donald Trump—hysterical doomsday warnings of what a Joe Biden presidency would bring: rioting, burning cities, rampaging Salvadoran gang members, “pain and misery,” “intolerance,” “bigotry,” “your family will not be safe,” “not being allowed to go to church,” and so on. Here’s a nice summary:

As one Republican speaker said, “nightmares are becoming real.” Fact check: True. Everything we feared about Trump has come true.

They're not buying the Covid19 response either.

Your side's brownshirts have been rioting and burning and killing in our cities for months.

Did you think we did not notice?

Oh, right, you libs just say shit with no concern about whether it is true or not.

^forgot to share the koolaide again.
Trump knows nothing but negativity anything he does that looks magnanimous is a staged event by PR teams.

Your side's brownshirts have been rioting and burning and killing in the streets for months.

Being negative about that, is completely the right response.
My side is growing and smoking weed and laughing at the people rioting over pigs being assassins...

So, you can't bring yourself to oppose violent race riots against your own people?

You can count yourself against the side that does, then. Because we do.
The side that wages the war on the population creating situations which foment rioting, looting and protesting? Go ahead and do your best. Your side couldn't defeat a plant.

Ask the guy who damn near had his arm completely severed if he thinks you ass clowns can win. Or the guy who was shot in the head.
Expect more.....
Clearly the nation is facing a severe mental health crisis.
All you have to do is read moonglow's and Creepuss' posts.

It MUST become Trumps 2nd term passion to rebuild the nations mental health Asylums and get these insane people off the streets.
These people are crying out for help and not getting it, thus resorting to burning down their own towns and killing one another.

We shouldn't argue with these people, we should help them get checked into an asylum where they can get the help they desperately need.



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Not in my city...or any of my state's cities. Hmmm...not in Raleigh...Chapel fact a whole lot of cities.
Do you guys lie much?

The forces of evil are truly on the march. Satan has been loosed from his chains and walks among us. Be wary, be vigilant, and be prepared for anything. This is your Riot Roundup for the night of August 24, 2020.
Charlotte, NC: Screaming banshees chant “F*** you Jesus,” or perhaps they are actually saying “F*** your Jesus.”
Republican bullshitters spent last week complaining about the “dark” Democratic National Convention, and promising theirs would be “hopeful” and “uplifting.” We all laughed, of course, and with good reason. The Republican convention is vintage Donald Trump—hysterical doomsday warnings of what a Joe Biden presidency would bring: rioting, burning cities, rampaging Salvadoran gang members, “pain and misery,” “intolerance,” “bigotry,” “your family will not be safe,” “not being allowed to go to church,” and so on. Here’s a nice summary:

As one Republican speaker said, “nightmares are becoming real.” Fact check: True. Everything we feared about Trump has come true.

They're not buying the Covid19 response either.

Nobody is "hysterical" about anything except over at the kos.
I’m certainly not buying it!

Rightwing Republicans don’t get elected in the nation’s cities, often hate city life and despise city people, yet they are certain that the main problem in our cities is BLM and Democratic politicians! When they see closed or boarded up stores in their small towns or local suburban malls, they don’t think anymore of Walmart and Amazon, internet and international economic transformations, or even the Covid economIc fallout — they see in their mind’s eye thieving traitorous Democrats and BLM looters.

Radical Republicans and Trump supporters are opposed to helping cities and states and even rural counties that have budgetary problems now dramatically exacerbated by Covid-19, but they support more money for a strong armed forces overseas and in outer space, and bailouts and unlimited credit for bankrupt crony capitalists and Wall Street speculators. For some of them the economy is good just so long as their stock portfolios are up.

“Put down those BLM rioters!”
“Hang those Democratic traitors!”
“Jail Antifa!“

It is all a sad picture of an increasingly mad divided society in decline. Not a single Republican (and very few Democrats) have a program to fundamentally restructure the economy. Republicans just want to blame radicals, atheists, “baby killers,” Communists, Chicoms. The more sane and ordinary Republicans long to return to the “good old days” — to MAGA — but the 1950s will never return.

But if we are not very careful 1930s-like Depression-level unemployment and World War may well return.
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Republican bullshitters spent last week complaining about the “dark” Democratic National Convention, and promising theirs would be “hopeful” and “uplifting.” We all laughed, of course, and with good reason. The Republican convention is vintage Donald Trump—hysterical doomsday warnings of what a Joe Biden presidency would bring: rioting, burning cities, rampaging Salvadoran gang members, “pain and misery,” “intolerance,” “bigotry,” “your family will not be safe,” “not being allowed to go to church,” and so on. Here’s a nice summary:

As one Republican speaker said, “nightmares are becoming real.” Fact check: True. Everything we feared about Trump has come true.

They're not buying the Covid19 response either.

Your side's brownshirts have been rioting and burning and killing in our cities for months.

Did you think we did not notice?

Oh, right, you libs just say shit with no concern about whether it is true or not.

Not in my city...or any of my state's cities. Hmmm...not in Raleigh...Chapel fact a whole lot of cities.

Do you guys lie much?

Not all of our cities, it is true. And some are worse than others....

That is all you have to say in your defense? You are not rioting and burning and killing in ALL the cities, just some of them?

Errr, o...k.... I guess,...

I grant you that your ilk have not caused universal suffering and bloodshed and hardship.


SOME cities are experiencing serious rioting, Portland being notable. That is a far cry the universal - our cities are burning - theme you ilk keep promoting to scare the public and encourage more of your jackboot tactics on cities that are not in need of a federal invasion.

If you can't be honest in defining the problem, it's hard to be serious in discussing it.

Any riot is a serious issue. One mob of people out of control, smashing and burning and attacking random people.

That you try to normalize it, is the point.

This election is simple.

Mob Rule: For or against.

The republicans seem to exist entirely on hysteria. Rioting! Looting! Pedophiles and cannibals sent by satan! Suburbs will be destroyed! Women are inferiors who should let their husbands vote for them! Jews taking over! Christians being viciously attacked! Evil LGBTs trying to steal your children!! Evil blacks trying to annihilate whites! Democrats trying to rig the election! we are under attack by evil brown people from the south! Law and order! Our president is entitled to unlimited power without oversight or criticism! Socialism! Marxism! Quick, get your gun and get under the bed! Aliens from Mars are landing! Atheists!

When will we see an end to this stupidity and hysteria? I remember the respectable republican party of years ago. This party has just caved in. I'm wondering how many dog whistles the RNC can manage to broadcast in four nights.

Your racist brownshirts are rioting in the streets withe dem mayors ordering the cops to stand down.

That is not fearmongering, that is being right about you people are.

Most people are not "rioting in the streets." Some right-wingers and left-wingers are. How about the rest of the bullshit that I listed above? How can you people believe shit like this? Why don't the republicans stop acting like crazy cult people and cooperate with others instead of having angry hissy fits, swearing and name-calling? We all have complaints.
The republicans seem to exist entirely on hysteria. Rioting! Looting! Pedophiles and cannibals sent by satan! Suburbs will be destroyed! Women are inferiors who should let their husbands vote for them! Jews taking over! Christians being viciously attacked! Evil LGBTs trying to steal your children!! Evil blacks trying to annihilate whites! Democrats trying to rig the election! we are under attack by evil brown people from the south! Law and order! Our president is entitled to unlimited power without oversight or criticism! Socialism! Marxism! Quick, get your gun and get under the bed! Aliens from Mars are landing! Atheists!

When will we see an end to this stupidity and hysteria? I remember the respectable republican party of years ago. This party has just caved in. I'm wondering how many dog whistles the RNC can manage to broadcast in four nights.

Your racist brownshirts are rioting in the streets withe dem mayors ordering the cops to stand down.

That is not fearmongering, that is being right about you people are.

Most people are not "rioting in the streets." Some right-wingers and left-wingers are. How about the rest of the bullshit that I listed above? How can you people believe shit like this? Why don't the republicans stop acting like crazy cult people and cooperate with others instead of having angry hissy fits, swearing and name-calling? We all have complaints.

Who on the right is "rioting?"
I’m certainly not buying it!

Rightwing Republicans don’t get elected in the nation’s cities, often hate city life and despise city people, yet they are certain that the main problem in our cities is BLM and Democratic politicians!

We don't get elected in major cities, because of your side's successful wace baiting.

We don't despise people that live in cities. Try to be less divisive.

And yes, when dem mayors order the police to stand down so blm/antifa mobs can terrorize their streets, we think that the dem politicians and the rioters are the problem.

When they see closed or boarded up stores in their small towns or local suburban malls, they don’t think anymore of Walmart and Amazon, internet and international economic transformations, or even the Covid economIc fallout — they see in their mind’s eye thieving traitorous Democrats and BLM looters.

No one is confusing long term decline of brick and mortar retail with stores shut down by riot damage or fear. You just made that up.

Radical Republicans and Trump supporters are opposed to helping cities and states and even rural counties that have budgetary problems now dramatically exacerbated by Covid-19,

Well, i certainly don't want to pick up the tab for bad ideas I don't support. Like ordering the cops to stand down and letting people riot and burn shit.

but they support more money for a strong armed forces overseas and in outer space,

I want to withdraw from NATO and various cold war alliances, and pulls our troops out of the shit hole ME and reduce military spending.

I do support space exploration, but realize it is a lost cause.

and bailouts and unlimited credit for bankrupt crony capitalists and Wall Street speculators. For some of them the economy is good just so long as their stock portfolios are up.

I'm more concerned about small businessmen, than big corps. My stocks I'm fine seeing taking a short term hit. I have some time yet.

“Put down those BLM rioters!”
“Hang those Democratic traitors!”
“Jail Antifa!“

Sedition, treason, open insurrection, murder, all are worthy of capital punishment or long jail terms. At least in a normal healthy society.

It is all a sad picture of an increasingly mad divided society in decline. Not a single Republican (and very few Democrats) have a program to fundamentally restructure the economy. Republicans just want to blame radicals, atheists, “baby killers,” Communists, Chicoms. The more sane and ordinary Republicans long to return to the “good old days” — to MAGA — but the 1950s will never return.

But if we are not very careful 1930s-like Depression-level unemployment and World War may well return.

Globalization, was a policy choice. One that did not work out as intended. We can change policy.

Your ridicule of the idea, is a logical fallacy. Support your claims, or admit you cannot.
The republicans seem to exist entirely on hysteria. Rioting! Looting! Pedophiles and cannibals sent by satan! Suburbs will be destroyed! Women are inferiors who should let their husbands vote for them! Jews taking over! Christians being viciously attacked! Evil LGBTs trying to steal your children!! Evil blacks trying to annihilate whites! Democrats trying to rig the election! we are under attack by evil brown people from the south! Law and order! Our president is entitled to unlimited power without oversight or criticism! Socialism! Marxism! Quick, get your gun and get under the bed! Aliens from Mars are landing! Atheists!

When will we see an end to this stupidity and hysteria? I remember the respectable republican party of years ago. This party has just caved in. I'm wondering how many dog whistles the RNC can manage to broadcast in four nights.

Your racist brownshirts are rioting in the streets withe dem mayors ordering the cops to stand down.

That is not fearmongering, that is being right about you people are.

Most people are not "rioting in the streets." Some right-wingers and left-wingers are. How about the rest of the bullshit that I listed above? How can you people believe shit like this? Why don't the republicans stop acting like crazy cult people and cooperate with others instead of having angry hissy fits, swearing and name-calling? We all have complaints.
How often, and how many places do you consider violence and lawlessness ok? Do you have a number? How many cops should be executed? Is it crazy and cult like to not agree with such instances? Neither Biden nor Kamala have said a peep about the incidents which have obviously occurred. If no one on the left is condemning this stuff, why is it crazy to think such behavior would be allowed under a democrat ticket?
The republicans seem to exist entirely on hysteria. Rioting! Looting! Pedophiles and cannibals sent by satan! Suburbs will be destroyed! Women are inferiors who should let their husbands vote for them! Jews taking over! Christians being viciously attacked! Evil LGBTs trying to steal your children!! Evil blacks trying to annihilate whites! Democrats trying to rig the election! we are under attack by evil brown people from the south! Law and order! Our president is entitled to unlimited power without oversight or criticism! Socialism! Marxism! Quick, get your gun and get under the bed! Aliens from Mars are landing! Atheists!

When will we see an end to this stupidity and hysteria? I remember the respectable republican party of years ago. This party has just caved in. I'm wondering how many dog whistles the RNC can manage to broadcast in four nights.

Your racist brownshirts are rioting in the streets withe dem mayors ordering the cops to stand down.

That is not fearmongering, that is being right about you people are.

Most people are not "rioting in the streets." Some right-wingers and left-wingers are. How about the rest of the bullshit that I listed above? How can you people believe shit like this? Why don't the republicans stop acting like crazy cult people and cooperate with others instead of having angry hissy fits, swearing and name-calling? We all have complaints.

I did not say "most people" are rioting in the streets. I said your "brownshirt thugs" are.

That bit where you pretend there is something wrong with me, for being against violent racist mobs attacking my people in the streets, you can shove that fucking nonsense up your ass.

Co-operate with you?

YOu need to wake the fuck up real fast.
Trump's appeal is independent of the republican party which is why people didn't show up in 2018 to sweep republicans into the house. The democrats are face of the cabal right now moreso than the republicans but both parties have been cabal puppets for a long time now. Each president a little more nefarious and dubious than the last: Reagan, Clinton, Bush and then Obama.

Trump and the republicans will win in a landslide in a couple months, and it'll pave the way for the rejection of the two party system in general.
Republican bullshitters spent last week complaining about the “dark” Democratic National Convention, and promising theirs would be “hopeful” and “uplifting.” We all laughed, of course, and with good reason. The Republican convention is vintage Donald Trump—hysterical doomsday warnings of what a Joe Biden presidency would bring: rioting, burning cities, rampaging Salvadoran gang members, “pain and misery,” “intolerance,” “bigotry,” “your family will not be safe,” “not being allowed to go to church,” and so on. Here’s a nice summary:

As one Republican speaker said, “nightmares are becoming real.” Fact check: True. Everything we feared about Trump has come true.

They're not buying the Covid19 response either.

Your side's brownshirts have been rioting and burning and killing in our cities for months.

Did you think we did not notice?

Oh, right, you libs just say shit with no concern about whether it is true or not.

^forgot to share the koolaide again.

Your rioters are starting to die out there. It is only going to get worse.
Trump's appeal is independent of the republican party which is why people didn't show up in 2018 to sweep republicans into the house. The democrats are face of the cabal right now moreso than the republicans but both parties have been cabal puppets for a long time now. Each president a little more nefarious and dubious than the last: Reagan, Clinton, Bush and then Obama.

Trump and the republicans will win in a landslide in a couple months, and it'll pave the way for the rejection of the two party system in general.

We can hope.
People keep calling for a third party president when we have one right now.
The establishment hates Trump for upsetting their applecart.
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