Republicans' incredible capacity for virtue


Gold Member
Aug 17, 2018
Consider the following analogy - you have a herd of elephants and a herd of donkeys, and both are trying to find a watering hole where they can rest and settle. Now, the donkeys are much closer to the watering hole, but they're lost in the woods. The elephants, on the other hand, found a road which leads there - however, they've been charging down it in the wrong direction.

Were the elephants to realize their misdirection, correct their course, and simply do the exact opposite of what they'd been doing, they would reach their destination in no time, quickly leap-frogging the much-closer donkeys. Why? Because the way isn't as clear-cut for the donkeys.

To bring the analogy back home, while democrats have progressed to the general area of virtuousness - of compassion, charitableness, acceptance, honesty, rationality - they're too lost in tangential trailblazing to gain much momentum. Republicans, on the other hand, have headed dead south on a road they need to go north on, and would just have to make the simple switch from pure fiction to pure facts, from pure hatred to pure love, from pure anger to pure patience, pure vengefulness to pure forgiveness, pure evasiveness to pure accountability.

Things are so much less black and white for democrats, and for that reason I think Republicans could astound the world and, with just a simple turnaround, put democrats to shame by becoming skilled at soul-searching, at admitting their faults, and at becoming humble and good - surely something we all strive for.
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Partisans and their donors on both sides are generally not an asset in support of Americas future.
Consider the following analogy - you have a herd of elephants and a herd of donkeys, and both are trying to find a watering hole where they can rest and settle. Now, the donkeys are much closer to the watering hole, but they're lost in the woods. The elephants, on the other hand, found a road which leads there - however, they've been charging down it in the wrong direction.

Were the elephants to realize their misdirection, correct their course, and simply do the exact opposite of what they'd been doing, they would reach their destination in no time, quickly leap-frogging the much-closer donkeys. Why? Because the way isn't as clear-cut for the donkeys.

To bring the analogy back home, while democrats have progressed to the general area of virtuousness - of compassion, charitableness, acceptance, honesty, rationality - they're too lost in tangential trailblazing to gain much momentum. Republicans, on the other hand, have headed dead south on a road they need to go north on, and would just have to make the simple switch from pure fiction to pure facts, from pure hatred to pure love, from pure anger to pure patience, pure vengefulness to pure forgiveness, pure evasiveness to pure accountability.

Things are so much less black and white for democrats, and for that reason I think Republicans could astound the world and, with just a simple turnaround, put democrats to shame by becoming skilled at soul-searching, at admitting their faults, and at becoming humble and good - surely something we all strive for.

Consider the following analogy - you have a herd of elephants and a herd of donkeys, and both are trying to find a watering hole where they can rest and settle. Now, the donkeys are much closer to the watering hole, but they're lost in the woods. The elephants, on the other hand, found a road which leads there - however, they've been charging down it in the wrong direction.

Were the elephants to realize their misdirection, correct their course, and simply do the exact opposite of what they'd been doing, they would reach their destination in no time, quickly leap-frogging the much-closer donkeys. Why? Because the way isn't as clear-cut for the donkeys.

To bring the analogy back home, while democrats have progressed to the general area of virtuousness - of compassion, charitableness, acceptance, honesty, rationality - they're too lost in tangential trailblazing to gain much momentum. Republicans, on the other hand, have headed dead south on a road they need to go north on, and would just have to make the simple switch from pure fiction to pure facts, from pure hatred to pure love, from pure anger to pure patience, pure vengefulness to pure forgiveness, pure evasiveness to pure accountability.

Things are so much less black and white for democrats, and for that reason I think Republicans could astound the world and, with just a simple turnaround, put democrats to shame by becoming skilled at soul-searching, at admitting their faults, and at becoming humble and good - surely something we all strive for.
What do you think about a gay man, against a transgendered man? Is it pure evil?
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:^^^ I love these Dem fantasy threads. Asshole lying Democrats are none of that. #threadFAIL
I think you have great potential for this polar-reversal towards virtuousness. In a mere two sentences, you used contemptuous laughter, snide sarcasm, belittlement, and included three put-downs of dems and of this thread.

Now try this, write two new sentences but use the opposite of what you just used: include good-natured laughter, actual unsarcastic love for dems, encouragement, and three compliments for dems and for this thread. I unsarcastically think you have profound untapped virtuous potential.
What do you think about a gay man, against a transgendered man? Is it pure evil?
What do I think of ties vs bow ties? Is one or the other pure evil? What about green shirts vs blue shirts? Is one Pure evil? Or people who brush their top teeth first vs people who brush their bottom teeth first? Which is more evil, or are they both pure evil? How about people who touch type vs people who look at the keyboard to type - which is more evil, or are they both pure, dark evil?

Question yourself this - if "evil" doesn't first call to mind violence, torture, slavery, sadism, abuse, genocide etc but instead calls to mind gay and transgender people isn't it -possible- you're in a role-reversal situation where good is bad and bad is good? It can happen and luckily the solution is just do the opposite of what you've been doing - love that which you hate, forgive those you seek vengeance upon, be kind to those you've been cruel to etc it's luckily quite simple.
I think you have great potential for this polar-reversal towards virtuousness. In a mere two sentences, you used contemptuous laughter, snide sarcasm, belittlement, and included three put-downs of dems and of this thread.

Now try this, write two new sentences but use the opposite of what you just used: include good-natured laughter, actual unsarcastic love for dems, encouragement, and three compliments for dems and for this thread. I unsarcastically think you have profound untapped virtuous potential.
I hate Democrats the lying rat bastards, make a note.
while democrats have progressed to the general area of virtuousness - of compassion, charitableness, acceptance, honesty, rationality
You had me reading along until I came accross this fat load of bullshit.
”Compassion” - Aimed at core Americans and Christians practicing our core values and principles?
”Charitableness” - WTF? All Democrats do is talk about taking from others.
”Acceptance” - They only accept those with views that align with their own and that’s it.
”Honesty” - About how their policies/ideologies actually impact America? Why are all blue shitholes the shitholes they are?
”Rationality” - Is it rational to believe a man can be a woman by proclamation?
You had me reading along until I came accross this fat load of bullshit.
”Compassion” - Aimed at core Americans and Christians practicing our core values and principles?
”Charitableness” - WTF? All Democrats do is talk about taking from others.
”Acceptance” - They only accept those with views that align with their own and that’s it.
”Honesty” - About how their policies/ideologies actually impact America? Why are all blue shitholes the shitholes they are?
”Rationality” - Is it rational to believe a man can be a woman by proclamation?
So why not be more compassionate, more charitable, more accepting, more honest, and more rational than democrats? Democrats make great claim to these things, why not beat them at their own game? Republicans could give the most to help homeless people, orphans, victims of domestic abuse, the south could apologize for slavery and abandon the "regional identity" confederate flag for good, could become the most accepting of gays and transgenders, steal that whole voting base away from the dems. Republican media could devote themselves to heavy fact checking and be the go-to for transparent, heavily fact checked information. Republicans could abandon Christianity and be rational about things. They could beat democrats to the punch on all of these issues.
So why not be more compassionate, more charitable, more accepting, more honest, and more rational than democrats? Democrats make great claim to these things, why not beat them at their own game? Republicans could give the most to help homeless people, orphans, victims of domestic abuse, the south could apologize for slavery and abandon the "regional identity" confederate flag for good, could become the most accepting of gays and transgenders, steal that whole voting base away from the dems. Republican media could devote themselves to heavy fact checking and be the go-to for transparent, heavily fact checked information. Republicans could abandon Christianity and be rational about things. They could beat democrats to the punch on all of these issues.
Holy shit…your suggestion is revolutionary!
So all Republicans have to do is become Democrats and move left of Democrats and they win all elections?
DAMN….why hasn’t anyone else thought of this?
I think you have great potential for this polar-reversal towards virtuousness. In a mere two sentences, you used contemptuous laughter, snide sarcasm, belittlement, and included three put-downs of dems and of this thread.

Now try this, write two new sentences but use the opposite of what you just used: include good-natured laughter, actual unsarcastic love for dems, encouragement, and three compliments for dems and for this thread. I unsarcastically think you have profound untapped virtuous potential.

Literally the only thing that saves this country is a mass extinction event of Democrat votes.
written with Love.
Holy shit…your suggestion is revolutionary!
So all Republicans have to do is become Democrats and move left of Democrats and they win all elections?
DAMN….why hasn’t anyone else thought of this?
Actually that did happen in the 60's!
Literally the only thing that saves this country is a mass extinction event of Democrat votes.
written with Love.
So to be sure, what you're saying is


  • cartoon-devil-laughing_1275648.jpg
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Are you a reader of the English Language?
I'm sorry, I am at fault here I'm sure - I'm just not feeling the love from you in this or your last post, despite your, I'm sure, genuine proclamation to the effect...
Consider the following analogy - you have a herd of elephants and a herd of donkeys, and both are trying to find a watering hole where they can rest and settle. Now, the donkeys are much closer to the watering hole, but they're lost in the woods. The elephants, on the other hand, found a road which leads there - however, they've been charging down it in the wrong direction.

Were the elephants to realize their misdirection, correct their course, and simply do the exact opposite of what they'd been doing, they would reach their destination in no time, quickly leap-frogging the much-closer donkeys. Why? Because the way isn't as clear-cut for the donkeys.

To bring the analogy back home, while democrats have progressed to the general area of virtuousness - of compassion, charitableness, acceptance, honesty, rationality - they're too lost in tangential trailblazing to gain much momentum. Republicans, on the other hand, have headed dead south on a road they need to go north on, and would just have to make the simple switch from pure fiction to pure facts, from pure hatred to pure love, from pure anger to pure patience, pure vengefulness to pure forgiveness, pure evasiveness to pure accountability.

Things are so much less black and white for democrats, and for that reason I think Republicans could astound the world and, with just a simple turnaround, put democrats to shame by becoming skilled at soul-searching, at admitting their faults, and at becoming humble and good - surely something we all strive for.

You think Democrats don't know where they're going but the GQP is doing things right but going about it wrong?


And you think all the GQP has to do is to package their anger, hatred, masochism, narcissism, racism, and the rest of their "isms" as "love" and the world is theirs?

You do know the people about whom you're speaking know nothing but anger and hatred, don't you? They even package their hate as religion. A good question at this point is...

"Who doesn't the GQP hate?"

seriously, who?
They hate each other. Trump v DuhDumbAss
They hate women.
They hate People of Color
They hate any religion or church not their own
They hate their church too
They hate Jews
They hate people who hate Jews.

Hate is all they have. They live in it, they breathe it and, as I guess you're finding out on this thread, they hate anyone who might threaten their hate. Welcome to the club.

BTW...Democrats are lost. You just have 120M Democrats and each and every one of them are sure of where they're going.
But none of them are going in the same direction.
It's been said leading Democrats is like herding cats. It is true.

You think Democrats don't know where they're going but the GQP is doing things right but going about it wrong?


And you think all the GQP has to do is to package their anger, hatred, masochism, narcissism, racism, and the rest of their "isms" as "love" and the world is theirs?

You do know the people about whom you're speaking know nothing but anger and hatred, don't you? They even package their hate as religion. A good question at this point is...

"Who doesn't the GQP hate?"

seriously, who?
They hate each other. Trump v DuhDumbAss
They hate women.
They hate People of Color
They hate any religion or church not their own
They hate their church too
They hate Jews
They hate people who hate Jews.

Hate is all they have. They live in it, they breathe it and, as I guess you're finding out on this thread, they hate anyone who might threaten their hate. Welcome to the club.

BTW...Democrats are lost. You just have 120M Democrats and each and every one of them are sure of where they're going.
But none of them are going in the same direction.
It's been said leading Democrats is like herding cats. It is true.
Exactly! Republicans are currently the very embodiment of amorality. They're wrong in every respect and the party doesn't have a single virtue to its name. And that's -exactly- why their path to virtue is clear - it's just doing the exact opposite of hating everyone and instead loving everyone, doing the opposite of being all about "me and mine" and being a party for everyone, giving up their completely disproven religion and becoming completely rational etc.

Conversely, democrats, while being mostly virtuous, have flaws and are going in different directions as you say so it's not as simple for dems as just heading the other way.

The earth's poles may be soon to shift - why can't Republicans' hearts shift with it?
"Who doesn't the GQP hate?"

seriously, who?
They hate each other. Trump v DuhDumbAss
They hate women.
They hate People of Color
They hate any religion or church not their own
They hate their church too
They hate Jews
They hate people who hate Jews.
The GQP’ers I know only hate illegal wetbacks, woke white guilt whackos, chicks with dicks, feminazis and you filthy Leftists…while all the Mexicrats I know hate core Americans, proud white traditionalists, nationalists, the wealthy, outspoken heterosexuals, Christians, those who think it’s paramount to protect our border and the list goes on and on….

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