Republican's Next Weapon: Elizabeth Warren


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
In Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Republicans see a next-generation liberal bogeyman they can use to trip up vulnerable Democrats running for re-election in red states.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell might not have consciously elevated the Massachusetts firebrand’s national profile when he abruptly cut off her floor remarks during the heated debate over the confirmation of Jeff Sessions to serve as U.S. attorney general. But while some commentators said the Kentucky Republican erred in giving her a newly raised platform, he and other senior Republicans preparing for 2018 were pleased if that was the result.

Nearly 10 incumbent Democrats are up in states won by President Trump in November. And, Republicans view Warren — her politics and her personality — as a weapon they can use against those Democrats in the midterms.

The GOP's new weapon: Elizabeth Warren

Well, with her vinegary partisan manner, racial dishonesty, and air of unearned privilege, she’s a perfect cartoon liberal already.
Hmmm.. interesting, the Republicans weaponizing Elizabeth Warren, I suppose they could call this wondrous new weapon The ACME MK I Dingbat Drone, of course given the Republicans history of incompetence and outright stupidity this new wonder weapon is just as likely to blow them up as it is to destroy the Democrats.

Hmmm.. interesting, the Republicans weaponizing Elizabeth Warren, I suppose they could call this wondrous new weapon The ACME MK I Dingbat Drone, of course given the Republicans history of incompetence and outright stupidity this new wonder weapon is just as likely to blow them up as it is to destroy the Democrats.

Fauxhontus is a certified liar and dolt who illegally stole money from the government and bumped someone else from an education because of her lies.

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