Republican's plan to not enhance security to stop Russia will backfire

We need photo ID to secure our elections

Only overseas military get absentee ballots.

Purge voter rolls of all illegals and non-living (this is why the DNC is on record that an accurate voter database is an "existential threat")

No more Putin Hacking!

Jesus fucking Christ. You people are just a pack of stupid people.

Sick people can't vote. College students can't vote

Republicans hate it when people vote.
why are you against voter ID?

Photo ID.

Because 10-12% of eligible voters do not have one. These people are disproportionately Democrat voters.

Republicans know not all voters will get one thereby suppressing the vote,.

If you want a photo ID< make sure everyone can easily get one.

Again, why push it when you have no proof it will help? To reduce the number of Democrat voters.

When they passed it here in PA a few years ago, the leader in the Republican legislature said they just won the state for Romney. Republicans do it to cheat.
You need an ID to open a bank account, apply for welfare and food stamps, rent a car, get on a plane, go to a bar, buy cigarettes and beer, apply for Social Security, Disability, Medicare, and Obama Done Fucked Up Care.

Fuck you and your Lying Logic. There isn't anyone that doesn't have access to an ID. Many states provided State IDs for Free.

Just bullshit and lies because it defeats your agenda.
Last edited:
We need photo ID to secure our elections

Only overseas military get absentee ballots.

Purge voter rolls of all illegals and non-living (this is why the DNC is on record that an accurate voter database is an "existential threat")

No more Putin Hacking!

Jesus fucking Christ. You people are just a pack of stupid people.

Sick people can't vote. College students can't vote

Republicans hate it when people vote.

If that's the case, why are you so paranoid about Russians "stealing" the election?
No shit!

Low oil Prices are killing Russia and Iran economy, so Davey need to think first... Oh who am I kidding Davey is waiting for that second source to prove Trump had a Bravta member to sign for a Barbie Dolla House...

Anyway, why should we be concerned? Isn't it the left who keep telling us "There's no such thing as voter fraud"?

Well only when they win but when they lose:

1. Russia stole the election...

2. Electoral College is racist...

3. The Red States are racist for not voting for a old white woman...

Hmmm, yeah...
1) Russia did help

2) In a way it is when it takes away the power of the vote to certain people

3) Red States have a pile of racist people living there.


Take the power away from certain people?

Your vote is taken away no matter the color because founders set the Presidential Elections up a certain way in this REPUBLIC!

Your Electoral College Representatives of your State vote for your Candidate and let be clear Obama won with that same voting system, so ya know where you can shove your racism lie!

Also Wikileaks is not Russian and neither is James Comey... Yeah, Comey did the most damage to Hillary but I can not deny Wikileaks dropping those Emails did not hurt Hillary but the fact remains that the DNC was playing dirty and you were just fine with it...

Texas is Minority-Majority so are you saying all the Minorities within the State of Texas are racist until they vote for your dream candidate on the left?

Look at Alabama as an example. Alabama will likely vote red, after all, they are a bunch of uneducated people that would actually vote for a piece of shit likle Roy Moore. So in reality, Democrats voters for President will have zero effect on the election.

Whereas, without the EC, their vote would count.

Let me know if you need help figuring this out.

Obama won the vote count. Trump did not.

In some cases, the votes that are not counted are the poor people in the cities which are disproportionally black.

I would not call the EC racist overall but in some cases it is.

It is racist to the likes of you because it did not support California selection of a White Woman...

Funny how you spit on Alabama when Moore did not win and there are plenty of Blacks in Bama urban centers...

So you hate their vote I guess...

Electoral College made sure the Republic we live in allow smaller States to have a voice...

I know you hate that because then you can't shove your Anti-American agenda down everyone throat.

What those like you have yet to realize is America is not a damn Democracy but is a REPUBLIC and yet you act like we should be a pure democracy...

Make sure in 2020 that Warren understands that she need to win each State and not the Popular vote...

I know you are not smart enough to understand that...
"Russians like their investment"
Even though he repeatedly goes against their interest.
More parroting from the mentally retarded.


Did you notice Davey is claiming Iran want the Nuclear Deal back, so you know this is a thread made for trolling...
Only you are this stupid. They signed the deal because it was good for Iran.


They got their money and had no damn intention of honoring the deal!

Gawd damn you are daft boy!
Well only when they win but when they lose:

1. Russia stole the election...

2. Electoral College is racist...

3. The Red States are racist for not voting for a old white woman...

Hmmm, yeah...
1) Russia did help

2) In a way it is when it takes away the power of the vote to certain people

3) Red States have a pile of racist people living there.
------------------------------------Nothing illegal about being racist in the USA just so it isn't VIOLENT Racism . And I think that the lefties are more racist against majority population in the USA but even that is no problem if the racism is NONVIOLENT RDave .
It degrades into violence quickly.
Such as death threats.
This guy arrested for threats against AOC, weapons charges.

before that, there was this guy. etc.

Protestors Outside Mitch McConnell's House: "Stab The Motherf*cker In The Heart"
Protestors Outside Mitch McConnell's House: "Stab The Motherf*cker In The Heart"

Why weren't the democrats arrested for threats?
What! Not the great, patriot Mitch McConnell who won't put up a bill unless he gets Trump's permission.

Remind you of Harry Reid and getting King Obama permission to put up Bill's to vote on...


You were fine with that because it was Democrats doing it...
We need photo ID to secure our elections

Only overseas military get absentee ballots.

Purge voter rolls of all illegals and non-living (this is why the DNC is on record that an accurate voter database is an "existential threat")

No more Putin Hacking!

Jesus fucking Christ. You people are just a pack of stupid people.

Sick people can't vote. College students can't vote

Republicans hate it when people vote.
You must WANT Putin to hack our democracy. He can send in his operatives and just go vote anywhere any place
Moscow Mitch has blocked bills to stop more Russian interference in the 2020 elections.

Russians like their investment & will likely try to keep him in the White House.

Do Republicans realize that other countries can play that game.

These countries can work to dump Trump:
1) China - to end Trump's stupid Tariff War
2) Any country in the Paris Accord
3) Our allies who are tired of being insulted & undermined by Trump
4) Mexico -tired of taking the blame for Trump's inability to control the border
5) Iran - wants the nuclear deal back on track

Lots of money to spend.

The only ones wanting Trump will be Russia & North Korea.

The Republicans will allow this to happen.
You aren’t very bright. Why would those five things you listed be true?

1- Because China needs to win this war. If they lose they can’t keep fucking us over.
2- The accord was a joke and they wanted us to keep paying for it. They wanted our cash from that moronic deal.
3- Pay your agreed to amount into NATO. And stop being retarded.
4- You do understand how borders work right? Mexico is in control of 50% of it. Or does this confuse you?
5- The fact Iran wants that deal back should tell you everything you need to know about how shitty that deal was.

Take a seat punkin’
Wow, not rtoo smart are you.

China knows that the tariff war would end with a new President.

The accord is only a joke to fucking morons like you. Intelligent people want to accord to succeed & hate that your fat assed orange buddy will harm their efforts.

NATO members were already on a plan to meet financial obligations prior to Trump

Ever travel from the US to Mexico, assfuck? You drive though the US side & wave. Why should Mexico care who comes to the US when we don't care you goes into Mexico?

Iran wants the deal because it was working. They were getting what they wanted, economic normalcy. If Iran really wanted a nuke, they could just buy one from NK or their friends in Russia.

Since Trump still wants Russians to help him. I hope China & Europe flood the internet with anti trump truths.
Holy shit. You’re a crack head who spends a lot of time cheering for China. Twice in one post.
We need photo ID to secure our elections

Only overseas military get absentee ballots.

Purge voter rolls of all illegals and non-living (this is why the DNC is on record that an accurate voter database is an "existential threat")

No more Putin Hacking!

Jesus fucking Christ. You people are just a pack of stupid people.

Sick people can't vote. College students can't vote

Republicans hate it when people vote.
why are you against voter ID?

Photo ID.

Because 10-12% of eligible voters do not have one. These people are disproportionately Democrat voters.

Republicans know not all voters will get one thereby suppressing the vote,.

If you want a photo ID< make sure everyone can easily get one.

Again, why push it when you have no proof it will help? To reduce the number of Democrat voters.

When they passed it here in PA a few years ago, the leader in the Republican legislature said they just won the state for Romney. Republicans do it to cheat.
You need an ID to open a bank account, apply for welfare and food stamps, rent a car, get on a plane, go to a bar, buy cigarettes and beer, apply for Social Security, Disability, Medicare, and Obama Done Fucked Up Care.

Fuck you and your Lying Logic. There isn't anyone that doesn't have access to an ID. Many states provided State IDs for Free.

Just bullshit and lies because it defeats your agenda.
he is saying demoRats are too stupid!!!! that the task of such a thing is beyond their abilities. And then they want this group of stupid fks to vote, like they'd know anything about voting.
We need photo ID to secure our elections

Only overseas military get absentee ballots.

Purge voter rolls of all illegals and non-living (this is why the DNC is on record that an accurate voter database is an "existential threat")

No more Putin Hacking!

Jesus fucking Christ. You people are just a pack of stupid people.

Sick people can't vote. College students can't vote

Republicans hate it when people vote.
why are you against voter ID?

Photo ID.

Because 10-12% of eligible voters do not have one. These people are disproportionately Democrat voters.

Republicans know not all voters will get one thereby suppressing the vote,.

If you want a photo ID< make sure everyone can easily get one.

Again, why push it when you have no proof it will help? To reduce the number of Democrat voters.

When they passed it here in PA a few years ago, the leader in the Republican legislature said they just won the state for Romney. Republicans do it to cheat.
You need an ID to open a bank account, apply for welfare and food stamps, rent a car, get on a plane, go to a bar, buy cigarettes and beer, apply for Social Security, Disability, Medicare, and Obama Done Fucked Up Care.

Fuck you and your Lying Logic. There isn't anyone that doesn't have access to an ID. Many states provided State IDs for Free.

Just bullshit and lies because it defeats your agenda.

Now telling Davey the truth about how you need an ID for all that will never convince him at all...

Sad part is Davey need an ID to rent a room at a motel unless it is a dive...
Anyway, why should we be concerned? Isn't it the left who keep telling us "There's no such thing as voter fraud"?

Well only when they win but when they lose:

1. Russia stole the election...

2. Electoral College is racist...

3. The Red States are racist for not voting for a old white woman...

Hmmm, yeah...
1) Russia did help

2) In a way it is when it takes away the power of the vote to certain people

3) Red States have a pile of racist people living there.


Take the power away from certain people?

Your vote is taken away no matter the color because founders set the Presidential Elections up a certain way in this REPUBLIC!

Your Electoral College Representatives of your State vote for your Candidate and let be clear Obama won with that same voting system, so ya know where you can shove your racism lie!

Also Wikileaks is not Russian and neither is James Comey... Yeah, Comey did the most damage to Hillary but I can not deny Wikileaks dropping those Emails did not hurt Hillary but the fact remains that the DNC was playing dirty and you were just fine with it...

Texas is Minority-Majority so are you saying all the Minorities within the State of Texas are racist until they vote for your dream candidate on the left?

Look at Alabama as an example. Alabama will likely vote red, after all, they are a bunch of uneducated people that would actually vote for a piece of shit likle Roy Moore. So in reality, Democrats voters for President will have zero effect on the election.

Whereas, without the EC, their vote would count.

Let me know if you need help figuring this out.

Obama won the vote count. Trump did not.

In some cases, the votes that are not counted are the poor people in the cities which are disproportionally black.

I would not call the EC racist overall but in some cases it is.

It is racist to the likes of you because it did not support California selection of a White Woman...

Funny how you spit on Alabama when Moore did not win and there are plenty of Blacks in Bama urban centers...

So you hate their vote I guess...

Electoral College made sure the Republic we live in allow smaller States to have a voice...

I know you hate that because then you can't shove your Anti-American agenda down everyone throat.

What those like you have yet to realize is America is not a damn Democracy but is a REPUBLIC and yet you act like we should be a pure democracy...

Make sure in 2020 that Warren understands that she need to win each State and not the Popular vote...

I know you are not smart enough to understand that...
what's sad is all the congressional demoRats don't know we're a republic and they work for us. amazing. How is it they'd know anything about the constitution then? argue it or anything? WTF Rats!!!!
We need photo ID to secure our elections

Only overseas military get absentee ballots.

Purge voter rolls of all illegals and non-living (this is why the DNC is on record that an accurate voter database is an "existential threat")

No more Putin Hacking!

Jesus fucking Christ. You people are just a pack of stupid people.

Sick people can't vote. College students can't vote

Republicans hate it when people vote.
why are you against voter ID?

Photo ID.

Because 10-12% of eligible voters do not have one. These people are disproportionately Democrat voters.

Republicans know not all voters will get one thereby suppressing the vote,.

If you want a photo ID< make sure everyone can easily get one.

Again, why push it when you have no proof it will help? To reduce the number of Democrat voters.

When they passed it here in PA a few years ago, the leader in the Republican legislature said they just won the state for Romney. Republicans do it to cheat.
You need an ID to open a bank account, apply for welfare and food stamps, rent a car, get on a plane, go to a bar, buy cigarettes and beer, apply for Social Security, Disability, Medicare, and Obama Done Fucked Up Care.

Fuck you and your Lying Logic. There isn't anyone that doesn't have access to an ID. Many states provided State IDs for Free.

Just bullshit and lies because it defeats your agenda.

Now telling Davey the truth about how you need an ID for all that will never convince him at all...

Sad part is Davey need an ID to rent a room at a motel unless it is a dive...
A new born baby must have a Social Security number. what????
"Russians like their investment"
Even though he repeatedly goes against their interest.
More parroting from the mentally retarded.

Not once every, in anything that matters, has Trump gone "against their interest". Announcing sanctions is not the same thing as imposing them. Trump has made plenty of announcements, but has yet to impose any of the sanctions he's announced.

5 Times the Trump Administration Has Been Tougher Than Trump on Russia

These sanctions were announced around the time of the election:

Under pressure, Trump slaps long-overdue sanctions on Russia over chemical weapons use - CNNPolitics
Moscow Mitch has blocked bills to stop more Russian interference in the 2020 elections.

Russians like their investment & will likely try to keep him in the White House.

Do Republicans realize that other countries can play that game.

These countries can work to dump Trump:
1) China - to end Trump's stupid Tariff War
2) Any country in the Paris Accord
3) Our allies who are tired of being insulted & undermined by Trump
4) Mexico -tired of taking the blame for Trump's inability to control the border
5) Iran - wants the nuclear deal back on track

Lots of money to spend.

The only ones wanting Trump will be Russia & North Korea.

The Republicans will allow this to happen.
Russia, Russia, Russia.... again?

You're stuck on stupid.

Jesus fucking Christ. You people are just a pack of stupid people.

Sick people can't vote. College students can't vote

Republicans hate it when people vote.
why are you against voter ID?

Photo ID.

Because 10-12% of eligible voters do not have one. These people are disproportionately Democrat voters.

Republicans know not all voters will get one thereby suppressing the vote,.

If you want a photo ID< make sure everyone can easily get one.

Again, why push it when you have no proof it will help? To reduce the number of Democrat voters.

When they passed it here in PA a few years ago, the leader in the Republican legislature said they just won the state for Romney. Republicans do it to cheat.
You need an ID to open a bank account, apply for welfare and food stamps, rent a car, get on a plane, go to a bar, buy cigarettes and beer, apply for Social Security, Disability, Medicare, and Obama Done Fucked Up Care.

Fuck you and your Lying Logic. There isn't anyone that doesn't have access to an ID. Many states provided State IDs for Free.

Just bullshit and lies because it defeats your agenda.

Now telling Davey the truth about how you need an ID for all that will never convince him at all...

Sad part is Davey need an ID to rent a room at a motel unless it is a dive...
A new born baby must have a Social Security number. what????

I am not defending Davey and mocking him...

Yes, we all must be marked by the number of the beast...
Well only when they win but when they lose:

1. Russia stole the election...

2. Electoral College is racist...

3. The Red States are racist for not voting for a old white woman...

Hmmm, yeah...
1) Russia did help

2) In a way it is when it takes away the power of the vote to certain people

3) Red States have a pile of racist people living there.


Take the power away from certain people?

Your vote is taken away no matter the color because founders set the Presidential Elections up a certain way in this REPUBLIC!

Your Electoral College Representatives of your State vote for your Candidate and let be clear Obama won with that same voting system, so ya know where you can shove your racism lie!

Also Wikileaks is not Russian and neither is James Comey... Yeah, Comey did the most damage to Hillary but I can not deny Wikileaks dropping those Emails did not hurt Hillary but the fact remains that the DNC was playing dirty and you were just fine with it...

Texas is Minority-Majority so are you saying all the Minorities within the State of Texas are racist until they vote for your dream candidate on the left?

Look at Alabama as an example. Alabama will likely vote red, after all, they are a bunch of uneducated people that would actually vote for a piece of shit likle Roy Moore. So in reality, Democrats voters for President will have zero effect on the election.

Whereas, without the EC, their vote would count.

Let me know if you need help figuring this out.

Obama won the vote count. Trump did not.

In some cases, the votes that are not counted are the poor people in the cities which are disproportionally black.

I would not call the EC racist overall but in some cases it is.

It is racist to the likes of you because it did not support California selection of a White Woman...

Funny how you spit on Alabama when Moore did not win and there are plenty of Blacks in Bama urban centers...

So you hate their vote I guess...

Electoral College made sure the Republic we live in allow smaller States to have a voice...

I know you hate that because then you can't shove your Anti-American agenda down everyone throat.

What those like you have yet to realize is America is not a damn Democracy but is a REPUBLIC and yet you act like we should be a pure democracy...

Make sure in 2020 that Warren understands that she need to win each State and not the Popular vote...

I know you are not smart enough to understand that...
what's sad is all the congressional demoRats don't know we're a republic and they work for us. amazing. How is it they'd know anything about the constitution then? argue it or anything? WTF Rats!!!!


Davey is still trying to figure it out and wondering how to say being a Republic is based on racism...

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