Republicans put moron in charge of Higher Education

Reminds me of Bush Putting Bolton in the UN.

they always undermine the portions of govt they want to kill by putting the worst ones in charge of that area.

Kinda like Palin for president.




Um.....Palin wasn't President.......that was...


But I give you partial credit for presistantly trying to deflect the failure of the Obama Presidency.:clap2:
So tell us rdean, just what is wrong with this appointment other than it's a woman and a Republican?


She has voted against every education bill put before her. She is against separation of Church and state. She is pro "Mystical Creation". She is definitely anti science.

Rated 0% by the AU, indicating opposition to church-state separation.

The only things that separates this country from the rest of the world are our freedoms and our leadership in science and technology. Force religion on children in public schools and you compromise freedoms. Teach mysticism over REAL science and you compromise science.

Those same scientists, 97% of which believe in evolution, have made us world leaders. Churchgoers have not. In fact, churchgoers have invented nothing. They have added nothing positive to science.

I don't expect most Republicans to understand that. Because they have shown again and again they don't.

These positions make her unqualified to head the committee on "Higher Education".

The same with Ralph Hall, 87 years old, knows zero about science and technology and heads that committee.

Now I understand the Republicans want to think they are "up" on science and technology, but they aren't. Mysticism will not protect this country. Mysticism will not "help" the economy. Mysticism will not create jobs. It just won't.

So basically you hate organized religion. Got it. Did you know that most Democrats are also Christians?

no no no!!! They forget that...pretend it isn't so.
Who's Idea was it to have the banks find as many homeless people as possible & give them Government Backed College Loans? Then put them up in nice student housing just like they did with sub-prime home loans! When these dumbed down idiots flunk out or fail to pay back the loans then us tax payers get to dig deep.
Yeah, she looks like a right wing tool to me, too.

Hey it's North Carolina?

What do you expect?
They don't care who's in charge of what. Their agenda is totally scripted and completely in lockstep.
Hey. It's exactly what they want. A glassy eyed idiot who will create more glassy eyed idiots trained to wave a flag, love Geeziss, and feed the slaughter machine.
Poiiifekt !
She is the choice of the people of NC.

Elections have consquences.

Turkish American Caucus

Virginia Foxx is a member of Congressional Caucus on Turkey and Turkish Americans since 2005. Her son-in-law is a Turkish businessman, Mustafa Özdemir.[10]

Putting aside the complaint about Foxx, the USA ought to cleave to their ally, Turkey.

A functional secular society comprised mostly of Moslems?

That is the model for what we want in Iraq and Afghanistan, is it not?
Putting aside the complaint about Foxx, the USA ought to cleave to their ally, Turkey.

A functional secular society comprised mostly of Moslems?

That is the model for what we want in Iraq and Afghanistan, is it not?

Turkish scientists confront creationists' theory - Europe, World - The Independent

Tensions are rising in Turkey's schools and universities as academics and scientists confront the growing influence of Islamic creationists.

"Without science, modern civilisation is impossible," says Haluk Ertan, a geneticist at Istanbul University, "and yet Turkey has become the headquarters of creationism in the Middle East." Tarkan Yavas, the public face of the Science Research Foundation (BAV), a shadowy group that has led the charge against evolutionary theory in Turkey for 15 years, boasts: "Not just the Middle East, the world."


Islam is one of the Abrahamic Religions. They have pretty much the same beliefs as right wing Christians and most Republicans. Only for them, Jesus was a Prophet, not a deity.
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Just watching Morning Joe and they had Karen Hughes as a guest. Someone talked about Obama needing to get away from intellectuals and other "elitists". Then everyone laughed and Karen, who is rabidly pro Bush went on to say how the Democrats need to get away from all that education and live in the "real world" and everyone was laughing and AGREEING with her.

Yea, education bad.

Republicans policies "good". Look at how well they worked for the last 20 years. Ha ha ha Ahhhh ha ha ha.
Putting aside the complaint about Foxx, the USA ought to cleave to their ally, Turkey.

A functional secular society comprised mostly of Moslems?

That is the model for what we want in Iraq and Afghanistan, is it not?

Turkish scientists confront creationists' theory - Europe, World - The Independent

Tensions are rising in Turkey's schools and universities as academics and scientists confront the growing influence of Islamic creationists.

"Without science, modern civilisation is impossible," says Haluk Ertan, a geneticist at Istanbul University, "and yet Turkey has become the headquarters of creationism in the Middle East." Tarkan Yavas, the public face of the Science Research Foundation (BAV), a shadowy group that has led the charge against evolutionary theory in Turkey for 15 years, boasts: "Not just the Middle East, the world."


Islam is one of the Abrahamic Religions. They have pretty much the same beliefs as right wing Christians and most Republicans. Only for them, Jesus was a Prophet, not a deity.

According to the Republican Party Platform in the state of Texas, they want that here. And Texas isn't the only state. Gotta love it.
Putting aside the complaint about Foxx, the USA ought to cleave to their ally, Turkey.

A functional secular society comprised mostly of Moslems?

That is the model for what we want in Iraq and Afghanistan, is it not?

Turkish scientists confront creationists' theory - Europe, World - The Independent

Tensions are rising in Turkey's schools and universities as academics and scientists confront the growing influence of Islamic creationists.

"Without science, modern civilisation is impossible," says Haluk Ertan, a geneticist at Istanbul University, "and yet Turkey has become the headquarters of creationism in the Middle East." Tarkan Yavas, the public face of the Science Research Foundation (BAV), a shadowy group that has led the charge against evolutionary theory in Turkey for 15 years, boasts: "Not just the Middle East, the world."


Islam is one of the Abrahamic Religions. They have pretty much the same beliefs as right wing Christians and most Republicans. Only for them, Jesus was a Prophet, not a deity.

According to the Republican Party Platform in the state of Texas, they want that here. And Texas isn't the only state. Gotta love it.

Damn rdean, are you still ignoring the fact that most Democrats are Christians?
Turkish scientists confront creationists' theory - Europe, World - The Independent

Tensions are rising in Turkey's schools and universities as academics and scientists confront the growing influence of Islamic creationists.

"Without science, modern civilisation is impossible," says Haluk Ertan, a geneticist at Istanbul University, "and yet Turkey has become the headquarters of creationism in the Middle East." Tarkan Yavas, the public face of the Science Research Foundation (BAV), a shadowy group that has led the charge against evolutionary theory in Turkey for 15 years, boasts: "Not just the Middle East, the world."


Islam is one of the Abrahamic Religions. They have pretty much the same beliefs as right wing Christians and most Republicans. Only for them, Jesus was a Prophet, not a deity.

According to the Republican Party Platform in the state of Texas, they want that here. And Texas isn't the only state. Gotta love it.

Damn rdean, are you still ignoring the fact that most Democrats are Christians?

Most American scientists are Christian. But only 6% are Republican and 97% believe in evolution.

So what's your point? Oh, as usual, there isn't one. Sorry. Didn't mean to challenge another delusion. Oops.
According to the Republican Party Platform in the state of Texas, they want that here. And Texas isn't the only state. Gotta love it.

Damn rdean, are you still ignoring the fact that most Democrats are Christians?

Most American scientists are Christian. But only 6% are Republican and 97% believe in evolution.

So what's your point? Oh, as usual, there isn't one. Sorry. Didn't mean to challenge another delusion. Oops.

Gee and here I thought that Christians believed in your so called mysticism , I guess you are talking about some other mysticism then.
Damn rdean, are you still ignoring the fact that most Democrats are Christians?

Most American scientists are Christian. But only 6% are Republican and 97% believe in evolution.

So what's your point? Oh, as usual, there isn't one. Sorry. Didn't mean to challenge another delusion. Oops.

Gee and here I thought that Christians believed in your so called mysticism , I guess you are talking about some other mysticism then.

If you ever actually read something other than what you yourself write, you would know that people believe in all kinds of weird things, but the majority of Catholics, including the Pope, believe in evolution. But in the Republican Party, Catholics are a small minority.

Welcome to the world of "facts".
Most American scientists are Christian. But only 6% are Republican and 97% believe in evolution.

So what's your point? Oh, as usual, there isn't one. Sorry. Didn't mean to challenge another delusion. Oops.

Gee and here I thought that Christians believed in your so called mysticism , I guess you are talking about some other mysticism then.

If you ever actually read something other than what you yourself write, you would know that people believe in all kinds of weird things, but the majority of Catholics, including the Pope, believe in evolution. But in the Republican Party, Catholics are a small minority.

Welcome to the world of "facts".

Most American scientists are Christian. But only 6% are Republican and 97% believe in evolution.

So what's your point? Oh, as usual, there isn't one. Sorry. Didn't mean to challenge another delusion. Oops.

Gee and here I thought that Christians believed in your so called mysticism , I guess you are talking about some other mysticism then.

If you ever actually read something other than what you yourself write, you would know that people believe in all kinds of weird things, but the majority of Catholics, including the Pope, believe in evolution. But in the Republican Party, Catholics are a small minority.

Welcome to the world of "facts".

So we can throw the book of Genesis away now? You sure the Pope knows about this?

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