Republicans really, really angry Cruz treating Trump the way the GOP treats the President.

Trump is the nominee cause he's a combination of a huge personality and he isn't a politician. Right now, most people that aren't partisan cheerleaders are sick of slimy politicians, and Donald Trump is anything but a politician. For better or for worse, he's about as far from being "establishment" as you can get which is why both sides of the political elite don't like him.
Rderp...proving his stupidity daily.
How you missed the fact that Barry is the opposition and Cruz shouldnt be is beyond belief.
How could you have missed this glaring error in your pathetic hypothesis?
This is about Republicans angry at Cruz for treating Trump the way the GOP treats Obama. I don't know what you are talking about.

Just more proof you're a moron for not being able to discern the difference.
You lefties are such liars. The GOP rolled over and gave 0bama whatever he wanted. That is the reason Trump is the GOP Nominee.

The GOP did nothing of the kind. They blocked, obstructed, filibustered, and even shut down the government.

The reason Trump is the nominee is because people are sick of the party of No.

Trump is the nominee because conservatives are sick of RINOs who ignore their constituents wishes.
So you nominate the biggest RINO in history?

The Republican voters decide what constitutes a RINO. The Republican establishment has failed the voters for nearly eight years now, so the voters have decided to make an end of it.
So is Trump a RINO or not?

Depends on the POV of the individual. I am not a Republican, so I couldn't care less. They agree with me on some things, and disagree with others.

My only concern at this point is to send Hillary Clinton off to her Golden Years of retirement, and to see the Democrats politically destroyed.
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The GOP did nothing of the kind. They blocked, obstructed, filibustered, and even shut down the government.

The reason Trump is the nominee is because people are sick of the party of No.

Trump is the nominee because conservatives are sick of RINOs who ignore their constituents wishes.
So you nominate the biggest RINO in history?

The Republican voters decide what constitutes a RINO. The Republican establishment has failed the voters for nearly eight years now, so the voters have decided to make an end of it.
So is Trump a RINO or not?

Depends on the POV on the individual. I am not a Republican, so I couldn't care less. They agree with me on some things, and disagree with others.

My only concern at this point is to send Hillary Clinton off to her Golden Years of retirement, and to see the Democrats politically destroyed.
Nice goal.... :rolleyes:
Name one republican who will deal with our immigration problem.
Name one Republican who said they will put an end to the crappy trade deals.
Name the Republicans who are fighting to stop the importation of muslim terrorist into the US.

And if Trump is such a RINO i'd think you'd be happy to he was the nominee.'s something about Trump to help you with defining a RINO

  1. He thinks affirmative action is okay.
  2. He would fund Planned Parenthood except for abortion. (This is current federal policy, though Trump doesn't seem to know it.)
  3. He supports a progressive income tax. He does not favor a flat tax.
  4. He doesn't believe you should be able to fire someone just for being gay.
  5. He doesn't want to cut Social Security or Medicare.
  6. He's in favor of a ban on assault weapons.
  7. He invited Bill and Hillary Clinton to his wedding.
  8. He doesn't "fully" believe in supply-side economics.
  9. He wants to "lead from behind" on Ukraine. Trump believes that Germany should take the lead on Ukraine.
  10. He hates the Iran deal, but he wouldn't abrogate it after taking office.

I'm actually a bit surprised that is NOT endorsing Trump.....

Educate yourself.
Cruz is smart enough to know that to align himself with a loser like Trump would diminish his chances of running for president in he did the "smart" thing in NOT endorsing Donald.

In 2020, Cruz' talking points will boil down to: " Four years ago, I told you that Trump's candidacy was a joke...."

And if Trump wins, it might be "You want fries with that?":laugh:
"Then, Newt went on about how the GOP was the ONLY party following the constitution."

Newt is a liar.
The GOP did nothing of the kind. They blocked, obstructed, filibustered, and even shut down the government.

The reason Trump is the nominee is because people are sick of the party of No.

Trump is the nominee because conservatives are sick of RINOs who ignore their constituents wishes.
So you nominate the biggest RINO in history?

The Republican voters decide what constitutes a RINO. The Republican establishment has failed the voters for nearly eight years now, so the voters have decided to make an end of it.
So is Trump a RINO or not?

Depends on the POV on the individual. I am not a Republican, so I couldn't care less. They agree with me on some things, and disagree with others.

My only concern at this point is to send Hillary Clinton off to her Golden Years of retirement, and to see the Democrats politically destroyed.
so you are mr independent again?
"Then, Newt went on about how the GOP was the ONLY party following the constitution."

Newt is a liar.

The Democratic Party is no longer an America-based political party. They have adopted the globalist "let's all be Star Trek" worldview and seek to homogenize all cultural divisions via multiculturalism and diversity edicts, as well as centralize global governance to the highest possible degree.
Trump is the nominee because conservatives are sick of RINOs who ignore their constituents wishes.
So you nominate the biggest RINO in history?

The Republican voters decide what constitutes a RINO. The Republican establishment has failed the voters for nearly eight years now, so the voters have decided to make an end of it.
So is Trump a RINO or not?

Depends on the POV on the individual. I am not a Republican, so I couldn't care less. They agree with me on some things, and disagree with others.

My only concern at this point is to send Hillary Clinton off to her Golden Years of retirement, and to see the Democrats politically destroyed.
so you are mr independent again?

I have always been so.
Name one republican who will deal with our immigration problem.
Name one Republican who said they will put an end to the crappy trade deals.
Name the Republicans who are fighting to stop the importation of muslim terrorist into the US.

And if Trump is such a RINO i'd think you'd be happy to he was the nominee.'s something about Trump to help you with defining a RINO

  1. He thinks affirmative action is okay.
  2. He would fund Planned Parenthood except for abortion. (This is current federal policy, though Trump doesn't seem to know it.)
  3. He supports a progressive income tax. He does not favor a flat tax.
  4. He doesn't believe you should be able to fire someone just for being gay.
  5. He doesn't want to cut Social Security or Medicare.
  6. He's in favor of a ban on assault weapons.
  7. He invited Bill and Hillary Clinton to his wedding.
  8. He doesn't "fully" believe in supply-side economics.
  9. He wants to "lead from behind" on Ukraine. Trump believes that Germany should take the lead on Ukraine.
  10. He hates the Iran deal, but he wouldn't abrogate it after taking office.

I'm actually a bit surprised that is NOT endorsing Trump.....

Educate yourself.
And Trump is wrong on most of the issues.
And Trump is wrong on most of the issues.

Its a ctually "interesting: that Trump's own website policy statements DIFFER from what he has publicly spewed for many months since announcing his candidacy. Should we soon bring back the "flip-flopping" label?.
Trump is the nominee cause he's a combination of a huge personality and he isn't a politician. Right now, most people that aren't partisan cheerleaders are sick of slimy politicians, and Donald Trump is anything but a politician. For better or for worse, he's about as far from being "establishment" as you can get which is why both sides of the political elite don't like him.

People don't like him because he's a liar and a con-man, who has made money by cheating others and filing for bankruptcy. He lies about everything, has been involved in over 3,000 law suits. He's is far more slimy than anyone he ran against, and certainly a bigger liar than Hillary Clinton, as confirmed by Politifact which labelled 70% of what he says lies versus 20% for Clinton.

As a legal professional specializing in corporate, commercial and real estate law, we consider a law suit a failure: Someone didn't do as promised, pay as promised, or renegged on the deal. No one makes money in a lawsuit except the lawyers. The time and money spent on filings, court appearances, and lawyers is counterproductive, and usually costs more money than you win. Not to mention you can't be making profitable deals when you're dealing with law suits over past failures.

We also don't like him because he promotes racism, misogyny and hatred. He's a demogogue.
Trump is the nominee cause he's a combination of a huge personality and he isn't a politician. Right now, most people that aren't partisan cheerleaders are sick of slimy politicians, and Donald Trump is anything but a politician. For better or for worse, he's about as far from being "establishment" as you can get which is why both sides of the political elite don't like him.

People don't like him because he's a liar and a con-man, who has made money by cheating others and filing for bankruptcy. He lies about everything, has been involved in over 3,000 law suits. He's is far more slimy than anyone he ran against, and certainly a bigger liar than Hillary Clinton, as confirmed by Politifact which labelled 70% of what he says lies versus 20% for Clinton.

As a legal professional specializing in corporate, commercial and real estate law, we consider a law suit a failure: Someone didn't do as promised, pay as promised, or renegged on the deal. No one makes money in a lawsuit except the lawyers. The time and money spent on filings, court appearances, and lawyers is counterproductive, and usually costs more money than you win. Not to mention you can't be making profitable deals when you're dealing with law suits over past failures.

We also don't like him because he promotes racism, misogyny and hatred. He's a demogogue.

Trump is the nominee cause he's a combination of a huge personality and he isn't a politician. Right now, most people that aren't partisan cheerleaders are sick of slimy politicians, and Donald Trump is anything but a politician. For better or for worse, he's about as far from being "establishment" as you can get which is why both sides of the political elite don't like him.
This is as naive as it is wrong.
People don't like him because he's a liar and a con-man, who has made money by cheating others and filing for bankruptcy. He lies about everything, has been involved in over 3,000 law suits. He's is far more slimy than anyone he ran against, and certainly a bigger liar than Hillary Clinton, as confirmed by Politifact which labelled 70% of what he says lies versus 20% for Clinton.

As a legal professional specializing in corporate, commercial and real estate law, we consider a law suit a failure: Someone didn't do as promised, pay as promised, or renegged on the deal. No one makes money in a lawsuit except the lawyers. The time and money spent on filings, court appearances, and lawyers is counterproductive, and usually costs more money than you win. Not to mention you can't be making profitable deals when you're dealing with law suits over past failures.

We also don't like him because he promotes racism, misogyny and hatred. He's a demogogue.
I never said he was perfect, far from it. He's a horrible candidate and no one should feel comfortable with him as the president. I'll take your word for the other stuff though cause i don't really care, and neither does anyone really who's votes can be swayed at this point, cause that's all that really matters as far as who's going to be the next president.

I think the "promoting racism, misogyny and hatred" thing is your opinion. For one, a news media dominated by lefties will show things to you in a way that makes them as bad as they could seem while also suggesting how you should react to it. Trump isn't any more of a racist misogynist than Bill Clinton is, Bill Clinton just knows what to say and what not to say cause he's a career politician. I think it's awesome how Trump doesn't have a filter, or not much of one. It's hilarious. Maybe it's cause i've got better things to do than to wait around for someone to say something to get offended over, but it's awfully refreshing to see someone in politics who'll just speak his mind even if it means he'll say stupid shit.
Trump is the nominee cause he's a combination of a huge personality and he isn't a politician. Right now, most people that aren't partisan cheerleaders are sick of slimy politicians, and Donald Trump is anything but a politician. For better or for worse, he's about as far from being "establishment" as you can get which is why both sides of the political elite don't like him.

People don't like him because he's a liar and a con-man, who has made money by cheating others and filing for bankruptcy. He lies about everything, has been involved in over 3,000 law suits. He's is far more slimy than anyone he ran against, and certainly a bigger liar than Hillary Clinton, as confirmed by Politifact which labelled 70% of what he says lies versus 20% for Clinton.

As a legal professional specializing in corporate, commercial and real estate law, we consider a law suit a failure: Someone didn't do as promised, pay as promised, or renegged on the deal. No one makes money in a lawsuit except the lawyers. The time and money spent on filings, court appearances, and lawyers is counterproductive, and usually costs more money than you win. Not to mention you can't be making profitable deals when you're dealing with law suits over past failures.

We also don't like him because he promotes racism, misogyny and hatred. He's a demogogue.
Trump is a liar, conman, and bigot.
The Republican voters decide what constitutes a RINO. The Republican establishment has failed the voters for nearly eight years now, so the voters have decided to make an end of it.
Like I said in my thread, Here's Why Liberals Win This Election No Matter Who Takes The Presidency, Trump is no conservative.

So unless you're saying, and happy that, the Republican party is no longer the conservative're simply talking out of your neck.

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