Republicans Response to Colorado Shooting: Cant do nothing

So? If more Americans did, crime would go down even more.

Liberals think that's a bad thing, apparently.

Pure conjecture. I live in a country with very strict gun laws and most police officers do not carry firearms. By your way of thinking, crime should be out of control and it should be a dangerous place to live. Guess what? You are wrong.

It was explained to me that the reason that the US is so violent isn't because of the availability of's because of "diversity". Believe it or not, that was the point one of these conserveatives tried to make..."diversity" is the reason we have more gun violence than other western nations.

Gee, wonder what the conservative meant by that? Maybe we should bar the Canadians from entering...yeah; thats it.

If this is true, such diversity should nullify the second amendment. Just compare the United States to Canada. Canadians are civilized enough to be able to own guns.
All republican opinions involve after-the-fact punitive measures rather than any kind of prevention other than hypothetical heroes with more guns, honestly, I feel most people lack the grit to shoot it out with an armored psychopath outside of fantasy scenarios discussed over brews at the gun club.

Yes the person who discounts executing convicted murders is going to counsel others on grit.

Grit is taking a bullet for a loved one cause you have no other choice because the city and theater banned your lawful gun permit. Know how many did that in the theater ?

well when in the us of a we have more guns per person than any other country its a problem......kid soldiers(check) number 1 murder rate by gun in the world(check) mass killing every year(check) kids getting ahold of dads gun and offing sister or himself(check) husband get mad at wife kills her with gun(check) police out gunned by criminal(check). a 200 year old party of our constitution does not apply. the sad thing is most people here does deal the mass amout of gun violence so its easy to sit on the "principle high ground" unless you fear an invasion from china with boots on the ground, it makes no sence to have gun control laws like they many times do you hear this "if he had only not had the ability and right to buy a drum(extended) mag. then he would have had to reload and people would have been safe. and DO not give out that weak ass argument of well if other people had guns they could have stopped it. shit with that attitude lets give everyone a gun and lets go back to the wild fucking west and duel it out:)
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There have been multiple threads but one thing remains the same. When you ask a republican what could be done to stop dangerous weapons from falling into the wrong hands there answer is:

Nothing...Do nothing...Nothing could be done....and nothing should be done.

Once again showing the deep problem solving skills of some of the righties here.

I refuse to give one inch on this subject. If your scared of another mass shooting get rid of the gun free zones, stop stigmatizing gun owners as evil people.
The second amendment has been compromised to much to give one more inch to the anti gun crowd.

Do all of your complaints deal with not liking something? You seem very sensitive. Stop stigmatizing gun owners as evil...Stop talking down to business owners and job creators.....stop demonizing the 1%....etc, etc.

All of your petty complaints are from people not being nice....fuck outta here. There is more serious things going on in this world besides your constant whining about people being nicer.

You refuse to give one inch on your dress size. Idiot
There have been multiple threads but one thing remains the same. When you ask a republican what could be done to stop dangerous weapons from falling into the wrong hands there answer is:

Nothing...Do nothing...Nothing could be done....and nothing should be done.

Once again showing the deep problem solving skills of some of the righties here.

I refuse to give one inch on this subject. If your scared of another mass shooting get rid of the gun free zones, stop stigmatizing gun owners as evil people.
The second amendment has been compromised to much to give one more inch to the anti gun crowd.

Do all of your complaints deal with not liking something? You seem very sensitive. Stop stigmatizing gun owners as evil...Stop talking down to business owners and job creators.....stop demonizing the 1%....etc, etc.

All of your petty complaints are from people not being nice....fuck outta here. There is more serious things going on in this world besides your constant whining about people being nicer.

You refuse to give one inch on your dress size. Idiot

Do all of your complaints deal with not liking something? You seem very sensitive. Stop stigmatizing gun owners as evil...Stop talking down to business owners and job creators.....stop demonizing the 1%....etc, etc.

You have me confused with someone else. One of the things I say about 1%er's is that all politicians are 1%er's and they support democrats and republicans. obama is a 1%er. And when did I say business owners and job creators were being talked down too?

All of your petty complaints are from people not being nice....fuck outta here. There is more serious things going on in this world besides your constant whining about people being nicer.

Again bitch you have me confused with someone else. You wantr mass shootings to stop get rid of gum free zones

You refuse to give one inch on your dress size.
Talk about being a whiny ass bitch stay home if you want gun free zone and mass shootings.
There have been multiple threads but one thing remains the same. When you ask a republican what could be done to stop dangerous weapons from falling into the wrong hands there answer is:

Nothing...Do nothing...Nothing could be done....and nothing should be done.

Once again showing the deep problem solving skills of some of the righties here.

I refuse to give one inch on this subject. If your scared of another mass shooting get rid of the gun free zones, stop stigmatizing gun owners as evil people.
The second amendment has been compromised to much to give one more inch to the anti gun crowd.

The 2nd ammendment was relevant in the 1700's. Its hardly relevant now.

And your opinion is irrelevant, just as my opinion is irrelevant with your country.
How many guns did the 911 crew or Timothy McVeigh use?

That's right... ZERO. And they killed far more than all of the crazed gun mass murderers. COMBINED.
So? If more Americans did, crime would go down even more.

Liberals think that's a bad thing, apparently.

Pure conjecture. I live in a country with very strict gun laws and most police officers do not carry firearms. By your way of thinking, crime should be out of control and it should be a dangerous place to live. Guess what? You are wrong.
What happens in your country is immaterial to the US.

In the US studies show that when CCW goes up, crime goes down. Period.
Shocker ain't it?
There have been multiple threads but one thing remains the same. When you ask a republican what could be done to stop dangerous weapons from falling into the wrong hands there answer is:
Nothing...Do nothing...Nothing could be done....and nothing should be done.
Once again showing the deep problem solving skills of some of the righties here.
Never mind that it is the truth.
There have been multiple threads but one thing remains the same. When you ask a republican what could be done to stop dangerous weapons from falling into the wrong hands there answer is:
Nothing...Do nothing...Nothing could be done....and nothing should be done.
Once again showing the deep problem solving skills of some of the righties here.
Never mind that it is the truth.

And it will be the truth until obama forms the Bureau of Precrime.
Pure conjecture. I live in a country with very strict gun laws and most police officers do not carry firearms. By your way of thinking, crime should be out of control and it should be a dangerous place to live. Guess what? You are wrong.
What happens in your country is immaterial to the US.

In the US studies show that when CCW goes up, crime goes down. Period.

Ignoring the facts is a lot of the problem.

Yet you guys live in fear with a camera on every corner.
There have been multiple threads but one thing remains the same. When you ask a republican what could be done to stop dangerous weapons from falling into the wrong hands there answer is:

Nothing...Do nothing...Nothing could be done....and nothing should be done.

Once again showing the deep problem solving skills of some of the righties here.

Who, specifically, said do nothing? I think everyone in the theater should sue the crap out of Cinemark over their no guns policy.

If you can find any idea of what can be done to keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of dangerous people I'd love to see it.
How do YOU propose to determine that someone w/ no criminal record and no judgement as to hie mental state is "dangerouns" to the point that the law - which you;d have to actually pass - should keep him from getting a "dangerouns weapon" - a term you'd have to define?

Be sure to tell us how your plan does not violate the Constitution.
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My solution: orange jump suits and shaved heads for every man, woman and child. Each one has a barcode identifying their unique American Citizen ID implanted on the top of their heads. Then, bar code scanners are installed every 5 feet blanketing the entire United States. Our rulers will decide where we should be at all times, and if your barcode is scanned outside of the path you are to be taking to your assigned destination, and the proper authorities, blanketing all of America very 10 feet, will be alerted to your misdeed and be ordered to shoot you with tracer rounds on the spot.

Pure conjecture. I live in a country with very strict gun laws and most police officers do not carry firearms. By your way of thinking, crime should be out of control and it should be a dangerous place to live. Guess what? You are wrong.

It was explained to me that the reason that the US is so violent isn't because of the availability of's because of "diversity". Believe it or not, that was the point one of these conserveatives tried to make..."diversity" is the reason we have more gun violence than other western nations.

Gee, wonder what the conservative meant by that? Maybe we should bar the Canadians from entering...yeah; thats it.

If this is true, such diversity should nullify the second amendment. Just compare the United States to Canada. Canadians are civilized enough to be able to own guns.

I'm pretty sure they didn't mean Canadians when they said "diversity" was the problem.
It was explained to me that the reason that the US is so violent isn't because of the availability of's because of "diversity". Believe it or not, that was the point one of these conserveatives tried to make..."diversity" is the reason we have more gun violence than other western nations.

Gee, wonder what the conservative meant by that? Maybe we should bar the Canadians from entering...yeah; thats it.

If this is true, such diversity should nullify the second amendment. Just compare the United States to Canada. Canadians are civilized enough to be able to own guns.

I'm pretty sure they didn't mean Canadians when they said "diversity" was the problem.

Sorry, was not talking about Canadians in reference to diversity.
If this is true, such diversity should nullify the second amendment. Just compare the United States to Canada. Canadians are civilized enough to be able to own guns.

I'm pretty sure they didn't mean Canadians when they said "diversity" was the problem.

Sorry, was not talking about Canadians in reference to diversity.

Yeah, Suckeye wasn't talking about Canadians either. He meant persons of other colors. Yet the top 10 on the number of gun deaths (we're #11 if I recall) are all pretty homogeneous when it comes to racial diversity.

Widespread and loosely controlled access to firearms, apparently according to Suckeye, has no correlation to the number of deaths due to firearms.
Lilly white Canada has less minorities than the USA. Asians make up a bulk of their minorities and Asians in both countries are less violent than blacks and hispanics.

Idiots like you that think Canada has the same make up of people like the USA because we share a land mass are proof liberals have less brain function than an ape.

So? If more Americans did, crime would go down even more.

Liberals think that's a bad thing, apparently.

Pure conjecture. I live in a country with very strict gun laws and most police officers do not carry firearms. By your way of thinking, crime should be out of control and it should be a dangerous place to live. Guess what? You are wrong.

It was explained to me that the reason that the US is so violent isn't because of the availability of's because of "diversity". Believe it or not, that was the point one of these conserveatives tried to make..."diversity" is the reason we have more gun violence than other western nations.

Gee, wonder what the conservative meant by that? Maybe we should bar the Canadians from entering...yeah; thats it.
Pure conjecture. I live in a country with very strict gun laws and most police officers do not carry firearms. By your way of thinking, crime should be out of control and it should be a dangerous place to live. Guess what? You are wrong.
What happens in your country is immaterial to the US.

In the US studies show that when CCW goes up, crime goes down. Period.

Ignoring the facts is a lot of the problem.
So why are you ignoring the fact that when CCW goes up, crime goes down?
Pure conjecture. I live in a country with very strict gun laws and most police officers do not carry firearms. By your way of thinking, crime should be out of control and it should be a dangerous place to live. Guess what? You are wrong.
What happens in your country is immaterial to the US.

In the US studies show that when CCW goes up, crime goes down. Period.
Shocker ain't it?

Only to people who are convinced more guns = shootouts over not getting what you ordered in a restaurant.

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