Republicans Response to Colorado Shooting: Cant do nothing

Ignoring the facts is a lot of the problem.

Yet you guys live in fear with a camera on every corner.

Says one of the scared little people who needs a gun to feel manly.

Why does it annoy you that innocent people protect themselves and their families? Are you afraid criminals are going to be put out of business? Do you think it's morally superior to be a victim?

Do you think at all?
There have been multiple threads but one thing remains the same. When you ask a republican what could be done to stop dangerous weapons from falling into the wrong hands there answer is:

Nothing...Do nothing...Nothing could be done....and nothing should be done.

Once again showing the deep problem solving skills of some of the righties here.

There have been multiple threads but one thing remains the same. When you ask a Democrat what could be done to stop dangerous weapons from falling into the wrong hands there answer is:

Government regulation...Ignore rights in the US Constitution...Government control over all thoughts, all actions, all items, all production, all markets....and communist government control is the only solution.

Once again showing the deep problem solving skills of all liberals.
There have been multiple threads but one thing remains the same. When you ask a republican what could be done to stop dangerous weapons from falling into the wrong hands there answer is:

Nothing...Do nothing...Nothing could be done....and nothing should be done.

Once again showing the deep problem solving skills of some of the righties here.

The reality is, every conservative on this board has screamed the solution and the ignorant liberal, in typical fashion, ignores the reality and keeps on trotting down fairytale lane...

The solution is - personal fucking responsibility. You know, that thing that the lazy communist liberal fucking hates.

Had that city permitted people to defend themselves and had those people taken personal responsibility for their own security, the only dead person today would be the asshole that walked in there and started shooting first.

FBI crime statistics have PROVEN that crime drastically drops everywhere that conceal carry is permitted. Furthermore, nobody EVER walks into a police station for a mass shooting, despite the fact that criminals hate the police. Only the idiot liberal doesn't know why that is (hint: police stations are filled with armed and trained individuals - thus the criminal knows he will lose before the shooting even starts).

We've yet to see ONE instance of a mass shooting in an area where conceal carry is permitted. Not one assholes... Liberals are so fucking stupid it's unreal

But keep advocating to disarm everyone and continue to create victims. The blood is all on your hands liberals....
The 2nd ammendment was relevant in the 1700's. Its hardly relevant now.

If you're watching this "advanced" society operate under a 200+ y/o constitution from another planet, you wouldn't think we're advanced at all...except compared to a lot of other cultures.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

And it ain't broke.

Pretty much sums up how bizarrely head-up-the-ass the conservatives are.

Twelve people get mowed down, twelve families that will never be the same again; dozens more injured and hundreds terrorized by this...

And the response is "If it ain't broke don't fix it."
If you're watching this "advanced" society operate under a 200+ y/o constitution from another planet, you wouldn't think we're advanced at all...except compared to a lot of other cultures.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

And it ain't broke.

Pretty much sums up how bizarrely head-up-the-ass the conservatives are.

Twelve people get mowed down, twelve families that will never be the same again; dozens more injured and hundreds terrorized by this...

And the response is "If it ain't broke don't fix it."

Not nearly as bizarre as the head-up-the-ass liberal ideology of surrender your entire life, liberty, and freedom to government so communism can solve the "problem".

As usual, Democrats create the problem by ensuring a victim zone by outlawing guns in Aurora, and then cry about the problem. Fucking amazing...
Yet you guys live in fear with a camera on every corner.

Says one of the scared little people who needs a gun to feel manly.

Why does it annoy you that innocent people protect themselves and their families? Are you afraid criminals are going to be put out of business? Do you think it's morally superior to be a victim?

Do you think at all?

Why do Americans because the only way they can protect themselves is with a gun? Look at us Aussies, we don't need guns. We don't need to walk around with guns because we are not afraid that some lunatic will start shooting or stabbing people. We manage just fine, and so do other countries.

The fact that Americans feel the need to walk around with dangerous weapons under the guise of 'protection' tells me that Americans are afraid of their own people.
The problem with this entire premise is that it so flies in the face of our constitutional liberties.

As alluded to in my signature, the founders and the political philosophers they studied accepted the fact that man is inherently evil or at the very least possesses the propensity to commit evil.

Now let's just stop right there for a minute. Imagine if you can true and utter freedom. Freedom can be scary and even quite dangerous especially considering the fact that man IS capable of evil. How is it possible to restrain, regulate or restrict "FREE" people in such a way that bad things never occur due to human negligence or malice, while allowing those who make conscious decisions on a constant basis to NOT act like criminals to remain TRULY FREE? It simply can't be done.

Therefore, knowing the nature of man and what he is capable of and motivated by a desire to create a new level of personal freedom unparalleled in human history, our founders accepted the risks but provide "We The People" with several means by which to address the problem.
They gave us our legislature through which criminal acts are defined and deterrents to the worst of human nature are implemented. They gave us a judicial system through which the ultimate decisions on how to handle criminals as well as punitive measures by which to deal with criminals are administered. They gave us our Constitution which lays out our personal rights and liberties and is RIDICULOUSLY EXPLICIT in its intent to restrain government, leaving it with little more responsibility than to ensure the rights of the people are upheld and to provide a few very specific services. And within that constitution, second only to the amendment ensuring the fundamental freedom to speak freely, they gave us the right to keep and bear arms in the shortest and most concise amendment of them all.
I could go on all night on the context in which the second amendment was written and all the evidence from the Federalist Papers to back up the simple interpretation of the amendment but I’ll assume most are familiar with the events just 12 years prior to the penning of The Constitution and the factors that motivated the founders. It’s also worth noting for the “right to hunt” crowd that nowhere in The Constitution did the founders refer to details pertaining to growing crops, hunting or any other form of self provision as the sweeping freedoms intended to aid us in our “pursuit of happiness” cover all that.

The bottom line is, anti-constitutional infringements will not cure men of the tendency to victimize one another. They will however produce an environment the founders foresaw and feared, one in which the government is infinitely more powerful and fearless of the people.
Why do Americans because the only way they can protect themselves is with a gun? Look at us Aussies, we don't need guns. We don't need to walk around with guns because we are not afraid that some lunatic will start shooting or stabbing people. We manage just fine, and so do other countries.

The fact that Americans feel the need to walk around with dangerous weapons under the guise of 'protection' tells me that Americans are afraid of their own people.

One of the worst mass shootings ever occurred in Australia after they outlawed gun possession.

So much for your great solution to gun violence.
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Republicans Response to Colorado Shooting: Cant do nothing

Did they say that, really?

Well, if true, I disagree.

There are many things that can be done:

1- They City of Aurora must allow its citizens to conceal carry, no ifs or buts

2- the Citizens must be assured that once they have defended their life and/or property that scumbag prosecutors and/or judges are not going to harrass them and force them to prove their innocense. Specifically , no more George Zimmerman state sponsored terrorism.

See, there are things that can be done.

I totally believe in gun control, so I practice, practice, practice.....

Yet you guys live in fear with a camera on every corner.

Says one of the scared little people who needs a gun to feel manly.

Why does it annoy you that innocent people protect themselves and their families? Are you afraid criminals are going to be put out of business? Do you think it's morally superior to be a victim?

Do you think at all?

It annoys me that people think that more guns is the solution to the gun problem.
If you're watching this "advanced" society operate under a 200+ y/o constitution from another planet, you wouldn't think we're advanced at all...except compared to a lot of other cultures.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

And it ain't broke.

Pretty much sums up how bizarrely head-up-the-ass the conservatives are.

Twelve people get mowed down, twelve families that will never be the same again; dozens more injured and hundreds terrorized by this...

And the response is "If it ain't broke don't fix it."
I was speaking of the Constitution.

Let me shine the cold hard light of reality on your worldview: Crazy people will do crazy things without warning. Criminals intent on breaking the law will break the law.

The solutions the left proposes do nothing but disarm innocent people. Disarming innocent people creates more victims.

Why do you want more victims?
Says one of the scared little people who needs a gun to feel manly.

Why does it annoy you that innocent people protect themselves and their families? Are you afraid criminals are going to be put out of business? Do you think it's morally superior to be a victim?

Do you think at all?

Why do Americans because the only way they can protect themselves is with a gun? Look at us Aussies, we don't need guns. We don't need to walk around with guns because we are not afraid that some lunatic will start shooting or stabbing people. We manage just fine, and so do other countries.

The fact that Americans feel the need to walk around with dangerous weapons under the guise of 'protection' tells me that Americans are afraid of their own people.
Emotional people feel that everyone is motivated by emotion.

Such is not the case.

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