Republicans Response to Colorado Shooting: Cant do nothing

And next you will be saying that the United States is the greatest country in the world, as long as you have enough firearms to protect yourself.

No, next I'll be saying that you don't know your asshole from your elbow, and that your chickenshit ass has run away from the other thread where you're getting spanked like a red-headed stepchild. :D

In other words, you have no intelligent reply because I am right. You are really pathetic, and everyone can see it here in black and White.

You're right? About what? That whatever shithole country you live in doesn't allow it's citizens to own guns? That may be true, but it's nothing to be proud of. Tell us what country you live in so we can see what your crime rate is, what your homicide rate is, and what weapons your criminals use.

Or you can continue to ignorantly claim some kind of moral high ground without subjecting yourself to the same scrutiny you use on America.

The answer is to give people the freedom and courage to keep themselves armed at all times to protect themselves and detract from criminals who want to slaughter defenseless people. its a win-win.
There have been multiple threads but one thing remains the same. When you ask a republican what could be done to stop dangerous weapons from falling into the wrong hands there answer is:

Nothing...Do nothing...Nothing could be done....and nothing should be done.

Once again showing the deep problem solving skills of some of the righties here.
That is because the level of understanding that you leftists have is so shallow, the we have to speak in single syllable words for you to understand.

Taking away the guns will not prevent this kind of thing from happening.

Okay, I had to use a few two syllable words and one three syllable word. Get your mom to help you with the hard one.
Pretty much sums up how bizarrely head-up-the-ass the conservatives are.

Twelve people get mowed down, twelve families that will never be the same again; dozens more injured and hundreds terrorized by this...

And the response is "If it ain't broke don't fix it."

So you dont have a proposal.. Just loose lips.........THE SHOCK.............

Yes limiting the size of clips and magazines--proposed on something like page one. You didn't do any reading before posting. . Indeed, the shock.

Many here already know the anti gun nut game plan. Today it's the size of the clip, tomorrow it's the clip itself... The next day there isn't anything to put the clip into because that too got taken away. Spare me the BS... The gun grabber's track record speaks for itself. If I'm shocked about anything, it is that there are still people buying into the anti gun BS.
It annoys me that people think that more guns is the solution to the gun problem.
Your annoyance has absolutely no affect on me.

Why are you afraid to answer my questions?

Answering stupid questions is a waste of time.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that questions you don't want to answer are stupid, huh?

Or you could just admit that you don't have facts and logic on your side. Same thing, really.
I have chosen not to raise my family in a place where people get comfort from such statisics. I have not ignored them.
You refuse to learn anything from them.

I learned that there is a better place to raise my children, a place where people do not have to be armed to feel safe. A place where people barely believe that what they hear about the gun culture in America could really exist because it sounds just too ridiculous.
Yes, it's just inconceivable that people who are able to defend themselves are victimized less than people who aren't able to, isn't it? :cool:

What you hear sounds ridiculous because you're being lied to by leftists with an agenda.

Gun owners aren't afraid. They're prepared.
And next you will be saying that the United States is the greatest country in the world, as long as you have enough firearms to protect yourself.
The US IS the greatest country in the world -- in part because of the freedoms we're guaranteed.

One of those is the freedom to keep and bear weapons.

Leftist whining and hand-wringing will never change that.
The problem with this entire premise is that it so flies in the face of our constitutional liberties.

As alluded to in my signature, the founders and the political philosophers they studied accepted the fact that man is inherently evil or at the very least possesses the propensity to commit evil.

Now let's just stop right there for a minute. Imagine if you can true and utter freedom. Freedom can be scary and even quite dangerous especially considering the fact that man IS capable of evil. How is it possible to restrain, regulate or restrict "FREE" people in such a way that bad things never occur due to human negligence or malice, while allowing those who make conscious decisions on a constant basis to NOT act like criminals to remain TRULY FREE? It simply can't be done.

Therefore, knowing the nature of man and what he is capable of and motivated by a desire to create a new level of personal freedom unparalleled in human history, our founders accepted the risks but provide "We The People" with several means by which to address the problem.
They gave us our legislature through which criminal acts are defined and deterrents to the worst of human nature are implemented. They gave us a judicial system through which the ultimate decisions on how to handle criminals as well as punitive measures by which to deal with criminals are administered. They gave us our Constitution which lays out our personal rights and liberties and is RIDICULOUSLY EXPLICIT in its intent to restrain government, leaving it with little more responsibility than to ensure the rights of the people are upheld and to provide a few very specific services. And within that constitution, second only to the amendment ensuring the fundamental freedom to speak freely, they gave us the right to keep and bear arms in the shortest and most concise amendment of them all.
I could go on all night on the context in which the second amendment was written and all the evidence from the Federalist Papers to back up the simple interpretation of the amendment but I’ll assume most are familiar with the events just 12 years prior to the penning of The Constitution and the factors that motivated the founders. It’s also worth noting for the “right to hunt” crowd that nowhere in The Constitution did the founders refer to details pertaining to growing crops, hunting or any other form of self provision as the sweeping freedoms intended to aid us in our “pursuit of happiness” cover all that.

The bottom line is, anti-constitutional infringements will not cure men of the tendency to victimize one another. They will however produce an environment the founders foresaw and feared, one in which the government is infinitely more powerful and fearless of the people.

Yes as if the armaments of the Army, Navy, and Air force and Marines isn't already there.

Your post is silly.
Are the Marines going to show up if someone's breaking into my house?
Pretty much sums up how bizarrely head-up-the-ass the conservatives are.

Twelve people get mowed down, twelve families that will never be the same again; dozens more injured and hundreds terrorized by this...

And the response is "If it ain't broke don't fix it."

So you dont have a proposal.. Just loose lips.........THE SHOCK.............

Yes limiting the size of clips and magazines--proposed on something like page one. You didn't do any reading before posting. . Indeed, the shock.
And I explained how that would do nothing to deter criminals. Are you still bitterly clinging to that ridiculous idea?
The problem with this entire premise is that it so flies in the face of our constitutional liberties.

As alluded to in my signature, the founders and the political philosophers they studied accepted the fact that man is inherently evil or at the very least possesses the propensity to commit evil.

Now let's just stop right there for a minute. Imagine if you can true and utter freedom. Freedom can be scary and even quite dangerous especially considering the fact that man IS capable of evil. How is it possible to restrain, regulate or restrict "FREE" people in such a way that bad things never occur due to human negligence or malice, while allowing those who make conscious decisions on a constant basis to NOT act like criminals to remain TRULY FREE? It simply can't be done.

Therefore, knowing the nature of man and what he is capable of and motivated by a desire to create a new level of personal freedom unparalleled in human history, our founders accepted the risks but provide "We The People" with several means by which to address the problem.
They gave us our legislature through which criminal acts are defined and deterrents to the worst of human nature are implemented. They gave us a judicial system through which the ultimate decisions on how to handle criminals as well as punitive measures by which to deal with criminals are administered. They gave us our Constitution which lays out our personal rights and liberties and is RIDICULOUSLY EXPLICIT in its intent to restrain government, leaving it with little more responsibility than to ensure the rights of the people are upheld and to provide a few very specific services. And within that constitution, second only to the amendment ensuring the fundamental freedom to speak freely, they gave us the right to keep and bear arms in the shortest and most concise amendment of them all.
I could go on all night on the context in which the second amendment was written and all the evidence from the Federalist Papers to back up the simple interpretation of the amendment but I’ll assume most are familiar with the events just 12 years prior to the penning of The Constitution and the factors that motivated the founders. It’s also worth noting for the “right to hunt” crowd that nowhere in The Constitution did the founders refer to details pertaining to growing crops, hunting or any other form of self provision as the sweeping freedoms intended to aid us in our “pursuit of happiness” cover all that.

The bottom line is, anti-constitutional infringements will not cure men of the tendency to victimize one another. They will however produce an environment the founders foresaw and feared, one in which the government is infinitely more powerful and fearless of the people.

Yes as if the armaments of the Army, Navy, and Air force and Marines isn't already there.

Your post is silly.
Are the Marines going to show up if someone's breaking into my house?

I love when liberals say stuff like that. Talk about ignorant. Wait for the cops or police, wait for the GOVERNMENT to do it for ya....yeah, that almost never works out well.
Yes as if the armaments of the Army, Navy, and Air force and Marines isn't already there.

Your post is silly.
Are the Marines going to show up if someone's breaking into my house?

I love when liberals say stuff like that. Talk about ignorant. Wait for the cops or police, wait for the GOVERNMENT to do it for ya....yeah, that almost never works out well.
When seconds count, the police are just minutes away. :cool:
Yes as if the armaments of the Army, Navy, and Air force and Marines isn't already there.

Your post is silly.

It's not silly at all. I think expecting you can people with a bunch of rules or laws that those you're attempting to influence WILL NOT FOLLOW ANYWAY is criminally stupid.

For the third time...

If you stop selling high cap mags, you do not prevent a criminal bent on doing what this guy in colorado allegedly did. That is true. That point has been conceeded over and over.

What you do accomplish is this. Eventually, you dry up the supply. It may take a generation or two but eventually, the demand will be dried up considerably. Driving the price up--you remember supply and demand, do you not? I'm guessing you never learned it to begin with.

So when there is a gun crazed lunatic in the year 2050 who might not be able to afford to buy a 100 round clip on the black market, those guys watching Batman XXXIV or whatever number we're at when it premiers can breathe just a bit easier.

Sure, we could all just agree on the fact that it was an amendment written before there were zippers, acne cream, street lights, electricity, at a time when the very nation's existence was under fire and modify it to, at least, the 19th century mentality but of course, the gun nuts have to insist that they need belt-fed weapons to feel safe.
An AR-15 with USGI 20/30rd magazines magazine is possibly the very best example of what sort of weapon is protected by the 2nd. Given that, it is impossible to argie that banning those magazines does not violate the constitution.
And next you will be saying that the United States is the greatest country in the world, as long as you have enough firearms to protect yourself.
The US IS the greatest country in the world -- in part because of the freedoms we're guaranteed.

One of those is the freedom to keep and bear weapons.

Leftist whining and hand-wringing will never change that.

A country where so many people need weapons to feel safe is not great, and not free.
And next you will be saying that the United States is the greatest country in the world, as long as you have enough firearms to protect yourself.
The US IS the greatest country in the world -- in part because of the freedoms we're guaranteed.

One of those is the freedom to keep and bear weapons.

Leftist whining and hand-wringing will never change that.

Americans should be more like the people of the countries we left, don't you know that by now? :eusa_whistle:
And next you will be saying that the United States is the greatest country in the world, as long as you have enough firearms to protect yourself.
The US IS the greatest country in the world -- in part because of the freedoms we're guaranteed.

One of those is the freedom to keep and bear weapons.

Leftist whining and hand-wringing will never change that.

A country where so many people need weapons to feel safe is not great, and not free.

You owe your freedoms to the people of America because we have our guns we control our government, which in turn has forced the government to defend the freedoms of others.

Without our guns America would be like any third world industrialization country, a lot of deaths by knives.
And next you will be saying that the United States is the greatest country in the world, as long as you have enough firearms to protect yourself.
The US IS the greatest country in the world -- in part because of the freedoms we're guaranteed.
One of those is the freedom to keep and bear weapons.
Leftist whining and hand-wringing will never change that.
A country where so many people need weapons to feel safe is not great, and not free.
False premise, that "so many" people here need weapons to feel safe.
Try harder, troll.
I love when liberals say stuff like that. Talk about ignorant. Wait for the cops or police, wait for the GOVERNMENT to do it for ya....yeah, that almost never works out well.
When seconds count, the police are just minutes away. :cool:
Dial 1911A1, and then call 911.
How awful! The left thinks it's morally superior to be raped and/or murdered than to defend yourself and your family from a criminal.

You'll be brutalized or dead, but think how SMUG you can be about it. :cool:

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