Republicans seem sure that the Democratic Party is communist, but can never identify a specific policy as being communist

LOL, have you looked upon your avatar lately? The Majority of the Flaws are a result of Greed, Desire for Power and Hate. One of these days read the Preamble of the Constitution and see the Vision Statement left to their progenies.

Progressives seek to meet the standards in the Preamble, Faux Conservatives not only do not, they attempt to repeal the Civil Rights of too many American Citizens. Tell us why equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice are not values to be treasured?

Enough with your commie talking points. The goal of the Democrat party today is to make whites a minority ASAP. Once they cross that yard line, they can move forward with making the US into a single-party government forever.

If you think anybody on the right is trying to take civil rights away from anybody, then you don't know what a civil right is.
Here’s the other half of this issue that for some bizarre reason does not occur to you: it doesn’t matter if the adults involved were irresponsible or not. The kids still exist. You do get that right? The kids exist? What should we do with them? Let them starve because of the mom was irresponsible? The kid has to suffer for that?

We take those children away from the irresponsible parent and put them up for adoption. Why do you think poor people have kids for in the first place? That's right, more government benefits. We live in a country where we reward people for not being responsible and then say "Duh, we have a problem here, how did that happen!" :eusa_shhh:
Hey you fucking idiot, 8 months of leftard riots really did happen. A Stalinist dog and pony show really is happening. Leftard DA's really are releasing violent criminal right back into the streets. And violent lefties really did threaten my children, AND THEY'D DO IT AGAIN IN A HEARTBEAT, for any reason or no reason at all

And let's not forget threatening Supreme Court justices and in one case plotted an assassination on one of them.
Enough with your commie talking points. The goal of the Democrat party today is to make whites a minority ASAP. Once they cross that yard line, they can move forward with making the US into a single-party government forever.

If you think anybody on the right is trying to take civil rights away from anybody, then you don't know what a civil right is.
We take those children away from the irresponsible parent and put them up for adoption. Why do you think poor people have kids for in the first place? That's right, more government benefits. We live in a country where we reward people for not being responsible and then say "Duh, we have a problem here, how did that happen!" :eusa_shhh:
We’ve already had this pointless conversation before. You don’t bother doing any honest research so all your assumptions about shit is based on your own emotional beliefs. It is very difficult for any kids let alone older kids to get adopted. Kids are better off with their biological parents. What is your solution to this specifically? If a kid is born and the mother makes too low of an income, your fascist solution is to separate the kid from the mother indefinitely? You do know that foster care already costs the government a lot right? Those kids would be in foster care until someone would choose to adopt them. Just how bad of a problem do you think this would become if every impoverished kid born went into foster care? You think that would cheap in terms of government spending and your tax dollars?
Here’s the other half of this issue that for some bizarre reason does not occur to you: it doesn’t matter if the adults involved were irresponsible or not. The kids still exist. You do get that right? The kids exist? What should we do with them? Let them starve because of the mom was irresponsible? The kid has to suffer for that?
That is not gthe other half. That is a lame exvuse for tyranny.

If you wish to help those kids then do so. Their existence is NOT an excuse to tax others to feed them.
It is frustrating to see so many posters here that are completely contaminated demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies.

It definitely seems odd. I mean if you realize you can’t name a specific policy when asked, you think you would come to the realization it isn’t communist.

MTG offers no shortage of stupidity on the subject of course.

Green New Deal. Discussion of a wealth tax. Super aggressive minimum, wages that cannot be easily supported. Anti-second Amendment laws. Kangaroo sex assault "hearings" on college campuses devoid of due process. Legislated racism such as Affirmative Action Quotas
Yeah you leftists keep bringing that up, but the lie behind it is that the wall wasn't anchored yet
Wasn't anchored?
It wouldn't even be able to remain upright if it wasn't anchored, concrete was poured, kickers in place, etc. dumbass.
and in the process of being built. They left it there until the next day because that area is not known for high winds like they had on that particular day.

I looked up the bill for MW, and according to C-Net, 8 Democrats voted against it in the Senate.

Of course, why would anyone vote to dole out $$$ for something Mexico was supposed to pay for?

These morons did.

Steve Bannon raised $25 million for "We build the wall" and they got burned.
Wasn't anchored?
It wouldn't even be able to remain upright if it wasn't anchored, concrete was poured, kickers in place, etc. dumbass.

Listen dumb ass, I come from a construction family. I started mixing cement at 12 years old helping my bricklayer father. We've poured plenty of footers. Cement doesn't cure in an hour. It isn't totally cured for several days. In fact my father wouldn't lay brick on a footer until the net weekend. Look at the picture. It wasn't connected to anything. They got very unusual strong winds that day and it simply blew over because it wasn't completed yet.

Of course, why would anyone vote to dole out $$$ for something Mexico was supposed to pay for?

These morons did.

Steve Bannon raised $25 million for "We build the wall" and they got burned.

What do Communists care who was going to pay for it? Trump asked for a few billion dollars; a little over half of what we spend on food stamps in one month. It had nothing to do with Mexico paying for anything, it has to do with the Communists ushering illegal people into this country more easily. They want these vagrants here. The more lowlifes, the more Democrat voters in the future. The only good thing is that they thought they could buy the American Hispanic vote as easily as they did the black vote; just give them shit. Well guess what, it didn't work. Now they are losing Hispanics by the boatloads because legal Hispanics are not bought off like cheap whores as in the black community. They too are against illegals entering this country after some of them waited years to become an American.
Listen dumb ass, I come from a construction family.
Sure you did, before you were a truck driver now your an engineer.
I started mixing cement at 12 years old helping my bricklayer father. We've poured plenty of footers.
Bricklayer don't pour footers dumbass, concrete finishers do.
Cement doesn't cure in an hour. It isn't totally cured for several days. In fact my father wouldn't lay brick on a footer until the net weekend.
While everyone else stripped their footers and had their block/brick almost done?
You can pour an entire slab and it's ready to be stripped and block to be layed the next day.
Look at the picture. It wasn't connected to anything. They got very unusual strong winds that day and it simply blew over because it wasn't completed yet.
Then they didn't know WTF, they were doing then.
Why in the fuck would you set something with a crane, not pour concrete, not secure it, only to bring back the crane to reset it properly?
I would have fired those goobers within an hour.
What do Communists care who was going to pay for it? Trump asked for a few billion dollars; a little over half of what we spend on food stamps in one month. It had nothing to do with Mexico paying for anything,
That was his first lie, Trump's priority to get his gullible cult to vote for the lying retard.

"I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me --and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."
it has to do with the Communists ushering illegal people into this country more easily. They want these vagrants here.
Then why is Trump's cult hiring them?
Because they're cheap, just like Trump.

Donald Trump’s businesses, run by his children, have employed undocumented immigrants for years. After numerous media reports about these immigrants being mistreated and then fired, the president’s son Eric yesterday announced a new company policy to deal with the problem. He said that the Trump Organization now plans to institute the federal E-Verify program in every one of its golf clubs, hotels and resorts.

By using E-Verify Trump’s businesses will for the first time be able to determine that their new hires are legally eligible to work in the United States.

Trump’s businesses employ thousands of low-paid service workers in such jobs as housekeeping, cleaning and maintenance. Yesterday’s announcement by Eric Trump in effect is an admission that these businesses have never bothered to check if the employees they hire actually have the legal documents they need to be employed. It is the first acknowledgment by the president’s business that it failed to check the work status of all its employees.
The more lowlifes, the more Democrat voters in the future. The only good thing is that they thought they could buy the American Hispanic vote as easily as they did the black vote; just give them shit. Well guess what, it didn't work. Now they are losing Hispanics by the boatloads because legal Hispanics are not bought off like cheap whores as in the black community. They too are against illegals entering this country after some of them waited years to become an American.
It definitely seems odd. I mean if you realize you can’t name a specific policy when asked, you think you would come to the realization it isn’t communist.

MTG offers no shortage of stupidity on the subject of course.

Democrats, like Nazis, love war & HATE socialism/socialists, but they ARE deranged fascists not unlike many - but not all - communists.

Hope this clears things up for you.

Define Socialism as you see it?
I ask this all the time and I never get an answer.

Socialism, commies, Stalinist, Marxist... they just use the words because they scare them, and because they contain multiple syllables and make them sound informed. I guess.

I had one of them try "Khmer Rouge", and I had to give him credit for some out-of-the-box thinking :laugh:

Somehow they don't quite realize how ignorant they look. On the other hand, ignorance of ignorance is appropriate. Dunning-Kruger.
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I ask this all the time and I never get an answer.

No one has time to educate you, son.

At least not for free.

Socialism, commies, Stalinist, Marxist... they just use the words because they scare them, and because they contain multiple syllables and make them sound informed. I guess.

120 million murders scare the shit out of me. Yeah.

I had one of them try "Khmer Rouge", and I had to give him credit for some out-of-the-box thinking :laugh:

Gee, you're just full of fun, aren't you.

Somehow they don't quite realize how ignorant they look. On the other hand, ignorance of ignorance is appropriate. Dunning-Kruger.

How about, you don't know what socialism is and now you're trying to educate us?

In the same post, no less?

There's zero chance you're not a leftie, Mac. You're an elitist.
There's zero chance you're not a leftie, Mac. You're an elitist.
Not being an ignorant rube does not make one an elitist. It just means that they're not an ignorant rube.

You're free to quiz me on where I stand on any issue. Start a thread and I'll be there.

Let's find out for sure.

Not being an ignorant rube does not make one an elitist. It just means that they're not an ignorant rube.

Ignorance has nothing to do with it. Elitists come in all shapes and sizes.

You're on the same page as the leftest of leftards. Your hatred of Trump has blinded you to the REAL issues.

You're free to quiz me on where I stand on any issue. Start a thread and I'll be there.

Let's find out for sure.


Sorry, not gonna be here long enough to explore your stance on the issues. Your "logic" is in the computer though.

You'd be very surprised what some of these political belief trees look like. Some of them are even inverted, the "therefore" is on top.

The issues that MATTER are we have Stalinists running the Democratic Party, and goofballs like you are supporting them. I can help with the second part, but not the first. YOU have to handle the first part. You have to police your own.

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