Republicans seem sure that the Democratic Party is communist, but can never identify a specific policy as being communist

Look at the protection it provides them. No critical thinking is required, no questioning of one's own beliefs.

I never would have thought I'd end up longing for the days of liberal vs. conservative. This thing is a third wheel, its own separate animal.
You and me both. But I find it hilarious how the right embraced the NPC meme to portray the left. That's a serious irony deficiency that never fails to deliver. :auiqs.jpg:

Marx wqas a pig who believed in totalitarian rule.

That is what he meant by dictatorship of the proletariate which precedes the slave state.

His words moron you do not understand marx and you are brainwashed.

Marx had fought in European wars, and was disgusted when he came back home and realized he and all the others who fought had been used.
The wars were just power plays by the aristocracy.
So the main thrust of Marx was to end autocratic aristocracies.
That means switching to democratic republics.
But the aristocracies did not like that, so tried to make all sorts of false claims.

A "dictatorship of the proletariat" means a democratic republic, because everyone is supposed to be the proletariat.
There were to be no different class distinctions.

If one wanted a "slave state" instead, then you would leave the aristocracy, which is required if you want different classes.

The rest of the world has public health care, which removes all the profit skimming middle layers.
What the rest of the world does is half the cost and slightly better quality.
Insurance companies add nothing.
All they do is the opposite of collective bargaining.
They give a deal to large companies, and make up for it by charging individuals more.
Insurance companies deliberately overpay providers, in order to make costs higher, so that people need insurance even more.
This from a member of The Blame America First crowd.

The America culture is greedy.
It murders, steals, lies, breaks treaties, etc.
We used to have slavery, burn witches, etc.
We can and should do better.
As we run out of natural resources, like energy, food, land, clean water, etc., we are going to have to stop working in a greed basis.
It doesn't matter if they commit 10% of crime Americans do, We have our own crime to deal with which is plenty. We don't need to allow more to come in no matter what the percentage is.

As I said earlier, if my neighbor goes out and kills the store keeper, there is nothing any one of us can do about that since we are all considered innocent until proven guilty. But if a store owner is killed by an illegal, we could have prevented that by making sure that illegal wasn't in this country in the first place.

What you are forgetting is that the illegals are more ambitious, so produce twice as much as a citizen who feels entitled does.
So the more immigrants, the more prosperous we all are.
To compete against China, we will need a lot more ambitious immigrants.
But if those 3.5 billion could make it here, how many should we let in?

The Border Patrol found people from over 110 different countries trying to cross that border. That's just the ones they were able to stop.

The reason ER's cost so much IS because of the people that don't pay them. Medicare and Medicaid alone only pay 2/3 of the bill for their patients. Then you have the people that don't pay anything like the illegals. That's why it costs so much. They have to recoup those losses.

I don't blame the people for trying to come here, I blame the politicians that don't do anything to stop them like Dementia. Trump passed policy after policy and built walls to help keep them out and he had great results. If somebody tells me that if I rob a bank, the police will write me a ticket, guess what, I'm robbing the bank.

That is not how ER's work.
Medicare and Medicaid don't pay a %.
They pay for ALL of the bill if the person is indigent only.
That is normally a very small fraction.
But since private insurance has become mandatory, indigents no longer can afford any health care access, so then are forced to go to the ER for everything.
ER use has tripled.
And that is a terrible and expensive way to conduct health care.
Hospitals have NO losses.
Indigent care is paid for by Medicare and Medicaid.
The high medical charges are because they are an illegal monopoly, run for profit, by corporations with the highest profit margins in the whole world.
What you are forgetting is that the illegals are more ambitious, so produce twice as much as a citizen who feels entitled does.
So the more immigrants, the more prosperous we all are.
To compete against China, we will need a lot more ambitious immigrants.

Lowering American workers pay will not be prosperous for us. It will have the exact opposite effect if anything.
That is not how ER's work.
Medicare and Medicaid don't pay a %.
They pay for ALL of the bill if the person is indigent only.
That is normally a very small fraction.
But since private insurance has become mandatory, indigents no longer can afford any health care access, so then are forced to go to the ER for everything.
ER use has tripled.
And that is a terrible and expensive way to conduct health care.
Hospitals have NO losses.
Indigent care is paid for by Medicare and Medicaid.
The high medical charges are because they are an illegal monopoly, run for profit, by corporations with the highest profit margins in the whole world.

You really live in your own world, don't you.
Socialism is the last step (and part of) to communism. And yes, I posted the American Communist Party's agenda if you care to go back and read it. They highlight Socialism as part of their agenda.

Socialism is where we as a group can decide to create shared means of production, if we want, like schools, roads, defense, fire fighting, utilities, etc.
Most countries do more, like health care, fossil energy, etc., because public corporations can be controlled to be more fair.

Communism differs from socialism in that communism has no private enterprise at all, and no one has ever suggested that. There is private enterprise in all societies, including Russia, China, Cuba, etc. Marx was writing entirely theoretically, back around 1830. We have found better ways to prevent greedy abuses since then, like unions, OSHA, labor laws, etc.
Yes. Socialism is a stepping stone to communism.

Except that you don't know what socialism or communism is.
They are popular control of our economics, so that we do not remain economic slaves.
Would you rather try to get a mortgage from a non-profit government agency, or a greedy bank?
Would you rather get medical care from a non-profit government health provider, or a greedy for profit one?
Lowering American workers pay will not be prosperous for us. It will have the exact opposite effect if anything.

Lowering production costs by hiring more immigrants does not lower American worker pay necessarily at all. That is because immigrant labor increases volume, which reduces production per unit cost, and causes the need for more supervisors.
Sell more products to the rest of the world is what is needed, and we have to do whatever that requires.
We can NOT survive by only selling our stuff to ourselves, while still importing Chinese electronics like cellphones.
If we do not reduce production costs, we will go broke and disappear.
You really live in your own world, don't you.

Compare the US health care with ANY other country.
The US is the only one broken, with huge costs and low care quality.
Everyone else in the world has a system that works much better.
Even Mexico (controlled by US corporations) has better health care than the US.
In TX, NM, AZ, CA, etc., there are busses that regularly pick up US citizens and take them to health care providers in Mexico who are a forth the cost.
The America culture is greedy.
It murders, steals, lies, breaks treaties, etc.
We used to have slavery, burn witches, etc.
We can and should do better.
As we run out of natural resources, like energy, food, land, clean water, etc., we are going to have to stop working in a greed basis.

The greed basis is what keeps Americans innovating. Capitalism is a reward system where people who make the country work do better than others.

We are going to run out of land very soon. The Chinese bought over 225,000 acres of American farm land only behind Bill Gates that will also not use that land for farming crops. When you combine that with Dementia's demand that we manufacture more ethanol (burning up our crops for energy) you have all the makings for a starving America. The Chinese are using the land for pot farms and Gates will not produce anything he believes is bad for the environment such as cattle and hogs.
Except that you don't know what socialism or communism is.
They are popular control of our economics, so that we do not remain economic slaves.
Would you rather try to get a mortgage from a non-profit government agency, or a greedy bank?
Would you rather get medical care from a non-profit government health provider, or a greedy for profit one?
The communist party in the US is not very communist because they are not as well funded as they should be.
Telling that you think the CPUSA should be well funded. Regardless, that doesn't change the fact that they endorse democrats because the agenda is nearly identical.
But clearly any democratic republic should be heavily socialist at least.
I disagree.
Health care and utilities at least.
I disagree there, as well.
Insurance companies deliberately overpay providers, in order to make costs higher, so that people need insurance even more.
Insurance companies actually underpay providers. Have you ever looked at an invoice? Providers ask high and accept the lower rate of the insurance co.
Compare the US health care with ANY other country.
The US is the only one broken, with huge costs and low care quality.
Everyone else in the world has a system that works much better.
Even Mexico (controlled by US corporations) has better health care than the US.
In TX, NM, AZ, CA, etc., there are busses that regularly pick up US citizens and take them to health care providers in Mexico who are a forth the cost.

Then show me a country where their healthcare system is perfect. If our healthcare is so awful, why do people come from all around the world to get it? I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. When you go to their main campus downtown, you are the one that feels like the foreigner.

Our northern hospitals are full of Canadian patients. I used to talk to many Canadian truck drivers and often bring up the healthcare subject. The younger guys told me they love their system. The older ones told me to keep what we have, or we'll be very sorry when we get older.

Last year I was in the hospital for surgery. I had the best care anybody could imagine. The food sucked but that was my only real complaint. A nurse was always there when I needed one. The doctors and surgeon were there to discuss every single detail about what was going on, it was great.

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