Republicans seem sure that the Democratic Party is communist, but can never identify a specific policy as being communist


You lose this argument everry time.

The USSR was coommunist period they followed the design and practice of communism which is by definition auuthoritarian and tyrannical

While technically "communism" is just an economic system and does not define the role of government selection at all, but since communism is collective, cooperative, and communal, then I see absolutely no way it can be done without a democratic republic.

The Soviet Union followed NONE of the design and practices of communism.
Not only is communism NOT at all associated with authoritarianism or tyranny, obviously it is totally in conflict with authoritarianism and tyranny.
Anything authoritarian or tyrannical is by definition, NOT communal, collective, or cooperative.

Basically the simple plan of communism is that there would only be one level.
The workers in the factories would then also equally be the bosses who made decision, and equally be the shareholders who divided up the profits.
Communism by definition is total egalitarianism.
Totally idealistic.
Nothing remotely like the USSR, which obviously was Stalinism instead.
When you have a wealthy elite with Dachas in on the Black Sea, that is not communal, collective, or cooperative.
Like I said, semantics. It's all the same hive minded evil.

All families and primitive tribes are always communist, so how could it possibly be "hive minded" or "evil"?
Communism is exactly how people naturally live on a small scale.
I suppose there is no way to sugar coat it.....

I'm saying that you are a fool, and a crack pot, never correct in any post, and I don't really want anything to do with you......I fear second hand stupidity.

I truly wonder whether those infrequent absences you took from your belfry were worth your roadmap of accomplishment, the journey from ignorance, illiteracy and incapacity to this finality, decrepitude, disappointment, and decay. You could have remained under a rock.

Please do so in the future.

So you have nothing to add?
You can't detail, explain, characterize, give examples, etc.?

Republicans seem sure that the Democratic Party is communist, but can never identify a specific policy as being communist​

Most definitely they are mostly socialists. Communism will come later.
Feel sorry all you like, but what I speak of is the truth.

What you say is true, the ER is not long term care for people who pay them or not. But, have you ever gotten or seen a bill from an ER? Thousands of dollars even if you're only there a few hours. Any long term care they can't afford here, so they return back to their home country for that. But it doesn't discount the loss hospitals take and the fact we ultimately end up paying for it when they need to increase their fees. We end up paying for them.

We already have a legal process to becoming an American. We allow a million people a year to become citizens. We also hand out nearly a million green cards and Visa's for people to come here and take advantage of everything we created. So why don't we let in more? For one, we have 7.5 billion people on this planet, probably half would love to live in America. How many of those 3.5 billion should we let in? The reason we have limits is so they don't come here and change our culture. But these illegals are doing just that. The border is fine? Tell that to any BP agent. They are saying it's the worst it's been in over 20 years.

Where did I ever say all poverty is because of illegals? What I did say is they lower the pay scale for Americans.

Land is like anything else, supply and demand. The less land available, the more land costs. We need that land for our people, not foreigners.
I don’t think you understand how the American healthcare system works. $10,000 per night in the ICU is way over bloated. Do you actually think that the actual cost for a single person per night costs 10,000 to make it work? Not even close. Sure, that visit does actually cost money, but obviously it wouldn’t be to the tune of 10K. Okay that is insane. The reason why it costs that much is because of corrupt, bloated administrative hospital costs. It is a cost that far exceeds what it is worth. If that hospital bill never gets paid by an illegal immigrant, the hospital is sure as hell not going to lose much money given the money it already makes. And because illegal immigrants make up such a small percentage of this population, it really does that matter.

I mean sure, would people from third world countries prefer to live here instead? Obviously so but even the means of getting here to begin with is a challenge. However That definitely isn’t the case for first world nations. Believe it or not, these countries do just fine. Scandinavian people are the happiest people in the world based on international surveys. Australia and Western Europe do not need us. They do just fine. They don’t need our land. They sure as hell prefer their healthcare systems over ours.

We should definitely have a border security and process, but at the end of the day it really doesn’t matter it isn’t perfect. You just convinced yourself of this because you have this emotional hatred of them. It’s a hatred that is WAY overblown. I mean maybe you would have a point if 3.5 billion people were actually trying to come here but obviously that isn’t true.
If five million illegals enter the country thanks to Dementia this year, it doesn't matter if only one of them kills an American. Every American life is precious. It's one life that could have been saved if we didn't have such bad leadership.

And what do you think the dangers are of our enemies sending their pregnant women here to have babies so they can become American citizens, take them back home, and radicalize them to do us harm in the future? Were you alive during 911 or were you too young to remember?

My neighborhood went to hell because the ghetto came here and ruined everything we worked for: our property values, our businesses, our schools, everything. The reason this happened is because you leftists fail to see that when you mix 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk with 1/4 of stale sour milk, you only end up with one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk. In spite of it's repeated failures, you want to do the same to the entire country with these illegals.

These illegals don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. What do you think happens when these people or their children get sick, pay a doctor $400.00 cash? Of course not. They go to the ERs, get the care they need, and the hospital gets stuck with the bill. Where do you think they recoup those losses at? Their kids that don't speak English hold up our American kids that American parents pay for with their property tax. I'm a landlord. I see what other landlords are doing in this supply and demand era. They are raping people because home ownership is impossible for more and more people as time moves on. Illegals have to live somewhere, and these millions of new people are taking our rental stock and helping to make matters worse for Americans who rent. They also come here and undercut American wages. That's no good for any American.

Any other questions?

I see you points, but it is also possible that immigrants commit about half the crime citizens do, and by working for less, they make business owners more prosperous, so GDP and productivity goes up. And in fact, if we want to compete with China, (and I think we have to whether we want to or not), then we need cheap labor to greatly increase in volume.

Immigrants tend to be more native, and natives are MORE ethical, not less.
Except that everything I said is perfectly rational. You just choose to not be objective.
Except for the fact that nothing you just said is true, your post would be almost of value.
So if the American Indians decide they want this country back, are you going to move to the country of your heritage?

We don't owe anybody anything. We created this country and it's up to us how to regulate it.

Fake ID's and such work for getting a job, an apartment, alcoholic beverages, not to get here past our government. They will check you out thoroughly before being allowed to enter. In fact the US allows a million people a year to become citizens of this country. But it's like a good restaurant, everybody wants to get in and the line is long. When you see somebody trying to cut in front of the line, you throw them the hell out of the restaurant.

The stronger we make our border, the less criminals, gang members and terrorists we will have to deal with in the future.

Since 90% of the native were wiped out, they do not need or want the whole country back. But the ones we forced out of TX, OK, FL, NM, AZ, UT, CA, NV, etc., deserve to get back to their ancestral lands.

As far as "this country" we did not create it, and it was never really ours. The main idea for a federation of states came from the Iroquois federation.

The main cause of crime is poverty, and immigrant have not yet realized they are being taken advantage of, so commit about half the crime of citizens.
Gangs were caused by the War on Drugs entirely.
And the "terrorists" mostly are disenfranchised teens who were bullied at school, mostly by teachers.
The unions were broken up years ago. Some do want those illegals here, but the real push is from the Communist Party. Their agenda is to make whites a minority ASAP. The faster they can do that, the faster they will make the US a single-party government forever, and then the Great Experiment is over.

The most undemocratic thing about this country is the 2 party system.
A single party system with open elections would be infinitely better.
Dumbocraps love to deny that they are basically communist in their political philosophy. But they sure seem to loathe capitalism. They sure seem to approve of spending other people’s money to share the wealth. They sure seem to confuse equality of outcome with equality of opportunity.

I wonder if they realize what communism actually is before they deny it.

That is because you don't know what communism or capitalism are.
Capitalism took over with the industrial revolution, around 1830, because mass production technology made it so that only those who had a monopoly on capital could produce anything. That forced everyone but the wealthy elite, to become low paid workers, and the wealthy elite no longer had to do anything. It was an economic aristocracy extortion. It essentially was slavery, but without the whips. It was all done with economic extortion instead. The wealthy elite controlled the jobs, factories, rentals, health care, schools, everything. So the majority have to just do what they are told. They can't even organize or complain because the wealthy elite own the media.
That is because you don't know what communism or capitalism are.
Capitalism took over with the industrial revolution, around 1830, because mass production technology made it so that only those who had a monopoly on capital could produce anything. That forced everyone but the wealthy elite, to become low paid workers, and the wealthy elite no longer had to do anything. It was an economic aristocracy extortion. It essentially was slavery, but without the whips. It was all done with economic extortion instead. The wealthy elite controlled the jobs, factories, rentals, health care, schools, everything. So the majority have to just do what they are told. They can't even organize or complain because the wealthy elite own the media.
Yes I am the one of us (you, me, billy0.0) who does know what capitalism is and what communism is. When you need an education (always) and reveal it by saying something in particular that needs to be corrected (frequently) I will be happy (also frequently) to jump in and correct your stupid assertions.
Our views on capitalism are simply more nuanced than yours are. Inherently, capitalism can be a very positive thing. The basic principles are effective. The problem is that capitalistic principles can be exploited and distorted. The result is a wealth disparity that is far too wide and the population of the poor far outweighs the population of the rich. The principle of people having wealth is fine. It’s okay if a minority of people have more wealth than most people do. The issue simply comes down to HOW MANY people are wealthy and how many people are poor. If less than 1% of the population has more wealth than 95% of the population COMBINED, that is a problem. It simply comes down to how far the wealth disparity has become.

I think it is even worse than that.
I think the game is totally rigged.
Those with a monopoly on capital have totally control and do not have to do, work, or produce anything.
All they have to do is loan out their capital at high interest rates, and others then do all the work for them.
They even rigged the IRA so that they pay taxes at the capital gains rate, which is about half what hard working people have to pay.
Its extortion.
The wealthy elite control our jobs, homes, food, health care, schools, media, politics, etc.
They lie to us, start illegal wars, use fear to get us to totally comply, as if they were protecting us from gangs, immigrants, terrorists, etc., when in reality all those are created by and caused by the wealthy elite.
If we had not been murdering hundreds of thousands of innocents in the Mideast, people like bin Laden would not be trying to blow up buildings here.
While technically "communism" is just an economic system and does not define the role of government selection at all, but since communism is collective, cooperative, and communal, then I see absolutely no way it can be done without a democratic republic.

The Soviet Union followed NONE of the design and practices of communism.
Not only is communism NOT at all associated with authoritarianism or tyranny, obviously it is totally in conflict with authoritarianism and tyranny.
Anything authoritarian or tyrannical is by definition, NOT communal, collective, or cooperative.

Basically the simple plan of communism is that there would only be one level.
The workers in the factories would then also equally be the bosses who made decision, and equally be the shareholders who divided up the profits.
Communism by definition is total egalitarianism.
Totally idealistic.
Nothing remotely like the USSR, which obviously was Stalinism instead.
When you have a wealthy elite with Dachas in on the Black Sea, that is not communal, collective, or cooperative.
I am correct you are wrong and ignorant..

Communism is by design a political system as well as an economic system based on authoritarianism slavery and tyranny.

The Soviety Union did in fact follow the design and procatice of communism which is never about cooperation or communal living.

Communism is by design a political system of authoritarian tyrannty and slavery. That is Marx's own writings not me.
That is because you don't know what communism or capitalism are.
Capitalism took over with the industrial revolution, around 1830, because mass production technology made it so that only those who had a monopoly on capital could produce anything. That forced everyone but the wealthy elite, to become low paid workers, and the wealthy elite no longer had to do anything. It was an economic aristocracy extortion. It essentially was slavery, but without the whips. It was all done with economic extortion instead. The wealthy elite controlled the jobs, factories, rentals, health care, schools, everything. So the majority have to just do what they are told. They can't even organize or complain because the wealthy elite own the media.
YOU do not know what they are.
But, have you ever gotten or seen a bill from an ER? Thousands of dollars even if you're only there a few hours. Any long term care they can't afford here, so they return back to their home country for that. But it doesn't discount the loss hospitals take and the fact we ultimately end up paying for it when they need to increase their fees. We end up paying for them.

You have this totally backwards.
The ER is actually extremely inexpensive to run.
That is because they use interns and students, and have no specialists or use any expensive equipment.
The reason the ER bills are so high is because they are totally fake.
The insurance companies WANT extremely high medical costs, because then people need insurance even more.
The rest of the world has no ER charges at all, because it cost no more to have the staff doing nothing or being busy. So there is absolutely no reason for them to bill anyone.

And it is not just long term care the US ER won't do.
The US ER won't do preventives, diagnostics, or almost anything except trauma.

Health insurance is a con.
It is extortion where you are forced to prepay if you want any health care access at all, and since they make you prepay, you get absolutely no say over cost or quality. And not only is US cost more than double what it should be or is in the rest of the world, but quality is lower than the rest of the world as well.
Everyone I know goes outside the US for health care.
Yes I am the one of us (you, me, billy0.0) who does know what capitalism is and what communism is. When you need an education (always) and reveal it by saying something in particular that needs to be corrected (frequently) I will be happy (also frequently) to jump in and correct your stupid assertions.

So then tell the Soupnazi how wrong he is about communism, in that what Marx was describing as communism, was idealistic anarchism, where "government had withered away".
If you are unaware of the total discrepancy between autocracy and communism, then you know as little about communism as Soupnazi.
So then tell the Soupnazi how wrong he is about communism, in that what Marx was describing as communism, was idealistic anarchism, where "government had withered away".
If you are unaware of the total discrepancy between autocracy and communism, then you know as little about communism as Soupnazi.
I’m sorry. It may be necessary for you to learn our language in order for you to pose an intelligent and intelligible question.

I’ll rely on guesswork to unriddle your failed attempt at asking a “question.”

What Marx suggested was that communism would result in government “withering away.”Of course, it never does because ol’ Marx’ entire theory was predicated on fantasy about how economics works.

Now, it may be that I failed to successfully unravel the mystery of whateverthefuck it was you were attempting (without success) to ask. Feel free to try again. Please seek help in trying to pose your question in the form OF a question.

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