Republicans seem sure that the Democratic Party is communist, but can never identify a specific policy as being communist

You mean you see no advantage of keeping criminals out of our country like MS-13 gang members and terrorists? How about the drug smugglers bringing in all this fentanyl into the country that killed over 100,000 Americans last year. No advantage there, huh?

The difference between an American home grown pedophile and illegal is that there is nothing we can do to stop the American from raping a 10 year old girl because every American is considered innocent until proven guilty. We can stop an illegal pedophile from raping a 10 year old girl by keeping him out of the country in the first place.

There is no way to keep criminals, gang members, terrorists, etc. out.
They can afford fake IDs, ships, planes, etc.
The only immigrants you can keep out are the working poor, who tend to be more honest than US citizens.

I would not mind stricter borders if not for the fact they are illegal.
The "illegal" immigrants are natives, so were here first, and they were illegally forced off their land in the US. They have the legal right to be here, and our possession of land is what has questionable legality. Our only claim comes from time, adverse possession. But they always openly challenged our fake claims, so I don't think that flies either.
You mean you see no advantage of keeping criminals out of our country like MS-13 gang members and terrorists? How about the drug smugglers bringing in all this fentanyl into the country that killed over 100,000 Americans last year. No advantage there, huh?

The difference between an American home grown pedophile and illegal is that there is nothing we can do to stop the American from raping a 10 year old girl because every American is considered innocent until proven guilty. We can stop an illegal pedophile from raping a 10 year old girl by keeping him out of the country in the first place.
77% of drug traffickers into this country are legal citizens. You’re really not making much of a dent. Also, since the vast majority of illegal immigrants are not drug traffickers, it really doesn’t matter anyway. The crime rate among illegal immigrants overall is pretty damn low as well. Maybe you have this perception that they are all sub human scum, but the facts do not cater to your emotional beliefs.

So besides crime, what other benefits do you think would come out of it?
There is not and never has been anything remotely "communist" about the Soviet Union.

But you are also totally wrong when you say "Both economies were controlled by the Party's".

In fascism, like Nazi Germany, the wealthy elite who owned the companies, were above the party and told the party what to do.

In the Soviet Union, it was also fascism, not communism at all, but the wealthy elite were party members and used the party to control the economy and wealth.
Very different from Nazi Germany.

Real communism requires a democratic republic, where the people control the economy and government, not any elite, whether wealthy or party.
You can twist yourself into a pretzel with semantics, but the USSR was Marxist-Leninist nightmare, and the subverted zombies in America WANT that same BS here! :eusa_hand:
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I obviously am right, that using partisan labels is foolish because for 100 years, southern democrats were actually republicans in policies.
The fact they refused to call themselves republicans because it was the "party of Lincoln", is what is foolish and makes it important to not fall for simplistic labels.

Wrong is every word.

Definitely deserve the Clown Crown.

Wear it well.
You can twist yourself into a pretzel with semantics, by the USSR was Marxist-Leninist nightmare, and the subverted zombies in America WANT that same BS here! :eusa_hand:


Marxism was a idealistic fantasy from around 1830, where Marx and Engles believed all corruption came from government, and if "government would wither away and die", that there would no longer be any corruption.
And they were basically right at the time, due to the fact government and corporations were all controlled by hereditary aristocrats at the time.
Unions and populist movements came later.

Lenin was a German agent paid to infiltrate Russia and kick them out of WWI.
There was no political ideology involved at all. It was purely a power stuggle to take over.

And the USSR was actually Stalinism, which was the tyranny of a bankrobber being in absolute control. Which is nothing like Leninism, Marxism, or communism.
Wrong is every word.

Definitely deserve the Clown Crown.

Wear it well.

Are you saying the wealthy elite did not control southern politics, say around 1860?
Since something like 99% of the people in the south did not have slaves, then why would they be fighting over slavery, unless the wealthy elite were manipulating them?
There is not and never has been anything remotely "communist" about the Soviet Union.

But you are also totally wrong when you say "Both economies were controlled by the Party's".

In fascism, like Nazi Germany, the wealthy elite who owned the companies, were above the party and told the party what to do.

In the Soviet Union, it was also fascism, not communism at all, but the wealthy elite were party members and used the party to control the economy and wealth.
Very different from Nazi Germany.

Real communism requires a democratic republic, where the people control the economy and government, not any elite, whether wealthy or party.

You lose this argument everry time.

The USSR was coommunist period they followed the design and practice of communism which is by definition auuthoritarian and tyrannical

Marxism was a idealistic fantasy from around 1830, where Marx and Engles believed all corruption came from government, and if "government would wither away and die", that there would no longer be any corruption.
And they were basically right at the time, due to the fact government and corporations were all controlled by hereditary aristocrats at the time.
Unions and populist movements came later.

Lenin was a German agent paid to infiltrate Russia and kick them out of WWI.
There was no political ideology involved at all. It was purely a power stuggle to take over.

And the USSR was actually Stalinism, which was the tyranny of a bankrobber being in absolute control. Which is nothing like Leninism, Marxism, or communism.
Like I said, semantics. It's all the same hive minded evil.
Are you saying the wealthy elite did not control southern politics, say around 1860?
Since something like 99% of the people in the south did not have slaves, then why would they be fighting over slavery, unless the wealthy elite were manipulating them?

I suppose there is no way to sugar coat it.....

I'm saying that you are a fool, and a crack pot, never correct in any post, and I don't really want anything to do with you......I fear second hand stupidity.

I truly wonder whether those infrequent absences you took from your belfry were worth your roadmap of accomplishment, the journey from ignorance, illiteracy and incapacity to this finality, decrepitude, disappointment, and decay. You could have remained under a rock.

Please do so in the future.
77% of drug traffickers into this country are legal citizens. You’re really not making much of a dent. Also, since the vast majority of illegal immigrants are not drug traffickers, it really doesn’t matter anyway. The crime rate among illegal immigrants overall is pretty damn low as well. Maybe you have this perception that they are all sub human scum, but the facts do not cater to your emotional beliefs.

So besides crime, what other benefits do you think would come out of it?

If five million illegals enter the country thanks to Dementia this year, it doesn't matter if only one of them kills an American. Every American life is precious. It's one life that could have been saved if we didn't have such bad leadership.

And what do you think the dangers are of our enemies sending their pregnant women here to have babies so they can become American citizens, take them back home, and radicalize them to do us harm in the future? Were you alive during 911 or were you too young to remember?

My neighborhood went to hell because the ghetto came here and ruined everything we worked for: our property values, our businesses, our schools, everything. The reason this happened is because you leftists fail to see that when you mix 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk with 1/4 of stale sour milk, you only end up with one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk. In spite of it's repeated failures, you want to do the same to the entire country with these illegals.

These illegals don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. What do you think happens when these people or their children get sick, pay a doctor $400.00 cash? Of course not. They go to the ERs, get the care they need, and the hospital gets stuck with the bill. Where do you think they recoup those losses at? Their kids that don't speak English hold up our American kids that American parents pay for with their property tax. I'm a landlord. I see what other landlords are doing in this supply and demand era. They are raping people because home ownership is impossible for more and more people as time moves on. Illegals have to live somewhere, and these millions of new people are taking our rental stock and helping to make matters worse for Americans who rent. They also come here and undercut American wages. That's no good for any American.

Any other questions?
There is no way to keep criminals, gang members, terrorists, etc. out.
They can afford fake IDs, ships, planes, etc.
The only immigrants you can keep out are the working poor, who tend to be more honest than US citizens.

I would not mind stricter borders if not for the fact they are illegal.
The "illegal" immigrants are natives, so were here first, and they were illegally forced off their land in the US. They have the legal right to be here, and our possession of land is what has questionable legality. Our only claim comes from time, adverse possession. But they always openly challenged our fake claims, so I don't think that flies either.

So if the American Indians decide they want this country back, are you going to move to the country of your heritage?

We don't owe anybody anything. We created this country and it's up to us how to regulate it.

Fake ID's and such work for getting a job, an apartment, alcoholic beverages, not to get here past our government. They will check you out thoroughly before being allowed to enter. In fact the US allows a million people a year to become citizens of this country. But it's like a good restaurant, everybody wants to get in and the line is long. When you see somebody trying to cut in front of the line, you throw them the hell out of the restaurant.

The stronger we make our border, the less criminals, gang members and terrorists we will have to deal with in the future.
The people wanting open borders the most tend to be the wealthy elite who want cheap labor, to break unions and prevent strikes.

The unions were broken up years ago. Some do want those illegals here, but the real push is from the Communist Party. Their agenda is to make whites a minority ASAP. The faster they can do that, the faster they will make the US a single-party government forever, and then the Great Experiment is over.
If five million illegals enter the country thanks to Dementia this year, it doesn't matter if only one of them kills an American. Every American life is precious. It's one life that could have been saved if we didn't have such bad leadership.

And what do you think the dangers are of our enemies sending their pregnant women here to have babies so they can become American citizens, take them back home, and radicalize them to do us harm in the future? Were you alive during 911 or were you too young to remember?

My neighborhood went to hell because the ghetto came here and ruined everything we worked for: our property values, our businesses, our schools, everything. The reason this happened is because you leftists fail to see that when you mix 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk with 1/4 of stale sour milk, you only end up with one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk. In spite of it's repeated failures, you want to do the same to the entire country with these illegals.

These illegals don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. What do you think happens when these people or their children get sick, pay a doctor $400.00 cash? Of course not. They go to the ERs, get the care they need, and the hospital gets stuck with the bill. Where do you think they recoup those losses at? Their kids that don't speak English hold up our American kids that American parents pay for with their property tax. I'm a landlord. I see what other landlords are doing in this supply and demand era. They are raping people because home ownership is impossible for more and more people as time moves on. Illegals have to live somewhere, and these millions of new people are taking our rental stock and helping to make matters worse for Americans who rent. They also come here and undercut American wages. That's no good for any American.

Any other questions?
Believe it or not, I agree that we need border security and we should have a legal process for people to enter this country. I mean that is basic common sense. Most lefties will tell you the same thing. Here’s the thing though: the cost/benefit analysis of going to extremes to limit the problem is not worth it. It simply doesn’t matter much the issue isn’t fully resolved. The basic border security polices we have now are good enough. The immigrants we get now really doesn’t affect much. Of course, one thing you should consider is that any illegal immigrant in this country spends money on the economy. As vile as you think they are, they still contribute to the economy. If they all disappeared tomorrow, the economy would shrink. And no this isn’t me trying to justify the flow of more of them coming, I’m simply telling you that their very survival depends on them spending money. You take the good with the bad.

Lol I don’t know what this non sense you are talking about with radicalizing their offspring. I mean seriously what the fuck are you talking about? Who tells you this non sense? What are you even basing it on besides your hatred of them and automatically assuming they have the worst intentions? Yeah I was 15 when 9/11 happened and my recall is all about Islamic terrorists because that’s….what happened. It definitely had nothing to do with illegal Latinos lol

Okay first of all, the ER sure as hell doesn’t provide you with all the care you need. Okay not even close. It will for emergency symptoms, but that’s it. I mean if you go there because symptoms made you have an emergency situation and the doctor later tells you you have cancer because of it, you are not going to be told to come back to the hospital. You’re going to be told to go to a private doctor outside of the hospital and treat it there. It’s completely out of the hospital’s care at that point. The only purpose of the hospital visit was to keep you alive for the time being.

You seem to think poverty in America is all related to illegal immigrants and it is fucking ridiculous. Poverty in current day America is worse than it has ever been for actual American citizens. It’s not like the entire US impoverished population is illegal immigrants. In fact like anything, they represent a minority of it. It doesn’t matter if you are a citizen going to work 40 hours a week. You can easily be poor and desperate. That would be true even if we had zero illegal immigrants.

Overall, I think you want to explicitly say you think these people are vermin. You clearly detest them the way Nazis do to Jews. You just won’t say it out loud. Frankly, I feel sorry for you.
Dumbocraps love to deny that they are basically communist in their political philosophy. But they sure seem to loathe capitalism. They sure seem to approve of spending other people’s money to share the wealth. They sure seem to confuse equality of outcome with equality of opportunity.

I wonder if they realize what communism actually is before they deny it.
Dumbocraps love to deny that they are basically communist in their political philosophy. But they sure seem to loathe capitalism. They sure seem to approve of spending other people’s money to share the wealth. They sure seem to confuse equality of outcome with equality of opportunity.

I wonder if they realize what communism actually is before they deny it.
Our views on capitalism are simply more nuanced than yours are. Inherently, capitalism can be a very positive thing. The basic principles are effective. The problem is that capitalistic principles can be exploited and distorted. The result is a wealth disparity that is far too wide and the population of the poor far outweighs the population of the rich. The principle of people having wealth is fine. It’s okay if a minority of people have more wealth than most people do. The issue simply comes down to HOW MANY people are wealthy and how many people are poor. If less than 1% of the population has more wealth than 95% of the population COMBINED, that is a problem. It simply comes down to how far the wealth disparity has become.
Our views on capitalism are simply more nuanced than yours are. Inherently, capitalism can be a very positive thing. The basic principles are effective. The problem is that capitalistic principles can be exploited and distorted. The result is a wealth disparity that is far too wide and the population of the poor far outweighs the population of the rich. The principle of people having wealth is fine. It’s okay if a minority of people have more wealth than most people do. The issue simply comes down to HOW MANY people are wealthy and how many people are poor. If less than 1% of the population has more wealth than 95% of the population COMBINED, that is a problem. It simply comes down to how far the wealth disparity has become.
Nah. You’re simply delusional. That’s not the same as nuanced. But if it makes your ego feel better, you go right ahead and go with that.
Believe it or not, I agree that we need border security and we should have a legal process for people to enter this country. I mean that is basic common sense. Most lefties will tell you the same thing. Here’s the thing though: the cost/benefit analysis of going to extremes to limit the problem is not worth it. It simply doesn’t matter much the issue isn’t fully resolved. The basic border security polices we have now are good enough. The immigrants we get now really doesn’t affect much. Of course, one thing you should consider is that any illegal immigrant in this country spends money on the economy. As vile as you think they are, they still contribute to the economy. If they all disappeared tomorrow, the economy would shrink. And no this isn’t me trying to justify the flow of more of them coming, I’m simply telling you that their very survival depends on them spending money. You take the good with the bad.

Lol I don’t know what this non sense you are talking about with radicalizing their offspring. I mean seriously what the fuck are you talking about? Who tells you this non sense? What are you even basing it on besides your hatred of them and automatically assuming they have the worst intentions? Yeah I was 15 when 9/11 happened and my recall is all about Islamic terrorists because that’s….what happened. It definitely had nothing to do with illegal Latinos lol

Okay first of all, the ER sure as hell doesn’t provide you with all the care you need. Okay not even close. It will for emergency symptoms, but that’s it. I mean if you go there because symptoms made you have an emergency situation and the doctor later tells you you have cancer because of it, you are not going to be told to come back to the hospital. You’re going to be told to go to a private doctor outside of the hospital and treat it there. It’s completely out of the hospital’s care at that point. The only purpose of the hospital visit was to keep you alive for the time being.

You seem to think poverty in America is all related to illegal immigrants and it is fucking ridiculous. Poverty in current day America is worse than it has ever been for actual American citizens. It’s not like the entire US impoverished population is illegal immigrants. In fact like anything, they represent a minority of it. It doesn’t matter if you are a citizen going to work 40 hours a week. You can easily be poor and desperate. That would be true even if we had zero illegal immigrants.

Overall, I think you want to explicitly say you think these people are vermin. You clearly detest them the way Nazis do to Jews. You just won’t say it out loud. Frankly, I feel sorry for you.

Feel sorry all you like, but what I speak of is the truth.

What you say is true, the ER is not long term care for people who pay them or not. But, have you ever gotten or seen a bill from an ER? Thousands of dollars even if you're only there a few hours. Any long term care they can't afford here, so they return back to their home country for that. But it doesn't discount the loss hospitals take and the fact we ultimately end up paying for it when they need to increase their fees. We end up paying for them.

We already have a legal process to becoming an American. We allow a million people a year to become citizens. We also hand out nearly a million green cards and Visa's for people to come here and take advantage of everything we created. So why don't we let in more? For one, we have 7.5 billion people on this planet, probably half would love to live in America. How many of those 3.5 billion should we let in? The reason we have limits is so they don't come here and change our culture. But these illegals are doing just that. The border is fine? Tell that to any BP agent. They are saying it's the worst it's been in over 20 years.

Where did I ever say all poverty is because of illegals? What I did say is they lower the pay scale for Americans.

Land is like anything else, supply and demand. The less land available, the more land costs. We need that land for our people, not foreigners.
Dumbocraps love to deny that they are basically communist in their political philosophy. But they sure seem to loathe capitalism. They sure seem to approve of spending other people’s money to share the wealth. They sure seem to confuse equality of outcome with equality of opportunity.

I wonder if they realize what communism actually is before they deny it.

Of course they deny it. The word Communism has so many negative connotations. But it's like the frog in a pot of cold water on the stove happily swimming around.

Long after I'm gone the party will eventually tell their followers they are indeed Communists, but when that happens, they will also include we've been living under Communism for some time, we just didn't know it.

That's how they plan on taking over the United States of America--without one shot being fired.
Nah. You’re simply delusional. That’s not the same as nuanced. But if it makes your ego feel better, you go right ahead and go with that.
Except that everything I said is perfectly rational. You just choose to not be objective.

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