Republicans seem sure that the Democratic Party is communist, but can never identify a specific policy as being communist

Sure, moron.
Who is going to pay for Trump's vanity wall?
Trump's cult believed him.

Trump kept his promise. 460 miles of new or replacement wall in spite of opposition from the Communists. He found a way to get it done.

Now where is that $15.00 national minimum wage at? Where is that huge tax hike on our businesses and wealthy Americans? Come one now, nearly two years and we're still waiting for it.
No, the LEAST informed by far voted for Biden. Heck, most of them are still too ignorant to even realize that he is the problem.

Least informed? Nah.......

Sure they do...............genius.

Sure.................with no proof.

Don't care ...................about RWNJ lies.

Ignorant and stupid is supporting and defending morons.
Gaslighting thrown in for good measure.

Walls won't keep everyone out but will keep many out and slow everyone down, giving border agents time to react. There is a reason there are fences and walls around just about every secure facility in the world, prisons included. Use your brain.
Walls won't keep everyone out but will keep many out and slow everyone down, giving border agents time to react. There is a reason there are fences and walls around just about every secure facility in the world, prisons included. Use your brain.
Lol dude do you realize how ridiculous it sounds to compare small, perimeter fences to a linear wall across a 2000 mile border?
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Lol dude do you realize how ridiculous it sounds to compare small, perimeter fences to a linear wall across a 2000 mile border?

No, explain it to us. How the Berlin Wall didn't work, or how the Peace Walls in Northern Ireland didn't work, or how about the walls we are paying for in foreign countries all over the world.

It seems walls work real good when they are built. Even really BIG walls.
No, explain it to us. How the Berlin Wall didn't work, or how the Peace Walls in Northern Ireland didn't work, or how about the walls we are paying for in foreign countries all over the world.

It seems walls work real good when they are built. Even really BIG walls.
The entire conversation surrounds the security of people not being able to cross over it. That doesn’t apply to the walls you’re talking about.
Added border control( jobs,) repair fences, add more electronic security, Add a reasonable amount of money per year to the budget. As apposed to a big hype multi billion dollar wall, with no regard for property owners at border or 100 year old building or even butterfly sanctuary's.
Lol dude do you realize how ridiculous it sounds to compare small, perimeter fences to a linear wall across a 2000 mile border?

Nope, exactly the same principle. Wall with cameras/sensors alerting border patrol of activity. The barrier gives them time to get there and react vs no barrier, no sensors and no time to react. It is common sense really.
Walls won't keep everyone out but will keep many out and slow everyone down, giving border agents time to react. There is a reason there are fences and walls around just about every secure facility in the world, prisons included. Use your brain.

Ask any of these leftists why we (the American taxpayer) just paid for a barrier around Dementia's vacation home.

If walls didn't work, the Democrats would welcome them. They could use it as campaign fodder when they fail to produce the results we claimed. Their real fear is that walls do work, especially the ones erected under Trump with the latest electronic technology. So why the huge fight against them? Because once in power again, they can change border policy as Dementia has done, but the walls are up no matter who is running the country unless they want to take the political gamble of tearing down billions of dollars of walls and have to explain to the American public why they are doing so without telling us they are for open borders.
Ask any of these leftists why we (the American taxpayer) just paid for a barrier around Dementia's vacation home.

If walls didn't work, the Democrats would welcome them. They could use it as campaign fodder when they fail to produce the results we claimed. Their real fear is that walls do work, especially the ones erected under Trump with the latest electronic technology. So why the huge fight against them? Because once in power again, they can change border policy as Dementia has done, but the walls are up no matter who is running the country unless they want to take the political gamble of tearing down billions of dollars of walls and have to explain to the American public why they are doing so without telling us they are for open borders.

Yes, I have been saying this for years. When the Democrats say they want electronic security but not physical barriers it is only because they can turn off the electronic security on a whim. Physical barriers don't go away so easily.

Democrats in this country MUST know this. They can't possibly be that stupid.
Yes, I have been saying this for years. When the Democrats say they want electronic security but not physical barriers it is only because they can turn off the electronic security on a whim. Physical barriers don't go away so easily.

Democrats in this country MUST know this. They can't possibly be that stupid.

Not the party, but the puppets are. They only repeat what they're told to repeat without giving any thought to what they are saying.

They told us that with Democrat leadership across the board, they are going to make the new national minimum wage $15.00 an hour. They are going to tax our businesses and wealthy to death. Well, where are these MW increases and huge taxes they talked so much about? I don't see them. In fact I'm unaware that they've even been introduced in Congress.

The leaders are not stupid, but their voters are. Tell them what they want to hear. They know damn well the economic impact of increasing the MW and taxing our job producers would have.
Ask any of these leftists why we (the American taxpayer) just paid for a barrier around Dementia's vacation home.

If walls didn't work, the Democrats would welcome them. They could use it as campaign fodder when they fail to produce the results we claimed. Their real fear is that walls do work, especially the ones erected under Trump with the latest electronic technology. So why the huge fight against them? Because once in power again, they can change border policy as Dementia has done, but the walls are up no matter who is running the country unless they want to take the political gamble of tearing down billions of dollars of walls and have to explain to the American public why they are doing so without telling us they are for open borders.
Comparing a small perimeter wall to a 2000 mile linear wall across a border does not make any goddamn sense. This is especially true given that there are certain stretches of the border where it is physically impossible to build a wall.
The entire conversation surrounds the security of people not being able to cross over it. That doesn’t apply to the walls you’re talking about.

Sure it does. The Peace Walls in Ireland are very similar to the border wall Trump was emplacing. They have kept the peace for years now. It seems you are clueless about the real world.
Comparing a small perimeter wall to a 2000 mile linear wall across a border does not make any goddamn sense. This is especially true given that there are certain stretches of the border where it is physically impossible to build a wall.

There are NO places where it is impossible to build a wall. It only makes no sense to YOU, who have a vested interest in an open border. To common, thinking people, however, it makes all the sense in the world. We have REAL world examples of them that have worked, and ARE working well.

All you have is you saying no.
Comparing a small perimeter wall to a 2000 mile linear wall across a border does not make any goddamn sense. This is especially true given that there are certain stretches of the border where it is physically impossible to build a wall.

The only places where it's physically impossible to build a wall are places where it's physically impossible to cross. As for the rest if the BP didn't think it would help, they would have stated so. But the BP did something it never did before Trump ran, and that was endorse a presidential candidate because Trump ran on that wall and the BP knew it would help them greatly. In fact it was the BPs input that the walls be transparent so they could see trouble coming before it got here.
The only places where it's physically impossible to build a wall are places where it's physically impossible to cross. As for the rest if the BP didn't think it would help, they would have stated so. But the BP did something it never did before Trump ran, and that was endorse a presidential candidate because Trump ran on that wall and the BP knew it would help them greatly. In fact it was the BPs input that the walls be transparent so they could see trouble coming before it got here.
That’s simply not true. The ground would simply be too rocky. A person could easily walk over it. I don’t know what the BP actually said but I have a hard time believing their official position was to build a transparent wall lol. Regardless of what they said, the idea is still ridiculous. People can just climb over or tunnel under it. There is already a network of tunnels under the border. Also, the cost of maintaining the wall would be never ending and be constant to maintain its integrity over 2000 miles.
There are NO places where it is impossible to build a wall. It only makes no sense to YOU, who have a vested interest in an open border. To common, thinking people, however, it makes all the sense in the world. We have REAL world examples of them that have worked, and ARE working well.

All you have is you saying no.
Why do you assume I want open borders simply because I think the wall is a retarded idea? Why would it be a vested interest especially?

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