Republicans seem sure that the Democratic Party is communist, but can never identify a specific policy as being communist

That’s simply not true. The ground would simply be too rocky. A person could easily walk over it. I don’t know what the BP actually said but I have a hard time believing their official position was to build a transparent wall lol. Regardless of what they said, the idea is still ridiculous. People can just climb over or tunnel under it. There is already a network of tunnels under the border. Also, the cost of maintaining the wall would be never ending and be constant to maintain its integrity over 2000 miles.

I don't see where the cost would be for maintenance. I come from a construction family and know quite well how long structures last before they need any attending to. Yes, it was BP's opinion that a transparent wall would assist them much better. So Trump had the engineers build inserts instead. They are thick metal inserts that are filled with high quality concrete so they could still see people approaching the wall on the other side.

Yes, there are tunnels under the old border walls because there are no ground sensors there like there are with the new wall. That's why much of the 460 miles of wall were replacements. Simply climb over it? Do you think a pregnant woman is going to hop on a ladder and climb 30 feet over a wall? Have you ever been that high on a ladder before in your life? It's not for most people I can tell you that.

What is ridiculous about using an idea that has worked all over the world to reduce intruders?
I don't see where the cost would be for maintenance. I come from a construction family and know quite well how long structures last before they need any attending to. Yes, it was BP's opinion that a transparent wall would assist them much better. So Trump had the engineers build inserts instead. They are thick metal inserts that are filled with high quality concrete so they could still see people approaching the wall on the other side.

Yes, there are tunnels under the old border walls because there are no ground sensors there like there are with the new wall. That's why much of the 460 miles of wall were replacements. Simply climb over it? Do you think a pregnant woman is going to hop on a ladder and climb 30 feet over a wall? Have you ever been that high on a ladder before in your life? It's not for most people I can tell you that.

What is ridiculous about using an idea that has worked all over the world to reduce intruders?
Uh yeah dude a wall exposed to the elements as well as people who would try to make holes in it would require regular maintenance.

Lol yeah thank god we would prevent pregnant women! That’s the number one threat right there!

Let me ask you this: let’s say we stopped illegal immigration 100%. Then what? What would happen next? What positive, miraculous effect do you think this would have on the country?
Uh yeah dude a wall exposed to the elements as well as people who would try to make holes in it would require regular maintenance.

Lol yeah thank god we would prevent pregnant women! That’s the number one threat right there!

Let me ask you this: let’s say we stopped illegal immigration 100%. Then what? What would happen next? What positive, miraculous effect do you think this would have on the country?

Well for one a 10 year old girl in my state wouldn't have been raped twice and left impregnated. These people are committing all kinds of crime and are frequent DUI offenders whether they have a license or not. Two is the fact known terrorists are flying into Mexico to cross our border to do God knows what. There is only so much damage you could do to hardened steel filled with concrete. In fact nobody in their right mind would try it. Three is it would make it harder on drug cartels to sneak deadly drugs into our country.

The fact is you can't stop 100% of anything, especially in our country. But with the proper structure and policies, you can reduce crossings by at least 90% like Trump did in 2019 when he was in charge. Stopping a pregnant woman is meaningless? I suggest you study what's called Birther Tourism. Radicals send their women here to give birth making their child a legal citizen, and then return home. When their government or religion brainwashes them enough, they can return to the US as a legal adult American citizen to do all kinds of harm to people of this country and nobody would suspect a thing since they are legal citizens.

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Trump kept his promise. 460 miles of new or replacement wall in spite of opposition from the Communists.
I know, those communist Mexicans, refusing to pay for a wall, they did not order, not even on their land?
How dare they?
He found a way to get it done.
Of course, he did, like everything else did while president, make the US taxpayer pay for it.

It's 452 miles (727 km) in total, according to the latest US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) information (4 January 2021).

However, only 80 miles of new barriers have been built where there were none before - that includes 47 miles of primary wall, and 33 miles of secondary wall built to reinforce the initial barrier.

The vast majority of the 452 miles is replacing existing structures at the border that had been built by previous US administrations.

President Trump has argued that this should be regarded as new wall, because it's replacing what he called "old and worthless barriers."
Now where is that $15.00 national minimum wage at? Where is that huge tax hike on our businesses and wealthy Americans?
No, it isn't.
Come one now, nearly two years and we're still waiting for it.
Complain to republicans, they're the ones who keep blocking it.
I know, those communist Mexicans, refusing to pay for a wall, they did not order, not even on their land?
How dare they?

I was talking about your party--the Communists.

Complain to republicans, they're the ones who keep blocking it.

So when was it introduced? I don't recall them even mentioning it. They've been too busy arranging the clown show they are wasting our tax dollars on.

Of course, he did, like everything else did while president, make the US taxpayer pay for it.

It's 452 miles (727 km) in total, according to the latest US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) information (4 January 2021).

However, only 80 miles of new barriers have been built where there were none before - that includes 47 miles of primary wall, and 33 miles of secondary wall built to reinforce the initial barrier.

The vast majority of the 452 miles is replacing existing structures at the border that had been built by previous US administrations.

President Trump has argued that this should be regarded as new wall, because it's replacing what he called "old and worthless barriers."

And Trump was right like always. Six foot walls and vehicle barriers won't stop many people. It's almost like having nothing there.

vehicle barriers.jpeg
Well for one a 10 year old girl in my state wouldn't have been raped twice and left impregnated. These people are committing all kinds of crime and are frequent DUI offenders whether they have a license or not. Two is the fact known terrorists are flying into Mexico to cross our border to do God knows what. There is only so much damage you could do to hardened steel filled with concrete. In fact nobody in their right mind would try it. Three is it would make it harder on drug cartels to sneak deadly drugs into our country.

The fact is you can't stop 100% of anything, especially in our country. But with the proper structure and policies, you can reduce crossings by at least 90% like Trump did in 2019 when he was in charge. Stopping a pregnant woman is meaningless? I suggest you study what's called Birther Tourism. Radicals send their women here to give birth making their child a legal citizen, and then return home. When their government or religion brainwashes them enough, they can return to the US as a legal adult American citizen to do all kinds of harm to people of this country and nobody would suspect a thing since they are legal citizens.

It’s so stupid and fallacious anecdotally making the case that they are dangerous simply because this guy happened to be one. It’s impossible to take you people seriously when to people say stupid shit like this. Obviously there are plenty of white homegrown pedophiles right here in the US.

You didn’t answer the question. I asked you what benefit there would be IF we did end it 100%. But fine, let’s say we limited it the best we possibly could altogether whatever that percentage would be. What then? What would that do? How, exactly, would the US improve? What objective measurement would you expect?

Wrong yet again!!!!!!!!

All these posts, and nary a correct one!!!!

I don't beleive you receive enough deserve the same crown as Quasimodo got....

View attachment 668602

The Clown Crown....I bet it fits.

Care to actually say something specific to explain you point of view or back it up?

Yellow Dog Democrats is a political term that was applied to voters in the Southern United States who voted solely for candidates who represented the Democratic Party. The term originated in the late 19th century. These voters would allegedly "vote for a yellow dog before they would vote for any Republican".[1][2] The term is now more generally applied to refer to any Democrat who will vote a straight party ticket under any circumstances. The South Carolina Democratic Party and Mississippi Democratic Party, among other state parties, continue to use the phrase to refer to committed members of the Democratic Party in the "Yellow Dog Club".[3][4]

The phrase "yellow dog" may be a reference to a breed of dog known as the Carolina Dog indigenous to the Americas, specifically the Southern United States, and not descended from Eurasian breeds.[5]
Both are in the same house, just different wall colors.

Not really.
Fascists are a coalition of the right wing, wealthy elite, typically the aristocracy, military, and either religions or corporations.
Communists are a left wing, populist movement of working class majority, to counter the monopoly on capital that the wealthy elite hold.
Care to actually say something specific to explain you point of view or back it up?

Yellow Dog Democrats is a political term that was applied to voters in the Southern United States who voted solely for candidates who represented the Democratic Party. The term originated in the late 19th century. These voters would allegedly "vote for a yellow dog before they would vote for any Republican".[1][2] The term is now more generally applied to refer to any Democrat who will vote a straight party ticket under any circumstances. The South Carolina Democratic Party and Mississippi Democratic Party, among other state parties, continue to use the phrase to refer to committed members of the Democratic Party in the "Yellow Dog Club".[3][4]

The phrase "yellow dog" may be a reference to a breed of dog known as the Carolina Dog indigenous to the Americas, specifically the Southern United States, and not descended from Eurasian breeds.[5]

You're not satisfied having been awarded the Clown Crown?????

Even after the vote was unanimous???????
Sri Lanka and Ghana are now rioting with real insurrections from going green. In a sort time period. The globalists are now curtailing farming with the traditional fertilizers as 2nd and 3rd world nations go green by friendly force. A Prog and his death count never ends.

Nothing to do with "going green".

{... Sri Lanka’s worsening economic situation has turned into mass protests as thousands of people rally against the government’s handling of the economy. For example, a lack of foreign currency has left the government unable to pay for imports. The country steeply devalued its currency to try and get some debt help from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), but that left it with soaring high inflation. COVID and the Russia-Ukraine war have only exacerbated the problem; most of the cabinet and the head of the central bank have resigned. ...}
Not really.
Fascists are a coalition of the right wing, wealthy elite, typically the aristocracy, military, and either religions or corporations.
Communists are a left wing, populist movement of working class majority, to counter the monopoly on capital that the wealthy elite hold.

Yeah really. The difference between a citizen of the Soviet Union, one one from nazi Germany was the German citizen was allowed a little bit of private property.

That's it. Both economies were controlled by the Party's.
You're not satisfied having been awarded the Clown Crown?????

Even after the vote was unanimous???????

I obviously am right, that using partisan labels is foolish because for 100 years, southern democrats were actually republicans in policies.
The fact they refused to call themselves republicans because it was the "party of Lincoln", is what is foolish and makes it important to not fall for simplistic labels.
It’s so stupid and fallacious anecdotally making the case that they are dangerous simply because this guy happened to be one. It’s impossible to take you people seriously when to people say stupid shit like this. Obviously there are plenty of white homegrown pedophiles right here in the US.

You didn’t answer the question. I asked you what benefit there would be IF we did end it 100%. But fine, let’s say we limited it the best we possibly could altogether whatever that percentage would be. What then? What would that do? How, exactly, would the US improve? What objective measurement would you expect?

You mean you see no advantage of keeping criminals out of our country like MS-13 gang members and terrorists? How about the drug smugglers bringing in all this fentanyl into the country that killed over 100,000 Americans last year. No advantage there, huh?

The difference between an American home grown pedophile and illegal is that there is nothing we can do to stop the American from raping a 10 year old girl because every American is considered innocent until proven guilty. We can stop an illegal pedophile from raping a 10 year old girl by keeping him out of the country in the first place.
Yeah really. The difference between a citizen of the Soviet Union, one one from nazi Germany was the German citizen was allowed a little bit of private property.

That's it. Both economies were controlled by the Party's.

There is not and never has been anything remotely "communist" about the Soviet Union.

But you are also totally wrong when you say "Both economies were controlled by the Party's".

In fascism, like Nazi Germany, the wealthy elite who owned the companies, were above the party and told the party what to do.

In the Soviet Union, it was also fascism, not communism at all, but the wealthy elite were party members and used the party to control the economy and wealth.
Very different from Nazi Germany.

Real communism requires a democratic republic, where the people control the economy and government, not any elite, whether wealthy or party.

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