Republicans seem sure that the Democratic Party is communist, but can never identify a specific policy as being communist

I am correct you are wrong and ignorant..

Communism is by design a political system as well as an economic system based on authoritarianism slavery and tyranny.

The Soviety Union did in fact follow the design and procatice of communism which is never about cooperation or communal living.

Communism is by design a political system of authoritarian tyrannty and slavery. That is Marx's own writings not me.

No its not.
Marx clearly was always referring to and supporting democracy.

Throughout their political lives, Marx and Engels always argued that the working class—whatever its size and state of development—must organize itself independently as a class "and consequently into a political party,"4 as they wrote in the Communist Manifesto.

Just months later, during the revolutions of 1848 that swept across Europe, Marx and Engels, as leading members of a small group of socialists in the Communist League, participated in the revolution in Germany as the far left wing of the radical bourgeois-democratic movement. With only a few hundred members across Europe, the League was simply not big enough to assert itself as an independent force. But in the course of the revolution, it became clear to Marx that, due to the cowardly and tentative nature of the radical middle-class elements, it would be necessary for the working class to organize independently to safeguard its own class interests.

In his March 1850 "Address to the Communist League," Marx recommended that in the future course of the revolution, the workers’ party "‘march with’ the petty-bourgeois democrats against the faction which it aims at overthrowing," but that it oppose "them in everything whereby they seek to consolidate their position in their own interests."5

In addition to arming themselves and organizing centralized and independent clubs, the workers’ party should put candidates up for elections in Germany in the event of the creation of a national assembly as a result of revolutionary upheaval:

Even when there is no prospect whatsoever of their being elected, the workers must put up their own candidates in order to preserve their independence, to count their forces, and to bring before the public their revolutionary attitude and party standpoint. In this connection they must not allow themselves to be seduced by such arguments of the democrats as, for example, that by so doing they are splitting the democratic party and making it possible for the reactionaries to win. The ultimate intention of all such phrases is to dupe the proletariat. The advance which the proletarian party is bound to make by such independent action is indefinitely more important than the disadvantage that might be incurred by the presence of a few reactionaries in the representative body.6
The argument for voting against left-wing or socialist candidates on the grounds that they can’t win and are therefore helping the right wing into power has, of course, been a time-worn argument in the United States against bucking the two-party system.

Marx was and is popular.
So who in their right mind would ever support tyranny and autocracy as YOU claim that communism is?
I have read lots of writings by Karl Marx, and he never supported anything remotely tyrannical or autocratic.
It is capitalism that automatically is tyrannical and autocratic.
For it is always more profitable to order people to work then to have to pay them.
I mean if you were able to, you would have by now. We both know that.
I would certainly try to help you think if that was at all possible. But seriously, you’re beyond any hope of learning how to think. You lack the most fundamentally required equipment.
I would certainly try to help you think if that was at all possible. But seriously, you’re beyond any hope of learning how to think. You lack the most fundamentally required equipment.
I mean look, it’s okay to admit your intelligence inferior. It’s just how things are.
No its not.
Marx clearly was always referring to and supporting democracy.

Throughout their political lives, Marx and Engels always argued that the working class—whatever its size and state of development—must organize itself independently as a class "and consequently into a political party,"4 as they wrote in the Communist Manifesto.

Just months later, during the revolutions of 1848 that swept across Europe, Marx and Engels, as leading members of a small group of socialists in the Communist League, participated in the revolution in Germany as the far left wing of the radical bourgeois-democratic movement. With only a few hundred members across Europe, the League was simply not big enough to assert itself as an independent force. But in the course of the revolution, it became clear to Marx that, due to the cowardly and tentative nature of the radical middle-class elements, it would be necessary for the working class to organize independently to safeguard its own class interests.

In his March 1850 "Address to the Communist League," Marx recommended that in the future course of the revolution, the workers’ party "‘march with’ the petty-bourgeois democrats against the faction which it aims at overthrowing," but that it oppose "them in everything whereby they seek to consolidate their position in their own interests."5

In addition to arming themselves and organizing centralized and independent clubs, the workers’ party should put candidates up for elections in Germany in the event of the creation of a national assembly as a result of revolutionary upheaval:

The argument for voting against left-wing or socialist candidates on the grounds that they can’t win and are therefore helping the right wing into power has, of course, been a time-worn argument in the United States against bucking the two-party system.

Marx was and is popular.
So who in their right mind would ever support tyranny and autocracy as YOU claim that communism is?
I have read lots of writings by Karl Marx, and he never supported anything remotely tyrannical or autocratic.
It is capitalism that automatically is tyrannical and autocratic.
For it is always more profitable to order people to work then to have to pay them.

Marx wqas a pig who believed in totalitarian rule.

That is what he meant by dictatorship of the proletariate which precedes the slave state.

His words moron you do not understand marx and you are brainwashed.
You have this totally backwards.
The ER is actually extremely inexpensive to run.
That is because they use interns and students, and have no specialists or use any expensive equipment.
The reason the ER bills are so high is because they are totally fake.
The insurance companies WANT extremely high medical costs, because then people need insurance even more.
The rest of the world has no ER charges at all, because it cost no more to have the staff doing nothing or being busy. So there is absolutely no reason for them to bill anyone.

And it is not just long term care the US ER won't do.
The US ER won't do preventives, diagnostics, or almost anything except trauma.

Health insurance is a con.
It is extortion where you are forced to prepay if you want any health care access at all, and since they make you prepay, you get absolutely no say over cost or quality. And not only is US cost more than double what it should be or is in the rest of the world, but quality is lower than the rest of the world as well.
Everyone I know goes outside the US for health care.

Conspiracy time.jpeg
Since 90% of the native were wiped out, they do not need or want the whole country back. But the ones we forced out of TX, OK, FL, NM, AZ, UT, CA, NV, etc., deserve to get back to their ancestral lands.

As far as "this country" we did not create it, and it was never really ours. The main idea for a federation of states came from the Iroquois federation.

The main cause of crime is poverty, and immigrant have not yet realized they are being taken advantage of, so commit about half the crime of citizens.
Gangs were caused by the War on Drugs entirely.
And the "terrorists" mostly are disenfranchised teens who were bullied at school, mostly by teachers.

This from a member of The Blame America First crowd.
I see you points, but it is also possible that immigrants commit about half the crime citizens do, and by working for less, they make business owners more prosperous, so GDP and productivity goes up. And in fact, if we want to compete with China, (and I think we have to whether we want to or not), then we need cheap labor to greatly increase in volume.

Immigrants tend to be more native, and natives are MORE ethical, not less.

It doesn't matter if they commit 10% of crime Americans do, We have our own crime to deal with which is plenty. We don't need to allow more to come in no matter what the percentage is.

As I said earlier, if my neighbor goes out and kills the store keeper, there is nothing any one of us can do about that since we are all considered innocent until proven guilty. But if a store owner is killed by an illegal, we could have prevented that by making sure that illegal wasn't in this country in the first place.
I don’t think you understand how the American healthcare system works. $10,000 per night in the ICU is way over bloated. Do you actually think that the actual cost for a single person per night costs 10,000 to make it work? Not even close. Sure, that visit does actually cost money, but obviously it wouldn’t be to the tune of 10K. Okay that is insane. The reason why it costs that much is because of corrupt, bloated administrative hospital costs. It is a cost that far exceeds what it is worth. If that hospital bill never gets paid by an illegal immigrant, the hospital is sure as hell not going to lose much money given the money it already makes. And because illegal immigrants make up such a small percentage of this population, it really does that matter.

I mean sure, would people from third world countries prefer to live here instead? Obviously so but even the means of getting here to begin with is a challenge. However That definitely isn’t the case for first world nations. Believe it or not, these countries do just fine. Scandinavian people are the happiest people in the world based on international surveys. Australia and Western Europe do not need us. They do just fine. They don’t need our land. They sure as hell prefer their healthcare systems over ours.

We should definitely have a border security and process, but at the end of the day it really doesn’t matter it isn’t perfect. You just convinced yourself of this because you have this emotional hatred of them. It’s a hatred that is WAY overblown. I mean maybe you would have a point if 3.5 billion people were actually trying to come here but obviously that isn’t true.

But if those 3.5 billion could make it here, how many should we let in?

The Border Patrol found people from over 110 different countries trying to cross that border. That's just the ones they were able to stop.

The reason ER's cost so much IS because of the people that don't pay them. Medicare and Medicaid alone only pay 2/3 of the bill for their patients. Then you have the people that don't pay anything like the illegals. That's why it costs so much. They have to recoup those losses.

I don't blame the people for trying to come here, I blame the politicians that don't do anything to stop them like Dementia. Trump passed policy after policy and built walls to help keep them out and he had great results. If somebody tells me that if I rob a bank, the police will write me a ticket, guess what, I'm robbing the bank.

Republicans seem sure that the Democratic Party is communist, but can never identify a specific policy as being communist​

Most definitely they are mostly socialists. Communism will come later.

Socialism is the last step (and part of) to communism. And yes, I posted the American Communist Party's agenda if you care to go back and read it. They highlight Socialism as part of their agenda.
Yeah really. The difference between a citizen of the Soviet Union, one one from nazi Germany was the German citizen was allowed a little bit of private property.

That's it. Both economies were controlled by the Party's.

Exactly. Central control. Leftists.
I was talking about your party--the Communists.
We didn't block anything.
Why would we block something that Mexico was paying for?
How would anyone in America block something Mexico was paying for.
So when was it introduced? I don't recall them even mentioning it. They've been too busy arranging the clown show they are wasting our tax dollars on.
March 15 2021
It was not surprising that the Bernie Sanders attempt to put the $15.00 Minimum Wage Increase into the Senate version of the American Rescue Plan failed.

All the Republicans were going to vote against it and Democrats Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin were on the record saying they would not support it.

And Trump was right like always. Six foot walls and vehicle barriers won't stop many people. It's almost like having nothing there.

View attachment 670503
Just like everything the orange retard touches............................turns to shit.

They just use words like "commie" and "communist" and "Marxist" to scare themselves and each other.

Remember, that's what Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson and Mark Levin and the rest of MAGA media are spraying at them 24/7/365.

It's all they know. Don't ask them for specifics.

It's a healthy combination of fear and ignorance that makes up the cognitive dissonance of magaturds. But it's grown stale. The enemy is now a faceless entity with no individuality. Strawmen everywhere. No need for any actual engagement, you're a commie/socialist/fascist/supremacist/racist/sexist/pervert and we all know it, because... ... reasons.
It's a healthy combination of fear and ignorance that makes up the cognitive dissonance of magaturds. But it's grown stale. The enemy is now a faceless entity with no individuality. Strawmen everywhere. No need for any actual engagement, you're a commie/socialist/fascist/supremacist/racist/sexist/pervert and we all know it, because... ... reasons.
Look at the protection it provides them. No critical thinking is required, no questioning of one's own beliefs.

I never would have thought I'd end up longing for the days of liberal vs. conservative. This thing is a third wheel, its own separate animal.
We didn't block anything.
Why would we block something that Mexico was paying for?
How would anyone in America block something Mexico was paying for.

March 15 2021
It was not surprising that the Bernie Sanders attempt to put the $15.00 Minimum Wage Increase into the Senate version of the American Rescue Plan failed.

All the Republicans were going to vote against it and Democrats Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin were on the record saying they would not support it.

Just like everything the orange retard touches............................turns to shit.

Yeah you leftists keep bringing that up, but the lie behind it is that the wall wasn't anchored yet and in the process of being built. They left it there until the next day because that area is not known for high winds like they had on that particular day.

I looked up the bill for MW, and according to C-Net, 8 Democrats voted against it in the Senate.


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